Quit Trying To Start An Internet Business If You Suck With Computers...(Big Caveat Inside)
I'm sure a lot of people are going to bash/scold me for this
and that's precisely the goal here. Because the subject line
really is meant to elicit a point...which many will see and many
What's the big caveat?
If you aren't willing to learn...
Read that subject line again now with that caveat added to it...
Sounds different now doesn't it?
This is a huge issue with newbies and we all have gone through
it at one point or another. The difference between you and the guys
"makin' the bacon" is that they NEVER let any obstacle prevent them
from reaching their goals...
Not Technology
Not Lack of JV Partners
Not Lack of Cash Flow
Not Lack of Time
Not Lack of Motivation...
Now, I don't want to sound like a complete A****** on here because
I love this place and make a really great living helping people on this
forum. But I keep getting emails every day saying something like
"refund this because it's too complicated or I don't have the tech skills."
We're talking $5-$97 purchases here. I'm not sure what makes people
think that starting a business online is always going to be easy (only
industry where people say "Make $XXX in 36 Hours Guaranteed" but
that's another story) but...
It's Not Always Ferraris, Bentleys and Big Houses...
We've all seen the crazy push-button crap and I'm here to tell ya..
no business on the planet is push-button. So you've got to learn some skills..
Usually Tech and Cash are the big holdups for people in the beginning...
So here's my solutions for those 2 issues so we can put this stuff to
bedand all sing kumbaya while we sip Mojitos on the Beach
(while the stereotype is laughable in sales copy...it's DAMN fun
hanging out with people drinking Mojitos on the beach...but I digress )
1. Tech Issues- Cheap Solution and Free Solution
Cheap Solution- Get a $10 hosting account at Hostgator. You'll need this
to put up a website but this also acts like a "free tech guy" in your pocket.
Their support people will fix virtually anything on your website or tell you
how to get it right for simply $10 a month. Just use their chat feature.
This support is so good I actually bought an account for this purpose alone
...I put a few domains on it and just ask questions when I run into snags.
Free Solution- Youtube...just youtube the problem and good chance you'll find a solution.
2. Cash
Here's a question every new person starting out should ask themselves
when they're "working" on their business.
Will doing this task put cash in my pocket within 7 days?
Think about it. That eliminates most SEO oriented products...most list
building products. Most product creation products too!
(Full Disclosure- I make my living teaching the last two of these things...)
The reality is that most people who are DESPERATE for money won't
do the easiest things to get that cash they need as well as build a
future for themselves.
Go to a site like Odesk or Elance and start bidding on jobs.
Those jobs if hired will pay you today and you'll get your money quickly.
Auction off all your old crap on Ebay and let the cash pile up. Yea
maybe it's not as sexy as getting Google to send you gobs of traffic
but it puts money in the pocket and the grocery store doesn't give
a damn where the money comes from.
Focus on that question until you are getting to a point where your
basic needs are met and then can invest in your own business. We
all started out here at this stage so no one will laugh at you and
you'll most likely get past this stage ultra-quick if you focus on doing
stuff that will put money in your pocket today.
Ok...this has turned into a long-winded rant that I"ll probably go back
and tighten up throughout the day. However, you guys get the point.
Get out of the internet business if you're not willing to learn the damn internet...
And...get to work putting money in your pocket and getting the skills
because you have a lot of knowledge stored up in that noggin of yours
that could help a whole lot of people...
I don't care who you are...that's a fact just as its a fact that the sky is blue...
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