open your eyes!!!! are you missing out on something cool?
First of all they popped a couple of winning scratch cards in with his post the following morning, when he received his post he threw the scratch cards straight in the bin deeming them to be spammy mail.
The next day they set up a lady in the street to be asking people to complete a simple survey and offering a cash reward of £20 to anyone who stopped and answered 5 mins of questions, they even set the topic of favourite meat cuts (his specialist subject) Loads of people stopped and answered the questions and received £20 cash. When he walked past the lady she asked if he'd stop and answer her survey, he said "sorry im a bit busy, I'll come back in a little while and do it" Guess what? he didnt
The following day they put a £50 note on the floor in his path along the street to see if he picked it up, Guess what? he didnt even notice it and walked right past.
Finally they got a large lorry with his name "wayne" written on the side saying "WAYNE - RING THIS NUMBER 07891********" Guess what? they drove that van past him several time through the day before he took any notice and dialled the number.
The conclusion was that No one person is luckier than the next, we really do make our own luck. Derren called these opportunities! throughout any given day we are presented with opportun ities on numerous occasions, some people take these opportunities and some people like Wayne the butcher choose to ignore them as deep down they beleive they are not lucky people and opportunities will simply not present themselves to them.
It was an interesting programme, Im sure if you searched on you tube you could locate the episode, but It got me thinking how this could apply to the online world!!! Do the more successful marketers notice opportunities that less successful ones do? Or how many opportunities a day do you think you might be missing out on?
Maybe, just maybe if we all opened our eyes a bit more and explored things we wouldnt normally explore online that we could acheive more than we thought possible!!!!
Sorry for the long post, but I firmly beleive the right mindset is what sets apart success from failure!
Thanks for reading! Just had to get my thoughts down on paper as it were!
Have a great day all and look out for those unseen opportunities
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