MILLION Dollar Realtor - What would YOU do?

2 replies
Hello warriors I am hope I can get some help brain storming some ideas geared around a new client I have. They want their own site outside of their agency but are unsure which direction to go.

The market they are in is high-dollar (1 million min) and are located out west.

I had actually done a hobby site for the client and they loved it so asked if I can help them with their main business... quite a jump! It would really mean a LOT to my online business to get this additional site.

So my client wants to remain in the same agency but "stand out" and get her own site ranked and pulling leads/sales.

What would you do for a realtor in a high-value market?

What kind of site (they are currently wanting to go with an 8 page static almost portfolio like site).

What kind of lead/sales funnel would you create. Are their any tools, seo's, or other places to find good systems for this model.

What would be the best way to bill them for this? Monthly subscription, per lead, per....?

I REALLY appreciate your advice in this, and because it's so early in development what you suggest can really help form it.
#dollar #million #realtor
  • Profile picture of the author DNChamp
    For one see if the realtor cvan get her/his hands on the MLS software that most realtors use. Set up a real estate theme wordpress site and I belvie there are MLS plugins as well that they may have to get but once that is on board (so people can search homes etc) the rest is cake!
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  • Profile picture of the author ATH
    1. clean, easy to navigate.
    2. HD images, professional organization.
    3. make it clear why their business practices & beliefs make them the best choice

    lots of other ones, but these are usually the biggest hitters on any site for me
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