27 replies
Hello Warriors,

I came across this in one of the emails that I received (it might have even come from a fellow warrior!) but I thought I would share it with you as I thought it really put things into perspective financially! Check it out Global Rich List - it isn't an affiliate link of any kind and there is nothing to buy, just some cool info....I least I thought so


Jamie Kochan
  • Profile picture of the author mikeveli20
    Nice share Jamie. I wonder how accurate this really is? According to the results I'm in the top 800,000 in the world. Pretty cool if it's right

    Definitely puts things in perspective.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jamie Kochan
      Originally Posted by mikeveli20 View Post

      Nice share Jamie. I wonder how accurate this really is? According to the results I'm in the top 800,000 in the world. Pretty cool if it's right

      Definitely puts things in perspective.
      Truly does..not sure how correct it is, but pretty cool non the less!

      Sick And Tired Of Losing At The Game Of Making Money Online? Then Check Out 5 Minute Mogul Today!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5027836].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author World Marketing
    Interesting don't know how accurate it is, but very cool.

    I make $5,000+ a month online [CLICK HERE] to see how you can do the same starting today!

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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    It is fun : D but i guess it shows i am still broken loooooool
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  • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
    sweet I'm the 107,565 richest person in the world and in the TOP 0.001%, the rest of the world must really be broke because I don't even think I make that much compared to some of the other people I know.
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    • Profile picture of the author Rsberg
      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      sweet I'm the 107,565 richest person in the world and in the TOP 0.001%, the rest of the world must really be broke because I don't even think I make that much compared to some of the other people I know.
      How is that possible...

      It said I'm the 107,565 richest person in the world too...LOL

      All jokes aside, I've seen something like this before and it is interesting how we as a whole stack up against the rest of the world. Kind of sad also because I don't feel I make that much money in the grand scheme of things, just goes to show really how poor and very unfortunate a large percentage of the worlds population is...
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Rsberg View Post

        It said I'm the 107,565 richest person in the world too...LOL
        LOL ... and that makes three of us.

        (At least).

        I'm also the 107,565th-richest, apparently.

        But it is interesting.

        Kind of misleading, a little, in a way, as it's working out "wealth" solely from income. But I dare say there's a very significant proportionality between the two, and exactly as you say, it certainly shows how poor and very unfortunate a large percentage of the worlds population is.
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    • Profile picture of the author carp104
      Originally Posted by nicholasb View Post

      sweet I'm the 107,565 richest person in the world and in the TOP 0.001%, the rest of the world must really be broke because I don't even think I make that much compared to some of the other people I know.
      $500K/year? Broke??

      Where can I get lessons from you?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5029628].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    I consider myself to be very rich.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author art72
    In spirit I am beyond such monetary value. In reality, I am near broke.

    Cool tool though!

    Atop a tree with Buddha ain't a bad place to take rest!
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    That was fun ... lol. Shows how many not so rich people there are in comparison to rich.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5027984].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by sbucciarel View Post

      That was fun ... lol. Shows how many not so rich people there are in comparison to rich.
      From my Blog/ebook below (in signature):

      "If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change, you are among the 8% of the World's wealthy."

      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author Melissa82
    Wow that background image has caused me to double up on my meds today
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert Michael
    hmm, if this is accurate then it really does put things in perspective..

    i really didnt think it would put my little red guy at the very end like that.. i was expecting to be somewhere in the middle or something. haha

    And lol Jonathan, then I guess I'm lucky!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5028056].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author OhioWriter
      Pretty nice tool to use when you are feeling a bit down about yourself.
      I'm a US college educated writer looking to provide you with quality content, product reviews and more. Click here to learn more and to contact me.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5028114].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by Whos That Guru View Post

      And lol Jonathan, then I guess I'm lucky!
      I think we're all lucky. : )
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author louie6925
    I wish I had a dollar for every person above me in the list!!!!
    Feel free to chat if you live in the UK I may have something for you!
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  • Profile picture of the author Aaron Doud
    I think at times people in the Western World forget how much more we make than the majority of people. But remember too that our cost of living is higher. It is why people in these other countries can afford to do our work for less. It costs less to live there. Money is relative. I am glad I live in the US and in a place here with a low cost of living. But I don't feel rich. But I know if I made this much and lived in Asia or Africa I would.

    That is why some among us promote outsourcing and living in foreign nations. You can make good money but live like you are making way more due to the cost of living difference.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samrath Gupta
    You are the 669,642,941 richest person in the world!

    You're in the TOP 11.16%
    richest people in the world!

    lol very awesome share mate

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5028321].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Alex Kage
    Well, as far as I know the richest people in the world are traders who make like, I don't know, over 100 billion per year each.
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  • Profile picture of the author TopKat22
    My results

    You are the 107,565 richest person in the world! I don't think it can go any higher because that was for me and when I added my spouses income to it, it couldn't even do anything, it just shook.

    We are indeed fortunate. And I thank God every day for all my blessings.
    44 days in and we broke the $10K a month recurring bench mark.

    Guaranteed 60% Opt In Rate Traffic-Real People-Fresh Today-High Quality Biz Opp traffic![/URL]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5028779].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Chicago87
    This is very misleading information. Your personal wealth is not determined solely by your annual income. You also have to take into consideration the currency exchange rate, cost of living, standard of living, and everything else.

    It says that I am in the top 8% of the richest people in the world, but I am currently making chump change in my really crappy job. This is basically telling you that you make more then all the poor people in the world.

    Nothing for sale. Just trying to learn and help.

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  • Profile picture of the author RobKonrad
    That thing isn't very accurate... from a certain level, you're just the 107'565th richest...

    But it's still a nice tool as it puts things in perspective.

    If you have food in your mouth, are healthy, and maybe even have a family and some friends - consider yourself rich. Most people don't have this...

    Rob Konrad
    ================================================== ===
    This blog is awesome: http://www.robkonrad.com/blog. Read it.
    ================================================== ===
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    • Profile picture of the author Daniel Evans
      I've seen this before.

      Interesting, though there are probably only about 10 possible outcomes!
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  • Profile picture of the author Eleanor
    Ha! I've seen this before too - not sure it's accurate.
    Although if you think about all the areas of the world in poverty then maybe it is.

    Interesting share, thanks!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jason Rankin
    It almost seems that if you can afford a computer and an internet conn., your little dude is going to be at the good end. Wow! That makes me feel rather lucky, I usually compare myself to people that make me feel much more mediocre.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanyu
    I'm the 47,380,745 richest person in the world!

    Hmmm... I'm in top 0.78% in the world. It's unbelievable...
    I need to increase my donation to Save the Children!

    Thanks for the share Jamie.
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