Cloud Hosting Questions and Best options

11 replies

I would like to transfer my one Community website (3000 member Vbuletin platform site) and have all my new internet Marketing and subscriber based websites on a cloud hosting provider. I am thinking this would be better option because I would be able to handle spikes in traffic better, and also most offer plans based on needs, at any given time of the month.

I am still trying to wrap my brain on how cloud hosting works and how it will be best for my needs for my multiple catagories of sites. So here are my questions:

1. Will whoever sets this up for me be able to set up a different cpanel system (not sure of terms) for each sites, or categories of site I may want on certain cpanels

2. What are the pitfalls of having a Cloud hostin packages versus Dedicated server

3. Is it possible to maybe sale space on my cloud to offset some of the monthly cost?

4. What are the best options and why.

I think the most common and ones I have found with best reviews are Liquid web, gigenet, Amazon, rackspace cloudsites.

Please let me know of others.

If anyone is using cloud hosting for hosting their multiple websites please share your experience and reviews.

Thanks so much from a newbie IMer.
#cloud #hosting #options #questions
  • Profile picture of the author pacelattin
    All the major host companies are "cloud" hosting.

    Don't get a dedicated server unless there is a reason and you know why.
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    • Profile picture of the author PCactive
      Originally Posted by pacelattin View Post

      All the major host companies are "cloud" hosting.

      Don't get a dedicated server unless there is a reason and you know why.
      The main reason for me would be because I do not want all my domains (unique sites) under one domain, which is happening with my shared hosting package.

      Also, the one successful site I have now will always continue to grow, because of the purpose it serves, and as I optimize it will only be much more traffic intensive with lots of spikes.

      I plan to start product lines like web and mobile apps for some of my business models that will require more resources as well.

      Finally, My goal is to have as many niche sites, if the hopes that some will take off and allow for community interaction. I would like to keep all of this separate from each other. still looking for best solutions for me.

      Thanks again for the help.

      A FB Fan page for Support and resources for Niche Marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author dvduval
    I have a community about that size ( and we have it on I can't remember the last time I needed to make a trouble ticket, but when I did they were fast and effective. What you need is a company with good support where you aren't just a number.
    It is okay to contact me! I have been developing software since 1999, creating many popular products like phpLD.
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  • Profile picture of the author softstor
    I had a dedictated sever and switched to a cloud server. To my surprise, the cloud server is getting better performance than my dedicated server. I never regreted the change.
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    • Profile picture of the author PCactive
      Originally Posted by softstor View Post

      I had a dedictated sever and switched to a cloud server. To my surprise, the cloud server is getting better performance than my dedicated server. I never regreted the change.
      Can you tell me what cloud server you are using and why you chose that one.

      Thanks all for the replies so far. I will check the servernet provider as well.

      A FB Fan page for Support and resources for Niche Marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author bazscourfield
    Hi PCactive,

    I was in a similar position about three weeks ago and searched and researched.

    I found this youTube video that kinda explained it for me.

    Especially the cloud vs dedicated thang...

    Hope it helps


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    • Profile picture of the author PCactive
      Originally Posted by bazscourfield View Post

      Hi PCactive,

      I was in a similar position about three weeks ago and searched and researched.

      I found this youTube video that kinda explained it for me.

      Especially the cloud vs dedicated thang...
      Hope it helps


      So which did hosting provider and package did you chose?

      Thanks for the video link.

      A FB Fan page for Support and resources for Niche Marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author PCactive
    Originally Posted by PCactive View Post

    1. Will whoever sets this up for me be able to set up a different cpanel system (not sure of terms) for each sites, or categories of site I may want on certain cpanels

    2. What are the pitfalls of having a Cloud hostin packages versus Dedicated server

    3. Is it possible to maybe sale space on my cloud to offset some of the monthly cost?

    4. What are the best options and why.
    IF anyone has the answers to any of these 4 questions, I would greatly appreciate the info.


    A FB Fan page for Support and resources for Niche Marketers

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  • Profile picture of the author goosefrabah
    I have 50 something sites on the cloud, I use RackspaceCloud just for their reputation and insanely good customer service. However they are more expensive, but they are very reputable.

    If you go with them there are two options, Cloud Servers and Cloud Sites. The difference? Cloud Sites you pay more for, however they run everything for you. I choose servers as I am in the computer field and keeping it up and running has not be a problem. I have never had any down time in the year and a half I have used them. Now on to your questions

    1. I hear CPanel is usable you would have to pay the license, Cloud Sites however comes with a cpanel type programmed specifically by their team.

    2. Cloud Servers are much easier to scale, if you need a new dedicated server it will take quite some time for someone to set it up for you. With cloud based servers you can scale up and down very quickly, and many of the providers now have load balancer options so if you have a lot of traffic you can balance it between 2-3-4 computers.

    3. On Rackspace I believe you can, don't quote me but from their FAQ it seems so.
    Will my clients have access to the same control panel that I do?

    Although your control panel shares the same look and feel as your client's panel, there are several differences built around the additional features and functionality of your account. Your view is focused around managing your clients (for example, their account and billing information), while the client's view is focused on adding email addresses, databases, and domain name pointers. The client interface is built to empower clients to add and change functionality as it pertains to their website.

    4. Cloud hosting vs Dedicated Server
    rackspace. com/cloud/cloud_hosting_products/sites/compare/

    Now I mentioned Rackspace because that's who I use however there are many more including Amazon EC2, GoGrid, 1&1 and plenty more that I can not think of. Now they all have different features then I listed above but their sites all have some great info!
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    • Profile picture of the author yangyang
      Originally Posted by goosefrabah View Post

      I have 50 something sites on the cloud, I use RackspaceCloud just for their reputation and insanely good customer service. However they are more expensive, but they are very reputable.

      If you go with them there are two options, Cloud Servers and Cloud Sites. The difference? Cloud Sites you pay more for, however they run everything for you. I choose servers as I am in the computer field and keeping it up and running has not be a problem. I have never had any down time in the year and a half I have used them.
      I'm currently on Rackspace cloud as well, cloud servers, to be exact. It proved to be the best unmanaged cloud VPS hosting you could ever find, the down side is you have to manage everything yourself - learn, learn, learn. But other than that, it's the best value without a doubt. So is the cloud files.

      Was going to sign up with their cloud sites offer but was daunted by all sorts of negative reviews.

      1. Global Movies Database = $489.95 = 1.5 GB data + 65.9 GB images.

      2. World Hotels Database = $589.95 = 1.54 GB data + 71.4 GB images.

      3. Auto Parts Database = $489.95 = 15.8 GB data + 30.4 GB images.

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Marzinzik
    Amazon has the worlds largest cloud. A cloud is a cluster of servers located in different geographical locations around the world. Your data will be collated on the servers so that someone in Japan can access your data just as fast as someone in Chicago. The cloud will become more critical as more and more videos are driving the worlds knowledge base. A previous term uses on the internet was a "Mirror Location" Seems the Mirror was broken and now we have Clouds
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