by money fan Banned
13 replies
Hey Guys!,

I've just bought a brand new website in the gaming niche. I would like to hear from other warriors how they were able to get easy and quick traffic to their sites without spending too much. Any help would be greatly appreciated... Thanks!
Money fan
  • Profile picture of the author Jenb
    Not sure about easy & quick, but if you don't want to do PPC or buy traffic, you'll need to do seo on the site. Change up some pages to lower volume keywords to start coming up in the search engines, and keep updating until it only takes minutes until your newest posts are found. Give google what it wants, and you'll be rewarded....quick and easy it is not!!
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    • Profile picture of the author pedro gomez
      Originally Posted by Jenb View Post

      Not sure about easy & quick, but if you don't want to do PPC or buy traffic, you'll need to do seo on the site. Change up some pages to lower volume keywords to start coming up in the search engines, and keep updating until it only takes minutes until your newest posts are found. Give google what it wants, and you'll be rewarded....quick and easy it is not!!
      Hello Jneb

      I think you are cute, smart and really intelligent person. Thanks for sharing these valuable information with us.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5074732].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author niksbro
        Hey there,

        My advice is to outsource it to fiverr. A lot of them offer link building, bookmarking and the likes. Pretty simple. Also outsource articles to fiverr and use article submission also using fiverr. Just rinse and repeat ang you will see results. Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jay Wessman
    Yeah try a bit of SEO. Do some keyword research (you can use the google keyword tool) to find some good gaming keywords to implement into your headers, alt tags, content and link building campaign and try to build up a nice link portfolio from other related gaming websites.

    You could also build properties on the social networks. Create a Facebook and G+ page for your website, perhaps a twitter account. Build them all up and then add new and regular gaming content to your website that's designed to get people to "share", then spread them through all on your social network accounts!

    Good luck buddy
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  • Profile picture of the author Dwight Anthony
    Article and video marketing my friend. The game niche is a niche that loves all that is games from tips and tricks to hacks and high scores. Get some good plr and spin them or write unique articles and convert them to video. Can be done with very little if any out of pocket.
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  • Profile picture of the author jeffreyhuan
    Provide real valuable posts on gaming forums. If they find your posts helpful, they will most likely visit your website from your signature. It is free, easy and quick.
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  • Profile picture of the author money fan
    Thanks all.
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  • Profile picture of the author money fan
    Is 2 post a week too little? Thanks
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  • Profile picture of the author Osman_M
    Video marketing has served pretty well in the gaming niche. I ran a campaign for the Xbox error niche and traffic from youtube videos converted very well.
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    • Profile picture of the author nexus851
      i think the question should be whether u want longterm results or now results? if now, then go with CPC or PPC, if longterm then SEO and backlinks, listbuilding etc... if i were u, i prob do both cause u always want a backup just in case unless u plan to sell the website soon
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  • Profile picture of the author blittzs
    You should start writing articles, if you cant do it, have someone do it for you, it really works. SEO to your website very often, try to change things around in your website on regular basis.
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  • Profile picture of the author onegoodman
    I think we all have been asking the same question.

    Other than SEO, ads I am not sure what else is out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author Webkingseo
    Social Media
    Affiliate marketing
    Mouth publicity
    Blog creations

    All are the good ideas to get up... as keyword ..."Game" is too much competitive so first try to start with some long tail keywords... once you start getting traffic on it.. your main keywords also become easy to target.....
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