How To Find SOLID Affiliate Offers For Non-IM Niches

by SeanyG
9 replies
Hey guys,

I have a blog in the DJ niche that I've been monetizing with my own info-products and some affiliate offers from clickbank. But I need some new offers.

Do you guys have any creative ideas for offers that would appeal to young males that want to be DJs?

I've never sent out a CPA offer to them. I was thinking about finding some solid CPA offers. Where should I start looking for these types of CPA offers?


#affiliate #find #niches #nonim #offers #solid
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Ryan
    A good site to use to find affiliate programs and CPA offers is OfferVault:

    Affiliate Marketing - Find the Best Affiliate Program and CPA Offers from OfferVault

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    • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
      Ahh yeah. Offer Vault. Thanks!

      I haven't been there in a while.

      Any other specific networks I should look at?

      Any other ideas?


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  • Profile picture of the author stephenwaldo
    Well, I don't know if you've thought about promoting physical products, but maybe you could try promoting something from Amazon? That's nice and easy.

    I'm not in the DJ niche, so honestly I don't know what's available, but I'm sure there are like turn tables or speakers or something that you could write a review about.

    Other than that I don't really know. Your best bet might be privately run affiliate programs outside of your typical affiliate / cpa networks.

    Hope this helps.

    - Stephen
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  • Profile picture of the author art72

    I am certifiably no expert in the DJ niche, but one thing I am near positive about is; if you know the type of products you want to promote... let's say mixing equipment for example, chances are if you look at the products and services (*or even books) that you use or inspire you; you can visit the supplier's website.

    Over 90% of the time somewhere in the footer, you'll find either a link reading "affiliates"- "partners" -"webmasters earn money" or something along those lines.

    The second alternative, is google the names of the products and add the word affiliate program... ex: I just googled --->> dj equipment affiliates and found;

    DJ Affiliate Program - DJ Equipment Guide

    Obviously, I don't know exactly what you're looking for, but I'd bet that Amazon has books, equipment, and tons of music related items too.

    Just some quick ideas to broaden your search.

    All the Best,

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Use Amazon's local discount offers. You can sign up for an email and then use whatever you find to post to your local targeted niche. Doesn't get easier than that!!!
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    • Profile picture of the author SeanyG
      Originally Posted by Chris The Traffic Blogger View Post

      Use Amazon's local discount offers. You can sign up for an email and then use whatever you find to post to your local targeted niche. Doesn't get easier than that!!!
      Stellar idea Chris!

      Where do I sign up for Amazon local discount offers?
      FREE Video DJ Lessons to help you learn
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  • Profile picture of the author paulosully
    I don't know too much about DJ'ing, but I imagine a lot of them are doing more digitally these days, which means software. And software means downloadable. I'd bet some of the companies selling such software would have affiliate programs.
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  • Profile picture of the author fin
    Maybe you can try and sell software programs, so they can produce their own music.

    They maybe make a video series where you show them the basics of how to do a simple track.
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  • Profile picture of the author seopert
    why don't you try infolinks?
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