You make me mad - What you mean your STILL not making money??
I always browse these forums to keep an eye on how the young warriors are doing and to check up on what the veterans are pushing.
Just lately I have seen way too many posts that go something like this:
"I've been doing this for XX Months / XX Years now and I still haven't made any money - well, I made one sale, months ago, blah blah blah"
WTF is wrong with you?!?!
Making money online is easy - it is very simple in both theory and application, all that is needed is a little hard graft and some patience.
Let me explain something to you:
Most of the "systems" do work.
Most of the "systems" are essentially the same, or very similar - there are about 10 different ones and a million spins on the those 10.
The simplest and easiest fomula for making money online is this:
"Traffic x Pre-Sale (or conversion tactic) = Profit"
Furthermore, there is a better formula:
"Traffic x Pre-Sale x Back-End Sale = More Profit"
Now please excuse my mood - I'm ranting as you can see, but let me explain this clearly....
First of all, you need to master traffic - I will do that for you right now - here is a masterminded plan for gaining traffic:
1) Write 10 articles and submit them using a submitting service. (Link to your website in the signature)
2) Convert those articles into video format - submit them. (Link to your website in the description)
3) Convert tthose articles into .pdf format - submit them to sites like Scribd, GoogleDocs, Torrent sites and the likes. (Link to your website both in the .pdf and in the signature.
4) Convert those articles into podcasts - submit them.
5) Convert those articles into FACEBOOK PAGES* - (Teenage Genius secret tactic - you heard it here first!!!)
6) Convert those articles into forum posts - post them on on-topic forums. (Link in your signature).
This shouldn't actually take you that long - and - you only gain speed with practice.
Now - those 10 original articles - spin them and repeat the process!
Furthermore now all you need to master is conversion tactics.
Therefore let me tell you a law which I have discovered though trial and error:
"If you are converting people to click adSense add's - do NOT put "valuable" content on your page, put adSense links and a load of junk so that people click the adSense to navigate away from your page"
"If your converting people to buy Clickbank products - pre-sell them with a sly sales copy"
There is of course more to this than meets the eye - but this basic formula is more than enough to get you making money NOW!
So stop messing about with whatever non-sense you are currently doing to not earn you money.
Sorry for ranting

Roger Davis
What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve!
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