Tenrr - Fiverr Who? Plus 11 Other Sites Like Them

by 4 replies
I came up with a unique Fiverr gig that I'm sure would sell. The problem is that it's a handmade item that would take a couple hours, there's the Fiverr fee which leaves me with $4, and then postage to ship the item. I'd be spending tons of time and not making enough for it to be worth it.

So, I decided to Google "sites like fiverr". Well, whadya know? I found a blog that lists 12 sites total including Tenrr.

The sites range, and I haven't checked traffic or anything yet. Pricing for gigs/services provided ranges from $3 to $100. There is even one site that uses Euros instead of Dollars via Paypal of course.

I've seen a lot of posts and threads around WF regarding Fiverr, so I thought this might open up a few more options for some of you. Especially those who are providing tangible services that must be shipped.

I don't know who runs this BlogStash site, but I've been directed to that as well from Google a lot recently. It has some pretty good info.

Here's the article: Sites Like Fiverr- 12 Fiverr Alternatives Websites

Hope it helps!
#main internet marketing discussion forum #fiverr #sites #tenrr
  • You can charge for shipping. I quote:
    "Some of the services on Fiverr-gigs are delivered physically (arts and crafts, collectable items etc). For this type of gigs, sellers may decide to add additional charges for shipping. Sellers can add shipping prices for local shipping (the country from which the gig is sent) and for international shipping (anywhere else)."

    Terms of Service - Fiverr-Gigs
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • your much better off raising the price even more identifying a market that wants it than advertising it to them.

    Each to their own but I personally won't even offer a service unless it earns me at least $200 profit per hour
  • If it's a handmade craft, why not try Etsy or one of the other craft seller sites?
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Oh yeah. I meant to mention Etsy in my post and forgot! Etsy, y'all. :-)

      Well, Nicholas...I'm not quite that elitest yet. More power to ya though!
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    I came up with a unique Fiverr gig that I'm sure would sell. The problem is that it's a handmade item that would take a couple hours, there's the Fiverr fee which leaves me with $4, and then postage to ship the item. I'd be spending tons of time and not making enough for it to be worth it. So, I decided to Google "sites like fiverr". Well, whadya know? I found a blog that lists 12 sites total including Tenrr.