Is Google Adwords the best for getting instant traffic?

4 replies
friends to get instant traffic i prefer google adwords. though articles and other methods are also good. Can you please share your opinion
#adwords #articles #google #google adwords #instant #instant traffic #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author GeorgR.
    Adwords == EVIL

    It needs serious knowledge to work with it so you PROFIT and dont lose your money to Adwords. Keyword research....just to start with.

    AW *can* be a good and instant source of traffic....but you can also lose money very, very quick.
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  • Profile picture of the author teesee150
    You can lose a lot of money really fast with Adwords. I know this from experience when I was trying to get hits to a website for business that I run. Tons of traffic, but that traffic was costly and converted very few people.
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  • Profile picture of the author Writing Pete
    The first time I tried Adwords I lost about $300 really fast. I was scared away from it for over a year while I built content sites and used article marketing.

    Now, Adwords is my absolute favorite in terms of driving traffic. I think it should only be attempted once you're experienced with basic marketing techniques. If you do happen to get it right, it's heaven!
    Article Writing: -- -- $5.99 Per Article!
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  • yep it costs money but just be sure to place a max limit on what you spend and google will turn your campaign off for you no worries. here's the info

    no better way to get quick traffic than adwords

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