"If You Had A Weight Loss eBook That Sells For $14.95 ..."

by Jonathan 2.0 Banned
13 replies
If you had a weight loss eBook that sells for $14.95, what steps would you take (and how long would it take) for you to make $3,000/month
I know this kind of question has been asked before, however it would mean The World to me if you could answer it. (Because it's not for me it's for my younger Brother.) Also other people may find it helpful.

As a "Thank You" everyone who responds you can have reprint rights to the eReport in my signature.

Many thanks : )
#“if #$1495 #ebook #loss #sells #weight
  • Profile picture of the author zamzung
    That's about 7 sales per day... that's not hard to achieve... one of the steps I would do is to offer affiliate program and get affiliates to promote my ebook... in that case you will need more sales for $3k per month, but with quality affiliates that's achievable ... plus, in weight loss niche there is a lot of affiliates, so if you have a quality product and reasonable commission rate, it should be a problem for you to find a decent number of quality affiliates
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Price
    Hey Jonathan,

    The first thing you should think about is "what's your backend" or "what's your upsell". If you've got a weight loss eBook selling for only $14.95, you're going to have to make a ton of sales to reach $3000/month. You can make more money with less traffic if you make more money from each sale. If I were you (or your brother in this case), I would get the eBook recorded into audio mp3's or videos and offer that for a higher price on the backend. So as soon as someone buys, they are offered the eBook in video format. Or you could create a few videos with exercise samples, or a recipe eBook that ties in with the main product. Also, I haven't seen your product but your price is a bit low. Why not beef it up a little and offer it for $37 or $47 on Clickbank? Go check out the Marketplace there. There's people generating $11m a year in revenue there, so $47 isn't a price that people balk at. Good information is worth more than you think. Anyway, go with the upsells and consider beefing your product up and raising your price

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Thanks zamsubg. We didn't think of affiliate marketing. Do you know of a good approach for getting affiliates? Cheers.

      Mark. I think including an audio/video download is a grand idea, as is charging more for the ebook. (With some more content.) Many thanks.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
        Originally Posted by Jonathan 2.0 View Post

        If you had a weight loss eBook that sells for $14.95, what steps would you take (and how long would it take) for you to make $3,000/month
        I'd honestly switch to something else, Jonathan. For myself. :p

        Sorry, I know it's not the answer you want to hear. But all I've seen and done in internet marketing over the last 3 years has made me think that for me this wouldn't be the ideal product from which to try to earn $3,000 per month (to put it mildly). I know that countless people have done exactly that and more, but they're people with skills I haven't yet developed, and for me that market has far too many market-specific problems which I dislike.

        Here's how I'd try, though, if I "had to" ... I'd try to sell it not entirely on the strength of the product but on the strength of my relationship with the potential customers. In other words, I'd encourage them to buy it "because it's me who's selling it" and work towards making my recommendation the one they choose to trust.

        So I'd clearly need to build and nurture a weight-loss list (:rolleyes: ) and I'd try to do that, without spending a lot of money, by "tangential promotions" (finding all the forums and other places where women talk about their children and domestic issues, because about 85% of "weight-loss customers" are women over the age of 30). In other words, I'd try to target the potential customers while avoiding a weight-loss-specific context within which to do so (because that's so competitive and unpleasant I just wouldn't be able to bear it).

        The reality is that most people you can get onto a list are going to be on many other marketers' lists as well, and I'd need very different approaches from all the other people (and their four-figure daily advertising budgets). So I'd be looking for non-competitive, indirect, tangential approaches.

        In other words, I'd perhaps try to get people to opt in to my "women aged 30+ list" without mentioning weight-loss at all or at least without making a big deal out of it, anyway.

        I think this would greatly increase the chances.

        Something like AdWords (going for non-competitive keywords not directly related to weight-loss) could work well, because at least it's scalable ... but I just don't have enough experience or understanding of it to try it for something like this. It has a big learning-curve and I've played with it only briefly.

        It's not something I'd want to sell through affiliates. Not in that market. The turnover of affiliates in weight-loss is absolutely colossal.

        The differentiation between professional, serious affiliates and others in this market is overwhelming, I think. Normally 10% of the affiliates will make 90% of the sales, but I strongly suspect that in markets like that, it may be more like 5% of the affiliates. And you would simply need "the top 5%". $14.95 isn't going to be easy, for that, when they can promote $37/$47 products to their lists, and some much more expensive than that, too.

        Even if you're paying the affiliates only $10 commission (can you really interest serious, successful affiliates in that?), by the time you allow for administrative and processing-fees, you'd still need them to sell something approaching 700 copies per month ...

        So it's really not looking good, to me, for a $14.95 product. Not without the $47 and $97 upsells, anyway.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    I would raise the price to $37 to begin. If you have not had a professional copywriter write the sales page you will need to do that. Then I would follow Alexa's recommendations and take keywords semi related to the weight loss niche and build up the PPC campaign on Google and Facebook.

    Getting the affiliates is going to be the difficult part because you need to actually prove that your product converts. You would need to do a lot of tracking and testing. Go to the warrior forum section you will find a expert on increasing conversions. Hire him when you get at least the minimum traffic that he requires.

    When you can boast that you have extremely high conversions for your product that will be the time where you can entice some of the top affiliates to market your product. Test at different price ranges as well. You might find out that a higher priced product will sell more. You also need to make swipe files for the affiliates like banners, e-mails, brand-able e-book, PPC ads, form signatures, and more.

    For your top affiliates you can even get them up to 75% just to make sure that they promote for you. In the end you're making 25% for doing nothing. Putting your product and Clickbank makes it a lot easier for affiliates to promote. That's my two cents for now.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    I know this goes against everything that everyone on this forum says - but I would NOT raise the price unless the ebook you have is comparable size and amount of info that someone could pull off a bookshelf. The average person in the market is not the IMer who will pay exorbitant prices for books. Why would they when they can go to Kindle or BN or a dozen other places and get books for bookstore prices? If your ebook resembles a textbook you might be able to get those kind of prices out of the average Joe on the street - but for a 100 page ebook, you need competitive pricing. Go browse the bookstores (online and off) and look at what people are asking for their books.

    IMers want to get rich so fast and get so used to crazy prices like 47 bucks for 100 pages that they forget that we do not charge average market prices for much of anything.

    You have to price according to your market -- and the weight loss market is filled with info that is priced like yours and lower. Look at a $27.00 book in your market. They are fairly large books. You can have a nice 400 pg hardbound book or CD for that price. The key in non-money making niches, IMHO, is to keep in line with the market for that subject then work on maximum exposure. You might need more sales to get the returns in people want for their products, but if you out price yourself in your own market, you're not going to get sales.

    Check out authors over the years - they mostly all say that the real money starts coming in around the third book out. Why we believe this is supposed to be so different online, I have no clue other than we are in a marketing forum and are looking at MMO pricing every day then seem to feel MMO prices are supposed to transfer to every market in the world. With the amount of people who are jumping on the online bookstore train and buying at regular bookstore prices and below, I'm thinking the days of ebooks in non-marketing niches that are priced 3 times that real books sell for are about over.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Thanks everyone. I'm going to:

      1. Raise the price (and add more content)
      2. Promote complimentary affiliate products as an up sell or backend
      3. Look into PPC traffic
      4. Consider recruiting affiliates
      5. Improve the website copy

      Anything else?
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author angela99
    Jonathan, re "If you had a weight loss eBook that sells for $14.95, what steps would you take (and how long would it take) for you to make $3,000/month"

    With just ONE ebook selling at $14.95, and wanting to make $3,000 a month, I'd be creating more ebooks -- UNLESS that $14.95 ebook has information which weight loss dieters desperately need.

    By "desperately" I mean information that's so ground-breaking that you could send out a press release and know that journalists would jump on it like a pride of hungry lions on a gazelle.

    I'm assuming that this ebook is your average $14.95 production, and if it is, it's just not enough.

    I'm not saying that you couldn't make $3,000 a month. I am saying that your time would be better spent in creating additional weight loss products.

    Create an upsell. NOT the same info in video and MP3. Advanced information which the buyers of your first ebook would love. This means a better product, which sells for $47.

    Use the $14.95 basically to build a list.

    While you're doing this, and are making some sales, create an even better product which will sell for $67.

    Remember that the market always decides, no matter what the price you're charging for an ebook. This means that you have no guarantee (unless you've done some testing) about what the market for a specific product will be like.

    Spread your risk. Create more products. The more you have, the higher the chance that you'll create a million-dollar product like Weight Loss 4 Idiots.

    Good luck. :-)

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  • Profile picture of the author scraig
    I think the first step is to provide valuable free content to build your list. Get a professional to write it for you. Make sure it engages the reader and you will be rewarded.
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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      I'd tell your brother to build a blog and promote it through them.
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    • Profile picture of the author Micah Medina
      Angela hit the nail on the head - if you've got the traffic to approach 3K on a 15 dollar product, you shouldn't need to get there with one product, you should be going for an upsell.

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  • Profile picture of the author focused
    Weight loss is a broad market.
    Perhaps your ebook should be directed at a more carefully defined
    segment of the weight loss market.
    Then you could have more success at directing targeted traffic
    to your offer.
    And do develop a couple of upsells.
    Also, work on building up a list that you can sell to
    on a continual basis.
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    • Profile picture of the author wayne60618

      The money is in the backend. If you don't have a higher priced product, or other offers, just look for an affiliate program(s) that compliments your initial offer.

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