who build the best WP sites in WF?

12 replies
Hi. I purchased a domain name and installed it myself on wordpress.

I wanted to know if anyone in here can recommend someone here on WF that builds awesome WP sites to promote a clickbank product. Someone that uses either seopressor or clickbump seo to make your site 95-100% highly optimized for on page seo and someone that put 100% unique articles that are great.

If anyone has had any good experience and can recommend me someone who knows what they are doing in here and can deliver a great job then please let me know.

Thank you
#build #sites
  • Profile picture of the author caseycase
    I had Kezz here on the WF do some design for me in the past with super results.

    Free IM Info, No Junk - http://www.ironcladim.com

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    • Profile picture of the author raywarrior1978
      who is Kezz?

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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    A quick search on this forum, using the custom search tool, would have revealed Kezz's user profile.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shane Roe
    Originally Posted by raywarrior1978 View Post

    Hi. I purchased a domain name and installed it myself on wordpress.

    I wanted to know if anyone in here can recommend someone here on WF that builds awesome WP sites to promote a clickbank product. Someone that uses either seopressor or clickbump seo to make your site 95-100% highly optimized for on page seo and someone that put 100% unique articles that are great.

    If anyone has had any good experience and can recommend me someone who knows what they are doing in here and can deliver a great job then please let me know.

    Thank you
    I'm not going to recommend anyone, I actually build my own sites.. BUT, I'm actually posting to let you know about Easy WP SEO. From my experience it's actually a lot better than SEO Pressor and Clickbump!

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  • Profile picture of the author amarketing
    Really, there are many, many great designers here...some of them waiting to be "discovered." That is, they're waiting to be found by the employer smart enough to realize their talent make their "go to" designer. The best part, they can all be found in these forums: Warrior Products and Services.
    Each Article is 300+ to 500+ (MOSTLY 500+) WORDS
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Originally Posted by raywarrior1978 View Post

    Hi. I purchased a domain name and installed it myself on wordpress.

    I wanted to know if anyone in here can recommend someone here on WF that builds awesome WP sites to promote a clickbank product. Someone that uses either seopressor or clickbump seo to make your site 95-100% highly optimized for on page seo and someone that put 100% unique articles that are great.

    If anyone has had any good experience and can recommend me someone who knows what they are doing in here and can deliver a great job then please let me know.

    Thank you
    If WP is already installed and you need content (aka 100% unique articles) that has nothing to do with "who builds the best WP" sites

    Good article writers have no clue about WP... and good WP people don't write.

    Maybe, first of all, you should decide what is what you need:
    - theme designer?
    - article writer?
    - seo specialist?
    - or...

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    • Profile picture of the author raywarrior1978
      Hi. Well that is where I am confused about. I know article writers don't know about seo and wordpress designers don't know about articles. But I am so lost. Doesn't articles have to start with your main keyword and use a density of 35%. I think I am not sure. I just read that in another thread. So if pay someone to build me a highly optmized wp site for the clickbank product I want to promote, do I just give them the keyword and they will know exactly what to tell the writer to write for me and how exactly to write it? There are so many technical little things that worried me like the way they write it, the density, the boldness of the font of the letters, the anchor text, omg... I am very frustrated. That's why I can never learn because there is no complete super detail course that answers all of the little questions that no one else dares to ask.

      I just want to pay someone to build me a wp site that is seo optimized to the fullest including the articles, placement of the banners, anchor text targetting my main keyword, and everything else that I have no clue about, lol, haha I am new so make fun of me. I deserve it.

      Oh well if someone can please help me out and not insult me I would really appreciate that.

      I have no idea where to look or where to start? :confused:

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      • Profile picture of the author VanessaB
        You are going to need a 'team.' A designer, a writer, and at the very least a back link service. You may even consider a VA. For your WP site, I second hiring Matt (Skid Roe.)

        The Recon Report
        Reliable Results, Predictable Profits
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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    Where to start? - Calm down. Relax!

    You are worrying about irrelevant technical details. That's my personal opinion. (You seem to read too many BS "seo expert products". Stop doing it and learn strictly the basics...)

    My only answer to your zillion worries: COMMON SENSE! Use common sense and write/build for humans (they pay $$$) not for the search engines.

    The rest you will learn as you go. Do it first time yourself so you will know for sure next time WHAT exactly you want to outsource.

    You see, Matt can build WP sites, I can build WP sites but we are not "project managers" to hire in your name writers and theme designers at whatnot. It ain't gonna work as you described it above.

    A WP site without posts/Pages (=content) is an empty skeleton... there isn't much there to "optimize". That's just one of those stupid buzzwords they sold you in their products. Yes, there are certain steps everybody should take to help search engines to find their sites - but don't believe everything you read on the net.

    Again: relax, take your time... and start learning step by step (not everything in one evening). Learn so that you understand the basics of the business. IM is business, not web site building (that's just a minor technical detail).

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    • Profile picture of the author raywarrior1978
      Mr Horvath Thank you so much for your comment. You sound like a wiseman. What is a great course on how to build a highly optimize wp site? I want to learn how to build either my niche site or micro niche. Well I purchased the domain yesterday and is ready to start working. I want to hire a good english writer and give him my keyword. I know they say to put many keywords in your article but I just want to rank for the keyword that I chosed which gets 4,400 exact searches per month with super low competition and I analyze it also with market samuraid the off page seo for the top 10 is easy as all the fields were green so with just a lieelt bit of backlinking I think I can get there and start seeing results

      Do you advice me of what the guy above said? Should I get Easy WP SEO install it and start adding content to my new site?

      Thank you Mr Horvath

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      • Profile picture of the author Matthew Shane Roe
        Originally Posted by raywarrior1978 View Post

        Mr Horvath Thank you so much for your comment. You sound like a wiseman. What is a great course on how to build a highly optimize wp site? I want to learn how to build either my niche site or micro niche. Well I purchased the domain yesterday and is ready to start working. I want to hire a good english writer and give him my keyword. I know they say to put many keywords in your article but I just want to rank for the keyword that I chosed which gets 4,400 exact searches per month with super low competition and I analyze it also with market samuraid the off page seo for the top 10 is easy as all the fields were green so with just a lieelt bit of backlinking I think I can get there and start seeing results

        Do you advice me of what the guy above said? Should I get Easy WP SEO install it and start adding content to my new site?

        Thank you Mr Horvath
        That's because Istvan is a wise man. He is one of the best WordPress guys I know of.

        As for the actual SEO. You don't want your content to read keyword stuffed. Having a lot of keywords in the articles won't do you any good if the visitors can't read/understand it.

        You need to have an equal balance between your keyword density. Also, when it comes to off site SEO (backlinking), it's not just a matter of throwing links at it and expecting it to work out in your favor. You need to have QUALITY links going to it, you need to schedule your links out to make it look natural as well.

        As for optimizing your site. I've already mentioned Easy WP SEO, but regardless of what actual SEO plugin you use, I would highly suggest installing All in one SEO to handle the title tags, descriptions, etc.. Of the individual blog posts and pages.

        If you're REALLY interested in getting a course on WordPress SEO, then I would tell you to take a look at the WordPress Codex and skip paying a crap ton of money. If you're wanting the link to where they talk about it you can find it here: Search Engine Optimization for WordPress « WordPress Codex
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