Placing A Pay Now Link in WSO

3 replies
I asked a similar question the other day and appreciated the answers received. I think I may have asked the wrong question.

I was led to a tutorial for making the buttons at Paypal. Very helpful.

However what I need to know is the BB code to surround the link to place it on a WSO page.

No matter what I do I can't seem to get it to work. Is there a nuance to making it work?

All help appreciated.
#link #pay #placing #wso
  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    Actually this happened to me too. Copy and paste the email code for PayPal not the regular code.

    That should work.
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    • Profile picture of the author David Wilding
      Thanks I'll try it. Appreciate the reply.
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  • Profile picture of the author FrankHaywood
    As URLs automatically get parsed by the forum you could use either the free version of SmartDD v3, or maybe SmartDD LITE might suit you better - I give this away for free on my blog when anyone subscribes by email.

    Just add your product and item, generate an email link using the button code generator, and paste it into your WSO. The link would look like this:-

    SmartDD - - Please wait...

    After your new customer has paid, they get directed to a download page with a link that looks like this:-

    SmartDD - - Download your file(s)

    Which just happens to be a simple download page for the item above with a copy of SmartDD LITE for personal use.


    -Frank Haywood
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