If you NOT blogging, I guarantee your gunna look back and regret it !! **Here's why**

9 replies
Hi warriors

** This post is long but I am about to pour everything out and you are going to want to know this **

Right first off as you may of read in other posts of mine I am having what I class as high success with my blog ( As its the first time I have made money online ) ... So yes I am going to be biased in favour of blogging.

Now there is VERY good reason for this as I expect most of you will already know as most of you will no doubt have more experience than me. However I also suspect a lot of you are not yet at this stage so I want to help you now so you dont live to regret it over the next few years.

So you know I am not just talking B.S .. you should know I have been having high quality coaching with Alex Jeffreys and have received training not long ago for a couple of hours from the video marketing queen - Maria Andros. Both of these make a lot of money and what they have taught me is just GOLD !

So.. You must be blogging !! Heres why ....

( Remember many of you know this but many dont )

The internet has changed .. FACT

The internet is still changing .. FACT

No longer can you just approach anyone online and try to sell them something.. An example I was given to show this point is imagine you are at a party, everything is going great and everyone is having a laugh and talking amongst themselves in groups.

All of a sudden someone burst into the party all excited shouting " Guys, guys.. I just found this amazing money making system online.. You MUST buy it "

The reaction would be poor right ??!!

Of course it would, no-one wants to be sold to like that

So what do you NEED to do in order to be selling to people online and essentially making money ??

You MUST..MUST ..MUST build a relationship with people !!

You must get people to actually be finding you by positioning yourself correctly and providing value. This in time will build a trust with people, when the trust comes then people begin to listen. When people begin to listen they begin to follow, and when they follow what you do in turn they follow what you advise !

Do you see where this is heading and the power of this NEW internet approach ??

So how do you build this sort of relationship online with people you have never met ....

You got it .... a BLOG !!! !!! ! !!!

If I have learnt anything in the last 3 months it is that you MUST have a blog and brand yourself with it.

Ok, I know when I started my blog I thought I had nothing to blog about and you may be the same but get this... When you start to build a blog, you have something to blog about right ?! You can blog about how you built a blog.. Simple !! But SO effective, dont hold yourself back by thinking you cant do it .. YOU CAN !!

Let me give an example ...

My first ever blog post I said like.. Hey this is me - Dean Holland, Im broke and in a lot of debt ( Which is still true ) but guess what.. Im gunna turn it all around and I am going to make money online and eventually quit my job to do it full time !!

[ In fact I have so much passion I will acheive this THIS year ]

Go and see if you like, thats exactly how I started my blog ! All I did was tell the world what situation I was in and where I wanted to be, go see how people responded to that ...

So then what did I do ??

I told people and continue to do it, how I am building my online business ! Again simple, in effect I am keeping an online diary, so now if people want to they can follow what I do and copy !!

Does that sound hard ??

Well I tell you its not, but what it does take is TIME and COMMITMENT !!

So do you think the people coming to my blog understand me and listen to me ? Yes they began to !!

Why ??

Because I am open and honest, people respect that and that is the type of thing people will follow !

Get this, what do you think happened when I told people on my blog that Alex Jeffreys was opening a coaching program and it was him that had helped me ?? Yes I made sales !! In fact I made a profit of over $1700 from that 1 post !

Thats the power of the blog and the power of using a blog to build a relationship.

So then what do you do ?? You build a list from your blog !! Now do you see what you have.. You got a list of people that TRUST you !!

And that is **priceless**

So there you have it warriors, now maybe this post wont get the appreciation for the value that I believe it holds but I sure hope that those that do read it take some action on it ....

The key is to help others.. Never forget that

Best of luck warriors !!!!!

#back #blog #blogging #building #guarantee #gunna #make money #regret #relationship
  • Profile picture of the author KateD

    Totally agree with you. I have a few static websites, but lately, most of what I am creating is one blog after another.

    I really like how easy and quickly I can set them up and add to them.

    Why Aren't You Making Money On Kindle With Erotica?

    --->I can also write other fiction (horror, romance, mystery, etc). Just ask me, I don't bite. :)
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  • Profile picture of the author TLTheLiberator
    At the very least everyone must blog as a means of generating traffic.

    Once you've settled on a niche or product you should create at least one related blog.


    "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled. -- Mark Twain

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Sol
    I think a blog is important and might help building a relationship of a sort...

    However, I think your post would be much more true if you changed the word "blog" all over it to the word "list"...

    As Bev mentioned, it really differs from niche to niche. Personally, I have found that 3-4 main niches I am in convert much better using a double opt-in list and not a blog I also find it easier to contact the folks using a list and building a relationship is easier with them as well... just my experience.

    List > Blog

    Alex Sol, Full time online marketer since 2007
    The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
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    • Profile picture of the author Eric Lorence
      Not everybody who blogs is gonna make money at it, most will not.

      Blogs consume a lot of time and energy, there are far superior platforms and systems for sales.

      Blogs have been around for awhile now, and there are so many, someone had really better have something unique and interesting to talk about, else no one's ever gonna read it.

      On the flip side, some "automated" blogs can generate sales with minimal effort.
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  • Profile picture of the author SoEasyMoney
    I've just started blogging, actually still getting pointers from some of you folks. For a person that works full time at a 9 to 5er it seems to be a good way to get started. I'll know more in a few months once I get everything set up the way it should be.

    Thanks for the post Dean!
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  • Profile picture of the author hjalte81
    Very interresting post Dean. And nice to hear Bev's response.
    recently started to blog myself and I'm new in this game.
    Have tried a lot stuff the past years but nothing has worked so far.

    But guess what.. This time it will work
    Full focus and motivation.
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  • Profile picture of the author bgmacaw
    Originally Posted by dean_holland View Post

    No longer can you just approach anyone online and try to sell them something.. An example I was given to show this point is imagine you are at a party, everything is going great and everyone is having a laugh and talking amongst themselves in groups.

    All of a sudden someone burst into the party all excited shouting " Guys, guys.. I just found this amazing money making system online.. You MUST buy it "

    The reaction would be poor right ??!!

    Of course it would, no-one wants to be sold to like that
    Not if they're at a party they don't. However, if they come onto your car lot and want to buy a car they don't want to be schmoozed, they want to be sold. This is basically the difference between targeting social referral visitors (aka blog readers) vs. search engine visitors who're looking for something to buy. I've found it more profitable to target buyers rather than socializers but your mileage may vary.
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  • Profile picture of the author dean_holland
    Hey !

    Great responses !!

    I agree with what has been said, of course anyone can only write from their own experience as I have done here

    I take on board what you have all said, particularly Bev and Alex. As I have only tried this 1 niche of 'make money' it is that niche that I can refer to. As I said in my post there will be mnay with more experience than myself and that is obviously you guys

    I like to think my short experience in this niche can help some folk though, I think there could be a hell of a lot of value in this post along with all the comments if people come forward with their own experience in the different niches !!

    Thanks a lot to you all, Im loving learning from you

    Follow My Journey To Online Success > www.DeanHolland.com
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