Can we have a heart to heart for a second?
I'm writing this at 9:25pm on Wednesday night, November 16th 2011 and I'm a little bummed.
See about an hour ago I got off a webinar I presented for James Jones where I talked about affiliate marketing.
Specifically, I showed them just a few ways I've made close to $200,000 as an affiliate in 2011.
The comments from the webinar were amazing and inspiring:
"Great webinar with tons of content Tim"
"Talk about over delivery"
"Thanks for finally giving me an Ah Ha moment"
The sales of the affiliate marketing training I offered however sucked.
One of my worst performing webinars ever when it came to sales.
So I went in search of answers as to how people could be so happy with the content yet only a few wanted to actually learn how to do it.
One of the main answers I got back was this ... "it sounds good but it seems like a lot of work."
That's when I thought about this sign that hangs in my mom’s shop:

Here is what I want to tell you: everything in life worth having takes work.
That's right - I said a dirty four letter word ... the secret sauce of internet marketers everywhere ... this stuff takes work.
Not a lot of it mind you.
I bet I honestly work less than 20 hours a week and I’m able to make six figures a year.
But I do work.
No, I don't break big rocks into little rocks nor do I punch a clock or draw a salary (although I did for 12 years and there is nothing wrong with that).
I love what I do and wouldn't change it for the world - but still at its most basic level ... it takes work.
The sooner you understand that - the better off you'll be.
Sure marketers will do their best to convince you there is a shortcut, an easy button, a loophole, or some other bull**** product but the reality is while there are millions of things out there that can reduce the learning curve you still have to do some work to get there.
I also understand this …
For some of you this is just a hobby.
A way to spend a little time, to learn some cool stuff, to have an emergency "break in case of job loss" backup plan.
That's cool. I get it.
Hell I sat on the sidelines for years before ever getting off my ass. In fact, if I didn't hate my job so much and the people I worked with I might have never gotten serious and gotten started.
But I did.
And it took work to get from there to where I am today.
It took time, energy, and money to get to where I am today and I don't regret a single second of it.
You see because I put in the work, I got the rewards.
Not at first though.
It took time.
Time for me to go from $100 a month to a few thousand, and eventually $10,000 and beyond.
So let’s be really honest for a second.
If you’re serious about being an entrepreneur and not just a wantapreneur, then stop looking for the easy button and start looking for a solid business model to follow.
Yes you can buy shortcuts and things that speed up your business - but you'll never be able to eliminate that dirty four letter word - work.
Find people who are doing what you want to do and model them. Buy some consulting time, buy a few products, reverse engineer products and promotions.
Look at everything they do on two levels:
1. What they are sending out, selling, etc
2. Why are they doing it
Sounds like a little bit of work doesn’t it?
Now you’re getting the hang of this.
If you honestly want to get from where you are to where you want to be there is good news.
There is plenty of opportunity out there and if you provide value to others you can change your life and theirs.
But there is only one thing that is going to get you there … and it’s dressed up in overalls and it looks like work.
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Too lazy to write something clever here, so check out my marketing blog and learn from a REAL Super Affiliate at JeffLenney.com
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