Are you scared of posting here?

209 replies
Every now and again I hear someone say "I like the Warrior forum but I never post because I'm scared people will be nasty to me - because I see other newbies getting ripped to shreds"

Now, I know some people are born to be victims and will consider anything other than a pat on the back to be an aggressive attack, but do YOU really feel like there are bullies here that scare you away from posting?

I know there are some scared people here - if you are one will you be brave enough to put your hand up?

I'm sure there are Warriors who wouldn't believe such a thing was possible considering all the great people here, so show them it's real.
#posting #scared
  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    Personally speaking I believe no one should be "scared" to post because all that is asked of them is that they post something useful and possibly relevant.

    Classic example is the "I'm a newbie please help me make money etc" threads

    Yesterday one plonker started at least 3 threads telling us he was a newbie and he wanted to make a living online, he clogged the forum up by posting completely useless drivel. Decent threads are then driven out of sight...

    All most us us mean and nasty warriors want is for folks to join up, read the rules, use the search button and not try and scam the rest of us

    Is that really too much to ask folks!


    edit, BTW I have absolutely nothing against "newbies" heck we're all newbies at something.

    But people you have to get away from the mindset that there is a magic wand which will enable you to make it online. It's dammned hard work, and the sooner you realise it, the better.

    If that statement makes me mean and nasty, so be it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Tim_Carter
      Ha Ha - Kim used the word Plonker again. I love that!

      This is well said though - too many new people joining from some program saying to spam the forum and put up a WSO.

      If you contribute properly no one has a problem with you.

      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      Personally speaking I believe no one should be "scared" to post because all that is asked of them is that they post something useful and possibly relevant.

      Classic example is the "I'm a newbie please help me make money etc" threads

      Yesterday one plonker started at least 3 threads telling us he was a newbie and he wanted to make a living online, he clogged the forum up by posting completely useless drivel. Decent threads are then driven out of sight...

      All most us us mean and nasty warriors want is for folks to join up, read the rules, use the search button and not try and scam the rest of us

      Is that really too much to ask folks!


      edit, BTW I have absolutely nothing against "newbies" heck we're all newbies at something.

      But people you have to get away from the mindset that there is a magic wand which will enable you to make it online. It's dammned hard work, and the sooner you realise it, the better.

      If that statement makes me mean and nasty, so be it!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456628].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author esr
      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      All most us us mean and nasty warriors want is for folks to join up, read the rules, use the search button and not try and scam the rest of us

      Is that really too much to ask folks!


      edit, BTW I have absolutely nothing against "newbies" heck we're all newbies at something.

      But people you have to get away from the mindset that there is a magic wand which will enable you to make it online. It's dammned hard work, and the sooner you realise it, the better.

      If that statement makes me mean and nasty, so be it!

      At the risk of being off-topic within the thread, after I read the above post, it hit me that maybe the reason newbies think there's a "magic wand" to success is because they're bombarded with sales pitches, virutally hourly, telling them it is so.

      Just an observation. Continue.....
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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    (raises his hand)

    Me, sir.

    I've been holding off because "seasoned" warriors are all bullies.. that Kim Standerline is the worst...


    Ok.. joking aside.. I too, have heard people refer to the WF as "intimidating"..

    hmm.. I honestly don't see this and would encourage EVERYONE to get involved in the community in a legitimate way.

    It's a great place and if you are honest and respect others... this place can do wonders for your internet marketing education.. I know it has mine.



    Bare Murkage.........

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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Don't be cheeky lol

      Jay's right tho, this is a fabulous community, if people spent as much time exploring it and becoming a valued member as they do trying to exploit it, they would probably do really well online

      fair comment Grumps, not disputing the fact there may be a few ornery warriors on here

      Now where's my stick, I feel the need to beat someone

      Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

      (raises his hand)

      Me, sir.

      I've been holding off because "seasoned" warriors are all bullies.. that Kim Standerline is the worst...


      Ok.. joking aside.. I too, have heard people refer to the WF as "intimidating"..

      hmm.. I honestly don't see this and would encourage EVERYONE to get involved in the community in a legitimate way.

      It's a great place and if you are honest and respect others... this place can do wonders for your internet marketing education.. I know it has mine.


      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455822].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa
    no, it's not, kim

    but on the other side of the coin i have seen newbies taken to pieces in a manner which is unbecoming to professional people.

    recently i came across a thread started by a "newbie"....

    not very useful, but stating his opinion, which was sensible. the first two responses (in my opinion) misread what he was saying, and was quite insulting.

    we have to keep 2 things in mind...

    1. a newbie here is not always a newbie to IM
    2. we create the first reactions

    flying off the handle might have someone give up, while that person may have the capacity to do something big....

    i would never want to be guilty of having taken someone's future

    had i been the newbie in the mentioned thread, one more response like that would have seen the last of me

    just my 0.02c
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
    I've always been scared of the one they call Paul Myers because of his superior reasoning and beating up unethical people. Does that count? (Just kidding.) Seriously though I think people should grow thicker skin if they're afraid about posting on an online forum. I mean it's only words on a computer screen. I think as long as people follow the rules and aren't negative or whatever they'll be fine. Generally speaking I think this is a very supportive community. Many of the newbies are welcomed and helped and that's an amazing thing.
    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    Isn't this just another way of expressing all that's being
    dicussed already in this thread:

    Do we need a duplicate thread?

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    I'm terrified of posting here. There's so many scary people.

    siggy taking a break...

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    • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      I'm terrified of posting here. There's so many scary people.

      Ditto. This place scares the crap out of me. Newbies bashing veterans everywhere.

      It's pure carnage I tell ya, carnage and reckless abandon. Anarchy at it's finest.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455881].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
      John, I thought the exact same thing as you but like Kim, after reading so many of Andy's other posts, I figured he has something different in mind...hopefully!

      Charles E. White
      Internet Money Making Programs
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      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455882].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      I used to have no fear about posting here.

      That was a long time ago.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
        Stop bein a big wuss Waggers, you know we all love ya

        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        I used to have no fear about posting here.

        That was a long time ago.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455886].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
        Originally Posted by Steven Wagenheim View Post

        I used to have no fear about posting here.

        That was a long time ago.
        Steven, with over 11,000 post in 2 years I hope you're joking especially since you post so many quality posts. I know you have had a problem with one person here but that shouldn't be the cause of you not posting. So, again, I hope you're joking, if not then grow some...

        We have all learned a lot from you so keep up the good work my friend!

        Charles E. White
        Internet Money Making Programs
        ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
        Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456080].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      I'm terrified of posting here. There's so many scary people.
      As far as I know (and I'm relatively new myself) 99% of the time it's only when people are breaking the rules and what not that the moderators step in and keep the place running smoothly. And that's a good thing. They do an awesome job. If you're concerned about posting here then look at it as an opportunity to become a bit more stronger in character. Because the truth is that if you want to be successful you're going to have to deal with more than people not liking you on an Internet Forum. Like I said I think this is mostly a supportive community and I don't think people have anything to worry about. Just my 2 cents as they say.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455884].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author kittyluver
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      I'm terrified of posting here. There's so many scary people.
      But you have posted 1000- posts in this esteemed forum. I think now you would have more courage to give counter post to the attackers. (lol)
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459417].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
        Hi Kitty

        Val was joking, I can assure you she has no problems saying what she has to say lol

        Originally Posted by kittyluver View Post

        But you have posted 1000- posts in this esteemed forum. I think now you would have more courage to give counter post to the attackers. (lol)
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459419].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
          I've been here for just over a year now and I'm still afraid that the bullies here are going to beat me into submission...

          Especially that one guy named Myers who runs around all the time trying to make sense of everything. Or that woman Kim who repeatedly tries to help weed out the people that need to be weeded...and the worst one is that guy Roger who has almost all by himself broken up 5 million scam rings in the last month alone!

          Damn people that try keep the forum on topic, free from parasites, and free of scammers really intimidate the crap out of me.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459433].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Allen Lewis
    Many of the veterans here are in the IM niche. It would be safe to say they are actually more fearful to post stuff.

    Every word they say has to be carefully worded.

    For fear of offending friends, business associates, or gasp, customers.

    Once you have a 'clique', it's hard to speak anything coming out of your mind other than to post cliches and go with the 'norm'.

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  • Profile picture of the author pjCheviot
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455895].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author newventures
      I wouldn't say I'm 'scared' of posting but intimidated is probably more accurate. Several months ago I posted a comment asking for suggestions as to what direction to take. Now I know that I am the one to make the final decision but was interested in what seasoned veterans had to say. Well I was bashed by 2 sr. warriors and was made to feel like I was an idiot for even asking someone else's opinions. Now I only post when I like or dislike a product or I really really need some help in an area that I can't find the answer somewhere else.
      At times the forum can seem like high school but like everyone else we all grow up and have more important things to do then write multiple posts bashing some newbie.

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      • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

        Originally Posted by newventures View Post

        Well I was bashed by 2 sr. warriors
        Were you really "bashed" or did those people actually
        question and challenge your thinking?

        When it's our business that we're asking questions
        about, there's a lot of emotional investment and it's
        easy to interpret questioning and challenging personally.

        When you post a question or seek advice on a forum
        you may be seeking confirmation and validation; and
        your filters may see responses that don't satify your
        need for reassurance as negative or "bashing".

        It's important to look at the responses you get with

        John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455917].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
          I was just about to reply to this John and saw you beat me to it.

          I'd love to get 10 people together and each of them give me their definition of being bashed online (especially in the Warriors)

          I suspect each would have a very different answer.

          @Trish I'm sorry you feel you had such a negative experience, but I challenge you to go back to that post, read it again, and ask yourself what it was you were truly asking for


          Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post


          Were you really "bashed" or did those people actually
          question and challenge your thinking.

          When it's our business that we're asking questions
          about, there's a lot of emotional investment and it's
          easy to interpret questioning and challenging personally.

          When you post a question or seek advice on a forum
          you may be seeking confirmation and validation; and
          your filters may see responses that don't satify your
          need for reassurance as negative or "bashing".

          It's important to look at the responses you get with

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455923].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
            Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

            @Trish I'm sorry you feel you had such a negative experience, but I challenge you to go back to that post, read it again, and ask yourself what it was you were truly asking for

            Why is that automatically assumed?

            I think most people know if its attack on their work or something similar then they know its just criticism..even when it is placed harshly.

            But usually when someone feels bashed it is more a case that someone has attacked them for either posting something, posting something written in a certain way or implying they should have thought before they posted. Its a personal attack - when the person may have genuinely made a mistake or just didnt realise. Thats how it seems whenever I have come across a post in the way described by Trish...more often than if someone is getting criticism for their work etc. And to me thats uncalled for.

            I know it must get tiresome if the same questions crop up etc - but sometimes using a forum isn't as user friendly as everyone thinks. I even struggle to use the search option sometimes..and I am sure a lot of the questions I need answering have been repeated a thousand times...I just can't seem to find them! Or if I do..they don't really answer the question.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456028].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
              Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

              Why is that automatically assumed?

              I think most people know if its attack on their work or something similar then they know its just criticism..even when it is placed harshly.
              Why are you making that assumption?

              John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456043].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

                Why are you making that assumption?


                Because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt...especially newbies who haven't been "accepted" into the community yet so are hesitant.

                Assuming people aren't able to distinguish between a personal attack and critcism of their work is just making you feel more comfortable and reassured that you don't attack people personally..otherwise why would you assume they were taking it wrong? Because you couldn't possibly how come across the way that they perceived it? Or another respected warrior couldn't have?

                Its like you are willing to give other warriors the benefit of the doubt but not the newbie.

                I think by assuming that the newbie has taken it wrong is going to just make it harder for them to post.

                Maybe we should just give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

                I hope that all makes sense...rambles I tell you...rambles.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456059].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

                Why are you making that assumption?

                Because sometimes the moderators don't listen to feedback. At least that's the impression I get. I appreciate that you keep the forum a postive and contructive place. Even so I think it's important to take into consideration what people say and listen to their suggestions. Rather than always being "right." GrumpyJacksa made a brilliat suggestion about not making things personal and I think we all have an obligation to practice that advice. Not because it will benefit the forum but because it's the good thing to do.
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456062].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author goindeep
                  Im scared to go outside thats why i come here...

                  In all honesty first answer would be a resounding N O ! I have been treated very well and its not that different to other forums.


                  When i first started here, i got grilled by some people because of one of my titles to a new thread. It was an eye catching title and i was slammed. After this i began to look at others thread titles and compare the relevancy of the title with the thread and adding into the equation the hype and the response and i can say that there are way more threads on this forum which are way more hypey orientated then my post and believe it or not most of these are from what some would call "Veteran IMers".

                  So short answer is NO. But long answer would be to tell the whining veterans of the forum to have a coke and a smile and SHUT THE F**K UP!
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456107].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author newventures
              Reply to John - I don't have a problem with someone challenging my thinking but I do have a problem with someone bashing me personally and using a demeaning phrase to describe me.

              Reply to Grumpyjacksa - You're on the mark when you mention that one doesn't need to 'bash' someone personally. I guess those 2 didn't take their meds. Obviously I'm still here and I take things with a grain of salt but it discourages newbies from posting if there's a fear that they will be criticized for their way of thinking or for asking an ignorant question but to them is very important.

              This is a wonderful forum full of good people and lots of suggestions and help - let's keep it that way!

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456094].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
              I'm not sure what it is you're asking me.

              What is it I'm automatically assuming? You seem to have the answers...

              I simply invited the poster to re read the thread she spoke about and ask herself a question. As I don't know the thread she is referring to, I have no idea what it was about.

              Please don't make sweeping statements when you can't back them up

              Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

              Why is that automatically assumed?

              I think most people know if its attack on their work or something similar then they know its just criticism..even when it is placed harshly.

              But usually when someone feels bashed it is more a case that someone has attacked them for either posting something, posting something written in a certain way or implying they should have thought before they posted. Its a personal attack - when the person may have genuinely made a mistake or just didnt realise. Thats how it seems whenever I have come across a post in the way described by Trish...more often than if someone is getting criticism for their work etc. And to me thats uncalled for.

              I know it must get tiresome if the same questions crop up etc - but sometimes using a forum isn't as user friendly as everyone thinks. I even struggle to use the search option sometimes..and I am sure a lot of the questions I need answering have been repeated a thousand times...I just can't seem to find them! Or if I do..they don't really answer the question.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456129].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                I'm not sure what it is you're asking me.

                What is it I'm automatically assuming? You seem to have the answers...

                I simply invited the poster to re read the thread she spoke about and ask herself a question. As I don't know the thread she is referring to, I have no idea what it was about.

                Please don't make sweeping statements when you can't back them up
                I apologise for assuming that you were on the same lines as John Taylor...which by quoting him I thought you were.

                But that's the impression I assumption that the person probably got it wrong so should check over their post. When really I should have assumed that you were only stating that so that Trish could clarify her position.

                That's my point..we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456207].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                  Do you really want to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who posts 3 "help me" thread within an hour. (As happened yesterday by one person).

                  Would you like to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who is known to scam other people.

                  Or lets give it to someone we know posts bogus WSO's!

                  You obviously like coming to the warriors forum, maybe you wouldn't like it quite so much if it was overun by spam, flyby posts and idiots making one line comments just to up their count so they can post their affiliate links etc

                  Why do you think the Warriors is so popular, yeah we can be a tad on the rough side, but it makes it a better forum for everyone.

                  Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                  That's my point..we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456258].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                    Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                    Do you really want to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who posts 3 "help me" thread within an hour. (As happened yesterday by one person).

                    Would you like to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who is known to scam other people.

                    Or lets give it to someone we know posts bogus WSO's!

                    You obviously like coming to the warriors forum, maybe you wouldn't like it quite so much if it was overun by spam, flyby posts and idiots making one line comments just to up their count so they can post their affiliate links etc

                    Why do you think the Warriors is so popular, yeah we can be a tad on the rough side, but it makes it a better forum for everyone.
                    No - I think my point was quite obvious...and entailed having some common sense. I just think you are being picky now.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456287].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                      I've just re-read your post and I quote

                      "That's my point..we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt"

                      Not sure how I was being picky, statement is as clear as daylight


                      I'm probably being nitpicky now tho

                      Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                      No - I think my point was quite obvious...and entailed having some common sense. I just think you are being picky now.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456309].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                        I've just re-read your post and I quote

                        "That's my point..we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt"

                        Not sure how I was being picky, statement is as clear as daylight


                        I'm probably being nitpicky now
                        In relation to the post before it it is quite clear I am making that point based on the fact that John Taylor assumed the newbie had taken other members' posts out of context.

                        I am not suggesting people shouldn't use their common sense but they shouldn't automatically think their is fault with the newbie in cases like Trish put forth - just like it shouldn't/isn't assumed their is fault with the "senior"warrior member.

                        I generally don't ask for advice on here as a result of some of the things I have seen. As I said I find it difficult to get anything decent from the search engine (forum one) sometimes but tend to ask else where for help because I wouldn't want someone to say something negative (like I should have searched the forum etc) and not get an answer. That might be my own issue with hesitating but I understand why others may feel hesitant too.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456331].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
                          Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                          In relation to the post before it it is quite clear I am making that point based on the fact that John Taylor assumed the newbie had taken other members' posts out of context.
                          Nope, let me remind you what I actually posted..

                          Were you really "bashed" or did those people actually
                          question and challenge your thinking?

                          When it's our business that we're asking questions
                          about, there's a lot of emotional investment and it's
                          easy to interpret questioning and challenging personally.

                          When you post a question or seek advice on a forum
                          you may be seeking confirmation and validation; and
                          your filters may see responses that don't satify your
                          need for reassurance as negative or "bashing".

                          It's important to look at the responses you get with

                          No assumptions, just seeking clarification and
                          suggesting that there's a difference between
                          "bashing" and questioning & challenging.

                          John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456353].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                            Fair enough if you didn't assume it but you certainly imply it...imo.

                            My point still stands though.

                            I mean instead of saying that you could have asked her why she felt that way, what did they say to make her feel bashed...

                            Instead of making sure she knows what the difference is between bashing and questioning and challenging. That way its less threatening...and if she had got it wrong you can point it out and she can learn from it. That way it doesn't appear as though you are suggesting she could have gotten it wrong - we might be seen as an attack as such because she's been bashed before.

                            Aww I give up..I tried.
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456360].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
                              Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                              I mean instead of saying that you could have asked her why she felt that way, what did they say to make her feel bashed...
                              The thing is, by posting it that way John is

                              1) Encouraging them to think.

                              2) Being kind.

                              Yes, being kind. Imagine he asks them to post what happened that made them feel bashed and it turns out they weren't bashed at all but just have a thin skin. It will make the newbie feel stupid and publicly humiliated.

                              John's way is giving them a chance to think privately about the situation and decide whether they were being oversensitive.

                              Even 'seasoned' Warriors can get upset by posts. The difference is that they take a step back and analyze the whole exchange to work out what is happening and what action they should take i.e. apologize, rephrase, clarify, counter, stop posting.

                              You will often see misunderstandings between senior Warriors that look like they could blow up into a war but within a few posts it's all resolved because neither of them plays the victim role, but choose to engage in a rational exchange that clears everything up.

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456471].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                                Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

                                The thing is, by posting it that way John is

                                1) Encouraging them to think.

                                2) Being kind.

                                Yes, being kind. Imagine he asks them to post what happened that made them feel bashed and it turns out they weren't bashed at all but just have a thin skin. It will make the newbie feel stupid and publicly humiliated.

                                John's way is giving them a chance to think privately about the situation and decide whether they were being oversensitive.
                                And I don't agree.

                                If the person happens to be oversensitive then the way John put it will be taken as an attack too, even though it isn't. If the person is asked in the way I suggested they will reflect on it still, don't necessarily have to respond in a post and regardless of whether they are sensitive or not will be able to see for themselves whether they made a mistake, rather than someone suggesting it could be possible they did. I think that despite being feeble, they may even want to apologise for taking it wrong.

                                Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

                                Even 'seasoned' Warriors can get upset by posts. The difference is that they take a step back and analyze the whole exchange to work out what is happening and what action they should take i.e. apologize, rephrase, clarify, counter, stop posting.
                                Yes but not every newbie is going to be over-sensitive and overreact..I am sure many newbies do the how can you say "the difference is..."? That's assuming all newbies are alike and all seniors are alike, when we all have individual characteristics - that was my point.
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456569].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
                                  Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                                  And I don't agree.

                                  If the person happens to be oversensitive then the way John put it will be taken as an attack too, even though it isn't. If the person is asked in the way I suggested they will reflect on it still, don't necessarily have to respond in a post and regardless of whether they are sensitive or not will be able to see for themselves whether they made a mistake, rather than someone suggesting it could be possible they did. I think that despite being feeble, they may even want to apologise for taking it wrong.
                                  Now it is my turn to disagree.

                                  I think encouraging them to complain can harm their reputation and open them up to harsh comments. This is a marketing forum not a kindergarden and people give short shrift to moaners.

                                  Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                                  Yes but not every newbie is going to be over-sensitive and overreact..I am sure many newbies do the how can you say "the difference is..."? That's assuming all newbies are alike and all seniors are alike, when we all have individual characteristics - that was my point.
                                  Yes, we are all individuals and not all newbies are alike. Here we are addressing newbies who feel victimized and they usually have similar characteristics. Additionally, in my opinion, a person is not a 'seasoned' Warrior if they don't react to problematic posts in the way I described. Of course, we all have a different idea of what constitutes a 'seasoned' Warrior. (Enter Harvey Segal with salt and pepper jokes ).

                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456618].message }}
                                  • Profile picture of the author keyaziz
                                    Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

                                    Now it is my turn to disagree.

                                    I think encouraging them to complain can harm their reputation and open them up to harsh comments. This is a marketing forum not a kindergarden and people give short shrift to moaners.

                                    Yes, we are all individuals and not all newbies are alike. Here we are addressing newbies who feel victimized and they usually have similar characteristics. Additionally, in my opinion, a person is not a 'seasoned' Warrior if they don't react to problematic posts in the way I described. Of course, we all have a different idea of what constitutes a 'seasoned' Warrior. (Enter Harvey Segal with salt and pepper jokes ).

                                    Its not all in my is just encouraging one to reflect just like how you pointed out with John's post.

                                    Newbies who feel victimized usually have similar characteristics? From your experience maybe - but that doesn't mean that the next newbie who feels victimized should automatically assume they are like the others you have encountered. You should treat them as an individual (not saying you personally do that as I don't know but that was the point I was trying to make).
                                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456644].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author John Taylor

                                  Originally Posted by keyaziz View Post

                                  If the person happens to be oversensitive then the way John put it will be taken as an attack too
                                  How people take anyone's comments is entirely
                                  up to them.

                                  People who respond to posts are unlikely to frame
                                  their answers on the off chance that the recipient
                                  may or may not be oversensitive.

                                  If people are OVER sensitive then they need to
                                  consider whether or not a business forum is the
                                  correct environment for them.

                                  P.S. I very much object to you implying that I'm
                                  the type of person who would attack the weak
                                  or vulnerable. Or am I being over sensitive?
                                  John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456643].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author rahails
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459127].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
                      Originally Posted by rahails View Post

                      For example, if someone posts useful points on how to write an effective salesletter, your skeptic streak kick into the play.
                      Scepticism is healthy, blindly following advice
                      given on forums can lead to a significant loss
                      of time and money; irrespective of whether
                      that advice comes from someone with over
                      10,000 posts or 10 posts.

                      When you've been here for a lengthy period
                      of time and witnessed the damage that can
                      be wreaked by scumbags, you learn to see
                      patterns of behaviour that give you clues
                      about people's intentions. That raises the
                      scumbag radar for many of us. But then, as
                      Kim said.. we very rarely call someone out
                      unless we see evidence of wrongdoing.

                      John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459154].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Bryan Zimmerman
                        Never be afraid to post if you have something you want to say. If you intentionally spam then you deserve everything you get. But if not, instead of getting upset, why not use it as motivation! If some one pisses you off because of the way they respond, then use it to motivate yourself. This is a business not a playground. People here are from all over the world. Some react in certain ways than others do. Thats just people in general. But why let it bother you! When did people get so sensitive about the way people respond to them? It's not like you are going to have to see them at work everyday for the next 20 years! We are all on computers!!

                        In offline business you get this stuff all the time. People who are more seasoned veterans many times want nothing to do with new people. You have to earn their respect before they will even look at you. Does that piss people off? Sure it does! But the smart ones will use that to their advantage and motivate themselves. If not to reach their level, but to maybe pass their level just so they can flip them the bird as they pass by.

                        You are not going to be able to please everybody, there is just no way! So why let it bother you. You cannot get upset if you don't allow yourself to be upset about it. Try and find something you can learn from it and move on with a sense of motivation. I promise you the person who "upset" you with their comment or response isn't sitting around wondering if your mad. There busy working to earn more money.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459279].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                      Err excuse me but when have I ever called anybody a scumbag

                      If you're referring to my post I suggest you go back and read it again, I used the word then in relation to those who shamelessy exploit the vulnerabilities of other people by scamming them out of their money.

                      I can assure you I have never called anyone a scumbag personally in a post.

                      Or maybe you're all for bogus wso's etc where "scumbgs" take hard earned money from people who have trusted them to deliver a product etc.

                      I'm not sure where you're coming from re the sales letter analogy, please refer me to a post I've made where I've made that sort of remark. (I must have done it in my sleep)!

                      Actually I do think you are being unpleasant because your remarks are completely unfounded but then thinking about it am I bothered?


                      Originally Posted by rahails View Post


                      Ok, I agree that we need to be vigilant when someone scams the forum. However, you or anyone else doesn't have the right to call other people scumbags just because you failed to understand what they are saying? or what they have...

                      I am pretty sure that you are ' I beg to differ' sort of person. Correct me if I am wrong.

                      For example, if someone posts useful points on how to write an effective salesletter, your skeptic streak kick into the play. If he is saying something and backing up his claim, you should accept and have a positive attitude.

                      Note: I am not trying to wage some kind of war here against you or anyone else. I am pointing out at your attitude and I may be wrong. Do not presume I am trying to be nasty with you.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459375].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
                        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                        I must have done it in my sleep!
                        Nope, you were with me all night.. Oh no, please
                        tell me it wasn't a dream.

                        John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459386].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                          It was all a mucky dream induced by half a bottle of malt whisky lol

                          Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

                          Nope, you were with me all night.. Oh no, please
                          tell me it wasn't a dream.

                          lol Am I the most hated woman on the planet Martin, I obviously eat Newbies for my tea!

                          Seriously I wish people round here would grow up for goodness sake and get rid of the chip on their shoulder.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459402].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall

                            Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                            lol Am I the most hated woman on the planet Martin, I obviously eat Newbies for my tea!
                            Your "crassness" has obviously caught up to you
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459412].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                              lol it truly has, that thread was a trainwreck, it was obvious it would be deleted

                              Originally Posted by Jeremy Kelsall View Post


                              Your "crassness" has obviously caught up to you
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459415].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

                              Here's little case study. A thread on the main forum.

                              Is Google Adwords the best for getting instant traffic? friends to get instant traffic i prefer google adwords. though articles and other methods are also good. Can you please share your opinion

                              The OP has 12 posts, no real name and no picture.

                              Previous posts were mainly a series of one liners except where she/he/it recommended Adwords as a good way to make money.

                              The site in the sig file links to a landing page which promotes a few products which help you with PPC.

                              Should I give a serious answer to that post, report it or ignore it?

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459434].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
                                Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

                                Should I give a serious answer to that post, report it or ignore it?

                                Or take the other route of having a little fun.

                                Oh no - that might offend someone, and we can't have that, can we.

                                Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459443].message }}
                                • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
                                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459482].message }}
                                  • Profile picture of the author Tina Golden
                                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459520].message }}
                                  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
                                    Originally Posted by TMG Enterprises View Post

                                    There are at least two that I have added to my "never do business with that person" file. I'm sure my paltry contribution to your business won't be missed but I wonder how many others have a similar list and you just don't know?

                                    Tina G

                                    Only two Tina?

                                    There's a growing list of people who I wouldn't
                                    go near with a 27 foot bargepole.

                                    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459522].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                                lol you'll do something because your a good little warrior, just go easy on the bashing lol

                                Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post


                                Here's little case study. A thread on the main forum.

                                Is Google Adwords the best for getting instant traffic? friends to get instant traffic i prefer google adwords. though articles and other methods are also good. Can you please share your opinion

                                The OP has 12 posts, no real name and no picture.

                                Previous posts were mainly a series of one liners except where she/he/it recommended Adwords as a good way to make money.

                                The site in the sig file links to a landing page which promotes a few products which help you with PPC.

                                Should I give a serious answer to that post, report it or ignore it?

                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459449].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

                        "Everybody" knows you hate newbies and you used the word "scumbag" in one of your posts.

                        Therefore, as clear as 1 + 1 = 7, you think all newbies are scumbags.

                        Allen, please can you add a 'sigh' smiley and a 'very big SIGGGGHHHH' smiley. It will help save a lot of time.

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459400].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Kelsall
                        I think people should just move on, seriously.

                        If you run across a post that you don't like and it violates the forum rules, report it and be done with it. Honestly, trying to "correct" people within a post just turns into a flame war which while entertaining to watch at times, does not serve any purpose other than to waste time and energy.

                        As for some of the newer people trying to make assumptions as to what peoples "tones" are, I would suggest that you read through several posts of the person you are trying to pass judgment on before jumping to any conclusions. Personally, I know I have come off as a "dick" a couple of times, but the situation truly warranted it to get the point across.

                        The same people that you say are being arrogant and crossing the line are the same people that are going to save you from getting scammed or led astray tomorrow....remember that.

                        Never be afraid to post, but always remember whatever you do post will for the most part live on the internet forever. This could have serious implications on your professionally if you are doing something inappropriate.

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459406].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by newventures View Post

        I wouldn't say I'm 'scared' of posting but intimidated is probably more accurate. Several months ago I posted a comment asking for suggestions as to what direction to take. Now I know that I am the one to make the final decision but was interested in what seasoned veterans had to say. Well I was bashed by 2 sr. warriors and was made to feel like I was an idiot for even asking someone else's opinions. Now I only post when I like or dislike a product or I really really need some help in an area that I can't find the answer somewhere else.
        At times the forum can seem like high school but like everyone else we all grow up and have more important things to do then write multiple posts bashing some newbie.

        I'm sorry to hear that Trish. I'd recommend that your post whatever you want (within reason). As I like to say: "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission."

        Remember that even though they mostly do an awesome job the moderators are just normal people with a couple of stars next to their name. They're not all knowing all powerful people and you should listen to yourself more rather than letting other people decide what you should and shouldn't post. Because you sound like you're an honest person who follows all of the printed rules.

        Personally I like a good argument to test my mettle and I'm looking forward to being bashed by people. (Kidding. Kind of.) Anyway I'll let you senior people handle this thread.
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Hi Paul

      Welcome to the forum even if you have been here a while.

      Maybe there hasn't been too many replies yet cos our US friends are only just thinking about getting up lol

      I agree with you re the term newbie BTW As I said in a previous thread, we're all newbie at something or other. However its the term most people seem to recognise.

      BTW re the oneliners, I think most of us who have been here a while recognise 1 liners for what they are. No problem with a oneliner with a useful link etc in answer to a question posted, (done it myself), it's those "yes I agree" etc oneliners which are obviously added to increase post count that get up people's noses. Because of course once they hit the magic number, they can then spam us with their affiliate links and in some cases dodgy WSO's

      My fave of the moment is the bloke moaning because he can't use his aff links. Didn't appreciate the irony of what he said, i.e his sole purpose was joing the Warriors tro sell us stuff


      Originally Posted by pjCheviot View Post

      Well . . here we go . . . .

      It's strange how the replies we have so far are from Warriors with quite a few posts, don't you think?

      Does that actually mean that some new Warriors ARE scared to post? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it - after all we only have a handful of replies so far - and there are other threads around on similar subjects.

      As for me?

      Well - I wouldn't say I was scared to post - maybe just a little hesitant - because it appears that you have to ensure the reply you give is spot-on factually - doesn't break any rules (which I might add can be a little hazy - too many "non-written" rules maybe?) - and above all else isn't just a "one-liner" - even on occasions when this may be pertinent.

      It certainly makes me think before jumping in and replying to a post - and even more so if I was attempting to start a thread.

      I have spent a lot of time searching the Forum and gleaning snippets of info - and I have been doing that for a long time (almost a year!) without feeling the need to join in. I have found it very difficult to join in and eventually press that "post" button! I also hate the word "newbie" - new people here on the Forum are not necessarily new to IM. Bear that one in mind.

      I have noticed there has been a lot of talk recently about usernames - and I think they may be used (apart from the obvious spammers) because some people are reluctant to put their real names forward in here for fear of being "ripped to shreds" by others. Just a thought!

      I also think too many people want to just jump in and get their sig files broadcast - it is after all one of those "newbie jobs to-do" (get yourself out there and get noticed with a signature file on Forums!).

      This Forum, however, is possibly not the place to do it - hence I'm keeping mine a secret!!

      Now - suggestions please on the back of a $10 bill to . . . . . . .

      Thanks for the opportunity!
      All the best

      P.S. Can you guess how long it took me to finally press the "submit reply" button??
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      • Profile picture of the author Killer Joe
        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

        Maybe there hasn't been too many replies yet cos our US friends are only just thinking about getting up lol
        Now, there's the real problem here. By the time we get up you blokes have tarred and feathered all the good ones and leave us nothing but table scraps.

        You guys are not only mean and nasty, you're greedy as well. We don't get to slap around newbies while they're virgins to the beating, we have to wait for sloppy seconds. It's irritating I tell ya, irritating.

        It's like going to a buffet and someone has eaten all the shrimp and crab legs and all we have left is salad and potatos.

        As far as I can see, there's no law against you guys waiting until after tea time to get to thrashing. You can spread the joy around a little without having to take all of it, you know. How about showing a little compasion for those of us living in underprivileged time zones.

        Or have you used all of that up on blokes moaning because they can't use their aff links.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455946].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
          You owe me a new keyboard Joe, I've just spluttered coffee over this one (Yet again)

          Ya'll should try getting up earlier lol

          Originally Posted by Killer Joe View Post

          Now, there's the real problem here. By the time we get up you blokes have tarred and feathered all the good ones and leave us nothing but table scraps.

          You guys are not only mean and nasty, you're greedy as well. We don't get to slap around newbies while they're virgins to the beating, we have to wait for sloppy seconds. It's irritating I tell ya, irritating.

          It's like going to a buffet and someone has eaten all the shrimp and crab legs and all we have left is salad and potatos.

          As far as I can see, there's no law against you guys waiting until after tea time to get to thrashing. You can spread the joy around a little without having to take all of it, you know. How about showing a little compasion for those of us living in underprivileged time zones.

          Or have you used all of that up on blokes moaning because they can't use their aff links.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456009].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    This is the type of thread which makes me grit my teeth

    Notice the OP and further responses he makes

    Lots of people trying to help him, yet he doesn't help himself!!!

    How on earth can you help anyone like that!

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  • Profile picture of the author Nick Brighton
    You know what Andy? Here's my opinion:

    If people are too frightened to post a relatively anonymous post on a bloody forum, then how the HELL are they going to have enough backbone to go out and live life without the safety blanket of a regular wage? the people who may be scared of intimidation from people hanging out on a forum, wait until you start speaking to people who actually make a difference to your bank account.

    I think people need to really look at themselves and evaluate whether they have the fortitude to actually set up, run and grow a business worth investing in at all.

    No offense intended, just an outside observation.

    P.S - I can see why people might be put off by the responses given from time to time, but surely if they can stick round long enough to see what fortunes and wealth of knowledge is being passed around here every day of the year, then who gives a damn if some "bedroom warrior" decides to flame you because their Prozac prescription isn't ready on time...?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455964].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lazavas
    no not scared, ill not let anyone scare me, but it makes sense that some people are scared, i have seen some nasty replies on here, i wont say who from, but it does turn u off, but scared? not a chance
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455965].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author grumpyjacksa

    when responding, respond to the question, not the person.......

    you can take an idea, or a site, or an argument to pieces without getting personal

    and keep in mind, that no matter how stupid the question may seem, there was a time you also didn't know the answer.....

    play the ball, not the player

    just another 0.02c
    Ex-ghostwriter now writing exclusive PLR ebooks - Limited PLR Club
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[455975].message }}
  • I'm new to IM and have bought a few WSO's to get the feel of it.
    Would I be scared to post,No.
    I'd do some ground work first if I needed help I'd post ,if someone got stroppy,guess what I'd double it back,give what you get.

    Sure this place will have some very knowledgeable people,they tend to be the ones that WILL help.The ones that give newbies grief probably got no help so think thats how eevryone should be.
    Another issue is a certain amount of posts are needed to do this and that xx for sending pm's xx for posting etc that probably puts people off more than anything.
    Just my 1p's worth.
    There is ALOT of info here in the posts alone and the warrior PDF prog is great for printing them off for ideas.
    I made my first £5 online yesterday lol,yep a whole £5 but my thinking is if I repeat that 5000x etc,well you get the picture.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456052].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheAge
    Honestly? Seeing as that I know next to nothing about IM, it's a little intimidating.

    Basically, my post count is low because I don't think I have anything to contribute, apart from in the off-topic forum, really.

    So I wouldn't say scary, though I'd say I'm unwilling to post much because of my lack of knowledge.

    - Adrian

    PS. Hi y'all!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456097].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author nursewriter
      Originally Posted by TheAge View Post

      Honestly? Seeing as that I know next to nothing about IM, it's a little intimidating.

      Basically, my post count is low because I don't think I have anything to contribute, apart from in the off-topic forum, really.

      So I wouldn't say scary, though I'd say I'm unwilling to post much because of my lack of knowledge.

      - Adrian

      PS. Hi y'all!
      While I am not a total newbie I don't post much because I feel I still don't know enough to be able to contribute anything useful.

      I think a lot of newbies are like Adrian......they can't contribute anything useful yet but they are afraid to ask "newbie" questions for fear of coming across as someone trying to scam the forum or they will just get the pat answer of "Use the search button"

      I remember all those years ago while in nursing school.....we were not coddled in the least. Most of my instructors were of no help to us because they wanted us to be "tough."

      But I did have one instructor that sticks out in my mind because if we had a question she would say....go research your question and come back to me and tell me what you find. I learned more from her than any of the others combined. She showed how to look for the answer and then allowed us to discuss the answers so it could be clarified. The discussion were very enlightening because we got to share opinions and new ideas.

      So maybe it would be a good idea to start a newbies section of the forum. This could be a place where a newbie could ask questions without fear of getting bashed or ridiculed.

      Just a thought
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456180].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
    I'm sure there are plenty of folks who
    are scared of looking foolish in front of
    senior, more successful members...and
    refrain from posting because of that.

    I've never felt threatened here. Have I
    been blasted before? Of course. I've had
    holes picked out of holes in some things
    I've written. And, in hindsight, rightly so.

    But I think if you act with courtesy, you
    are generally met with the same, regardless
    of how 'green' you are.

    At least, that's the way the WF has
    always seemed to me.


    Not promoting right now

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456123].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    Here's an example where I would describe the behaviour
    in a couple of posts "bashing":

    So, yes it does go on. However, the assertion that it's
    something that's only practiced by "seasoned" warriors
    isn't borne out by that particular thread.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456134].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jagged
      I've been coming to the WF for a while now, though my post count doesn't reflect it and there is a reason for that. I've been here since the old forum, just never posted. Was I affraid? no.....was I intimiated? yes....but looking back I believe that "intimidation" was brought on by myself. (lack of knowledge, fears of rejection, etc...) From this intimidation, it forced me to seek the answers I needed on my own....I learned to frequently use the forum search...googled everything, read a ton of ebooks, blogs... looking for answers. My intimidations forced me to do better by myself without having to ask for help for every little thing.
      Now...the intimidation is gone, feeling I now have learned enough on my own to actually "contribute" something of value to the WF.

      I've done my share of head-shaking at many of the threads, even more at some the "veteran" replies, but through it all I've have noticed the ones, even though being a little rough, are trying to actually help someone with some tough opposed to those who's replies are generally demeaning... bashing repeately just for the sake of bashing....from that I've learned who I can trust and who I wouldn't give the time of day too...

      So, my (self imposed) intimidations of the past have forced my to Find my own answers, which in the long run, taught me to be a better marketer...if that makes
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456259].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Oosha

    As Adrian says, not all newbies are scared to post.

    As a newbie, I was never intimidated by the "seasoned" warriors but I refrained from posting much because I didn't have much to say. I was new to internet marketing and knew there was nothing much I could contribute.

    So..that's another reason newbies don't post much.

    I believe in taking the time to do something right, the first time. Need Content? Get in touch.

    WSO: Insane CPA Cash Flow - KILLER CPA techniques.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456161].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author roderick
    no one has ever been nasty to me here and I have always got good answers to my questions
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  • Profile picture of the author tommygadget
    I thought Allen was pretty clear about these threads. Let's figure out some profitable ways of making money ONLINE

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456257].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      You probably have a point Tommy

      They do seem to be popping up with some repetition

      Originally Posted by tommygadget View Post

      I thought Allen was pretty clear about these threads. Let's figure out some profitable ways of making money ONLINE

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456263].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
        You ask the question " Are you scared of posting here?"

        No, I am not. But when you take a look at the number of people who joined the forum and compare it to the number who post, you see a great disparity. This is not the friendliest forum in town. It has a lot of information to offer and it has some very nice people on it. But, it has some people who get a kick out of demeaning people who ask questions that they take it upon themselves to judge the merit of. Are you one of them?

        A member who is new to internet marketing has nothing to offer this community except his or her money to buy a medley of products sold here. Have you ever sold a newbie a product? Without experience, he cannot offer any great new idea or insight. All he can do is read and think and....ask questions. Questions that some think are stupid. While there are occasional visitors that come here and pose as newbies to get traffic or snare sales, the vast majority are just trying to learn.

        I encourage everyone here to hesitate before they consider jumping on someone who is trying to learn. You never know, someday, it might be you.


        Sales Page Builder:Make Your Own Professional Sales Pages
        Software For Collectors, Business:Check it Out

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458400].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
          Originally Posted by Alton Hargrave View Post

          A member who is new to internet marketing has nothing to offer this community except his or her money to buy a medley of products sold here.
          Alton, with respect, you couldn't be further from the truth. That remark is probably more demeaning to newbies than anything I've seen posted by 'scary' senior Warriors.

          Being new to internet marketing doesn't equal lack of business experience or inability to contribute to threads.

          How do you think people become better at writing on Forums? Two main things.

          1. Learning from the senior members

          2. Learning how to explain things so newbies can understand

          Without newbies many marketers wouldn't be able to become teachers or communicators. This is what many people who think 'older' Warriors hate newbies fail to grasp. We NEED newbies more than they need us.

          Have you ever sold a newbie a product? Without experience, he cannot offer any great new idea or insight. All he can do is read and think and....ask questions. Questions that some think are stupid.
          Some of the best insights come from newbies. If you look at the threads asking for testers you will see a lot of them specifying newbies because the OP knows they will spot things and ask questions more 'savvy' marketers wouldn't.

          While there are occasional visitors that come here and pose as newbies to get traffic or snare sales, the vast majority are just trying to learn.
          That applies to people of every level here.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458858].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
            Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

            Alton, with respect, you couldn't be further from the truth. That remark is probably more demeaning to newbies than anything I've seen posted by 'scary' senior Warriors.

            Being new to internet marketing doesn't equal lack of business experience or inability to contribute to threads.

            How do you think people become better at writing on Forums? Two main things.

            1. Learning from the senior members

            2. Learning how to explain things so newbies can understand

            Without newbies many marketers wouldn't be able to become teachers or communicators. This is what many people who think 'older' Warriors hate newbies fail to grasp. We NEED newbies more than they need us.

            Some of the best insights come from newbies. If you look at the threads asking for testers you will see a lot of them specifying newbies because the OP knows they will spot things and ask questions more 'savvy' marketers wouldn't.

            That applies to people of every level here.

            I think you misunderstood the context of my words. My point is that someone new to the forum and new to internet marketing should not be expected to contribute a lot of good ideas and innovations before he is allowed to ask questions.

            If you read my words carefully, you would see that I am supportive of new people and their questions. I just wish I had a place to ask them when I started.


            Sales Page Builder:Make Your Own Professional Sales Pages
            Software For Collectors, Business:Check it Out

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            • Profile picture of the author Harvey Segal
              Originally Posted by Martin.Avis View Post

              Here is a thought -- wouldn't it be useful if, as well as having a thanks button, we had a 'you're an idiot' button. It wouldn't put our name, but it would add an idiot count to the bottom of the post.
              Good idea but we can go further. When the idiot count reaches a certain figure
              the system emails them a virus and put them out of action for good.

              How about that folks ?

              I reckon Martin and I have solved all the problems.

              Thread closed.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459367].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
        When you first join the warrior forum it can be a little intimidating. You see a lot of well known names in online marketing and think 'what the heck could I contribute to a forum system where these big gurus are part?.. I'd probably just make a fool of myself'. I guess that's a fear so you could say it makes a person scared to post. But the question is what they are scared of... being bashed or making a fool of themselves. Personally, the latter scares me much more.... make a fool of myself and I don't need anyone else to bash me, I'll do it myself!!! LOL

        Thankfully, I'm not backward in coming forward... The worst that can happen is that I can make a fool of myself and have someone set me straight. So what, lesson learned! I'm thick skinned and can handle being corrected. Sometimes the 'setting straight' can be done in a condescending way and the person on the receiving end can feel upset and angry with the person who did it but I think all of us can be tactless at times... I'm just as guilty as anyone else is of that.

        My day job (yuk, I still have one of those) as a checkout operator in a major store proves that sometimes people have a bad day. I often see regular customers snap and behave in ways that are totally out of character for them. Are they bad people?.. NO!.. are they deliberately being snappy?.. NO! They're just having a bad day and if they do snap and abuse someone they will probably feel guilty about it later (even if they haven't got the guts to apologize).

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      • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
        To all those people who seem to be offended by the thought of other people getting bashed by the more long term members, remember that the longer you've been here the more idiocy of all kinds you are likely to have seen. Eventually you can't help but bite back.

        There is no real need for anyone to feel paranoid - we are not out to get you. What we are out to get is a cleaner, clearer better-focused forum. And sometimes the best way to move towards that is to come down hard on someone who is too stupid to read the rules or make any attempt to learn what the Warrior Forum is about before jumping in with inane, semi-literate rubbish.

        It's not newbie-bashing, it is almost always idiot-bashing. And usually it is intended to help the idiot to understand the error of their ways.

        Of course, a lack of post count doesn't mean you are automatically an idiot. Far from it. I see many, many useful threads and replies from newcomers to the forum.

        Equally, a high post count doesn't mean you can't be an idiot. There have been plenty of instances where 'seniors' had their posts (and even their sanity) challenged because they stepped into the court of King Idiocy.

        Internet marketing is a rough, tough, real-life world. While it can be huge fun and highly rewarding, it is also full of challenges and difficulties, problems and disappointments. There is a good reason why this forum is called the Warrior forum, and not the pussycat forum - you need a certain mindset - and a backbone - to succeed.

        When faced with harsh criticism, a Warrior (or a successful marketer, if you prefer a non military description) shrugs it off and asks themselves what they did to deserve it (and there is almost always a good reason) and how they can avoid such treatment in the future. They learn from their mistakes and move on.

        The pussycat, however, just sees that the whole world is against them and bursts into tears.

        I've yet to find a successful pussycat in Internet marketing.

        Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
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        • Profile picture of the author Dmitry
          Originally Posted by Martin.Avis View Post

          When faced with harsh criticism, a Warrior (or a successful marketer, if you prefer a non military description) shrugs it off and asks themselves what they did to deserve it (and there is almost always a good reason) and how they can avoid such treatment in the future. They learn from their mistakes and move on.
          I agree. If everyone is against you - something is wrong with you, if everyone is with you - something is wrong with you. And yes, it's always within you, it's part of taking responsibility, I think.
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    • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini
      Originally Posted by tommygadget View Post

      I thought Allen was pretty clear about these threads. Let's figure out some profitable ways of making money ONLINE

      Gee Tom, ya think?

      The following is the only reason I am scared not only to post, but to even browse posts here:

      Quit scaring everyone Charles. Seriously.

      - Jared


      Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456284].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author hotlinkz
      Originally Posted by tommygadget View Post

      I thought Allen was pretty clear about these threads. Let's figure out some profitable ways of making money ONLINE

      I second that! Focus on business building and learning new strategies...
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458750].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
        Yeah, I remember those days. If I recollect correctly, I wasn't always happy with your rules. But then, you never asked me for my approval. Damn You. I do remember those days though, when people actually thought before they posted (or were burned at the stake, poked in the eye and stomped on the foot (strangely, in that order) for not thinking). Ah, the good ol' days. Sure do miss 'em.
        [chuckle] No, we didn't always agree. (Isn't that an understatement?!)But we got over it. For the same reasons that we had to learn to think before posting. If we didn't, it wasn't anyone's problem but our own, eh?

        Question: Do you ever remember me deleting any of your posts because of a disagreement?

        As far as Sydney... Yeah. I think he's going to be a very good addition to the clan. I'm liking him more every time he posts.

        Welcome aboard, Sydney.

        Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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  • Profile picture of the author kennethtang
    Who wouldn't, with a face like Charles' plastered all over the place

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    • Profile picture of the author Charles E. White
      Originally Posted by kennethtang View Post

      Who wouldn't, with a face like Charles' plastered all over the place

      Ya know Ken, you and Jared could be a lot nicer to me. This is exactly why I am scared to post and don't post much.

      Please don't let our friend Charles White put you off, we don't all look like him

      Then I see this is another thread. You people hurt my feelings, I paid good money for that picture to being taken at Glamour Shots after I got my face fixed all prettied up.

      And just think...I used to call them my friends

      Charles E. White
      Internet Money Making Programs
      ^Find out the programs and products we have found to be worth the money^
      Join our FREE newsletter and get up-to-date details.

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  • Profile picture of the author mompessons

    I have been a warrior for a long time, and am hesitant to post, but I wouldn't say I am scared. I am a member of another forum which is much much smaller than the warrior forum, and I don't hesitate to post in there at all, becasue there are lots of newbies. But here is different, and I am hesitant to post or reply to a thread for 2 main reasons. 1. There are so many members in the warrior forum, I feel a little bit intimidated. 2. If I reply to a thread with useful information, I feel a little scared of doing that becuse I think to myself, 'What if I am wrong?' even if I am confident I am right. And if someone takes action based on my information, and it turns out I am wrong, the person concerned could sew me.

    I'm sure I would post more as I get more confident. May be this post will be the start eh?

    Marc Sampson.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456337].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author TheAge
    Thanks for the heads up Paul, will introduce myself after I get a bit of nicotine and some sleep.

    - Adrian

    Originally Posted by Paul M View Post

    Since I've been here I have never been bashed on a personal level in anyway by
    contributing members. Corrected or educated yes, but nothing that should cause
    offense personally.

    Hi Adrian,

    Contributing to the forum doesn't always have to be answering questions or posting
    great content, If you have a valid or specific question to ask you are contributing to
    the forum IMO.

    I would also Like to point out this thread to everyone lurking who may not want to post.

    <introduction live link thingy to which I can't post yet>

    This is how new members normally get welcomed to the warrior forum if there
    not spamming, scamming, boosting post count or breaking the rules.

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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    Everything would be fine and dandy if Kim and Mr. Old Fart Taylor would stop scaring the new people!!! I think they should be required to take a sensitivity training course.

    siggy taking a break...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456464].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Moi needs a sensitivity course (perish the thought)

      Just remembering when I joined up here several years ago, some of the members on board then make the present ones look like the proverbial pussycat

      Where's Seasoned when you need him

      Keyaziz, I think your flogging a dead horse mate, you seem to be the only person who shares your viewpoint, Well except for Val of course thinkin I need a sensitivity course lol

      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      Everything would be fine and dandy if Kim and Mr. Old Fart Taylor would stop scaring the new people!!! I think they should be required to take a sensitivity training course.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456576].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

        Where's Seasoned when you need him
        Steve hasn't been posting as much and if I remember correctly, in a thread
        that he responded to a while ago, I think he was having some health related
        issues, which is why he isn't around as much.

        I certainly hope he is okay as I loved reading his posts. He had no trouble
        saying exactly what was on his mind and has such a way with words.

        I miss him.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456629].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Habitat
    No one has ever been nasty to me on these forums. But I don't ask too many questions..I never tell anyone to use the search button if they have a question I answer to the best of my ability - but I guess once you've been on a few forums - you learn that most questions have already been answered. Just search or google it.
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    I was about to bop John Taylor on the head then eat him for lunch for giving me an infraction for calling him Old Fart.

    Then I saw you have not received an infraction :p Time to get my eyes checked again :p

    And I firmly believe the sensitivity training would turn J.T the O.F. and Kim into kinder, gentler, more sharing type of people.

    siggy taking a break...

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456504].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
      Originally Posted by valerieSONORA View Post

      you have not received an infraction
      Well, I coulda, maybe woulda, shoulda...

      But I'm such a sensitive soul.

      John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    I don't think that no one should be scared to post here in the forum. Unless, they want to SPAM but are scared to do it.

    If you are scared to post your comments here, then don't be. No one here is better then you. They may have more experience but that is about it.

    You are welcome to come here and post what ever you would like to talk about. Don't be shy or scared. If you fear of posting, just post and that's it.

    Don't let your fear hold you back. Again, JUST DO IT.

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  • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
    It's re-assuring to know that we all have our businesses automated enough to be taking this over two pages, almost like the other one...

    Who knows, if we find one of those automatic website builders any time soon, we could even get this thread to 5 pages too...



    Bare Murkage.........

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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      That way it doesn't appear as though you are suggesting she could have gotten it wrong - we might be seen as an attack as such because she's been bashed before.
      He was suggesting she could have gotten it wrong. The operative words being "could have," not "must have."

      It's interesting to watch what people assume to be attacks. Far too often it seems to be defined as "anything that makes me uncomfortable."

      For example, in John's post, there was no assertion of anything as definite, and nothing at all that would reflect badly on the person to whom he was replying. Well, except that they might have made an extremely common mistake. One that we all make at times, and that we have to be careful of.

      If someone perceives that as an attack, there's a problem, to be sure. But it's not John's problem.
      If the person happens to be oversensitive
      ... then they need to fix that, or learn to deal with the consequences.

      Clue Time (tm): It is not our job to cater to the neuroses of random strangers.

      Full stop.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456676].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Full stop.
        See.... you see that Andy Henry??????..

        I get all out of my shell here, post twice in ONE day.. do you realise how much courage it has taken me to post TWICE in one 24 hour period??..

        And I get this tirade of abuse and insults from Mr Paul Myers, Sir. ...

        ::crawls back under his safety blanket::

        Bare Murkage.........

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456687].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
          I dunno, but if I have to take every single person's "over sensitivity" into consideration every time I post, I most likely would never post.

          Time to grow up and get over it for crying out loud. Not everything written is a personal attack, and if by some odd chance it was, who the f$%@ cares? This is a damn marketing forum. We are all adults and should be able to "move on" or avoid issues if you are known to be too sensitive.

          the word "newbies" is offensive, certain phrases are offensive, seasoned warriors are the time you are done everything on this forum could be offensive.

          Welcome to the new kinder, gentler, politically correct Warrior Forum...Home to a few tidbits of useful info about marketing-And a super keen place to come and feel wanted and loved. Bring your downtrodden and insecure alike. Cookies, Milk and Skittles served at noon. The Mary Poppins film festival at 3pm sharp.

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456740].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
            Originally Posted by Keith Boisvert View Post

            I dunno, but if I have to take every single person's "over sensitivity" into consideration every time I post, I most likely would never post.

            Time to grow up and get over it for crying out loud. Not everything written is a personal attack, and if by some odd chance it was, who the f$%@ cares? This is a damn marketing forum. We are all adults and should be able to "move on" or avoid issues if you are known to be too sensitive.

            the word "newbies" is offensive, certain phrases are offensive, seasoned warriors are the time you are done everything on this forum could be offensive.

            Welcome to the new kinder, gentler, politically correct Warrior Forum...Home to a few tidbits of useful info about marketing-And a super keen place to come and feel wanted and loved. Bring your downtrodden and insecure alike. Cookies, Milk and Skittles served at noon. The Mary Poppins film festival at 3pm sharp.


            Keith, I said earlier in this thread that I was scared of posting here, but
            it's not for the reason that most people would think.

            I don't have as thin a skin as some would suspect. Truth is, if I feel that
            I have been "attacked" unjustly, I can get pretty vicious.

            That's the problem. I'm afraid that if I say exactly what's on my mind, I'll
            end up getting N/A'd. So I stifle myself, which then leads to frustration.

            Keep all that bottled up inside and it's just no good for you.

            So as a result, I have decided to just not post as much anymore. I
            haven't started a thread in at least a week and if I make 3 posts a day
            now, that's a lot.

            In short, it's just not worth all the drama.

            On the plus side, I have actually found out that I can spend more time
            doing other things and actually have a nice day. I don't have to live here
            night and day like I used to in order to feel "fulfilled".

            Don't get me wrong, I still love a lot of the people here, but after 2 years
            and 11,000 posts, the "addiction" has finally worn off.

            It may have been the best thing that ever happened to me since finding
            this place because now I have a much more balanced life. I work about 2
            hours a day, spend more time in the recording studio, with my kid, my wife
            and so on. Last night I went to my friend's store closing party. It was the
            first time I'd seen these people in years.

            It's just nice to have a normal life again and quite honestly, this is the
            happiest I've been in a very long time.

            Therefore, hanging myself out there on a flagpole for folks to take shots
            at just isn't worth it anymore.

            Boy, it felt good to get that off my chest.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456814].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
          Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

          See.... you see that Andy Henry??????..

          I get all out of my shell here, post twice in ONE day.. do you realise how much courage it has taken me to post TWICE in one 24 hour period??..

          And I get this tirade of abuse and insults from Mr Paul Myers, Sir. ...

          ::crawls back under his safety blanket::
          You oversensitive Mancunian wuss!!

          (oversensitive Blackpool wuss)
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456750].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
            Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

            You oversensitive Mancunian wuss!!

            (oversensitive Blackpool wuss)
            I can't take this anymore.. stop it, stop it right now!!!!!!!...

            I bet you support that load of dross that beat Birmingham yesterday,

            Bare Murkage.........

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456760].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
              Originally Posted by JayXtreme View Post

              I can't take this anymore.. stop it, stop it right now!!!!!!!...

              I bet you support that load of dross that beat Birmingham yesterday,
              Now you've insulted me!

              A Man Utd fan since I was 4 years old.

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456774].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author JayXtreme
                Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

                Now you've insulted me!

                A Man Utd fan since I was 4 years old.

                All your sins are forgiven Martin.. say whatever you like about me from now on...

                LOVE how we did Spurs over...

                "We're going to Wembley!"

                Bare Murkage.........

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456780].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        He was suggesting she could have gotten it wrong. The operative words being "could have," not "must have."

        It's interesting to watch what people assume to be attacks. Far too often it seems to be defined as "anything that makes me uncomfortable."

        For example, in John's post, there was no assertion of anything as definite, and nothing at all that would reflect badly on the person to whom he was replying. Well, except that they might have made an extremely common mistake. One that we all make at times, and that we have to be careful of.

        If someone perceives that as an attack, there's a problem, to be sure. But it's not John's problem.... then they need to fix that, or learn to deal with the consequences.

        Clue Time (tm): It is not our job to cater to the neuroses of random strangers.

        Full stop.

        Good contribution Paul. I definitely agree that it's not the Moderators responsibility to cater to people who are oversensitive and the like.

        But I think you're missing a valuable point which was put forward by the original poster. Going back and reading Keyaziz's post you'll see that wasn't what she was proposing. Rather, that sometimes people who feel like they've been attacked, criticized, and bashed, have a strong case for feeling that way.

        Personally I think it's a good thing that we're discussing this. Because it could potentially improve the forum. At least that's what I'm hoping. Perhaps you've discussed this before and know otherwise.

        We know that not every instance can be attributed to people defining reasonable responses as being: "Something which makes me uncomfortable." And if we can improve that grey area where people do have a point and should be given the benefit of the doubt--and providing that the Moderators and other Members are open to constructive feedback--then I think this would be a more positive place for all of us.

        Like I mentioned I think not making things personal is an excellent suggesstion. You'd know better than me Paul and I'm interested in hearing your take. Do we have room for improvement that we can practically implement?
        "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
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  • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
    IMO if someone is nervous, afraid, and/or intimidated to post on an internet forum, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the people already deliberating on the forum.

    It is a self esteem issue of the person feeling those feelings. It is not up to the community (Which is just a collection of different people not even in the same geographical location) to change, and deliberate in a way that is more conducive to newbies, or a certain head space.

    This forum is only a collection of different people, varying attitudes, belief systems, and mindsets.

    IMO it is not ever a duty, or noble goal to don the cape as a group, and altruistically change who we are to accommodate others.

    It that person's sole responsibility to either raise their self esteem, change beliefs, and do whatever is necessary to be able to handle the many types of opinions and responses on a public forum, or to leave and find a community that is more to their liking.

    Morality is personal and subjective, and if a person can not handle that personal morality on a public forum, it means that inner work is needed to be able to handle people, situations, and varying degrees of pressure.

    Lose the ego, accept the learning curve, and trust/love yourself enough to not be emotionally ripped apart on an internet forum.

    It Does

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  • Profile picture of the author briankoz
    I've heard from quite a few people (newcomers and seasoned marketers alike) that they often hesitate to post things here for a few reasons. I've hesitated a few times myself.

    For newcomers, I think posting on ANY forum can often be intimidating. Gary Ambrose put it well somewhere recently saying that if you ask a "basic" programming question on a coding forum, you can get looked down upon for asking such a "simple" question. I don't think it's that bad here, but I do think some replies can easily be taken the wrong way by some.

    As for some seasoned marketers, I've heard from more than just a one or two that they hesitate with posting here (or other forums). I've heard of some not posting because they don't want to openly refute stuff that they think is bluntly wrong, or they don't want to start a bickering war with some.

    I think the majority of posters are awesome, but a couple bad eggs here and there can make posting less enjoyable, especially when you can be spending your time on other stuff making you more money.

    On that same note, the one thing I really hate to see here are people talking about stuff that they really have no clue on. I don't care if you have one post or 200,000 posts here -- if you are giving advice, make sure it's not just repeating what else you heard (unless it's bluntly obvious) but that it's stuff that you yourself know to be true.

    I couldn't tell you how many times I read posts from person after person saying a particular method of marketing doesn't work and that the newcomer considering it shouldn't even be thinking of it ... when in reality, some big money is being made in some of those "unmarketable" areas by seasoned marketers.

    Or the opposite is often true too -- people posting stuff as facts that anyone actually going out there and DOING the stuff would know isn't true.

    Signature -- Over 25 Tools to Get Free Traffic, Rankings, Leads, and Exposure! -- Build a Mobile List and Send Unlimited Text Messages!
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  • Profile picture of the author TiffanyLambert
    I was a newbie once. And some senior member handed my ass to me on a silver platter. I forget who it was now - not important - I grew some balls and let it slide right off my back.

    Can't succeed if you're always worried about what someone else thinks. Can't imagine if I'd have slinked out of here cuz one or two people had an ego trip.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christie Love
    I can definitely see how newbies would be intimidated to post here. I'm getting really tired of people bashing others about what they are posting, just to stir up some commotion. I don't think it's right and it completely deters people from their main focus; to learn and grow from the WF.

    I'd like to get the "OK" to immediately delete every post I see that humiliates another individual. Other forums do it. I don't see why we shouldn't.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456801].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      I'd like to get the "OK" to immediately delete every post I see that humiliates another individual. Other forums do it. I don't see why we shouldn't.
      By what definition of "humiliates?"

      I am serious. Please define the word as you would use it as a standard for deleting posts.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456823].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Ken Strong
        As my 2-year old says when it's nappy time, "Ba-ba binky waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!"
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      • Profile picture of the author Ricky Parker
        "Low hanging steel balls. Please attach before posting."

        Follow these guidelines and you are safe to post.

        Really though. This is just a forum. If you want to post go for it. Who cares what kinda reactions you get.

        I say post till your lunch money starts getting jacked by fellow Warriors. Or car tires end up slashed. Then that's something to worry about.

        Getting stuffed in a "virtual locker" or "cyber swirly" are kinda cool things to have happen to you.

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456853].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Keith Boisvert
        @ Steve

        I understand where you are coming from, and I think you are doing the right thing for you.

        I must say that at times there are members who IMO attacked you probably for no good reason. Also in fairness, you did post some stuff that did deserve it, and I know I have called you out on a few things myself.

        To go to the extreme and not start a thread for your reasons may be going to far, but you have your reasons and I do respect that.

        I must say, if anyone has taken abuse here it would be you, and you are still here, even if it be in a diminished capacity.

        congrats on your new found freedom.

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  • Profile picture of the author svborgman
    As a newb, reading all these posts related to this thread shows that 1) you've hit a raw nerve on both sides, and 2) the greater fear I would have as a newb is NOT getting honest feedback from veterans, in whatever form it comes. It's the toughest comments that have always helped me grow the most.
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  • Profile picture of the author sylviad
    For a newbie to be fearful of posting is healthy. We should keep them a little hesitant.

    When I first arrived, I didn't post until I had at least some grasp of the conversation. Much of it was confusing and well over my head. IM was new to me but I sure learned a lot when I arrived here.

    Then, one day topics came up in which I could offer my knowledge. I don't think I started my own thread until I'd made around 600 posts. After reading all the wise words that others have written, I feel like a mini-genius compared to those early days. But I still have questions.

    When newbies come here and start posting questions that require a complete text book to answer, you can't help asking what they expect from you. It sounds like they haven't done any homework or initial studies. They have no idea where they are going, what they want to do, what IM is all about, or anything else yet they want us to provide answers. Where do you start? Their questions are massive.

    Then, there are newbies who make intelligent first posts and those are certainly appreciated by all. Clearly, they are not 'newbies' in the true sense of the word.

    Anyone with some knowledge of online business doesn't need to be afraid to post, but those who are brand new to the whole game - who can't post a specific and targeted question should be scared. Perhaps then, they'll take the time to do their own studies first. Then, the answers we do provide can actually mean something to them... tips they actually know how to use.

    :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
    :: Writing, Audio Transcription Services? - Award-winning Journalist is taking new projects. Warrior Discounts!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456875].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tremayne
    Scared? No. Was I aware that in any group anywhere there are rules and there are unwritten rules? Yes, of course.

    So I lurked and learned for a while. I read the forum rules so I would not make mistakes. Am I fully comfortable yet? No, I'm a new boy with a lot to learn, not an old hand in whose special seat no one else sits.

    I try to be helpful where I can, which is not much in my unlearned state. But when it comes to life and to the unwritten rules of groups I have learned a few things over my 75 years.

    So, if you are at all intimidated, look for what you can contribute. There is at least one thing inside each of us that can help others. Find that and you will be welcomed with open arms by any group much like the Prodigal Son. Always look for what you can give and not merely for what you can get.

    Will you screw up? Of course; we all do. But when a family member screws up do you toss them out of the family or find a way to make up and forgive? WF is a family if you allow it to be.

    Here endeth the sermon of Sydney!

    Wealthy Investor Limited

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456885].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
      Originally Posted by tremayne View Post

      Scared? No. Was I aware that in any group anywhere there are rules and there are unwritten rules? Yes, of course.

      So I lurked and learned for a while. I read the forum rules so I would not make mistakes. Am I fully comfortable yet? No, I'm a new boy with a lot to learn, not an old hand in whose special seat no one else sits.

      I try to be helpful where I can, which is not much in my unlearned state. But when it comes to life and to the unwritten rules of groups I have learned a few things over my 75 years.

      So, if you are at all intimidated, look for what you can contribute. There is at least one thing inside each of us that can help others. Find that and you will be welcomed with open arms by any group much like the Prodigal Son. Always look for what you can give and not merely for what you can get.

      Will you screw up? Of course; we all do. But when a family member screws up do you toss them out of the family or find a way to make up and forgive? WF is a family if you allow it to be.

      Here endeth the sermon of Sydney!
      Being that I am 26, and you are 75, I am willing to bet you have a MASSIVE amount of value to add to this forum. Maybe more than you realize. There is an innate wisdom that (usually) comes with being on the planet so long. I would say 80% of this business is getting your head on right. I believe you have a wisdom that you can impart on us young people in regards to life. I would love to see you post more life wisdom, and how it may relate to business pursuits.

      It Does

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456905].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
        I like you JD,

        I don't believe that badboy tag one bit lol

        Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post

        Being that I am 26, and you are 75, I am willing to bet you have a MASSIVE amount of value to add to this forum. Maybe more than you realize. There is an innate wisdom that (usually) comes with being on the planet so long. I would say 80% of this business is getting your head on right. I believe you have a wisdom that you can impart on us young people in regards to life. I would love to see you post more life wisdom, and how it may relate to business pursuits.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456912].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
          OK, how about creating a few examples of newbie-like threads?

          For argument's sake they all have less than 10 posts, no Thanks and no picture.

          Example 1

          starts a thread like this:

          Title: How Do I Make $10,000 In One Week?

          Body: hey warriors. i need to pay my bills by next moanday. what can i do?

          Sig file: Make $5,000 in 24 hours. Ask Me How!!

          Example 2

          starts a thread like this:

          Title: How Can I Make Money From A WSO?

          Body: I just signed up here and want to do a WSO. What's the best thing to sell there?

          Sig file:

          Example 3

          starts a thread like this:

          Title: Free Britney Spears and Paris Hilton Videos!!!

          Body: That got your attention, didn't it? I need someone to mentor me for a couple of months. I can't pay but when I make money I'll give you a cut of my profits.

          Sig file: Watch Me As I Make A Million Dollars In 2009

          I have 2 questions (and 2 'why' questions).

          1. What is your opinion of each of the three (and why)?

          2. What would your reply be (and why)?

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456979].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author sylviad
            I have 2 questions (and 2 'why' questions).

            1. What is your opinion of each of the three (and why)?

            2. What would your reply be (and why)?

            In short...
            1. They don't deserve a response
            2. I wouldn't waste my time.

            :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
            :: Writing, Audio Transcription Services? - Award-winning Journalist is taking new projects. Warrior Discounts!
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456992].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author tremayne
            Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

            OK, how about creating a few examples of newbie-like threads?

            For argument's sake they all have less than 10 posts, no Thanks and no picture.

            Example 1

            starts a thread like this:

            Title: How Do I Make $10,000 In One Week?

            Body: hey warriors. i need to pay my bills by next moanday. what can i do?

            Sig file: Make $5,000 in 24 hours. Ask Me How!!

            Example 2

            starts a thread like this:

            Title: How Can I Make Money From A WSO?

            Body: I just signed up here and want to do a WSO. What's the best thing to sell there?

            Sig file:

            Example 3

            starts a thread like this:

            Title: Free Britney Spears and Paris Hilton Videos!!!

            Body: That got your attention, didn't it? I need someone to mentor me for a couple of months. I can't pay but when I make money I'll give you a cut of my profits.

            Sig file: Watch Me As I Make A Million Dollars In 2009

            I have 2 questions (and 2 'why' questions).

            1. What is your opinion of each of the three (and why)?

            2. What would your reply be (and why)?

            Avoid this spamming, exaggerating blow-hard; he has nothing of value to contribute to anyone!

            (Not you, Martin, I'm responding to your post) )


            Wealthy Investor Limited

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457010].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author marcanthony
              To anyone that is afraid to post here... don't post here.

              It's that simple!

              No special accommodations need to be made for anyone that's afraid to post in a forum...

              If you can't take the heat... stay out of the kitchen!

              I can understand why someone might want to avoid being bashed--but that doesn't occur often enough to be overly concerned about it.

              One of the most powerful traits that you can have in life is confidence.

              I posted a controversial thread a month or two ago that irritated a lot of people--and I received quite a bit of criticism--and I got bashed 2 or 3 times in the thread...

              But that never stopped me from posting here... some people understood me--others didn't... that's life!

              To anyone afraid to post here that has questions to ask, answers to give, or help to provide... do what Tiffany Dow did...

              Grow a pair!

              You may get criticized... you may get bashed... you may be made fun of... so f-ing what. You have no control over that!

              Get over yourself--and stop being afraid of taking risks. So what if your ego gets bruised.

              Learn to accept that not everyone here is going to like you nor agree with you all the time anyway.

              So again, shit or get off the pot!

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457148].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0

                People do have a lot of control over forum negativity. Sure they can't control what about people think or do, but they can control how they respond. And that's an important skill to have in my opinion. So they may as well start practicing now.

                For me there's only 2 reasons why people would be negative to me:

                1) Something to do with them. (In which case it's none of my business and I won't take it personally.)
                2) Something to do with me. (In which case I'll access the situation and decide whether they have a point or not. If so, hat's off to them for helping me succeed.)

                I think that's a pretty good method for dealing with forum negativity. Remember, we're all here to support each other in our online endeavours and generally speaking we're an awesome bunch of people. We should probably congratulate each other, Allen, and the Moderators for using to power of the Internet to improve so many people's lives.
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457205].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author marcanthony
                  Originally Posted by ZigZag View Post

                  People do have a lot of control over forum negativity. Sure they can't control what about people think or do, but they can control how they respond. And that's an important skill to have in my opinion. So they may as well start practicing now.
                  I agree with you

                  However, my main point was this...

                  If the water here is too deep--then you(not you personally) need to stay in the shallow end--or out of the water all together.

                  Excuse the silly metaphor--but that's how it is.

                  There are tons of snide and subtly insulting comments made by Warriors towards others here everyday.

                  I think that it's unnecessary and ridiculous!

                  However, I also think that it's ridiculous for anyone to complain about that behavior...

                  I find it even more ridiculous to be afraid to post here because of it...

                  The real best way to deal with perceived negativity--is to ignore it... I should probably take my own advice on that one--but I enjoy fighting fire with fire.

                  Remember, we're all here to support each other in our online endeavours and generally speaking we're an awesome bunch of people. We should probably congratulate each other, Allen, and the Moderators for using to power of the Internet to improve so many people's lives.
                  This is not true!

                  Everyone is not here to support each other.

                  Many people are here to simply promote themselves and there products.

                  Here's the bottom line... the Warrior Forum is not for timid marketers

                  If someone is afraid to post here--then they should continue to observe until they think they are ready.

                  But if you(not you personally) want respect around here you need to have some back bone and not be so easily intimidated.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457783].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                    Surely you've just agreed with everything I said about dealing with forum negativity. Heck, I don't know. Sometimes people read something without thinking. Happens to the best of us.
                    "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457798].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Kay King
                    You think "Newbies" have it bad now when they make daft posts or whatever. The older members then were merciless, they could flay you alive with a sentence. And you know what, I appreciated the education I got from all of those older marketers. I get my set of values from them.

                    If some of the newer members of this forum stopped bitchin and whinin about how they are treated and actually used the resources here to help themselves build their business, then they just might grow a backbone.

                    I first joined the WF two years before the date shown in my profile. I read like crazy and did not post at all. It's a wonder google didn't charge me by the hour for searches as I looked up everything I saw mentioned here that I didn't understand. Then I stayed away for a while learning and working and when I rejoined I found I could answer some of the questions here.

                    And on the old forum - the search function didn't work. Here, it does. If you use the advanced search to look up a keyword or topic - you may find the answer you need has been posted several times.

                    The idea that "newbie" is some special category that deserves kid glove treatment is harmful in my opinion. It's the first stage of getting a business started and the goal should be to get over being a "newbie" as soon as possible. Being overly sensitive, making business an emotional endeavor and being crushed by disagreement aren't qualities that lead to success as a marketer.

                    If you post like a demanding 12 yr old - you may get a slap up side the head. If you think you are smart enough to slide in your promotion without anyone noticing - think again. I've noticed many new members here asking useless questions, making aimless comments - just to have an excuse to start a thread. It may build post count - but it doesn't build a reputation.

                    There are times when you'll see someone roundly bashed here but it may be due to facts you don't know. Some trolls, scammers and banned members sign up again and again just to stir the pot - and get whacked with the ladle.

                    Recently a flood of new members here joined the WF only to spam the forum with the link of a certain shady "program" - and some of the "rudeness" people think they see might be a result of that. That kind of behavior deserves a rude response that will wake up some of them and send the rest packing. If you are going to jump into a thread and defend someone you feel is being attacked - it's wise to know what's going on before taking sides.

                    If you've been a member for a year or two and don't like the way questions are answered - then start answering some questions yourself in the way you think it should be done.

                    bluet - that was great! A good shot or two can get you past the "sensitive little me" stage. Of course, you may not remember how you did it but, hey, nothin's perfect.

                    Saving one dog will not change the world - but the world changes forever for that one dog
                    One secret to happiness is to let every situation be
                    what it is instead of what you think it should be.
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457878].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Justin Jordan


                      I don't post all that often because I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say. I don't know enough to give much in the way of advice, unless it's about how to write halfway well, and I don't have a heck of lot of questions either.

                      The end result being a relatively low post count.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458211].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author gpower2
                        Pretty new to IM but not to the business world. Afraid or intimidated to post? No.

                        Honestly, I am busy working towards being successful in this business. I can't spend too much time on the forum if I am to get anything done.

                        This forum is very useful however.

                        It's all relative.

                        Bottom line: Good people, good advice. Take from it what you need but give back more.

                        Have a great 2009!
                        May your day be filled with abundance.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458285].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Matt Fulger
                          Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                          This is the type of thread which makes me grit my teeth


                          Notice the OP and further responses he makes

                          Lots of people trying to help him, yet he doesn't help himself!!!

                          How on earth can you help anyone like that!

                          Well Kim, I totally see your point with this guy as I read the entire thread.

                          For those of you that haven't...
                          basically this person wants to Automatically and Instantly create websites for 150 domains in which he can sell by next week to generate $5000 for his upcoming wedding. Which, of course, is next week.

                          Although he's asked multiple times to clarify his needs, he never does clearly state what it is he's trying to do. And english is clearly not his native language.

                          His original question:
                          "is there any software to build websites instantly need very urgent now"

                          when asked (multiple times) to clarify what it is he's trying to do so someone can point him in the right direction, he replies with this:

                          "i have hosting instant website creator like automatic update content with ebay and amazon ads clickbank"

                          Now, I know it is pretty cryptic. But I am personally helping someone that responded to me similarly (in a PM). So I rephrased my question. I had to keep rephrasing my question a few times before I was able to get a response that actually enabled me to help. I've had to do this many, many times with people that haven't yet learned the English language very well.

                          However, it is entirely possible to help them.

                          Now, don't get me wrong, the O.P. Kim referenced had unrealistic expectations, but in the long run he finally did get out what it is he wants to do and has started taking the advice (he's setup a wordpress blog).

                          His replies may seem very cryptic to most of us, but that's because English obviously is NOT his native language. Sometimes patience is key in these cases. Perhaps we should recommend for them to use the google translator tool to help them express what it is they are trying to say.

                          I'm sure some of these people know what they want to say in their native tongue, they just don't know how to get it out in English.

                          Just a couple of hours ago I seen a thread where someone did just that. They used the google translation tool to get across what they wanted to say. And you know what? I could understand what it was the O.P. was trying to say.

                          Sorry Kim, but you asked how to help people like this.

                          Originally Posted by grumpyjacksa View Post


                          when responding, respond to the question, not the person.......

                          you can take an idea, or a site, or an argument to pieces without getting personal

                          and keep in mind, that no matter how stupid the question may seem, there was a time you also didn't know the answer.....

                          play the ball, not the player

                          just another 0.02c
                          Very good point! Thanks for the excellent advice.

                          Originally Posted by TheAge View Post

                          Honestly? Seeing as that I know next to nothing about IM, it's a little intimidating.

                          Basically, my post count is low because I don't think I have anything to contribute, apart from in the off-topic forum, really.

                          So I wouldn't say scary, though I'd say I'm unwilling to post much because of my lack of knowledge.

                          - Adrian

                          PS. Hi y'all!
                          Welcome to the Warrior Forum Adrian. I think you'll come to like it here.

                          Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                          Do you really want to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who posts 3 "help me" thread within an hour. (As happened yesterday by one person).

                          Would you like to give the benefit of the doubt to someone who is known to scam other people.

                          Or lets give it to someone we know posts bogus WSO's!

                          You obviously like coming to the warriors forum, maybe you wouldn't like it quite so much if it was overun by spam, flyby posts and idiots making one line comments just to up their count so they can post their affiliate links etc

                          Why do you think the Warriors is so popular, yeah we can be a tad on the rough side, but it makes it a better forum for everyone.

                          Originally Posted by Originally Posted by keyaziz

                          That's my point..we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
                          C'mon, Kim. I think we know that keyaziz isn't referring to giving someone "who is known" to be a scammer the benefit of the doubt. While I understand your point, I think you are reaching a bit now. Flaming the fire a bit are we? LOL

                          Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                          I've just re-read your post and I quote

                          "That's my point..we should give everyone the benefit of the doubt"

                          Not sure how I was being picky, statement is as clear as daylight


                          I'm probably being nitpicky now tho
                          Yeah, you kinda are. lol

                          Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                          Joe,When I signed up, there were no written rules. As far as I can remember, I wrote the first formal set of them the place had, and they were approved by Allen before being posted.

                          It should be pointed out that, back in the old days, it was expected that people would learn the customs of a group before posting. And that they would know the basics of netiquette. Sadly, that is no longer common behavior.

                          Yeah, I remember those days. If I recollect correctly, I wasn't always happy with your rules. But then, you never asked me for my approval. Damn You. I do remember those days though, when people actually thought before they posted (or were burned at the stake, poked in the eye and stomped on the foot (strangely, in that order) for not thinking). Ah, the good ol' days. Sure do miss 'em.

                          Originally Posted by bluet View Post

                          I don't know why newbies are so scary here? I'm not scared. I came over my fears, hear? very weasily. I just started drinking before I blogged in. And continued to drink while reading bere. And the longer I spent time here the bladder it was. Since I've been here my drinking gas gotten bladder. I know now have the spills to do the markething like I never had beer four. And I don't wine about it either.

                          I know, oh no, all these toasts by the veterins, recently, about the newbies this and that, are worse some. The veterinarains worry about the newbies, and the newbies worry about the vetters, but what the heck, we're all prisoners of the Worrier Form. One for all, and all for one. Some for one more than for others. lol, Write on! Remember the article market fling.

                          So drink a toast before you post. And don't let those oldies bottle you. After all, they might have spent all those hours roasting here, even dough, they didn't beat my toast count. but look at all the good clubs you hung out in while they were stunk in their chairs. Scratching their knows at does like us, and pulling out their hairs like everly bad knight.

                          Did I tell you, on another form I was reading so much about the evils of drinking, I decided to give it up. So I quit reading. Now I don't drink nothing stronger than pop. Of course, pop, he drinks just about everlything. Oh, Mary Lou why did you be leave me? Since you left me I lost track of all time. You know why? I lost my watch. muahahaha In fact I lost a lot of things when you left me. What're you gonna do with all my junk? But wait a minute, that's an udder song forum a long time ago.

                          I remember when I was a newbie stationed in Korea, a young warrior in the good ole days, and I met a trader at the local market for the first time and he said to me, hello, I'm Won Hung Lo, and I smiled and reached down to shake his hand and said, Hi, I'm two hung high.

                          I no, I no, Im speaking out of contest hear. THis is suplosed to be about. Umm, what was it about sposed to again? Oh shlitz!, there goes the keyboard again. It reely suks when you have to pull the keys up every type you spill sumthin god. I need one of those sham wow thingys, or maybe a whiskey wow sponge. Anyway, just thought id thoreau my too sense in here also. Waddya drink? Are you scared of the newbie's still? LLO

                          This brang tears to my eyes I was laughing so hard. Thanks for the much needed laughs.
                          In fact, I think this is one of the best posts in this entire thread!
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458743].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
                            Originally Posted by Matt Fulger View Post

                            I do remember those days though, when people actually thought before they posted (or were burned at the stake, poked in the eye and stomped on the foot (strangely, in that order) for not thinking). Ah, the good ol' days. Sure do miss 'em.
                            Hi Matt,

                            Yes, I miss those days too, but I wouldn't want
                            to go back to the stilted and disjointed discussions
                            that were the result of every post being moderated
                            before becoming visible on the board.

                            I do wonder how today's folks would react to having
                            each one of their posts assessed by a moderator? ;-)

                            John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458848].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                              I do wonder how today's folks would react to having each one of their posts assessed by a moderator? ;-)
                              heh heh snort heh
                              Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458862].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Mickey Janzen
            Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post

            OK, how about creating a few examples of newbie-like threads?

            For argument's sake they all have less than 10 posts, no Thanks and no picture.

            Example 1

            starts a thread like this:

            Title: How Do I Make $10,000 In One Week?

            Body: hey warriors. i need to pay my bills by next moanday. what can i do?

            Sig file: Make $5,000 in 24 hours. Ask Me How!!

            Example 2

            starts a thread like this:

            Title: How Can I Make Money From A WSO?

            Body: I just signed up here and want to do a WSO. What's the best thing to sell there?

            Sig file:

            Example 3

            starts a thread like this:

            Title: Free Britney Spears and Paris Hilton Videos!!!

            Body: That got your attention, didn't it? I need someone to mentor me for a couple of months. I can't pay but when I make money I'll give you a cut of my profits.

            Sig file: Watch Me As I Make A Million Dollars In 2009

            I have 2 questions (and 2 'why' questions).

            1. What is your opinion of each of the three (and why)?

            2. What would your reply be (and why)?


            My bad experiences have taught me that there are many unfortunates that have been befriended by BS "marketers" that are "kind" and willing to "mentor"
            a newbie.

            My response would be none. It could be one of those BS "marketers" or a really naive and misguided newbie.

            I can't say I'm afraid but intimidated, yes. There are some very great minds in here and combine that with experience, well, it's rather overwhelming.

            What scares me is failing. I'm sure that many folks, successful or not, have felt that fear as well.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457167].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
              Originally Posted by Mickey Janzen View Post

              What scares me is failing. I'm sure that many folks, successful or not, have felt that fear as well.
              What's the worst thing that can happen if you fail?

              You lose a few dollars, you waste some of your
              time or you look foolish?

              Failing is where the best learning comes from.

              Making small errors and learning from them is
              the fastest way to success. Knowing what to
              do comes from learning what not to do.

              Don't let that fear of failure hold you back.

              John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457193].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
              Nothing wrong with failing Micky as long as use use it as a guide to your future success.

              We've all had failures, you just need to get up, dust yourself down, and learn from it

              Good luck

              Originally Posted by Mickey Janzen View Post

              My bad experiences have taught me that there are many unfortunates that have been befriended by BS "marketers" that are "kind" and willing to "mentor"
              a newbie.

              My response would be none. It could be one of those BS "marketers" or a really naive and misguided newbie.

              I can't say I'm afraid but intimidated, yes. There are some very great minds in here and combine that with experience, well, it's rather overwhelming.

              What scares me is failing. I'm sure that many folks, successful or not, have felt that fear as well.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457333].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author jdmitchell
          Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

          I like you JD,

          I don't believe that badboy tag one bit lol
          I like you too, are you single? LOL

          I make my own rules, live by my own standards, and take no shit from anyone. I never respond to guilt or fear, and have an intolerance for weakness. I am also a serial dater (some say womanizer?) and teach lonely, and nerdy guys how to get laid like rock stars for once in their life.

          Sadly I would like to think that all those things would not be embraced or looked at as "bad boy", but as most people are not like this, I am the odd one out, and thus a rebel.

          And Kim, I sense a little bit of bad girl in you as well....I have read your posts...

          It Does

          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457068].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author JCTunes
            I'm not scared of posting here - intimidated yes, but scared, no - but until I've actually had more experience in actually making money online I feel more comfortable "lurking" and learning than making posts.

            Just my 2 cents.

            If there's a will, there's a way!

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457125].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

            Is there room for improvement? Absolutely. There always is. If I didn't believe that, I wouldn't have started a thread on member moderation.

            Will this particular discussion help? I don't believe so. We've had it so many times over the years that it's all re-run at this point. 100% predictable, in terms of what will be said. The only variable is when it will come up in the conversation.

            I'm not missing the original point, by the way. At least not as you describe it. I just thought it was a given. It didn't need debate. This nonsense about pandering to the hypersensitive, though, is just that. Nonsense.

            Are people sometimes unduly harsh? Yes. Most of us try not to be, but none of us gets it right all the time. None of us ever will.

            Are some people looking for an excuse to be offended? Yes. And there will always be those people. Sometimes it even happens to folks who aren't normally touchy, because of other things that are going on in their lives.

            This stuff isn't going to change until human nature changes.

            We can educate, we can inform and, when needed, we can correct. That's as far as I care to go. I have no interest in trying to overcome the entire history of human development single-handedly.

            The way some of these people are acting, I can just imagine what they'd be like if they had to handle some of the sociopaths I deal with. They'd collapse into catatonic puddles of quivering goo.

            Hell, they'd probably fall apart over something as silly as that harmless weirdo from the UK who follows me around. (He created the username "myerspieceofshit," and posted threats using it. I think he secretly has a crush on me.)

            If we really want to improve the forum in this area, the way to do it is by following the advice Sydney (tremayne) posted upthread.

            Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457153].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
              Thank you for the insightful response, Paul.

              There's not much more I'd add to that. Although I think that perhaps we can still improve the forum somewhat by practicing the advice you mentioned. I had the laugh at the last part. You know you've made it when you have deranged stalkers you can toy with when you're bored.
              "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457309].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
              ooer is that the same one who created the name standerlinepieceofshit, (or whatever it was), if so I'm honored to be in such exalted company lol

              Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

              Hell, they'd probably fall apart over something as silly as that harmless weirdo from the UK who follows me around. (He created the username "myerspieceofshit," and posted threats using it. I think he secretly has a crush on me.)

              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457345].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                ooer is that the same one who created the name standerlinepieceofshit, (or whatever it was), if so I'm honored to be in such exalted company lol
                I can't believe anyone would be nasty to you, Kim. You seem so lovely and cherpy. Do you come here often? (Hehe.)
                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457408].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                ooer is that the same one who created the name standerlinepieceofshit
                Yeah. Justin [whatever]. You'd think his parents would monitor his Internet access, ya know?
                I'm honored to be in such exalted company lol
                As well you should be!

                Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457416].message }}
                • Profile picture of the author Tom B
                  Everyone makes fun of my hair style. I don't post here anymore because of it. I am a very sensitive person.

                  You are all big meanies.
                  {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457439].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
                    I don't post here anymore because of it. I am a very sensitive person.
                    Thomas, if you were any more full of it, you'd be me.

                    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457528].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
                      Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

                      Thomas, if you were any more full of it, you'd be me.

                      Touche! Before you try to correct me, I didn't mean toupee.
                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457533].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                        You just need some polish and a duster Thomas

                        bet it comes up beautifully then

                        Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

                        Touche! Before you try to correct me, I didn't mean toupee.
                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457543].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Tom B
                          Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                          You just need some polish and a duster Thomas

                          bet it comes up beautifully then
                          I am also afraid of bowling ever since that one guy try to put his fingers in my ears and throw me down the alley.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457567].message }}
                          • Profile picture of the author bluet
                            I don't know why newbies are so scary here? I'm not scared. I came over my fears, hear? very weasily. I just started drinking before I blogged in. And continued to drink while reading bere. And the longer I spent time here the bladder it was. Since I've been here my drinking gas gotten bladder. I know now have the spills to do the markething like I never had beer four. And I don't wine about it either.

                            I know, oh no, all these toasts by the veterins, recently, about the newbies this and that, are worse some. The veterinarains worry about the newbies, and the newbies worry about the vetters, but what the heck, we're all prisoners of the Worrier Form. One for all, and all for one. Some for one more than for others. lol, Write on! Remember the article market fling.

                            So drink a toast before you post. And don't let those oldies bottle you. After all, they might have spent all those hours roasting here, even dough, they didn't beat my toast count. but look at all the good clubs you hung out in while they were stunk in their chairs. Scratching their knows at does like us, and pulling out their hairs like everly bad knight.

                            Did I tell you, on another form I was reading so much about the evils of drinking, I decided to give it up. So I quit reading. Now I don't drink nothing stronger than pop. Of course, pop, he drinks just about everlything. Oh, Mary Lou why did you be leave me? Since you left me I lost track of all time. You know why? I lost my watch. muahahaha In fact I lost a lot of things when you left me. What're you gonna do with all my junk? But wait a minute, that's an udder song forum a long time ago.

                            I remember when I was a newbie stationed in Korea, a young warrior in the good ole days, and I met a trader at the local market for the first time and he said to me, hello, I'm Won Hung Lo, and I smiled and reached down to shake his hand and said, Hi, I'm two hung high.

                            I no, I no, Im speaking out of contest hear. THis is suplosed to be about. Umm, what was it about sposed to again? Oh shlitz!, there goes the keyboard again. It reely suks when you have to pull the keys up every type you spill sumthin god. I need one of those sham wow thingys, or maybe a whiskey wow sponge. Anyway, just thought id thoreau my too sense in here also. Waddya drink? Are you scared of the newbie's still? LLO
                            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457697].message }}
                            • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
                              I love it

                              Just about sums up the whole pointlessness of this newbie argument

                              Originally Posted by bluet View Post

                              I don't know why newbies are so scary here? I'm not scared. I came over my fears, hear? very weasily. I just started drinking before I blogged in. And continued to drink while reading bere. And the longer I spent time here the bladder it was. Since I've been here my drinking gas gotten bladder. I know now have the spills to do the markething like I never had beer four. And I don't wine about it either.

                              I know, oh no, all these toasts by the veterins, recently, about the newbies this and that, are worse some. The veterinarains worry about the newbies, and the newbies worry about the vetters, but what the heck, we're all prisoners of the Worrier Form. One for all, and all for one. Some for one more than for others. lol, Write on! Remember the article market fling.

                              So drink a toast before you post. And don't let those oldies bottle you. After all, they might have spent all those hours roasting here, even dough, they didn't beat my toast count. but look at all the good clubs you hung out in while they were stunk in their chairs. Scratching their knows at does like us, and pulling out their hairs like everly bad knight.

                              Did I tell you, on another form I was reading so much about the evils of drinking, I decided to give it up. So I quit reading. Now I don't drink nothing stronger than pop. Of course, pop, he drinks just about everlything. Oh, Mary Lou why did you be leave me? Since you left me I lost track of all time. You know why? I lost my watch. muahahaha In fact I lost a lot of things when you left me. What're you gonna do with all my junk? But wait a minute, that's an udder song forum a long time ago.

                              I remember when I was a newbie stationed in Korea, a young warrior in the good ole days, and I met a trader at the local market for the first time and he said to me, hello, I'm Won Hung Lo, and I smiled and reached down to shake his hand and said, Hi, I'm two hung high.

                              I no, I no, Im speaking out of contest hear. THis is suplosed to be about. Umm, what was it about sposed to again? Oh shlitz!, there goes the keyboard again. It reely suks when you have to pull the keys up every type you spill sumthin god. I need one of those sham wow thingys, or maybe a whiskey wow sponge. Anyway, just thought id thoreau my too sense in here also. Waddya drink? Are you scared of the newbie's still? LLO
                              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457807].message }}
                              • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
                                Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

                                I love it

                                Just about sums up the whole pointlessness of this newbie argument
                                Go Kim. Go Kim. Sort them out.
                                "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
                                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457826].message }}
                      • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

                        Look on the bright side. No barber's fees, you can swim faster and you can wipe off pigeon s*** faster.

                        And always remember that other men are jealous of you because all the scientific studies say bald men are better in bed.

                        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457557].message }}
                        • Profile picture of the author Tom B
                          Originally Posted by Martin Luxton View Post


                          And always remember that other men are jealous of you because all the scientific studies say bald men are better in bed.

                          It's true Martin, I never slept better in bed since I shaved my head.
                          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457570].message }}
                  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
                    Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

                    Everyone makes fun of my hair style.

                    Can we keep this thread to factually correct
                    information please?

                    You need to have hair to be be able to have
                    a hairstyle made fun of. :p

                    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
                    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457536].message }}
                    • Profile picture of the author Tom B
                      Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

                      Can we keep this thread to factually correct
                      information please?

                      You need to have hair to be be able to have
                      a hairstyle made fun of. :p

                      See the way people treat newbies like me here.

                      I was talking about my eyebrows John. I am growing them out so I can do a comb over.

                      In about 1000 years of constant growing I will look like this.

                      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457556].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author tremayne
        Originally Posted by jdmitchell View Post

        Being that I am 26, and you are 75, I am willing to bet you have a MASSIVE amount of value to add to this forum. Maybe more than you realize. There is an innate wisdom that (usually) comes with being on the planet so long. I would say 80% of this business is getting your head on right. I believe you have a wisdom that you can impart on us young people in regards to life. I would love to see you post more life wisdom, and how it may relate to business pursuits.
        Why, thank you kind sir! If this were a forum about investing I know I would have plenty to contribute. Even so, I would not burst in as a newcomer and behave as a know-it-all. That's a fast way to turn everyone in a group off.

        What I am suggesting is that most newcomers to any group realize this and wait their chance to contribute in some meaningful way. First, we are here to learn or to make friends; it takes a little time before we can see the best ways in which we can contribute.

        Also, this forum is about IM and most who are new here are newbies who, like me, feel they may have little of value to contribute to others who have been in the IM field since Methuselah wore short pants. We stand aside and wait for pronouncements worth listening to from people who know more than us and who have something worthwhile to teach.

        But thanks for the flattery, JD!


        Wealthy Investor Limited

        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456988].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Jonathan 2.0
      Originally Posted by tremayne View Post

      So, if you are at all intimidated, look for what you can contribute. There is at least one thing inside each of us that can help others. Find that and you will be welcomed with open arms by any group much like the Prodigal Son. Always look for what you can give and not merely for what you can get.
      I wouldn't count on that. I spent hours of my time putting together a New Year's Day report for everyone here on the forum. While I was under the strain of dealing Integration Disorder no less. And I didn't get a single response. Not even murmur. Oh well. I'm only here to help people anyway. So on we go.
      "Each problem has hidden in it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity."―Joseph Sugarman
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457061].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author ankur sharma
    I never felt scared or anything like that. But i should have something relevant to add.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[456911].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stanli
    Occasional repetition at the outset in threads doesn't seem to mean a lot. They quickly acquire their own character.

    I'm grateful to be able to pause and participate in the divine comedy. Charles E. White, your avatar makes my day.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457292].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Joe Giannetti
    Sometimes I think Kim sort of has a attitude towards newbies...
    Put yourself in the newbies shoes......
    I am sure when you signed up for the warrior forum you did not read all the rules first thing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457552].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman
      Originally Posted by Joe Giannetti View Post

      Sometimes I think Kim sort of has a attitude towards newbies...
      Put yourself in the newbies shoes......
      I am sure when you signed up for the warrior forum you did not read all the rules first thing.
      Nothing against Kim, but I understand your point.

      And to many newcomers, this is just a-n-other forum.

      They either learn the rules themselves, or get told to by others.

      Some accept it, some don't.

      Nothing wrong with either, in my op.


      Not promoting right now

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457583].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      I am sure when you signed up for the warrior forum you did not read all the rules first thing.
      When I signed up, there were no written rules. As far as I can remember, I wrote the first formal set of them the place had, and they were approved by Allen before being posted.

      It should be pointed out that, back in the old days, it was expected that people would learn the customs of a group before posting. And that they would know the basics of netiquette. Sadly, that is no longer common behavior.

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457586].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      Hi Joe,

      If you bothered to find out anything about me (but then why should you), you would know I work a great deal with "Newbies" so of course I have nothing against them. (Its a horrible word anyway)

      What I have an attitude against (if you bothered to investigate), is people coming onto the forum and trying to scam those self same Newbies.

      And yes actually I did read the rules etc when I first joined the Warriors, and I learned the unwritten ones, (I wouldn't have dared not), It was a paid membership then and if I remember correctly our posts were moderated for a certain amount of time before they were even allowed to be seen.

      You think "Newbies" have it bad now when they make daft posts or whatever. The older members then were merciless, they could flay you alive with a sentence. And you know what, I appreciated the education I got from all of those older marketers. I get my set of values from them.

      If some of the newer members of this forum stopped bitchin and whinin about how they are treated and actually used the resources here to help themselves build their business, then they just might grow a backbone.


      Originally Posted by Joe Giannetti View Post

      Sometimes I think Kim sort of has a attitude towards newbies...
      Put yourself in the newbies shoes......
      I am sure when you signed up for the warrior forum you did not read all the rules first thing.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457614].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Steven Fullman

    Nice one, Kim. Sod me for trying to see both sides of such an obviously flawed argument.



    Not promoting right now

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[457654].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Tsnyder
    I've never been afraid or intimidated from the moment I
    registered here. I paid for the privilege of belonging and
    I had no qualms about wanting to get my money's worth.

    What I found was that if I asked intelligent questions in a
    respectful manner I didn't have to wait too long for thoughtful
    responses and answers.

    I also never asked a question I hadn't already researched but
    couldn't find the answer... I'm resourceful... I'm not lazy... some
    new folks ( could take a clue from that.

    Finally... as others have said... how does one expect to become
    successful if they are afraid or intimidated by people they don't know,
    will likely never meet and who aren't paying their bills, suffering from
    their failures or enjoying the fruits of their successes?

    Take a clue from Tiff... grow a pair.

    If you knew what I know you'd be doing what I do...
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458385].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author blinkfirst
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458430].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

      Typically, well under 10% of the actual members of a group participate by posting. While I'm sure there are a lot of people who are nervous about it, the gap isn't as large as just those numbers might make it seem.

      It's probably fair to say that the number of people who get positive responses should act as encouragement to quite a few people.

      Hard to say what the real numbers are.

      Some of these so called veterans have a kind of arrogant tone.
      Can you give specific examples?

      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458490].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author tremayne
      Originally Posted by blinkfirst View Post

      I agree... Some of these so called veterans have a kind of arrogant tone.
      Sounds to me you are arrogant yourself and you are not a "so called veteran". What did you just contribute to the conversation that was useful.

      Hey, in case you missed it, you just got smacked by a noob.


      Wealthy Investor Limited

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458523].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Matt Fulger
        Originally Posted by tremayne View Post

        Sounds to me you are arrogant yourself and you are not a "so called veteran". What did you just contribute to the conversation that was useful.

        Hey, in case you missed it, you just got smacked by a noob.

        I can see that it's going to be fun having you around Sydney!

        Welcome to the Warrior Forum and feel free to impart your wisdom upon us all.

        Matt Fulger
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458746].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author ExRat
      Hi blinkfirst (#post 145),

      Originally Posted by blinkfirst View Post

      I agree... Some of these so called veterans have a kind of arrogant tone.
      Your sig file contains an affiliate link - that is not allowed here.(maverick m.... m.....)

      Roger Davis

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458934].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Xealous
    "Are you scared of posting here?"

    Little bit yes But then again I've only just found this site, and have spent most of my time so far just reading as much as I can.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458566].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MrCheeze
    Most people on this forum seem to be cool people.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458575].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Scott Peterson
    I am a self-proclaimed newbie. I have been lurking on these forums for a month or so now, and I can see both sides of the situation.

    I have never been attacked by the "old crowd", but that was probably because I hardly ever posted.

    I have seen some rather harsh criticisms of other people, but in most cases it was justified.

    I am sure it gets old when a newbie like me asks a question you have already heard a thousand times.

    Would it make sense to put some of those "pat" answers in an area where people can learn a bit?

    I was lucky enough to be able to join Amy Bass' area, and I have learned a ton from her, and some of the people on that forum. That has made a huge change for me, and for the first time I can envision achieving my hopes, dreams, and goals.

    I do come to the Warrior Forum to see some of the latest ways to make money on the 'net. Some I really like, and some I don't care for.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458887].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Dmitry
    I do get frustrated at times when I post something and no one responds... I feel like I don't speak the Web language any more.

    Maybe it's cause everyone's in Web 2.0 these days, whereas I'm still back in good ole Web 0.5
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458892].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Originally Posted by Dmitry View Post

      I do get frustrated at times when I post something and no one responds... I feel like I don't speak the Web language any more.

      Maybe it's cause everyone's in Web 2.0 these days, whereas I'm still back in good ole Web 0.5
      Dmitry, it's not just you - or because you're new. It happens to me quite a bit - well, I do get at least 1 response to my threads. That's when you can begin to feel you just aren't relevant - or perhaps that you don't "fit in". Ah well. I prefer to think that it's because I stumped them with my fantastic question.

      :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
      :: Writing, Audio Transcription Services? - Award-winning Journalist is taking new projects. Warrior Discounts!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459559].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zerofill
    Whats there to be scared of? If you are scared to post your thoughts or opinions because you are afraid of being ragged on then you probably won't have much luck at anything in life other than being a doormat.

    If someone doesn't like what I post what do I care? I wasn't born to make everyone happy.

    Actual posts that debate a topic isn't a person trying to pummel you. It is good excercise for the mind. You can tell the people that bitch, whine, and try to cause problems. Those people you just ignore by not reading what they have to say. I don't actually have people set on ignore...I just have a mental list of ignore in my head LOL.

    The only thing I would like to see is people using the search before they post. Then I wouldn't have to see "Duplicate Content" 75 times per week.
    Serp Shaker
    The IM World Will Be Shaken to the Core!
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Capone
      Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

      Whats there to be scared of? If you are scared to post your thoughts or opinions because you are afraid of being ragged on then you probably won't have much luck at anything in life other than being a doormat.

      If someone doesn't like what I post what do I care? I wasn't born to make everyone happy.
      Exactly! Don't worry about what everyone thinks of you. I've made some terrible posts on a number of forums and you know what I do to get past it? I simply move on and keep posting

      Good Luck,
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459600].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author MarQueteer
      Originally Posted by zerofill View Post

      If someone doesn't like what I post what do I care? I wasn't born to make everyone happy.
      True, online people often behave alot different than in real life, but it's just a forum and noone should take things here too serious. It's not different from any other forum, the players vary, the game is the same...and let's be honest, controversy is often more interesting than patting ourselves on the back.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459699].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    You want to see an example of the kind of
    behaviour that really pisses me off..

    One post per minute..

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458947].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton

      She/he/it got nuked.

      You should report them AFTER you use them as an example.

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[458954].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
    Couple of observations I'd like to make if I may

    @ Matt Fulger, hi Matt, its nice to see you posting and I take what you said on board. (You're obviously a much nicer person than me)

    @ Everyone, I probably went too far last night and helped manage to get a couple of threads deleted, for that I apologise.

    However I do want to say one final? thing on the subject of people being scared to post on the board. (In this thread anyway)

    There is absolutely no reason why anyone should be scared to post. (unless of course you plan on doing something naughty).

    If you do get flamed, instead of getting upset and fed up about it, look at the reason why you got flamed.

    For instance

    * Did you read the rules before posting
    * Have you asked the same question several times
    * Do you have an affiliate link in your sig
    * Are you upping your post count with useless comments
    * Are u posting questions no one else understands (tho I appreciate there may be a language barrier problem here)
    * Have you used the search function to see if your question has been answered previously.


    Don't always assume when someone is jumped on that we're "newbie bashing" (I know this has been said before, but I'll reiterate the point)

    If this happens, (especially by "older" warriors), there is a reason for it.

    We see a pattern developing where someone joins the forum then starts posting useless stuff usually to up their post count just so they can spam everyone with their links, pms, and sell you useless WSO's.

    For instance yesterday a certain new member resurrected some old "Hi I'm new to the forum" posts just so he could insert some welcome to the forum posts back at them, (very sneaky).

    It was only because it was so unusual to see so many on the front page that I started checking the dates, and realised some of them were months old. I even replied to a couple until I realised what was going on.

    To be honest I've noticed a trend of old threads being resurrected recently but not mentioned it as such because it wasn't something I could actually put my finger on. Believe it or not, I don't make accusations until I'm sure of my facts (well not usually anyway)

    You should never be worried to post, it doesn't matter it you have 1 or a 1000 posts under your belt, we all have something to give to the community. (Look at Tremayne and the wisdom he has offered).

    If you feel you've been treated unfairly then take a step backwards and ask yourself truthfully whether you did something to deserve it. If not then instead of moaning about your treatment, report the offending person or give them an infraction (That's what the buttons are there for).

    The Warriors is a wonderful community and you can get a massive amount from it so lets not spoil this wonderful resource by constant moaning of Newbie bashing.

    For some reason some members on the board think I have a thing against "Newbies" Of course I don't, What I do have "a thing against" is scum taking advantage of those people who are just coming online themselves, offering useless get rich quick scams. And I must admit I don't suffer idiots gladly (Not something I'm particularly proud of to be honest).

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459023].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      For instance yesterday a certain new member resurrected some old "Hi I'm new to the forum" posts just so he could insert some welcome to the forum posts back at them, (very sneaky).

      It was only because it was so unusual to see so many on the front page that I started checking the dates, and realised some of them were months old. I even replied to a couple until I realised what was going on.
      Don't forget that another way that old threads get resurrected is when people use the search function to find out if a question they want to ask has already been answered. Search results can drag up an old threads. If the person then posts to that thread it can suddenly become an active thread again.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459076].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
        Originally Posted by Julia Andersson View Post

        Don't forget that another way that old threads get resurrected is when people use the search function to find out if a question they want to ask has already been answered. Search results can drag up an old threads. If the person then posts to that thread it can suddenly become an active thread again.
        There is nothing, in itself, wrong with posting to old threads. If more can be added to a thread, then that is often a good thing.

        What gets people cross though, is when old threads are posted to by people who have nothing to add, and who appear to be posting purely to increase their post count. Perhaps they think, in their naivity, that the thread will remain buried and their post-count-spamming will go unnoticed. They don't seem to realize that the thread is bumped to the top of the forum and their foolishness becomes a target for criticism.

        And then, hopefully they will learn the error of their ways.

        Of course, rather than then complain about being badly treated, they could easily apologize for their breach of forum etiquette and move on. Few of these people like to take ownership of their own actions though - which compounds the problem.

        Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459081].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author Julia Andersson
          Originally Posted by Martin.Avis View Post

          Of course, rather than then complain about being badly treated, they could easily apologize for their breach of forum etiquette and move on. Few of these people like to take ownership of their own actions though - which compounds the problem.

          Take responsibility for their actions???? You've got to be joking! Human pride stops this in most instances.

          I remember when I was in my mid 20's I apologized to a 13 year old for something I got muddled... he looked at me in shock because he wasn't used to adults admitting they were wrong.

          Accept responsibility, learn the lesson and move on.
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    • Profile picture of the author Martin Luxton
      Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

      @ Everyone, I probably went too far last night and helped manage to get a couple of threads deleted, for that I apologise.

      No, no. It was my fault. I was too polite.

      Seriously though. A point about the deleted threads from last night.

      There were a lot of interesting things being posted and I wouldn't have deleted it, but I understand why it went (going off topic + insults).

      Having said that, Kim, myself and several others I put a lot of time and effort into our posts there. I wouldn't go as far as thinking what Steven Wagenheim said about being scared to post because he is so high profile, but I would say I am looking at being less helpful.

      I do my best to explain in as much detail as I can and take particular care to be as polite and patient as possible. By doing this I hope to add value to the forum for everybody.

      However, yesterday's effort were all for nought and the same thing happened a couple of weeks ago to a thread I thought was one of the best I have ever read here.

      I don't think the three hours I spent on the thread was wasted because it was a real eye opener and there were some quality contributions (and lots of funny remarks). On the other hand, it saddens me that got it to the deletion stage because there were some perfect examples of the reasons behind the debate in this thread.

      In future, I won't be scared to post but I will think twice, because last night finally convinced me my time can be better spent elsewhere.

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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
    Here is a thought -- wouldn't it be useful if, as well as having a thanks button, we had a 'you're an idiot' button. It wouldn't put our name, but it would add an idiot count to the bottom of the post.

    Then we wouldn't need endless posts to clutter up the forum, just as the thanks button has largely cleared up the endless thanks posts.

    And on the idea of posting to old threads, why not have the thread's start date shown alongside its title? it would make old, resurrected threads easier to identify and ignore.


    P.S. I suspect this thread will disappear soon, which is a shame because there have been some interesting exchanges of views, mostly carried out with a degree of civility.
    Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis

    I wish you'd call me a scumbag.

    I just melt when you talk dirty!

    Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
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  • Profile picture of the author Martin Avis
    After the way this thread has veered off track, I wonder if the real reason that newbies don't like to post here has nothing to do with fear of being bashed. It is just that they haven't a clue what's going on!

    Martin Avis publishes Kickstart Newsletter - Subscribe free at
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  • Profile picture of the author valerieSONORA
    All I can say is I'm glad I wasn't here in 2002. It seems unanimous the people then were cruel

    siggy taking a break...

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  • Profile picture of the author sugateddy
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  • Profile picture of the author Kurt
    I'm confused...If someone is afraid to post, then they aren't going to respond to a post asking if they are afraid to post.
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    Tons of FREE Public Domain content you can use to make your own content, PLR, digital and POD products.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[459610].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Kim Standerline
      You're just messin with our heads now Kurt lol

      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      I'm confused...If someone is afraid to post, then they aren't going to respond to a post asking if they are afraid to post.
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      • Profile picture of the author sylviad
        Originally Posted by Kurt
        I'm confused...If someone is afraid to post, then they aren't going to respond to a post asking if they are afraid to post.

        Originally Posted by Kim Standerline View Post

        You're just messin with our heads now Kurt lol
        You betcha, by golly. But it is a conundrum, isn't it? Perhaps it should have said, "were you ever afraid to post here".

        :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
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    • Profile picture of the author bluet
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      I'm confused...If someone is afraid to post, then they aren't going to respond to a post asking if they are afraid to post.
      Maybe some of you vets could send out some form of post hypnotic suggestion?

      The title could have been:
      Are you scared of posting here? Let us know.
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      • Profile picture of the author Kevin Flask
        Scared? No. Intimidated? Honestly, yes at first.

        As with any social gathering, I spend time observing how others conduct themselves in that social environment. I gain a sense of how the group reacts to other members. I.E.- What is acceptable to the group and what is not, both spoken and unspoken.

        I haven't posted much in my 1+ year as a member, but when I do, I ask myself these questions:

        Will this post be of value to just me? If it is, can I find what I need by using the forum search feature or can I "Google it?"

        Will this post be of value to others? If so, in what way can I articulate to get my point across the best way possible to the group as a whole?

        Has the response I would like to make already been posted by another member? If it has, can I expand on it and offer more to the discussion?

        If I learn a lot from someone's post, I will hit the "thanks" button. I do not abuse that by passing out thank yous like they were candy.

        As a side note...I have been following similar threads and I have not seen this stated clearly, but I would like to mention it....

        This forum is a global community. We have right here, members from many countries, from many different cultures, different educational systems and backgrounds, many different experiences, speaking many different languages, all attempting to articulate in English. Something to some people may be considered acceptable, "a figure of speech", maybe "passe", but to others may be perceived as inflammatory, arrogant, or rude. I think it would help by not jumping to conclusions too hastily. There is a lot of wisdom to be found here.

        I would also like to point out and keep in mind....

        Within this community, you have potential mentors, business partners, and customers. I personally, would not consciously do anything to "shoot myself in the foot" and jeopardize any chance of building any relationships with other members that could very well prove to become fruitful.


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    • Profile picture of the author Peter Bestel
      Originally Posted by Kurt View Post

      I'm confused...If someone is afraid to post, then they aren't going to respond to a post asking if they are afraid to post.
      I agree Kurt.

      Maybe Andy could've attached a poll to the post, then at least we'd have some indication as to whether this is an issue we need to be concerned about or not.

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  • Profile picture of the author AntonFan
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    • Profile picture of the author sylviad
      Originally Posted by Paul M View Post

      Before you start here, you should read the forum rules first...

      Hint: Your MMM sig file with an affiliate link is breaking those rules.

      Did he change it or am I misunderstanding the rule? His offer goes to an affiliate link, but his landing page is not the affiliate page. Is this not allowed - linking to a page that links to an affiliate offer? :confused: It's not even a redirect.

      :: Got a dog? Visit my blog. Dog Talk Weekly
      :: Writing, Audio Transcription Services? - Award-winning Journalist is taking new projects. Warrior Discounts!
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  • Profile picture of the author Neo33
    No, I'm at home on my PC, the Bullies can't get me! lol
    Seriously, I thought forums were created and used in the spirit of "Community". Does hurt to be polite, even if you don't agree with something that's posted.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[460168].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author bluet
      Originally Posted by Neo33 View Post

      No, I'm at home on my PC, the Bullies can't get me! lol
      Seriously, I thought forums were created and used in the spirit of "Community". Does hurt to be polite, even if you don't agree with something that's posted.
      Communities generally share common interests, but not all members have the same personality. So you're going to get a mixed bag of all kinds of responses from all types of members.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I agree with Neo. Being polite is a good thing; in some forums certain bullies gang up on new members. Please remember the we were all newbies at one time.
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  • Profile picture of the author KatieWilliams
    I'm a newbie to IM, so I rarely post here. I just feel that right now I don't have much (if anything) to add to posts here, so I come in each day and read some posts, learn some new things, and hopefully in the future I'll be able to contribute more.

    I'm not a newbie to business, though, so if there are more general posts that aren't IM specific I will contribute... but I'm not here to pretend I'm some IM guru, I'm learning by lurking!

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