$400 a day with tiny list!
Anyway I bought the ARM 2.0 course from Andre and decided to try my hand at delivering value before asking fro money, weaving a nice story and incorporating the stuff he teaches in his course.
WOW is all I can say. My email series is only up to 11 emails with 3 opportunities to buy total. The first 2 are my DVD for $77 and then email 9 offers a digital version for $57.
I'm doing about $400 a day off this 30 people a day. I couldn't tell you exactly what my conversions are (dam I wish I was smart enough to do that.)
But I will say I'm not done with the series and already I'm shocked at the results - even if it goes down to 200 or 300 a day - I had no idea it was even possible.
Crazy man!!
You should try delivering value through email, teach and hand hold and blow peoples minds with great content and its amazing - they buy!!!
Tomorrow I do a product launch to my whole entire list of 50K that I did in the same fashion - I had people opt in to this series I did on something to do with trading and I had 1300 people opt-in - they are getting an email a day with a great story and hard facts - some emails are 5 pages literally 700 to 1000 words with .pdf or .jpgs attached or links to a video.
Tomorrow is the $77 or $97 offer (I cant decide which!)
Maybe Ill update you n this in a few days!!
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