Looking for a great strategy in list building

15 replies
Hey guys,

Looking for different strategies in list building, I was wondering if anyone can please help me and share some of their methods?

Thanks heaps
#building #great #list #strategy
  • Profile picture of the author Zesh
    Offer a free report, link your forum signature to a squeeze page.

    Use Facebook PPC to direct traffic and Article marketing.
    Coming Soon - 5 Dollar Gem WSOs!
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    • Profile picture of the author nichebee
      Whats a good report to use that gets most visitors to subscribe, coz most dont really go into detail in enough to add value to the person that has just subscribed. I want people really appreciating the content that I've provided
      [URL="http://www.rommelasuit.com"] Rommel Asuit- Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Consultant/URL]
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      • Profile picture of the author wayne60618
        Originally Posted by nichebee View Post

        Whats a good report to use that gets most visitors to subscribe, coz most dont really go into detail in enough to add value to the person that has just subscribed. I want people really appreciating the content that I've provided
        Nichebee, you cannot provide them with something that gets their attention without first knowing what gets their attention. You need to understand your niche...

        Go to forums, go to Yahoo Answers, go to popular blogs in your niche, read articles at Digg and see what people are talking about. Get a clear picture of who you are targeting and then brainstorm a few ideas.

        Test the one you think is the best against the one you think is second best. Keep testing until you have a winner.
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      • Profile picture of the author robnoble
        Originally Posted by nichebee View Post

        Whats a good report to use that gets most visitors to subscribe, coz most dont really go into detail in enough to add value to the person that has just subscribed. I want people really appreciating the content that I've provided
        Although I still currently use free reports I am going to start testing something I picked up from Ryan deiss and that is using sandwich pages.

        So instead of sending the subscriber to a download page for a report that many wont even read... you send them instead to a page with 2 or 3 paragraphs or a short video showing them something really useful with a major wow factor - the best tip or information you can come up with and then lead them into your paid offer.

        Ryan deiss says he got it from Eben pagan and if those 2 are using it you can bet it's working!
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        • Profile picture of the author nichebee
          Originally Posted by robnoble View Post

          Although I still currently use free reports I am going to start testing something I picked up from Ryan deiss and that is using sandwich pages.

          So instead of sending the subscriber to a download page for a report that many wont even read... you send them instead to a page with 2 or 3 paragraphs or a short video showing them something really useful with a major wow factor - the best tip or information you can come up with and then lead them into your paid offer.

          Ryan deiss says he got it from Eben pagan and if those 2 are using it you can bet it's working!
          Nice... I like that idea! Its different to the usual method of sending out a free ebook which I myself dont even read sometimes.

          Thanks robnoble.. I'll check them out
          [URL="http://www.rommelasuit.com"] Rommel Asuit- Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Consultant/URL]
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    • Originally Posted by Zesh View Post

      Offer a free report, link your forum signature to a squeeze page.

      Use Facebook PPC to direct traffic and Article marketing.
      Newbies take note!

      Sometimes we get a little too involved, but Zesh has boiled it down to a workable, A, B, C plan.

      Great post Zesh.

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  • Profile picture of the author sethczerepak
    First, start with any of the suggestions on this thread.


    1) get one subscriber
    2) get another
    3) get another
    4) look at what's working and what's not
    5) keep doing what's working
    6) keep doing what's working
    7) keep doing what's working
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  • Profile picture of the author marcuslim
    You can also go to a very active forum in your niche, look for posters who have thousands of posts but nothing in their signature, and then offer to pay them a fee per month in return for having your links in their signature.
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    • Profile picture of the author nichebee
      Awesome guys

      keep them coming! lol
      [URL="http://www.rommelasuit.com"] Rommel Asuit- Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Consultant/URL]
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  • Profile picture of the author HarrisonJ
    On some of my newer product sites I'm just doing an optin to get to the purchase page, nothing free. Free stuff in return for an email optin hurts sales conversion rates in my experience.
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    • Profile picture of the author robnoble
      Originally Posted by HarrisonJ View Post

      On some of my newer product sites I'm just doing an optin to get to the purchase page, nothing free. Free stuff in return for an email optin hurts sales conversion rates in my experience.
      I've been thinking of testing this out but wonder about the lifetime value of the subscriber ie. they might be put out that they gave their email just to look at your sales letter.
      Do you have any insight into that yet?

      im new to online marketing and i never thought of giving away a free report. i have simple squeeze pages with an aweber form and i've gotten alot of subscribers just with that. a free report is a great lil tweak to what im doing!
      Alipathino - wow! thats interesting that you got subscribers without any kind of offer in this age of subscriber resistance.
      Would you be kind enough to give me a link to your optin page?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jealee
    Setup facebook fan page, set your default landing page to be your welcome page where your opt-in form is.

    Drive traffic to your facebook fan page. Get people to like your page!

    I personally outsource them to freelance and can get 5000 likes in no time.
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    • Profile picture of the author nichebee
      Originally Posted by Jealee View Post

      Setup facebook fan page, set your default landing page to be your welcome page where your opt-in form is.

      Drive traffic to your facebook fan page. Get people to like your page!

      I personally outsource them to freelance and can get 5000 likes in no time.
      Cool idea - Nice way of thinking outside the box!

      When you say outsource, do you mean hiring someone to do the social media side of things? and what do they actually do to speed up the likes?
      [URL="http://www.rommelasuit.com"] Rommel Asuit- Entrepreneur & Digital Marketing Consultant/URL]
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Price
    The best way to build your list for free is adswaps and JV's. If you're looking for ad swaps, check out Safe Swaps or Ultra Swaps, but keep in mind, the subscribers you get from these services will mostly be freebie seekers. Hence why a lot of marketers who are prolific there sell Solo Ads (1000 clicks for a few hundred dollars) rather than promote their own products/affiliate products/webinars because they know that their subscribers aren't buyers. JV's, however are possibly the fastest and most effective free way to build your list. If you create a good product and have an affiliate program, you can do JV's with other marketers in your niche, where each of you promote the other's products for commissions. Big money in one day and a TON of subscribers. The best way to build your list via paid methods is REAL solo ad buying from places like Arcamax, Newsmax and lead generation companies. Hope that helps
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  • Profile picture of the author Alipatinho
    im new to online marketing and i never thought of giving away a free report. i have simple squeeze pages with an aweber form and i've gotten alot of subscribers just with that. a free report is a great lil tweak to what im doing!
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