Solo Ads .. what's best?

14 replies
Hi Warriors:
Just wish to get your feedback:
What is the recommended solo ad out there?

1. Is effective?
2. Is not expensive, if any - FREE?
3. Get fast results?

Many thanks.
#ads #affiliate #listbuilding #solo
  • Profile picture of the author snni
    Do you mean like renting an email list?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Price
    Hi there, you won't get good results unless you pay for a solo ad, that's generally what is done. I'm not sure if you mean adswaps, because it's unlikely you'll get a free solo ad (or one that's legit anyway) - Arcamax is my solo ad website of choice.
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    • Profile picture of the author robnoble
      Originally Posted by Mark Vance View Post

      Hi there, you won't get good results unless you pay for a solo ad, that's generally what is done. I'm not sure if you mean adswaps, because it's unlikely you'll get a free solo ad (or one that's legit anyway) - Arcamax is my solo ad website of choice.
      Hi Mark

      What sort of rates do Arcamax charge for solo ads? do they have anything related to marketing, make money?
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      • Profile picture of the author Jeff Henshaw
        I've just seen a Solo ad wso. I didn't buy it since I'm working on a similar resource. I think he has some good recommendations.
        As has been stated above, there is a WSO available now at a very low price that covers this exact subject.

        I have only just bought it, so I have no review at the moment and as I am not associated with it, I have included no link.

        I would suggest that if you are interested in this subject, then you search for the offer in the WSO section and check it out to see if it could be of benefit.

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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Go to and highly recommended by top marketers in the game.
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    • Profile picture of the author elexmedia
      I use some supplier in Fiverr, maybe you can try there too.
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      • Profile picture of the author Alexander K
        Originally Posted by elexmedia View Post

        I use some supplier in Fiverr, maybe you can try there too.
        On this note: Make sure to message the buyers first and ask questions. One buyer seemed to get flustered and said I was making things to complex when I asked if he had any stats and/or knew what kind of click through his list got on average.

        That's a red flag to run away. It'd be throwing away five bucks.

        Some on there will offer you those kind of stats, and will follow up after the gig, to show you the results.
        [] - Create generational wealth with passive income.
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      • Profile picture of the author celente
        Originally Posted by elexmedia View Post

        I use some supplier in Fiverr, maybe you can try there too.
        I would actually advise against it.

        If twitter followers have a list of dog stuff, and you are sending them Marketing related stuff, it is a waist of your money.

        There is a horror story in here about someone waisting $100's on facebook lists and twitter lists with nothing to prove from it.

        Just saying be careful, as it is not as targeted as you might think.
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    • Profile picture of the author itsHERO

      Just my opinion though.
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  • Profile picture of the author Big Al
    Just be careful and go with a 'recommended' solo ad provider.

    There are a lot of sharks out there who won't deliver or they will deliver clicks but the quality ain't too good. I believe David Eisner had a good blog post on buying solo ads.

    As for profitability... that depends on the quality of the clicks and the systems you have in place to capitalize and leverage your list.
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  • Profile picture of the author Franck Silvestre
    I've just seen a Solo ad wso. I didn't buy it since I'm working on a similar resource. I think he has some good recommendations.

    Former Body Guard, Now REAL Traffic & List Building Coach
    >> HOT WSO: Six Figure Solo Sellers <<

    Winson Yeung said: "...Definitively A++ recommended WSO"
    Kevin Riley said: "Franck, glad to see you bringing out MORE and MORE GREAT stuff"
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    • Profile picture of the author jazzwarriorforum1
      Hi all you guys:

      This is great.
      You have really given me some good tips and eye-openers.
      Yes, all you have said is true, at least I have had similar experiences.

      I will recommend everybody to linger and check out things in the warrior forum, before they do anything else.

      Yeah, true that. There are a lot of sharks out there.

      Thanks guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author IamTJM
    I have also just started on solo ads and have been quite successful. Safe swaps is a great place to start. What I generally do is send the solo ad to a squeeze page with a free offer with a sign up and then lead the reader to either a pre-sell of an affiliate offer or one of my own paid products.

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  • Profile picture of the author James Foster
    I use solos all the time.

    It's all about your funnel and if you can get it to break even (or profitable) in your OTO and upsell/downsell.

    Once you've got that - you're building your list for free.
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