1000 by the end of 2011

21 replies
Hi.I need to make a 1000$ by the end of this year.

Is it possible to make this online in less than a month and how to do it?

I dont have any experience.
I have 200$ to invest.

Please help me

#2011 #end #start
  • Profile picture of the author caseycase
    It's not impossible, but you would have to work. For example, you could offer your services here and on freelancing sites and work your tail off writing articles, doing SEO tasks, etc. Even then, it will be tough with only a couple of weeks to go in the year.

    Free IM Info, No Junk - http://www.ironcladim.com

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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    Do you have prior experience in IM?

    Do you have a Paypal account?

    Can you offer a service that is in high demand in the Warriors for Hire section?

    Without a foundation in internet marketing it is hard to make that kind of money. My advice to you is to provide a service.
    New Members Challenge! Join me in 2012. Set an income goal for the New Year and achieve it!
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    • Profile picture of the author adamanton
      I dont have prior experience in IM.

      Sure,I can work 10h a day,just Im not sure anybody would hire me because

      I am weak with writing,designing...

      I am interested in promoting products as an affiliate.
      Should I build a website and register with Clickbank to promote their products?

      I think PayPal is not supported in my country.I use MONEYBOOKERS

      What can I do with my 200$?

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    • Profile picture of the author traderbenji
      Originally Posted by Brendan Vraibel View Post

      Some great ideas in here, also Jason Fladlien I think had a product out called 500 in 24 hours or something like that, have a search around for that. My suggestion would be make a product, at 17 a pop you need 59 sales to get your 1000. Research what questions people are asking, a bit like your question here, then research google and find the answers, put it togethor and there you go, there is your product.
      Great Treasure Hunts
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      • Profile picture of the author SJ048998
        Originally Posted by traderbenji View Post

        Some great ideas in here, also Jason Fladlien I think had a product out called 500 in 24 hours or something like that, have a search around for that. My suggestion would be make a product, at 17 a pop you need 59 sales to get your 1000. Research what questions people are asking, a bit like your question here, then research google and find the answers, put it togethor and there you go, there is your product.
        Yep, a good topic, mostly stating the common sense stuff, but still a nice reading there.

        FYI., discovering THE product without a coach or trainer might be actually a long way run and some people, unless they can see from point A to point B, they tend to lose their attitude and performance over time.

        I'm just saying, I want to help, share some of my own knowledge and maybe, we can even end up in the same area of business, if you liked it.

        Never be scared of trying something new!

        George S.

        PS. To answer your previous question, this forum is, yes, for newbies, I myself arrived a couple of days ago, but watch out for some rough advertising from your side, there're apparently some fees to be paid to the Warrior owners.

        An Image & An URL One Day Soon, Hopefully..

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  • Profile picture of the author Jouvan Johnson
    It is not impossible but will take work Hard/Smart get off the forum and start freelancing...

    Or create a banging in demand product and market the arse off it,lol

    Good luck and come back and le us know if you hit your target

    I help the overworked & underpaid wage slave break free from the shackles of their 9 - 5 using just the internet and email. Find out how at ==> www.EducatedRebel.com

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  • Profile picture of the author matt5409
    Originally Posted by adamanton View Post

    Hi.I need to make a 1000$ by the end of this year.

    Is it possible to make this online in less than a month and how to do it?

    I dont have any experience.
    I have 200$ to invest.

    Please help me

    YEEAAA SURREEEE... you're one of these people that's heard there is a tonne of money to be made online and think you can dive into it quickly to pocket some cash. newsflash - it's not that easy

    if you need that money by the end of the year, get an xmas temp job
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    • Profile picture of the author adamanton
      When i said I thought its easy???

      I am asking is it possible in such short time?

      I never said I'm not going to work hard to get there.

      This is a forum where beginners can learn,right?
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  • Profile picture of the author SJ048998
    Indeed. I must agree with what was said in this topic. Getting huge money online - YES, getting huge money online over night - NO.

    As I see it;

    1. daily basis job, the "normal" one, part-time, full-time, you know..

    This is the best solution, if you need to get a couple of bucks over night, do some manual work or stuff or even some freelancing, if you got some unique skills. But that won't be good for you forever, this kind of stuff are killing you alive. After couple of weeks doing this stuff, you'll be mad and leave it behind. But of course, for boosting your income, one time thing, this is the best answer you will get here.

    2. on the other hand.. e-marketing, this kind of business, it takes some time and some little efforts and patience, but at the end of the road, you will be really satisfied..

    Here, I might have a decent offer for you and even a couple of nice suggestions, how you might invest your 200$ (this amount of money is perfectly suitable and it's enough, no need to invest thousands, to get your MLM up and running). I can't promise you thousands of Dollars over night and making you miraculously rich as some people in this business tend to claim, but sure I will provide you with a short presentation about how to slowly, but certainly build your passive income, so the next Xmas, you will just look back and laugh about all this, because if you do things right, you will be receiving these 1,000$ periodically and you will become independent (not enough to buy own plane, yacht or this kind of things, but heck, it's a nice money, you can keep investing further and don't be afraid to experiment with that, because you know, you will not lose that source of income).

    Personal Message won't work for you, so I'd suggest Facebook or MSN.

    I could also very well present it here, but I'm building an own site and I don't want to spread this business idea publicly, before I get there, because it's sort of a know-how and that can be sometimes really priceless.

    Looking forward to hearing from you.

    George S.

    An Image & An URL One Day Soon, Hopefully..

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  • Profile picture of the author JohnDBrewer

    I did not see anything in your post that said you were looking for a get rich idea overnight but it may seem that way. The suggestions on this post were really good. I saw another idea and need to find it. I will come back and post the idea as a link for you to find it.


    P.S. As I said that I would come back....here is the idea that I saw earlier today and will be implementing this week:

    Here's how to create a hot product for fun and profit

    I hope this helps you.
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  • Profile picture of the author sunray
    They (the big guys) usually don't give out anything of real value out here. My advise: search Google for warrior forum private discussions, and then follow the link where you see /forum/ as a part of the URL. That is the old war room, not locked and 3 years old, but still some good ideas there ;-)
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  • Profile picture of the author lunchboxdiet
    I just posted this in another thread but is applicablel here - these sites i've done each for £1500 - £2000 UK pounds in the past. Done about 5 of them.

    Re: What to do if you're desperate
    Here's a quick way to make $3000 pretty damn quick and I've done it several times.

    You need to know how to install wordpress and a theme. Learning curve... Maybe a day or so, less probably.

    Go to a site like templatic.com or woothemes.com - don't buy anything just yet though if you're tight for cash.

    Find a local businesses in your area with a bad web site and then find a better wordpress theme that would make this new site seem really appealing to them.

    Take the company's logo off their site and grab a screen shot of the theme you want, plonk the comapny's logo on top of the dummy logo using something like photoshop or another program.

    Then go and see the company.. show them the mock up of thier new site, tell them how it will be a money maker for them and the pitfalls of their current site. If you know about it, talk lead gen, building a list and so forth. Blow them away. Tell them that you will be approaching other similar companies and the first to take the site will get it, no competitors will get it etc.

    You will need to come up with your own sales strategy that works best for your skillset. But try 5 companies, if the approach doesn't work, try a new sales tactic.

    If you approach 5 businesses per day, that's a lot per month, if you can't convert 3 or four in a month doing that, something is wrong. Go for businesses where you can instantly see how this new site would improve.

    Sell the site on a deposit, pay for the full yearly set of themes package so you have all niches and business types and then find the ones that convert the best. Roll it out on a bigger scale.

    Enjoy making some money!

    NEW Weight Loss Hypnosis Affiliates Make $199
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  • Profile picture of the author jasono
    Not impossible but that will take some time. Not in a flash dude. Right not it might seem be difficult but soon as you are much more experienced, then you can get that in some time but not so long.

    Learn how to make more money using outsourcing and virtual assistants while freeing up your valuable time. Visit http://outsourcingautopilot.com

    Facebook - Twitter

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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    I don't think if you promote a click bank product that you would get paid by the end of 2011 as I believe they hold the checks back for 30 or 60 days. You'll probably find similar terms at most affiliate programs so if you really need the money by the end of 2011 then affiliate marketing is out.

    So that leaves you with creating a product or offering a service. With no experience in IM, creating a product the someone wants to buy could be a problem so I think your best bet is to offer a service but if you can't take paypal that could be a problem. Sounds like doing something for a local business like lunchboxdiet suggest above is your best option.
    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author zk46
    its difficult because experience its a big factor that determinates your earnings. I dnt think that is a way to help you but i wish you to make those money
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    • Profile picture of the author adamanton
      Thank you all for you help

      I know that it wont happen overnight.
      I am ready to put in the hard work.

      I just have to know that its gonna pay off because I hate wasting my time for nothing.

      As I said,I dont think I would be of use to someone for writing or designing...

      I have no idea how to create my own products..

      From what i read so far,I am most interested in building a website and promoting products so any help about that would be great.

      I guess Im going to read the other similar threads now,maybe I come up with something...

      As for the offers,I will consider them but need to do some research first.I just dont want to rush into something .
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      • Profile picture of the author SJ048998
        Originally Posted by adamanton View Post

        Thank you all for you help

        I know that it wont happen overnight.
        I am ready to put in the hard work.

        I just have to know that its gonna pay off because I hate wasting my time for nothing.

        As I said,I dont think I would be of use to someone for writing or designing...

        I have no idea how to create my own products..

        From what i read so far,I am most interested in building a website and promoting products so any help about that would be great.

        I guess Im going to read the other similar threads now,maybe I come up with something...

        As for the offers,I will consider them but need to do some research first.I just dont want to rush into something .
        Wise decision. Concerning designing your own web - you don't need that. If you're trying to be good at promoting projects, I could use some people like you on my team.

        Later on, I can help you to run your own affiliate network.

        If you're up to something like that, don't hesitate to contact me over MSN!

        George S.

        An Image & An URL One Day Soon, Hopefully..

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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    try to sell something on ebay anything that you don't want that might be laying around your house and then hit up garage sales in flea markets in stuff and post on ebay .
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    • Profile picture of the author SJ048998
      Originally Posted by Kal Sallam View Post

      try to sell something on ebay anything that you don't want that might be laying around your house and then hit up garage sales in flea markets in stuff and post on ebay .

      That's way to desperate for my taste imho., next post might be suggesting him to sell a kidney.

      But certainly a way, how to get more space in your condo.

      Anyway adamanton, I'm waiting for your mail, if you are interested, I will try to help you. Having someone standing beside you can be a good thing, especially at the very beginning, which I appreciated by myself.

      Feel free to mail me @ sj048998@hotmail.com

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      An Image & An URL One Day Soon, Hopefully..

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