Confessions of a Self Confessed WSO Junkie
Many of you know me here either through comments, pm conversations, and also phone calls.
Over the past year I have bought just about every WSO here on this forum, I have made a few dollars here and there, I have literally followed step by step countless hours after day job and most I have ever made is $50.00 from wso by eric james.
Last night when I came home from my 13 hour day job, my wife handed me our CC bill, with a blank look on her face, she walked away shaking her head.
I open the statement and began looking at the charges, over $265.00 in paypal fees for wso's I purchased over last 30 days, and another $45.00 in domain, hosting, and other fees total $310.00.
I then looked at my paypal statement and I made $23.00,$8.00 in CPA peerfly and $8.65 in amazon last month. Made $39.65, spent $310.00 this is insane.
I have a family of 6 and here I am spending this kind of money chasing my dream, while my family suffers in the process, makes no sense.
This is Stupid makes no logical sense, here I am with financial background and not using financial logic.
I can not blame anyone but myself, slick sales letters, and bogus income claims, Fake Testimonials did not do this, I pulled the trigger chasing my dream of having my own business, now I must work second job to make up for my stupid makes, that has cost my family money we did Not have to spend.
Please don't make the mistakes I made and buy every wso you see just to have latest and greatest so called method, research the threads, ask questions, pm other members who bought, ask yourself is this really something I will Try and Follow directions to make money, or is this another wso that I will leave sitting on my hard-drive.
Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)
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Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)
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