If I Was Going to Run a WSO what would be your one piece of Advice to me?

59 replies
If I Was Going to Run a WSO what would be your one piece of Advice to me?
#advice #piece #run #wso
  • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
    Make a good product, price it competitively, and get GOOD SALES COPY
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    Launching, and maintaining, a profitable WSO is no easy task. That isn't meat to deter people from doing it, but, sometimes I think there's a false perception about how easy it is to launch a successful one.

    I'd encourage you to really REALLY research how Amazon does things. Sure, we all go to Amazon to shop, but instead, I'd recommend going there to learn. See how they obtain and utilize social proof. Do what you can to obtain social proof of your product. No product is perfect, so encourage people to be honest and frank about your product--but, also encourage them to give constructive criticism. In response, tell them you will be improving your product, and give updates. Potential customers will literally be able to follow your WSO thread, from start to finish, and see it evolve into a much better product. Listen to people, and give them what THEY want...not what you "think" they want.
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    • Profile picture of the author barbling
      Originally Posted by x3xsolxdierx3x View Post

      ...Listen to people, and give them what THEY want...not what you "think" they want.

      It took me a looooong while to internalize this truth.

      I'd also add, lose your ego in the process. It makes it much much MUCH easier to write the finished product.
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  • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
    To SEARCH the forum and read the 1,00s
    of answers given to the same question.

    Screw You, NameCheap!
    $1 Off NameSilo Domain Coupons:

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    • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      Make outrageous income claims.
      Unfortunately that seems to work
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      • Profile picture of the author SuppaDave21
        Originally Posted by officer_iron View Post

        Unfortunately that seems to work
        Your right lol people fall for hype, If you don't want to hype up your product like some then you will have to work that much harder to get eyes and buyers.
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    • Profile picture of the author Juvv2096
      Originally Posted by Tim_Carter View Post

      Make outrageous income claims.

      Haha Cracked me up!! So true..
      Web 2.0 Explosion - Hand Made Web 2.0's
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      • Profile picture of the author Tom B
        Create a button, any button and sell it as a button that will give them anything they want if they press the button.
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        • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
          Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

          Create a button, any button and sell it as a button that will give them anything they want if they press the button.
          Make it a shiny button, make as big as your head... in fact, look at Thomas's head... you could use that as a template for a big, shiny button. ;-)

          John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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          • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
            Originally Posted by Thomas Belknap View Post

            Create a button, any button and sell it as a button that will give them anything they want if they press the button.
            Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

            Make it a shiny button, make as big as your head... in fact, look at Thomas's head... you could use that as a template for a big, shiny button. ;-)

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  • Profile picture of the author Joe J
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    Find several successful Warriors to review your product and JV with before you launch your WSO using WarriorPlus.

    Wait...that's 3 items, isn't it?
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Your services should be result oriented and thread's looking must be attractive....... thats it.......... You'll definitely got the potential clientage.........

    Feel free to contact with me @ seoglobalexpert004@gmail.com

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  • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
    Be professional. A lot of the people in the WSO forum have seen tons of WSOs. If you make a bad first impression, you'll likely lose them forever. And if you don't get that initial ball rolling when some good posts and reviews, you'll fade quickly.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Taylor
    Originally Posted by Chris Ditfort View Post

    If I Was Going to Run a WSO what would be your one piece of Advice to me?
    Quit thinking about the Warrior Forum as your
    primary market place.

    Create a product that will appeal to a much
    wider audience and then test it as a WSO.

    John's Internet Marketing News, Views & Reviews: John Taylor Online
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    • Profile picture of the author jamesvick
      Originally Posted by John Taylor View Post

      Quit thinking about the Warrior Forum as your
      primary market place.

      Create a product that will appeal to a much
      wider audience and then test it as a WSO.

      spoken like a true genius SIR,

      Follow this advice. your wso is not an ebook for warriors only - it is a method foe those 3000+ members who visit the forums and don't register but do buy products. They are your audience. Test your product as a wso.
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  • Profile picture of the author BloggingPro
    If running a WSO your sales letter needs to be good and your testimonials need to be better.

    Remember, good products become GREAT products only after testimonials push you to the moon and back.

    In terms of selling on community based forums like this, communication plays a big factor in getting more more exposure.

    Your sales copy is your foundation. If it isn't solid you'll crumble under the pressure. If it is solid than your testimonials (which means delivering) will take it from there. Eventually your selling won't be done by the sales letter, but rather a flood of glowing reviews that push your product from being just another WSO to being SOMETHING THAT WE HAVE TO BUY.

    Get it?
    You're going to fail. If you're afraid of failure then you do not belong in the Internet Marketing Business. Period.
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  • Profile picture of the author D37
    Tell people they will make tons of $ in 3 days with doing nothing at all. Tell them they don't even have to read the book or have a computer and the cash will just appear in their bank accounts.

    Just kidding, but seriously - provide value and make sure the method you are selling is tried and prove by YOU.

    Thank you to everyone on WF for all the great information, help, support, and kindness you have all shared!

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  • Profile picture of the author Mark Hess
    1) Product Creation: You need to forget about the quality of the product. Make sure to have at least 30 videos making it impossible for a regular person to consume the whole thing. Each video should be 30-40 minutes long and contain a considerable amount of broken English and long pauses. It's also ok to eat crackers while recording the videos, have kids screaming in the background, or even have a short conversation with your wife after she gets back home from shopping. You should have a MINIMUM of 45 videos in the upsell/OTO.

    2) Sales Copy: Throw out massive numbers, sell the lifestyle, and make sure to do a dimesale. If anyone questions your copy, simply ignore them. Just make sure EPC's are high and the page is converting in the double digits to attract affiliates.

    3) Attracting Affiliates: You need to have a separate page for JV's/Affiliates to sign-up. Make sure to have a contest. Give away a decent sum of cash, iPads, jewelry, and even an old car if you have one laying around. Make sure to go around the forum sending unsolicited PM's to people about your "massive launch", tell them how much money they can make promoting your product, and really start kissing ass. (Don't tell them anything about the actual product)

    4) Rinse and Repeat: By the time people figure out your product is "lacking" (this usually happens 36-48 hours after launch) customers will start writing nasty things on pages 7-8 of your thread and requesting refunds. Ignore them, and start working on your next product.

    PLEASE NOTE: This post is not meant to be serious...
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    • Profile picture of the author Jelle Kaldenbach
      Originally Posted by Mark Hess View Post

      1) Product Creation: You need to forget about the quality of the product. Make sure to have at least 30 videos making it impossible for a regular person to consume the whole thing. Each video should be 30-40 minutes long and contain a considerable amount of broken English and long pauses. It's also ok to eat crackers while recording the videos, have kids screaming in the background, or even have a short conversation with your wife after she gets back home from shopping. You should have a MINIMUM of 45 videos in the upsell/OTO.

      2) Sales Copy: Throw out massive numbers, sell the lifestyle, and make sure to do a dimesale. If anyone questions your copy, simply ignore them. Just make sure EPC's are high and the page is converting in the double digits to attract affiliates.

      3) Attracting Affiliates: You need to have a separate page for JV's/Affiliates to sign-up. Make sure to have a contest. Give away a decent sum of cash, iPads, jewelry, and even an old car if you have one laying around. Make sure to go around the forum sending unsolicited PM's to people about your "massive launch", tell them how much money they can make promoting your product, and really start kissing ass. (Don't tell them anything about the actual product)

      4) Rinse and Repeat: By the time people figure out your product is garbage (this usually happens 36-48 hours later after you become WSO Of The Day) they will start writing nasty things on pages 7-8 of your thread and requesting refunds. Ignore them, and start working on your next product.

      PLEASE NOTE: This post is not meant to be serious...
      Thanks for the note on the end, I was about to do this :p!

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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      Originally Posted by Mark Hess View Post

      1) Product Creation: You need to forget about the quality of the product. Make sure to have at least 30 videos making it impossible for a regular person to consume the whole thing. Each video should be 30-40 minutes long and contain a considerable amount of broken English and long pauses. It's also ok to eat crackers while recording the videos, have kids screaming in the background, or even have a short conversation with your wife after she gets back home from shopping. You should have a MINIMUM of 45 videos in the upsell/OTO.

      2) Sales Copy: Throw out massive numbers, sell the lifestyle, and make sure to do a dimesale. If anyone questions your copy, simply ignore them. Just make sure EPC's are high and the page is converting in the double digits to attract affiliates.

      3) Attracting Affiliates: You need to have a separate page for JV's/Affiliates to sign-up. Make sure to have a contest. Give away a decent sum of cash, , jewelry, and even an old car if you have one laying around. Make sure to go around the forum sending unsolicited PM's to people about your "massive launch", tell them how much money they can make promoting your product, and really start kissing ass. (Don't tell them anything about the actual product)

      4) Rinse and Repeat: By the time people figure out your product is "lacking" (this usually happens 36-48 hours later after you become WSO Of The Day) customers will start writing nasty things on pages 7-8 of your thread and requesting refunds. Ignore them, and start working on your next product.
      You forgot:

      Go on vacation right after launching. This is really important as it gives the impression that you are very important. Or if it is not a vacation you can also say you are on a business trip. But leave immediately after the launch. This way if anyone has issues or wants a refund they will hopefully forget all about them within a week or two - which is when you return from your trip.

      You can however show up so you can bump your offer.

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Vraibel
    Provide more value than what they are giving you in money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Cool Hand Luke
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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Give value and lots of it.Over-deliver basically.
    Think about your customers more than the dollars.
    Give To :GET!$
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  • Profile picture of the author R Hagel
    Just get on with it. You'll learn far more through hands-on testing than you will if you spend weeks (or worse, months) reading endless posts and contemplating how to run the "perfect" WSO.
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  • Profile picture of the author travlinguy
    Sell something people want and make it high quality.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alohatom
    Offer value, and at a low price point PLUS make it a dimesale...good luck.

    "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing about." ~ Benjamin Franklin

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  • Profile picture of the author MaryKathan
    I would tell you to get WSO Domination by John Thornhill to make sure you do it right the first time and do not leave any money on the table.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    Know your Market, ) that is really the only thing you need to know, if your trying to sell, a PHP script to someone that does not have a website, your in for a rough ride, sell those things that can provide a benefit to the end user, there are really a lot of those high income claims, (get to google page one in ten seconds or less using this method)

    Oder before midnight for your free Elvis collection on DVD...

    Really avoid the hype, because people that buy hype are not going to be customers over the long haul and that is what you really want customers, that will come back and buy again, I think that is what a lot of these "Fly by night" Make money WSO sellers, do not understand, you may get a few people to buy but over the long haul you will loose more money than you ever gain.
    Bitcoin | Crypto | Blockchain Secrets |
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  • Profile picture of the author viffer211
    Don't bother unless you want to attract a marketplace of people who want the world and it's daughter for the cost of a Mcdonald's. They're not the customers you want...or maybe you do?

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    • Profile picture of the author nicholasb
      Originally Posted by viffer211 View Post

      Don't bother unless you want to attract a marketplace of people who want the world and it's daughter for the cost of a Mcdonald's. They're not the customers you want...or maybe you do?
      not true, I recently just sold out a $197 wso in under 2 weeks, also I have made close to 5,000 wso sales at an average price of $17 and I have sold many offers in the range of $97-$1,000 to that list of buyers.
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    That's a fairly easy question to answer.

    1. Deliver really good content, stuff that people can really use to make money with IM.

    2. When you launch, sit and watch the computer screen and manage the thread very carefully. Have your browser open to your emails. Watch that, too. Watch your pm's coming in to the WF. Realize that these are real people spending their hard earned money to buy your product. Answer their questions honestly and completely. Be as transparent as possible.

    3. Build a list.

    4. Refund buyers very quickly with no questions asked. Just refund the money and email them saying that the $$ is on its way. Thank the buyer for their time.

    5. Build a list.

    6. Make sure that you put serving others ahead of money for yourself. If you serve others with the information you sell and also with your killer customer service, the money part will take care of itself.

    7. Did I mention build a list?

    Hope that helps!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jetmir

    ATTENTION: Do you wanna make up to 100$ a DAY with 20 minutes of super-easy work?

    It's never been easier. Send me a Private Message for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author HeySal
    Be excellent - remember that word of mouth is your cheapest and best form of advertising. That advertising will make you or break you. Proceed accordingly.

    When the Roads and Paths end, learn to guide yourself through the wilderness
    Beyond the Path

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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Chris Ditfort View Post

    If I Was Going to Run a WSO what would be your one piece of Advice to me?
    Don't ask your customers how to sell stuff to them, because they will lie.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author sekhar203
    Originally Posted by Chris Ditfort View Post

    If I Was Going to Run a WSO what would be your one piece of Advice to me?
    in my opinion after sale support is necessary...either email, skype or by any other mode...but after sale support is the most important factor....

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  • Profile picture of the author RichardDean
    Don't sell something that can actually make them money. Just say it will.

    If you do they will get RICH and never buy your second WSO :-)

    Keep them poor so they still need to buy your other WSO's ;-)


    5 Minute Mobile Sites... My Next WSO Comming Soon.

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    • Profile picture of the author mimi k
      Originally Posted by RichardDean View Post

      Don't sell something that can actually make them money. Just say it will.

      If you do they will get RICH and never buy your second WSO :-)

      Keep them poor so they still need to buy your other WSO's ;-)

      Unfortunately, I think too many warriors actually think like this because some of the WSOs false promises are really ridiculous...but it keeps noobs hoping that this one will be different
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  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Why does everyone think a WSO needs to be some Make Money product? The guys who are actually killing it on the WSO forum at the moment are those creating tools and software programs that simplify tasks and make people's lives easier.

    In regards to the one piece of advice, as someone else said above, if you are looking at the WSO forum as your sole marketplace then you have things all wrong. There are a few people out there who I am certain are only selling on the WSO forum and they are probably content with that but it's a scarcity mindset.

    The WSO section is TINY when you compare it to the market beyond the walls of the Warrior Forum.

    The smart people use the WSO forum as a testing ground to gain feedback and make improvements on their product before releasing it to the public.
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    • Profile picture of the author LegitIncomes
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Why does everyone think a WSO needs to be some Make Money product? The guys who are actually killing it on the WSO forum at the moment are those creating tools and software programs that simplify tasks and make people's lives easier.

      In regards to the one piece of advice, as someone else said above, if you are looking at the WSO forum as your sole marketplace then you have things all wrong. There are a few people out there who I am certain are only selling on the WSO forum and they are probably content with that but it's a scarcity mindset.

      The WSO section is TINY when you compare it to the market beyond the walls of the Warrior Forum.

      The smart people use the WSO forum as a testing ground to gain feedback and make improvements on their product before releasing it to the public.
      What he said. Seriously, you don't need to focus on a MMO product in order to be successful.

      One piece of advice I would give, is that if you have to come into the main forum and ask for advice on posting a WSO, you probably aren't ready to run a WSO yet. It's not a "get rich quick" forum...if you don't know what you are doing, and don't provide something of value, you'll just be wasting your time and money.
      100% Unique Sales Page Website +100% Unique Internet Marketing Product
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    • Profile picture of the author mrtreyk
      Originally Posted by Jill Carpenter View Post

      You forgot:

      Go on vacation right after launching. This is really important as it gives the impression that you are very important. Or if it is not a vacation you can also say you are on a business trip. But leave immediately after the launch. This way if anyone has issues or wants a refund they will hopefully forget all about them within a week or two - which is when you return from your trip.

      You can however show up so you can bump your offer.
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Why does everyone think a WSO needs to be some Make Money product? The guys who are actually killing it on the WSO forum at the moment are those creating tools and software programs that simplify tasks and make people's lives easier.

      In regards to the one piece of advice, as someone else said above, if you are looking at the WSO forum as your sole marketplace then you have things all wrong. There are a few people out there who I am certain are only selling on the WSO forum and they are probably content with that but it's a scarcity mindset.

      The WSO section is TINY when you compare it to the market beyond the walls of the Warrior Forum.

      The smart people use the WSO forum as a testing ground to gain feedback and make improvements on their product before releasing it to the public.
      Well put WillR! You're absolutely correct...The one's "killing it" are the one's who are creating tools that simplify tasks. I could not have said it better myself. Just look at how well Azon Snatcher did...
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      • Profile picture of the author Daniel Brock
        My single most important piece of advice for you would be to be aggressive, and don't worry about pissing people off as long as you know your product is good.

        My biggest mistake ever when getting started was that I was trying to please everyone...

        I didn't want to promote affiliate offers to my list because I was afraid of getting unsubscribes...

        I didn't use any hype when selling my products because I thought I'd get backlash from people on forums and what not...

        You know what that gets you? No affiliate support, less affiliate income, and a WSO that doesn't sell - simple as that.

        Sure, I still made decent money... but nowhere close.

        In summary, be prepared to piss off about 20% of your overall audience. Get them out of your business right away, and focus on the 80% who are cool.
        Clickbank #1 Best Seller: The Deadbeat Super Affiliate.
        Click here to learn how to make money online in your bath robe and gym socks!
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    I'd say, EXPERIMENT.. of course, there is a certain degree of pre-production that needs to be done, but other than that just get your WSO out there and adapt things on the way, you'll be amazed by how many things you learn like that.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Banks
    That one post ruined many sales. An expert marketer doesn't need to ask. I don't think you're ready yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author Will Washington
    I agree with the above 2 posters, if you need to ask then you are not ready. It's like a doctor asking publicly hey what's a good cold remedy.
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    • Profile picture of the author WillR
      Originally Posted by Matt Banks View Post

      That one post ruined many sales. An expert marketer doesn't need to ask. I don't think you're ready yet.
      Originally Posted by Will Washington View Post

      I agree with the above 2 posters, if you need to ask then you are not ready. It's like a doctor asking publicly hey what's a good cold remedy.
      I DO and DO NOT agree with this.

      I don't think you need to be an expert marketer to run a WSO.

      I think a person trying to sell a marketing based product should probably not be asking for marketing advice in front of the audience they are about to market their product to.

      Having said that people who are great marketers outside of the Warrior Forum may have a thing or two to learn as to what techniques work well in this particular marketplace. It's not to say they know nothing about marketing. So I don't believe just because someone asks for advice on how best to launch a WSO they are necessarily poor marketers. Maybe they are just curious as to what works best in the WSO forum.

      On the other side of the coin are those people who are great at creating software programs, plugins, tools, etc but really suck at marketing. If they have an awesome tool to share with others but they are not so great at marketing, does that mean they should not attempt to sell that tool? Geez, if that were the case then the WSO Forum would probably be half the size it is today. From what I have seen there are very few 'expert' marketers in there. But there's a hell of a lot of people selling products every day of the week.

      Some people are good at marketing, some people are good at product creation... some people are good at BOTH. Fortunately both are skills that can be learnt and improved upon.
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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    make sure that you actually want to do the work you are offering. Once you start getting some good testimonials, the work will start pouring in and it may even be too much for you to handle.
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  • Profile picture of the author oda

    Test everything before launch as well, especially the download links.

    Have your entire sales funnel set up and make sure product is completed 100%
    with all the training and extras ready to go.

    Once you have EVERYTHING SET UP and Only Then, Pay your money and GO.

    Hope that helps mate,

    "You will never Know Unless you have a go"

    best wishes

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  • Profile picture of the author eman1
    Do some serious market demand research and over deliver with your product and bonuses.
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  • Profile picture of the author michaeljcheney
    Copy the principles of one that's already been successful. ;-)
    Get Free Email Marketing Tips, Tactics and Strategies[URL=https://www.emailmarketingsecrets.org]
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  • Profile picture of the author paul nicholls
    make the wso much more valuable than the price tag

    and over deliver

    you could get lots of other things wrong but if you over deliver on the actual product then your headed in the right direction

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