Would this be ethical for a WSO?

10 replies
I have noticed that many WSO's recently are really good about having videos explaining the techniques they are promoting using Powerpoints and screen capture software and voice-over explanations.

But most of them don't actually show the process actually being done " over-the-shoulder", step-by-step.

Many times the purchaser then has to figure out how the plan moves from theory to action.

Would it be ethical to sell a WSO that took a particular technique or plan from a WSO and do screen capture of ACTUALLY implementing the plan or idea if that was not done in the original product?
#ethical #wso
  • Profile picture of the author DianaHeuser
    I really think you would have to ask the owner of the WSO if that was ok. It's not your product.

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  • Profile picture of the author Richard Crooke
    Better yet, record your video and offer it to the wso owner to forward to his list. This way you are building a relationship within the forum and when you are ready to launch your own wso, that person can help promote the product (JV).

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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Not really ethical, no ... unless like Diane said, you have permission from the owner of the product.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexander K
    I agree with the above.

    Another idea would you to contact the owner, ask if you can make this video, then use it to promote the WSO while receiving a percentage of the sales. Like an affiliate.
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  • Profile picture of the author angela99
    The OP asked: "Would it be ethical to sell a WSO that took a particular technique or plan from a WSO and do screen capture of ACTUALLY implementing the plan or idea if that was not done in the original product?"

    There's no copyright on IDEAS.

    Let's say you bought a WSO on how to build a list.

    The list-building ideas in the WSO are just that -- ideas. So, although the WSO's author/ creator has the copyright to the product, and you can't violate that without consequences, you can use the ideas.

    There's nothing stopping you from using an idea or two, and creating your own product which shows you putting those ideas into action, step by step.

    IMPORTANT: while it's been said that stealing ideas from one person is theft, and stealing from many is research... always GIVE CREDIT where it's due.

    Thank the person who created the list-building WSO in your product, and explain you're using his ideas:

    "Thank you to Freddy Jones, for his amazing 'List Building Dynamo' guide. I've put Freddy's ideas into action as you can see -- they work."

    If you're using someone else's ideas, and that person is a fellow Warrior, it's also a good idea to let him or her know that you're doing so. Just send the Warrior a PM and offer to let him/ her look over your product.

    They might be open to a joint venture, you never know.

    In brief, although ideas are not subject to copyright, only material in a final form can be copyrighted, always give credit where it's due.

    Good luck... :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author BlogtoBlog
    I like the idea of contacting owner also. It's stupid to tick someone off & burn a bridge. Make the video, approach the owner & see what kind of deal you can work out.
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  • Profile picture of the author investasap
    Originally Posted by centextkt View Post

    I have noticed that many WSO's recently are really good about having videos explaining the techniques they are promoting using Powerpoints and screen capture software and voice-over explanations.

    But most of them don't actually show the process actually being done " over-the-shoulder", step-by-step.

    Many times the purchaser then has to figure out how the plan moves from theory to action.

    Would it be ethical to sell a WSO that took a particular technique or plan from a WSO and do screen capture of ACTUALLY implementing the plan or idea if that was not done in the original product?
    You could however contact the product owner first and ask them if you did a video of how to use there product would they do a JV with you and offer it as an upsell to the product owner and you could get a slice of the commisions obviously if they agree.

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
      The only ethical concern I would have would be if said demonstration required giving away so much of the original content that it would make the original product unnecessary.

      While one cannot copyright ideas, something like this might easily be deemed a derivative work if it includes too much of the original content.

      Personally, I'd try to get together with the original product owner and try to work out a win-win scenario, whether a joint venture or some type of upsell arrangement.
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    there have been a few times I have created a video version of the pdf, emailed the owner and asked to partner up on them. Every time I did it it was pretty profitable.

    we would just split 50/50 most of the time they say yes but if they say no, then you can't go sell it on your own or that would be unethical.
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    It's a grey area. Obviously I didn't create Wordpress or Photoshop but I could easily create a video course showing people how to use those pieces of software. The difference is people need to have that software already for my tutorials to be of any use. If you go and sell a video version of someone elses product then people no longer need to buy the original product, they could just purchase yours. This is where the problem lies. You are now in direct competition with the original product.

    As others have mentioned the best plan of attack would be to create the tutorial videos and then go and offer them to the product owner as some type of upsell where you both split the profits right down the middle. You could go around and do this for a number of courses if you were good at it.
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