Flipping Amazon sites

4 replies
Can anyone tell me how easy it is to flip an amazon WP site. I know that there are various plugins that allow you to add your affiliate details etc. So what happens when you sell it to a client? Is there an easy way for them to add their affiliate details to a plugin while keeping all the existing amazon wp posts? Or do they have to do it all again from scratch. If an amazon plugin affiliate details are changed, will that update all posts created earlier?
Hope this question makes sense.
cheers in advance! :rolleyes:
#amazon #flipping #sites
  • Profile picture of the author CBSnooper
    It all depends on the plugin. If the post that the plugin has created is 'static' (ie: all the information on the page doesn't change) then it will have the previous owners ID in it.

    I have used WPRobot in the past (an old version I must add. It might be better now) which did keep the page static once it was generated. I wasn't happy with it, so wrote my own, which dynamically creates the affiliate link. ie: when the post is read. It's not publicly available yet but will be in the near future.

    Hope that helps.
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    • Profile picture of the author londoncoffee
      Sounds like a goood plugin. Thanks for the reply CBSnooper
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  • Profile picture of the author Ruth P
    An easy way to change affiliate links in posts is to use the "Search & Replace" plugin. Just input the old Amazon publisher ID and replace all instances of it with the new one.

    Another option is to use the Pretty Link plugin and simply change the links there when you transfer it over, but this will be a lot slower if you have a lot of affiliate links to change over.
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    I flipped a bunch of wp amazone sites a couple of years ago. (got smart, though and started just keeping them. ) It was the buyer's responsibility to change the links, not mind. I stated that in the sales letter. Didn't seem to hinder sales at all.
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