Here are some suggestions from me (in no particular order):
- "Push button" - Yes, "easy" sells products. However, working five minutes a day isn't ever to change your world. Work first, coast later, if you choose to.
- "It's all about traffic" - Nope. It's all about getting the people whose need/want your product fills to see your offer. Traffic on its own is meaningless. I'd much rather have 1000 people who are begging for help find my solution to their problem than 100,000 random people, hoping that my product might be what they're looking for.
- "{Insert System Here} doesn't work" - For you. Yet. Patience and focused effort are two incredibly powerful forces. Those who stick with something and WORK at it, usually succeed.
- "It's all about content" - Yeah, I know. "Content is King." I've been there. I missed the mark with this one, too. But I've seen the light.
To really succeed, it should be all about people.
Sure, I do keyword analysis. Yes, I consistantly add new content (and do SEO to try to rank). But my mindset changed one day as I was looking through my Analytics stats.
I was looking at the longtail phrases that visitors used to find my site. On that day I started to feel the pain that my visitors are in. Sure, I wanted to help them before, but after spending a couple of hours reading their words and making LOTS of notes, I started writing from a different perspective.
When I started writing with the goal of helping the person who typed one of those phrases into a search engine, the bounce rate on my new articles went to nearly zero, my conversions skyrocketed, and my income started spiking.
I've recently said in another thread that the quality of content matters, and I believe this is where it matters most.
What are some myths you've seen through?
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