I Graciously Accept Your Thanks...

15 replies
Now it's time I start dishing some out myself.

To be honest with you, I never even noticed
that feature before.

Not until I noticed a few people thanking me
on some recent posts.

I'm not a snob, really...

If you find a post that helps you out in some
way, shape, or form, give thanks.

I for one will start doing that today.

#accept #graciously
  • Profile picture of the author Matt Bard
    Yeah it kind of looks bad when some folks here have over 2000 posts and they have only thanked 1 person.

    I start to think that maybe they are too full of themselves.
    In my opinion, anybody that tries to tell me that know it all by words or in this case, actions, then I don't take them seriously.

    Which translates to me not buying from them.
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  • Profile picture of the author Jared Alberghini

    Thanks for pointing this out, way too many people have not yet noticed this wonderful feature.

    I myself am addicted to the 'Thanks' feature... both giving and receiving, and I believe it has made me a better poster, because I like getting 'Thanked', so I put more time/thought/effort in my contributions.

    I am sure it has helped many others that I Thanked also become better posters, for the same reasons.

    Let's all take Scot's advice and start giving out more Thanks clicks, that way someone that doesn't know about this feature, might get thanked, and then find out about it.

    - Jared


    Join The Future: Telekinetic Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Sol
    It is indeed a cool feature and I try to use it often when I read something interesting.
    Alex Sol, Full time online marketer since 2007
    The Extra Paycheck Blog | Extra Paycheck Podcast
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    • Profile picture of the author Alan Petersen
      I love the "thanks" feature because it's a great way of giving props without having to post a one liner. Sometimes I don't have anything to add to a thread for the whole community but I still would like to say "thanks" so that little button comes in handy.

      Giving you a thanks for making this feature known to others. In case some are wondering:

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  • Profile picture of the author Dave Allen
    So true.

    Not only do we have so much to be thankful for here in this great forum, but there is also much to appreciate in many other different ways each day.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
      Scot, don't feel bad. I am sure there are a number of features of this forum
      that many of us are not aware of.

      Thanks for reminding us it's nice to thank others when they help us out.
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  • Profile picture of the author rlnorthcutt
    Agreed - this is a great feature that more people should be aware of.

    Its a great way to show your appreciation, draw attention to the posts and users that are truly helpful... and its a fun "game" to play!

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  • Profile picture of the author Scot Standke
    Now all we need is a "You're Welcome" button


    Discover A New & Profitable Niche Every Day... FREE Niche Ideas + 2 Killer Bonus Items With Resale Rights!

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  • Profile picture of the author RobP
    I'm with Ron, more people should show the courtesy of saying thank you when they see something interesting or useful.
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    • Profile picture of the author kf
      Well, uh ... thank you. Thank you very much. (my best 'typed' elvis impression)

      Now let's see if I thank you and you thank him and he thanks me and then I thank her ...

      Thanks for bringing it up Scott! I agree - it's a great feature.
      Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything. ~ Alexander Hamilton
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      • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayo
        Yea, I liked the feature so much that I added it to the Riley's Rangers Forum.

        Makes it easy to thank some one with out having to type anything...lol

        PS, I given out way more than I have received.
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  • Profile picture of the author Mr. Cross Brown
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    • Profile picture of the author fullmatrix
      I agree, I noticed that people in this forum has not aware of the thanks button and less using it compared to some other forum I've joined.

      I also agree that we have to balance everything, si if someone has posted something useful to you, even if its just a small favor or value, thank them. If not, don't thank them. As simple as that.

      So lets start to hit that tiny button and make other people happy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Asher
    Am I the only one that's looking at this
    thread and going... "HUH?"

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