What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

312 replies
There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
#internet #marketing #profession #started
  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    I worked in the auto industry .... I was never a teacher, just a genius :p lol jk

    But I have a lot of respect for all teacher's I think they would do very well in the internet marketing field.

    Obviously teachers love to learn new things it is in their blood, and they enjoy teaching others.

    In the internet marketing field your constantly learning new things all the time.

    I think teacher's would make excellent internet marketers.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
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    • Profile picture of the author rvillanu4
      Worked in IT for a large insurance company.
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  • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
    Originally Posted by Paula S View Post

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?
    I was a software developer and project manager for 20 years.
    "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author stevet563
    Hi Paula,

    It seems that being a teacher by profession before being an internet marketer is an advantage. I know af another affiliate marketer who was a teacher also before going full time. Conny Raegan Green. I guess, once a teacher, always a teacher.

    Myself, I am still in the work force as a machinist. I enjoy the work because it's interesting and challenging, but it just doesn't give me the life style that I want now.
    I plan on devoting more to my internet marketing career this year and going part time as a machinist.

    Thanks for asking.


    Highly skilled, professional, passionate and experienced web designer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author tampaprogrammer
    Building contractor but moonlighted as a programmer for 10+ years.
    Then, when the real estate market crashed back in 06/07, I was forced into making programming my sole income earner.

    Who did I program for? Internet marketers so I jumped into the fire instead of the frying pan...lol

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    I was an IT Technician for this corporation who had over 70 locations nationwide. I miss my job, but i don't miss waking up at 6am every morning to get ready to go to work. I was good at my job. Even won employee of the quarter. But internet marketing is certainly something that is near to my heart. I went full-time last year.
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  • Profile picture of the author zaco
    I am still in the IT field , didn't make much in IM but I won't give up on it lol I still have a plan for 2012
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    • Profile picture of the author kiwiviktor81
      I was a psychologist for a number of years. Quite useful for applied IM, I reckon.
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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    Magician, ventriloquist, balloon twister, and church secretary. Not in that order.

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    • Profile picture of the author Jason Moffatt
      Originally Posted by Rose Anderson View Post

      Magician, ventriloquist, balloon twister, and church secretary. Not in that order.

      Now that sounds like someone I'd like to hang out with!

      I was a Private Investigator.
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  • Profile picture of the author Eddie Titan
    My first profession was internet marketing. I am working it as I get my bachelors degree in sociology. I am going to be in school for the next 10 years if I continue with my original plan out of high school. However, internet marketing will always be around in my life. Besides, something needs to pay the school bills
    New Members Challenge! Join me in 2012. Set an income goal for the New Year and achieve it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Mark Andrews
      I was a social entrepreneur working with an NGO think tank based in London dealing with social exclusion / social enterprise issues. Specific area of expertise, cult mind deprogramming.

      Also worked as a private consultant for the senior vice president of Wells Fargo bank in the States.

      Apart from these two, I've run a number of businesses here in the UK including an events management company. In total I've been self employed for 31 years now ever since I was 14 years old.

      Mark Andrews
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    I sold Televisions and Appliances in a retail store.

    I left that job in March of 2005, and I have been full-time IM since.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author nrupen
    My first profession was Technical Writer for an Online Magazine, I also use to do it as freelancer. I got my inspiration to be in internet marketing field when I found people are making money from my articles on their blogs. So I quit doing it for others and I started my own tech-blog on which the very first thing that I sold were spywares. It took me more than 7 months to make those sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Vivek_Sharma
    I have just received a degree in Mechanical Engineering but I never decided to go work for others I am happy for what I am doing in internet marketing and when I will get good back up from internet marketing I will definitely utilize what I have learned in Mechanical Engineering

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  • Profile picture of the author topgold
    I was a Pharmaceutical Scientist doing Research and Development for new medicines.

    I started Internet Marketing in 2009 and haven't looked back since.
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  • Profile picture of the author David Keith
    I was a high school student. Doing business online is the only job I have every known.

    Although I would argue that it is tough to call what I do a job.
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    • Profile picture of the author yesacpow
      I didn't really have a profession. After I graduated with a BSc degree in Bio and Chem, I decided I would focus on my online business and grow it instead of working for someone else. That was 2008 and I have never worked for anyone since then.
      FREE Step-By-Step Blueprint To Make $1000/Month With YouTube - Even Without Being On Camera!
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  • Profile picture of the author enterpryzman
    Funeral Director-Life Insurance Agency-Real Estate Investor.......this is MUCH easier.
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  • Profile picture of the author Samrath Gupta
    I was a student and still a student but now the difference is before jumping into IM i used to go to my school by BUS and now I've my own Sports BIKE

    IM'ing Rocks....

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  • Profile picture of the author basictauren
    office workers, left that job on January 2008. now 100% human online
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  • Profile picture of the author princecapri
    Software Analyst.

    Still have some technical know-how, but would like to work more on wordpress plugins (internet marketing takes so much time).

    Software development is a skill I want to extend further, but this doesn't seem to be the right time.
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  • Profile picture of the author bluemontoya
    I work at Blockbuster Video, I quit 4 years ago to become a full time Internet Marketer.
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  • Profile picture of the author rosetrees
    Electrical safety testing on domestic equipment. Then retrained as an IT teacher, teaching adults.

    That led to my current offline business of troubleshooting and websites. IM was a sort of natural progression for when offline is quiet. I still do a bit of teaching, but don't run courses any more.
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  • Profile picture of the author owey
    I'm a lanscape gardener the trouble i found is theres not a lot of work during the winter months,thats why i took up internet marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author sharpturn
    I started off as a car mechanic just out of school. Hated working in the freezing cold and all the grease so studied and qualified as a carpenter.

    Did that for a bunch of years took a break and did a bunch of meaningless jobs until I studied and qualified in photography. Managed a photolab for a few years took another break and did a bunch more meaningless jobs.

    Some of those jobs were fun though such as working in a cinema/movie theatre,(watching free movies all day), night-shift in London's Warner Bros Superstore, (got items for less than half price).

    Worked as an estate agent for a while but hated the backstabbing in the office. Eventually went off and studied to be a Fitness Instructor/Personal Trainer.

    Qualified and worked in gyms all over London. Also worked as a Massuer and did some sports therapy work.

    Fast forward a bit and here I am now sitting on my squished ass trying to hit the big six digits a year in IM.

    >>>FREE NEWBIE COURSE<<< - Earn 4-5 Figures A Month From Your Home!
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  • Profile picture of the author thebitbotdotcom
    Industrial chemist and materials phase behavior specialists for a global chemical company...actually I still am...LOL!
    Do Your Copywriting Skills Suck?

    Let Us Help You Develop Your Writing Skills!

    Submit Guest Posts With [ TheBitBot.Com ]
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  • Profile picture of the author latrice17

    I am still working full time as an Inventory Manager and attending college for a bachelors in Information Technology & Security part time.

    Hopefully, 2012 will be the year I start to see some profit like you guys. I started IM back in the summer of 2009.

    To date, I've made the most money since I started this year at only $400 for the entire year promoting physical products.

    I am glad to see you guys have various backgrounds and stuck with IM and made it work. That gives me the motivation I need in the coming year to make my dreams come true too!
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  • Profile picture of the author Majin
    Web designer i dont need to outsource it .
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  • Profile picture of the author Jamaican2011
    I've been a cellphone technician since January 2004 till present, and I'm still active in the field ..... started internet marketing in November 2010 and still will stick with it because I know it will completely overtake my salary in the months to come.... I'm looking to completely stay at home and do this IM thing, but for now it has to overtake my monthly expense by a huge gap before I decide to call the 9 - 5 BYE BYE !
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    • Profile picture of the author truered
      I am just starting to learn myself this IM i still currently work full-time for the NHS on security and i also work as a doorman and work festivals,concerts & events all around the UK,I also have my own ebay business that is going very well at the moment with my brother and sister Hopefully once i learn from this great forum i am looking to go full time IM within the next 2 years
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    • Profile picture of the author UncleDearest
      I was a musician for 20 years. Did some bartending/waitering and managed a bar/bowling alley. Opened my own pizza shop and almost lost my mind and everything I owned. Was lucky enough to sell the place for a small price (instead of just walking away from it!) From there I went straight into IM and never looked back!
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  • Profile picture of the author abdulquddus
    Though I am not completely into IM, but I am an Electrical Engineer with MBA Marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I was a government assassin. Just don't talk about it, or try to verify. Top secret stuff you know.

    I'm still a student really.
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    • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
      Originally Posted by Joe Robinson View Post

      I was a government assassin. Just don't talk about it, or try to verify. Top secret stuff you know.

      I'm still a student really.

      I wonder if we worked together... I also sold couch insurance.


      The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

      ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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      • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
        Originally Posted by MikeTucker View Post

        I wonder if we worked together... I also sold couch insurance.

        So let me get this right ... you have someone take out couch insurance, then a few days later you sniper them in the chest causing them to spill their guts and TV dinner all over the couch and their spouse to make an insurance claim, the money from which is ultimately re-routed into your own offshore account.

        How sneaky and devious, how delightful!

        Just a few problems. Houses that are surrounded by 10ft. tall electrified fences, rabid guard dogs, doors that bear "No Canvassers!" stickers, polite folks who'd rather sign up and not pay their premiums than tell you to "sod off", and the biggest one of all ... Scotchgard™.
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        • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
          Originally Posted by DireStraits View Post

          So let me get this right ... you have someone take out couch insurance, then a few days later you sniper them in the chest causing them to spill their guts and TV dinner all over the couch and their spouse to make an insurance claim, the money from which is ultimately re-routed into your own offshore account.

          How sneaky and devious, how delightful!

          Just a few problems. Houses that are surrounded by 10ft. tall electrified fences, rabid guard dogs, doors that bear "No Canvassers!" stickers, polite folks who'd rather sign up and not pay their premiums than tell you to "sod off", and the biggest one of all ... Scotchgard™.

          lmao... nice one, but no I'm not that smart. It was an obscure reference to the movie Grosse Pointe Blank.

          The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

          ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author amilajoy
    I am in programming field with internet marketing I make some extra bucks. Don't know about teachers but when you are in IT field its very easy to handle these all things.

    Recover Wordpress Hacked Blogs

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  • Profile picture of the author Chicago87
    I am still trying to figure this IM stuff out.

    I graduated from a prestigious university back in May 2010, and I was even in a Honor Soceity.

    My first job out of university was working as a rent-a-cop at Best Buy. Hated it, then I started doing temp work, which I am still currently doing it.

    I am going to cut back the hours at my temp job or maybe even quit it all together so I can focus on IM. The temp job is a dead end job anyways.
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    • Profile picture of the author Bizmarkie
      I was a normal human being with friends. Now every other word out of my mouth is an acronym only my other IM friend can understand

      Actually I just started about 2 weeks ago. I have not done anything other than read, research, talk to my IM friend, repeat. I still work full time as a telecom third party broker (kind of like insurance agent but for telecom carrier services)
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberAlien
    I was in black ops before Internet marketing... wait, it was either that or I just used to play video games and think that I was. Same thing, who cares
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  • Profile picture of the author Chetr
    Hi Paula: Nice and unusual thread! I started out as a bookseller and fiction writer, and lived partly on government arts grants, book reviewing, etc and the earnings of my understanding wife. But finally it was her turn, and I had to go get a big job to pay for the house and baby. Fortunately got into the advertising business as an unqualified copywriter and web content developer--during the dot com boom. And the company went to top five in my city. Man did I learn a lot! And then I became an internet marketing/content development specialist for the Canadian government and made tons of money working part time. But alas, not wise enough to get onto the next gravy train until I lost my contract and landed on the pavement with no network, no prospects and no one spending in a bad economy. But spending so much time on the web..well I had gotten the bug!

    BUT: it took me several years and a lot of money to understand IM from the "inside!" And the only reason I'm determined to do it full time as a business is because I have a couple of illnesses that make it hard to get back into the workforce full time. And, besides, I want to create a good enough income using my skills and have time to do my own writing and other passions.


    You're an experienced warrior: but here's my 2 cents worth:
    1) You have an awesome talent that you can leverage! Lee McIntyre, as you may know, started out selling teaching materials on eBay.
    2) Look into multi-site/edu blog--it's a natural transition. I know there's a crying need for teaching materials for teachers and students. (Also great for back-links.)
    3) Educational affiliate products--with your background, you have instant credibility!

    Anyway--KEEP ON KEEPING ON! On of my favorite and most successful models, Matt Furey, was a kung-fu master. He used his focus skills and determination to do amazing stuff very quickly.

    IM Economics 101:use what you have + pick up what you need (like here), and find the INTERSECTION between what you end up with....and a hungry market...

    Chetr. new warrior, and incorrigible "encourager!"
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    • Profile picture of the author Paula Steen
      Originally Posted by Chetr View Post

      Hi Paula: Nice and unusual thread!

      You're an experienced warrior: but here's my 2 cents worth:
      1) You have an awesome talent that you can leverage! Lee McIntyre, as you may know, started out selling teaching materials on eBay.
      2) Look into multi-site/edu blog--it's a natural transition. I know there's a crying need for teaching materials for teachers and students. (Also great for back-links.)
      3) Educational affiliate products--with your background, you have instant credibility!

      Chetr. new warrior, and incorrigible "encourager!"
      Thanks for the encouragement and advice!

      Mike McMillan, one of my favorite marketers, started out selling teaching materials as well.

      Right now, I only have one site that is remotely related to elementary school teaching. I really should spend some time brainstorming products that would make a teacher's life easier.

      Thanks again!
      Paula Steen

      See you at the Warrior Conference in Orlando!

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  • Profile picture of the author Zabrina
    I've done a ton of entrepreneurial enterprises since I was old enough to sell. As for traditional jobs, I've been a retail cashier, supervisor, yarn store employee, and help desk worker. :p
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    Well, I wasn't a teacher - I was still in high school when I started IM. Now I'm a student and I plan on never having a job
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  • Profile picture of the author Marvin Johnston
    Like most people here, a lot of things. Mechanical Engineering degree, Foreman, Field Engineer (still my favorite), business owner, professional bum, lifelong student, etc.

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  • Profile picture of the author Audrey Harvey
    I've been a veterinarian for 20 years, and I still work very part time because I love it. I'm tossing up the idea of becoming a dog trainer, so I can still be involved hands on with animals, but control my own hours. I've trained dogs at clubs for years so know a fair bit about it.

    I doubt I'd ever just want to do IM and not work out in the field because I love hanging out with animals.

    Expert content written by an experienced veterinarian and published magazine and newspaper writer.
    Feel free to contact me for details.
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  • Profile picture of the author rrm
    Nurse. Still.


    It's not enough to want it... you have to want it enough.

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  • Profile picture of the author Jamie Drew
    I was a youth worker and youth soccer coach.

    Those were fun jobs, most of my hours in the youth wing consisted of setting up pool/badminton/dodge ball/PS3/X Box tournaments/game nights for the kids, then me deciding I didn't want to just be the referee and joined in and on most occasions winning the tourny's myself, leaving the kids feeling like they weren't good enough. In hindsight, it's probably best that I'm no longer there.

    Great job, just the bosses were twats.
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      • Profile picture of the author myob
        Economist, working for a major bank.
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        • Profile picture of the author James Clark
          I was always in Marketing and Sales. That is the only work I have ever done. Before I got into internet marketing took the Series 3 test and traded commodities for 4 years.

          Now, that is where you really learn how to sell. School teachers are very studious and that is one of the skills you need to be successful at IM.

          My experience has been you can transfer some of the skills of face to face selling to IM but not all of them, clearly online marketing is different. Online marketing to me is reminding surfers of things they are already thinking about. And that is why you hear marketers speak about target audiences
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    • Profile picture of the author eric w
      I was a college student when I started in "mailorder"...I mean "internet marketing" (am I showing my age here...!).

      eric w
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    • Profile picture of the author Rollmodl
      I was in the aftermarket automotive industry. I owned an aftermarket automotive shop where sold and installed custom car audio and car window tinting for over 15 years. Still involved in the car scene and do it as a hobby.
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    • Profile picture of the author All Night Cafe
      I owned aremolding company for 23 years until I fell off
      a ladder. But I did teach many others how to do whatI did.

      I shared ideas with them to be the best, not the most
      expensive. I always told customers, I'm not the cheapest
      but not the highest, either.

      I always I want names of people you know that I can
      work for.
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      • Profile picture of the author DGFletcher
        Nothing, really... I've always been an online person.

        Tanner and Aeri said 'students'. I'm currently a student, (>_<) but I'd more call it 'something I got stuck with.

        The closest thing I've had to a "profession that isn't IM" is door to door selling... and I use that back and forth with internet still anyway.
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    • Profile picture of the author mysterrio
      I was and am I magician. I love to do magic shows. With this love of magic came the need to learn how to manage and book my show. This lead me to study marketing.

      With the marketing I learned to write sales copy and found that I enjoyed it. This lead me to start to develop websites with good sales copy and products that other people could use. Soon I started selling marketing products to chiropractors, plumbers and vets.

      Shortly after that I started writing PLR or private label rights articles and other articles for people. Now I am working on my first WSO which is a business in a box and I will be joining the war room during the New Year!

      I think everyone should have an internet business of some kind...regardless of if it is full time or part time for them.

      The Gurus Have Lied To You: Learn Internet Marketing For FREE. Don't Spend Another Penny Before You Read My FREE REPORT. Go here: http://internetmarketingdude.xyz

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    • Profile picture of the author Silas Hart
      I was a Nurse.
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    • Profile picture of the author GianPereyra
      It was the end of my Junior year in college, I was working as a distant education facilitator ( the dude that turns on the computers, and assists cyber stupid teachers teach online). I graduated in economics and finance, but I knew that wasn't the lifestyle I wanted for myself.

      Now, I live by the beach in the North Coast of the Dominican Republic, and all my friends that were telling me that I was nuts, changed the subject to "Wow your life is awesome"

      Gian Luis Pereyra
      Full Time Internet Marketer
      making it happen at onlinegoldteam.com

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    • Profile picture of the author cherchar
      I was a PTA lady, treasurer then President. My background is in bookkeeping. I was a stay at home mom, and fought for disability services for my now adult kids. I also have illnesses myself which keep me home, so IM was the perfect solution.
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    • Profile picture of the author Avish
      Internet marketing is the business in my Entrepreneurship. Glad To Call Myself an Internet Marketer.
      Affrio - Enahnced Digital Shopping

      Affrio is a B2B and B2C shopping affiliate platform which offers the best, latest and chosen products and services of your choice digitally all over the internet world. Find the best money making opportunites along with online shopping.
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    • Profile picture of the author TerranceCharles
      I was a computer repair specialist and was also working at EZ Pawn
      as a sales loan representative
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      • Profile picture of the author athenajw
        Medical Doctor - and I don't think that academic smarts helped me one bit online. Spent most of my UNlearning.
        PhD Business Administration, CPA (the boring kind) still teach grad school; love teaching. Many years as consultant to big companies (fun!) and as CFO for startups that ended up not paying me. NOT fun.

        As someone else mentioned above, all that education hasn't helped a bit--I spend WAY too much time learning and analyzing and not enough time doing. Classic, I know.:rolleyes:

        Giving up WSOs for Lent this year. I may start a 12-step group.

        This is a cool thread.
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    • Profile picture of the author bchez
      Direct Marketing - Catalog and Ecommerce
      Agency Marketing
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    • Profile picture of the author cashp0wer
      I worked as an IT technician and then various other roles in the IT field for years. I then retired and got bored and one day I found this forum. Started learning all I can about IM and it has worked out very well for me. It has taken this retired man and given him something to do and the ride has been great.
      My Internet Marketing Blog - Warts And All!
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  • Profile picture of the author ElisabethHalligan
    Well, I'm new to the IM profession (have been dinking around at it for years but decided recently it's time to actually make it WORK), so this still is my profession...

    I'm a Registered Nurse, Certified Pediatric Nurse Specialist... I work in all areas of pediatrics (ER/Trauma, NICU, PICU, Peds Burn, Peds Surgery, etc.) and am working as a travel nurse over 1800 miles away from my family because of the economy. Being away from my little ones has convinced me I need to really get going with IM because I hate not being home with them!

    Right now they are all with me for the holidays, but I'm doing a lot of reading and planning so that when they go home the second week of January, I maximize my time away from them by getting my IM efforts to the point that I only need to work part-time, at most, when my contract ends in April.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtom
    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

    Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

    These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

    Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

    If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

    P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
    I was a bookseller at Barnes & Noble before getting into IM... And it's a good thing I was!

    I actually got into the whole concept of internet marketing from a book I was putting away one day. It was called Moonlighting on the Internet by Yanik Silver, and it mentioned something about making an extra paycheck online each month.

    That book single-handedly got me into IM, so in a way it's responsible for everything I have today. Before that, I was an art major working full-time retail.

    Yeah... I'm happy I found that book

    [WSO] Fitness/Weight Loss PLR Package like you've never seen before (and outlandish reviews!) - check it out here
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    • Profile picture of the author Paula Steen
      Originally Posted by sirtom View Post

      I was a bookseller at Barnes & Noble before getting into IM... And it's a good thing I was!

      I actually got into the whole concept of internet marketing from a book I was putting away one day. It was called Moonlighting on the Internet by Yanik Silver, and it mentioned something about making an extra paycheck online each month.

      That book single-handedly got me into IM, so in a way it's responsible for everything I have today. Before that, I was an art major working full-time retail.

      Yeah... I'm happy I found that book

      I LOVE Barnes and Noble! Being able to work from there once I go full-time with IM is one of the things I'm most excited about!

      Thanks for the book recommendation... I will check it out next time I am at B&N. I've been there twice over the winter break. Last week I picked up 10X Rules by Grant Cardone. Yesterday I went back and got Do More Great Work by Michael Stanier. Both great!

      See you at the Warrior Conference in Orlando!

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  • Profile picture of the author Roan
    I'm a ground stewardess as well as an internet marketer Graduated, got my bachelors management tourism.

    Are You Looking For a High Quality Shopify + FB ads Course? PM me. - Only available for ONE person. Be Quick.

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  • Profile picture of the author Limelightcpa
    Very Interesting Question OP.

    I worked in Finance in Manhattan before I decided to get involved with working online. Complete opposites but yet so Similar. There is no greater satisfaction than working hard on your own Idea, Business, or Project and seeing it turn into a Success.

    Follow your Dreams!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kael41
    Hmmm..way back when, I think in '96 when I first started I was still in college..then I really started to make GOOD income during law school believe it or not. Once I learned how to market to aol chat rooms, whoa..things started to click
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  • Profile picture of the author blaugrana
    i am student i hope IM will be my future job because i really love doing this
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  • Profile picture of the author CyberSEO
    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?
    Senior software developer.
    CyberSEO Pro - the almighty content syndicator for WordPress with a wide range of cutting edge AI technologies for SEO, such as OpenAI ChatGPT-4, DeepL, WordAI, Article Forge, DALL-E, Stable Diffusion and others. Promote CyberSEO Pro and earn 20% on every sale! [ VIDEO ]
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  • Profile picture of the author Buyseech
    I owned my own business with my own brand of Martial arts gear. Started it at the age of 24 till I was 27. Then I ventured into IM and never looked back
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  • Profile picture of the author mikemcmillan
    Thanks for the nice words about me above, Paula. Most of the good things you think about me are probably not true, but I can put on a good show when I need to... ha, ha.

    Yes, I was an inner-city teacher for 14 years in an earlier life. I loved every day of it. But, as any of you know who may also have experience in teaching--there is a lot of bull sh*t that goes along with it I just couldn't take any more.

    As for myself, I was in high school (12th grade) before I ran across a truly great teacher (a sad comment on public education in itself). It was an advanced biology class. He did something that no other teacher had ever really done for me: He made me THINK. I'm not talking about memorizing facts and figures. I'm not talking about regurgitating stuff on test days. I'm talking about genuine thinking. I've forgotten most of the biology stuff, but I still carry with me the lessons about life, learning and self improvement he proffered up for our consideration. What a great man!

    You guys have fascinating stories and varied backgrounds. Never let others clip your wings. Never let others discourage you from your goals. A little tip: Other people don't really like to see people like you and I become successful in a business such as IM. They don't! No one likes to see others succeed in areas they themselves would like to succeed in. In the images of your success they see reflections of their own failures and that can hurt.

    All of you good people above have dreams. What a wonderful thing to have! Give your great ideas wings with which to fly and be prepared to fly high!


    I'll help you create a reputation-building evergreen product in any niche and launch it successfully!
    Check it out here.

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  • Profile picture of the author Invert Planet
    actually, yes, I was also a teacher... currently a pricing analyst and web site builder.
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  • Profile picture of the author MMWoodward
    When I first really got into IM, I was actually working in a bakery. However, it was nowhere near as awesome as the Cake Boss kind of bakery, and I was often quite unhappy. It was my unhappiness with various retail jobs before and after that made me really focus on trying to make IM succeed.

    When I started to generate decent income from IM, I realized how happy overcoming the challenges along the way made me. That willingness to take everything head-on is regularly applied to every aspect of my life now so that I truly get the best out of every day.
    Original content, fast turnaround, and high quality.
    Article writer for hire
    : $0.04/word.
    Here's what Jenn Dize had to say:
    "I can safely count her work among some of the best I've read."

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5310475].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    Why is having a profession exclusive from being an Internet marketing? Wouldn't it make sense to use online marketing to promote your profession?

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    • Profile picture of the author tpw
      Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

      Why is having a profession exclusive from being an Internet marketing? Wouldn't it make sense to use online marketing to promote your profession?


      That would have been cool... But my previous employer expressly forbid me from using the Internet to promote my position within their company. :rolleyes:
      Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA, PlattPublishing.com
      Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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      • Profile picture of the author ymest
        Lawyer! Going back into the profession soon but enjoying IM so doing both!
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    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by kindsvater View Post

      Wouldn't it make sense to use online marketing to promote your profession?
      Often, perhaps. But much more so in some professions than in others, I think?

      Before I started internet marketing, I was a fairly part-time student. (Now, I'm a very part-time student for a higher degree.)
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  • Profile picture of the author martimoney
    I was a teacher for 6 years and now am in my 7 year as an elementary school principal. I love my job, but am not real happy with the direction that public education is going so I'm learning this IM business as a backup when I finally hit my breaking point : )
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  • Profile picture of the author eastwest97
    Instructional designer, technical writer for a logistics company. I love the company and my 9-5 but I am looking to challenge myself and fulfill a dream of owning my own business.
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  • Profile picture of the author abeng
    i have small computer shop..
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I was a male stripper doing hens nights.

    These days my six pack looks more like a beer keg. lots of sitting down behind this machine. Oh the joy and fun of it. LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezmystic
    Jack of all trades, master or none...I guess you could say entrepreneur?!
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  • Profile picture of the author sdentrepreneur
    Cool thread....I owned gas stations/auto repair shops for 18 years. Started Internet Marketing in 2007, earned $3K my first month and haven't looked back. I would NEVER start another brick and mortar business....

    Learn Digital, Internet and Social Media Marketing For Your Business
    Click here to learn more - Digital and Social Media Marketing Training Course

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  • Profile picture of the author Rukshan
    I'm an engineer and Doing both (IM and Engineering job)

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  • Profile picture of the author Roaddog
    I was an accordion player in an all transvestite polka band.

    Actually I owned my own construction business, and made stupid jokes..
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  • Profile picture of the author HatKing
    I was an engineer working for a big construction firm. Thanks to internet marketing, I don't need to do those boring engineering stuff and focus on something that can bring back good money.
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Martinez
    I sold candy in high school. Buy boxes at Costco for 10cents a bar and sold them for a dollar each. about 50 bucks a day. After High school i joined the army, 75th ranger reg. 4 years later i went to community college and got a BA in business admin. I Didn't want to work for any one so i started as a business manager at a program for adults with disability's and worked on my IM business after my 9-5 every day and every sat, sun. Now hear i am. Full time IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author Robert X
    I was a professional grenade tester. I blew off my arms and now i type with my face


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  • Profile picture of the author xxxJamesxxx
    OMG, the amount of ****ty jobs I've done is unbelievable! But the last job I had was a bricklayer's mate... That was hard work!

    James Scholes
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  • Profile picture of the author KimboJim
    I was a print supervisor at Staples. The job wouldn't have been too bad, except that I was 18 and didn't know the first thing about managing people. Why didn't I know anything? Well:
    1) The last supervisor left without teaching me anything, so I knew how to work the printers but knew nothing about the paper work, what I had to do management wise or anything else outside of the printing.
    2) I was a porter (janitor that pushes carts) at Stop and Shop beforehand. Didn't get much management experience there.

    Oh, I was also the only sober person there. Everyone else constantly smoked pot or came in drunk, which didn't make things any easier. Outside all that, I really liked the job.
    Ready for some great content at a low cost?
    PresentPLR Newest Pack: LED Grow Lights
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  • Profile picture of the author chrislangley
    I think the majority of folks involved in IM, is to go full time once their earnings are stable enough or exceed their day job
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  • Profile picture of the author John Durham
    In answer to the OP, I was a professional opportunist.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brendan Vraibel
    My first job out of high school was working for a close family friend who has a big IM company in a niche that I was already familiar with. I mostly did the tedious tasks like article writing and marketing, customer service and list management. It was a great learning experience and a huge eye opener to how lucrative the industry can be. I'm still no where near where his company is but without that job I'd probably be at a minimum wage 9-5 right now so I consider myself very blessed.
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  • Profile picture of the author TheSpokesman
    I was an ordained minister in my youth and then became a successful sports agent before I became a full time marketer. Last year I obtained my certification in Life Coaching and my practice in that area focuses on helping marketers succeed in business.
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  • Profile picture of the author barbling
    Lead unix/NT sysadmin for Bell Labs.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevenJones
    The classic McDonalds story applies to me. Worked there for over 5 years, rolled into the IM business and quit my job Nice to see to read the background of you guys.
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    I was an independent contractor for IT and web development projects. Also was a freelance graphic designer on Elance for quite a few years.
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  • Profile picture of the author Paula Steen
    I love reading about what you all did before IM.

    It looks as if many of you came from an IT background, but there certainly are many other professions represented as well!

    Hopefully, I will soon be joining those of you doing internet marketing full-time!

    See you at the Warrior Conference in Orlando!

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  • Profile picture of the author jpsilver
    I was a Software Tester / Test Analyst for over 6 years and I also ran a busy convenience store for 16 years whilst doing my part time job. At least that's what my parents wanted me to believe

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  • Profile picture of the author Rose Anderson
    You might be interested in this thread I posted awhile back. There are some responses from posters who didn't post in this one.


    Great minds.....
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  • Profile picture of the author oda
    My trade is baker/Pastry cook.

    I have owned my own shop for a few years then sold out at a good profit.

    To get the money to buy my shop I Sold cars for a few years, After I sold the bakery I became a dealership manger for VW in a small Country town in Queensland Australia.

    2009 The car Industry crashed as we could NOT get people Car loans, We could sell cars people just couldn't pay for them.

    My boss sold out and I moved On.

    I Now work full time at home and I do a few hours at a Local Bottle shop Just so I remember how to talk to people and its a real laugh as well.

    Talking to people for a few hours at the bottleshop is like therapy. A Bit of a laugh and a chat with the customers is a great way to unwind in my book.

    So is a Six pack, YES I get a discount.

    Still love Cooking and baking But I only do that for myself and my friends. My Sausage rolls ROCK man!

    Are You Missing Out on an Opportunity?
    AGED .COM Domains $37 Each or make offer from $9 Grab a Bargain HERE
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisha5684
    I was a caretaker to people with mental/emotional disabilities. I also spent time along side my husband remodeling our home and selling it for profit. Now I just blog.

    -Start Getting Noticed On Twitter: http://twonderwoman.com
    -Visit my blog: http://blogandretire.com/blog - Tips for blogging, social media marketing, and online business.

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    • Profile picture of the author fin
      I was an Aircraft Electrical Engineer for most of my life.

      Packed it in to go traveling. Came back, started working for my father's roofing company while getting my PT qualifications.

      Going to keep doing what I'm doing till I make money online then go traveling again.
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  • Profile picture of the author tracy821
    Unfortunately I am still working as a mental health counselor. I find that after 20 years I am really, really burned out. I've done a little soul searching and found that I just don't want to do it any more. I'm tired of all the government BS in trying to get paid, having to deal with other "professionals" that don't have any passion or ethics about what they are doing and all the meth-head parents that are placing their children at jeopardy and getting them put into foster care and then not doing what they need to do to get them back. However...

    I have found a lot of my own "therapy" in working with images and being creative and I plan to put that to good use over the next year with products I will be developing. I had my best year yet, but not enough to chuck the JOB. I'm looking forward to 2012.

    Happy New Year everyone!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jessie5454
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    • Profile picture of the author Matt Attack
      Former Area 51 employee, I cannot discuss it in any more detail than that.

      All kidding aside, I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering
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  • Profile picture of the author aeri
    Full-time student I was a math tutor, case management volunteer and eventual HR intern for a non-profit, and was an HR intern for a research corp for my university...

    I haven't made my minimum goal for IM yet, but hopefully I'll get there soon before I graduate in May But in all seriousness, if IM works out for me, I would probably do this:

    Go back to that non-profit place I volunteered/interned at and maybe sponsor some type of course to donate for their cause (they basically "provide respite for those who are unsheltered and solutions that transform the lives of homeless and at-risk people")

    By the way, thanks OP for starting this thread It is really interesting to see where people started from. It goes to show you don't have to be in a "particular field" or age to be successful in IM
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  • Profile picture of the author mdvs42
    I was raised in the auto body repair business, still have that passion for cars, quit to keep my health intact, later became a full time musician, quit that to keep my sanity and health intact! got an education, later entered the fun and exciting world of the insurance industry 17 yrs lol! quit that to keep my health and sanity intact, umm? seeing a pattern here? It was a living but looking back "hated it" it gave some very good skills that I use today,. I still work a full time job, that I love now,. but also working on that dream of staying home.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin_Hutto
    Investment Banker at BSC.
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  • Profile picture of the author Barry Unruh
    I was a Network Engineer for a multi-state computer dealership.

    It is interesting how many correlations there really are to IM. You must sell your ideas. You must do the back-end support. You need to have OTO's and upsells. You must create trust and authority in your market.
    Brain Drained...Signature Coming Soon!
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  • Profile picture of the author Zach Crawley
    Internet Marketing was my first profession.. haha. Started when I was 16.
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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    IT technician for both local and state government

    Before that I pushed a broom for several years. Now been full time IM since 2008.

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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  • Profile picture of the author Kasi Phillips
    I was in transportation industry for 9 years. I had more jobs than my father... Haven't worked a 9-5 in about 3 years.
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    • Profile picture of the author John Coutts
      I served an apprenticeship as a lathe turner, then I drove trucks for many years, and for a time I was a seaman, a bad one though as I got seasick.

      I still miss the truck driving sometimes. That wasn't really work; I just went for a drive in the country every day with a really big car...

      Write System - superior web content
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Meaney
    I used to clean school toilets before IM.

    And somehow, I still have to deal with the occasional sh*t.
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  • Profile picture of the author netguy12
    I been working in real estate full time as a rehabber/flipper since college.
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  • Profile picture of the author Noah Schettini
    I was and am a student currently and hopefully by the time I am done with school in the next year and a half I can go straight to full-time online
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  • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
    - A first-day student dropout.

    - Briefly worked in the order input/processing department at a door panels manufacturer, also packing and dispatching small accessory orders.

    - Acquired counterbalance and reach-truck forklift licences and worked in a warehouse very briefly. Actually preferred that to corporate office work. The manual aspects also made me feel healthier and I wasn't such lanky beanstalk. Haha.

    - Full-time self-employment doing web hosting, domain registrations, web design, and a few computer-related odds and sods ...

    ... then I went from that to doing the type of stuff we discuss here.
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  • Profile picture of the author lcp36
    I was Project manager in banking industry, like CRM projects, BI...
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  • Profile picture of the author shireen
    I was a Economics Lecturer.

    I quit my job at January 2010 & go full time on eBay + IM

    Since then I never look back :-)
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    • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
      Originally Posted by shireen View Post

      I was a Economics Lecturer.

      I quit my job at January 2010 & go full time on eBay + IM

      Since then I never look back :-)
      Sorry, who is this? :confused:

      BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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      • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
        financial controller and i still am! pay is too good to give up!
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  • Profile picture of the author nagor
    I am a CEO of a not for profit providing Health Services in the UK Your always busy when its free
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin G
    I was a teacher - 3rd grade. Before that, I did some retail work at the mall right out of college - sold shoes and discovered I liked selling and interacting with different people all day. I have been self-employed for 27+ years and I am loving it. I have seen how the internet really changed the whole industry. The world is now a smaller place and we are all more connected thanks to social media, skype and all the other technological advances.
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  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    coach, entrepreneur and OFFline marketer. Internet Marketing uses 100% of the principles of Mail Order Marketing...anyone who was successful at that automatically "gets" IM.

    If you are the type of teacher that is a lifelong learner, and self-improves you will do well. IF you are the type of teacher that learned once, and teach off that forever, never truly growing - you won't.

    You sound like the former though so you should be fine.
    Get LEGIT! Make 6, 7 or 8 FIGURES Per MONTH
    Just Like The Other Students I Mentor Do!

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  • Profile picture of the author testwarrior
    ha ha, i wonder why i ever did anything that wasn't online, wish I'd started years ago!
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  • Profile picture of the author MartinWinWeb
    I spent 35 years in sale of investment goods all over the world. Came in contact with "PC's" or the then "Tablets" like TI44 :-) in the mid 80's but never had the time to truly go into Internet Marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author leonidas32
    Was a full-time college/university student for 5 years.

    Quickly found a job as an IT Quality Assurance Analyst with a major pharmaceutical company.

    Afterwards, got another job at a post-acquisition IT company.

    Quit after being sick of the 9-5 dilemma.

    Ran a Forex business for 8 months, until it crashed (still running though).

    Now developing a business in IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author richjr72
    I was a Restaurant Manager for 15 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author addyj672
    Before starting internet marketing i was satellite engineer working for a news channel. It is most watched news channel of Pakistan and people like to watch the news of this channel. But meanwhile i start working with university friends on internet marketing. Then i searched job in dubai and find this internet marketing job and till now i am working...
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  • Profile picture of the author FaisalReza

    what a nice topic, i was a government servant in Malaysia government. I work as a social officer. I start internet marketing / blogging as part time and now i do internet marketing fulltime.

    How about others? anyone work as government servant?
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  • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?
    Looking back.. i need fingers and toes to count off the work i used to do

    Focusing on the longer periods of work, the job shortlist looks something like this:
    • Bank - backoffice / accounts administration
    • Dishwasher - I was 21 and quit the underpaid Bank after 1,5 years to make faster money for my South American adventure trip by doing night-shift dishes
    • Warehouse - Direct Marketing - packaging etc.
    • Regional Manager - Moved up to manage a delivery region for the same direct marketing co. Client contacts, managing delivery people, etc
    • Printing Company - started a printing co with my brother - we didn't know sh*t, leased the sheet printing machinery and did mostly broschures and DM stuff for my former employer. Learned everything from the ground up. Not profitable, finally went bust
    • Assistant Photographer - got a job offer from a friend who was doing XXX for the nr.1 mag - great pay, lots of fun, no sleep
    • Freelance Photographer - got tired of the sleaze after about 8 months - shared a studio and did promo shooting for Stockholm Water Festival on and off for 3 years
    • Telesales - Sold ads for a house-owner federation mag. Ok job, lasted about 1.5 years until the co stopped paying our salary due to mismanagement.
    • Web Agency - started a web agency with my nephew and a friend. This was during the Windows 95 era
    • General Manager - built and ran a printing co with 7 employees on assignment for a school friend
    • Media consultant - self employed as a go-between helping clients organize printed media production from copy to distribution
    • Imports - Managed a small grey market GPS import from USA to Scandinavia
    • Shopkeeper - Grew the above so much we had to rent a shop in central Stockholm
    • Truck Driver - still do it sometimes. Poor pay but it feels like "real work" compared to the IM stuff

    To the younger crowd out there i suggest you try your hand at a couple of things but don't just mark off the time. Do everything with 100% dedication and focus. Just passing though is a waste of time. Gaining the experience and knowledge is priceless.

    Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

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  • Profile picture of the author rjayson
    i am just doing my first job and before this job i was a student...
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  • Profile picture of the author pandadoodle
    Been in web development since I was 17 and got a part time job working for a large agency things grew from there and over that time I've been involved in 3 very successful start up agencies Its still my main job, this is something of a side line I can focus on in work and dedicate something out to the new juniors starting

    Although recent luck with flippla and the likes I may as well stick with my day job lol
    Web Design Cardiff - Panda Doodle
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  • Profile picture of the author paulpower
    I had many many different careers before I started in the internet marketing field.

    Some of the more diverse, include a rock singer (failed), telesales rep, refuse collector, and construction worker, not in that order.

    I never could settle in them as I always felt it was unfair that someone else got rich off my efforts, now I am focused on proving my self right.
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Kerley
    Well I've been manufacturing Electronic PC Boards since the early 70,s. I owned various manufacturing firms int the Ft. Lauderdale area and in the late 80's and early 90's, that industry moved offshore.

    I finally started IM about a year ago, got a great teacher, and I've been making money ever since. To me the most important thing that I did was to make sure what I was learning, was done in the correct manor and sequence!
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    • Profile picture of the author WikiWarrior
      I ran a mail-order company importing party products that I started after finishing university. I took out a £2k business overdraft, slapped another £1k on the credit card then wired the whole lot (all I had at the time) to some guy in China I'd never met. Turned out pretty well though; the Chinese have an excellent work ethic.

      Sold that business a few years ago to a bigger company then spent a year or so working in a couple of random jobs which I absolutely hated. Working for anyone else after being self-employed is very depressing! In the last year and a half I've been doing local business marketing while getting my head around the crazy world of internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Shoot
    I run a web development company, IM is just part of my biz and something I use to market my clients valuable products to a much broader audience. I have a few of my own products I might release to the IM community but I am not sure if that is what I want to do yet.
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  • Profile picture of the author julianna
    Advertising sales. Was in direct mail print, for many years, until the "shift"
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  • Profile picture of the author stevet563
    I am still a machinist. Love the work but want a better life style.

    Highly skilled, professional, passionate and experienced web designer For Hire.

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  • Profile picture of the author StefanB
    My first job was as an IT technician, then web developer, and now Network Engineer. I am not so much into IM but considder myself to be of an aspiring entrepreneur
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  • Profile picture of the author JWImarketing
    I grew up in construction. It's always good to know a trade but it's hard on the body and doesn't pay like it should. Whoever whines about working behind a desk or computer should go dig a deep hole by hand and then see how they feel about it.

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  • Profile picture of the author rebel79
    I was a "Professional student" aka homemaker who has time to take online courses and art courses. It took me 9 years to get two Associate degrees. I have been online since June and still looking for the paychecks to come in. It IS hard!
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  • Profile picture of the author Torreylee
    I was a truck driver, I hauled steel on big-rigs in the heat of summer and in the cold of winter. I'm soooooo Glad to be done with that crap. It's been nearly six year, not I live in the year round sun and live off of my portfolio of websites and product that I sell.

    I love this life!

    You Wanna Learn About The SEO Underground?

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    Learn about financing your small online business with peer-to-peer lending today.

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  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    For a moment I've read the title of this thread as "what was your profession before the internet started" -

    Well, when it started (1969) I was in my last year of high school.

    And when the WWW (world wide web) started (1991) I already had lots of professions behind me... and I've seen a browser first time when my son showed me

    The ones where I've spent longer time:
    • teacher
    • technical translator
    • journalist/editor
    • publisher/owner of an (offline) ad mag
    • sales/sales management
    • humanitarian work in war zones
    • insurance and financial services
    • interpreter
    • cross-cultural communication trainer
    • web stuff: WP theme design; custom WP

    p.s. I didn't include temporary jobs that lasted only a few months
    p.p.s. The list above "happened" while I officially lived in 3 different countries on two continents, although the jobs were located in more than 3 countries...

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  • Profile picture of the author solado
    I still work full time in my slavery job - but hope to get out.

    At the moment im an IT technician - I have hated working for other people now since my first ever full time day (passive income - im working at you !)

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  • Profile picture of the author sgoerger
    I have training as, of all things, a Fiction Writer. *Cough*. That led to teaching English at Universities but I am kind of an awful teacher of subjective stuff like English...I think I could have been a good math teacher though. Anyways, from there I worked in a library, then a state revenue office, and then finally bounced onto the Internet. I'm primarily a web designer but more purely IM projects are always cropping up in my life, there are so many opportunities and small cracks of knowledge to peer into and see what you might be able to create for profit...that type of creativity suits the writer in me, lol...
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  • Profile picture of the author jivens
    I was a manager in retail . Useful in communicating I guess lol
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliatemanus
    I am an Electronic Engineer managing the design of Navigation Computers.
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  • Profile picture of the author leadmonster
    I started out as a restaurant manager and did very well, but got tired of living the rat race so I decided to something about it and spent about 3 years doing the whole buy this, buy that deal. I then realized that value given to the marketplace was what I needed to accumulate. SO as time passed I quit my job of 15 years in March and on my way to a multiple six figure lifestyle as we speak! Rock on warriors!
    Jermaine "Lead Monster" Steele

    (1) See How We Recruit 2-9 People DAILY + Learn To Become a SUPER AFFILIATE <~~~


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  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    I graduated as a Graphic Designer right in the middle of the last recession (1991) so joined my mom working at an old folk's home. Many jobs later in the same field I am now in social work- and not really enjoying it as I am not really comfortable with dealing with people face to face! I'm a hermit at heart!

    Hence the reason I am in IM... to replace my income, leave my job and deal with people a little more anonymously...
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  • Profile picture of the author Thatgirl
    I currently work for a fortune 500 company at home doing sales/customer service.
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  • Profile picture of the author Aha moment
    I'm mlmers.. offline mlmers. . my team made like $60,000 in gross sales in 1 year I think,,, but then I stopped doing that and in the future I'd like to have some more fun doing that business...
    5 Friends to join for FREE for doing NOTHING
    $5,000/m passive income!

    Less than 90 days until launch!
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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    I was your local neightborhood Pizza Delivery boy!

    Can't say it was all bad though. Met a lot of girls on delivery, and got to drink free beer all the time.

    But still, I was workin' for the man, and it was horrible.

    A great learning experience to say the least.
    Three (3) Income Streams DFY
    New FREE Website Builds Your List
    And Earns From 3 Income Streams
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5348053].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author HonestJ
    I was a Sales/Marketing Manager for over 10 years.
    Looking to go full time IM in 18 months.
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  • Profile picture of the author laurynherbert
    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

    Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

    These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

    Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

    If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

    P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
    Yes, I was a Special Education teacher for 10 years... Loved my job but could not make ends meet as a single mother of 4. After years of struggling in IM, I made it with the help, guidance and patience of my business partner, Frank Jones.
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  • Profile picture of the author Chris-
    My previous professions . . . many and various

    I chose IM because it's the easiest, quickest, and cheapest way to build my financial freedom. Things that help me in IM include the variety of my previous experience, my ability with data processing and a bit of programming which make it easy for me to implement fairly complex systems in terms of data, research etc. and automate some of the things which I need to do.

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  • Profile picture of the author IMentreprenette
    I believe teachers have a great advantage in the IM world considering they love teaching others and communicating the information effectively.

    I was a full time registered nurse here in Canada. I still am because I still have my practice permit, although it will be expiring soon I'm a full time internet marketer now and I'm loving it! Good luck on your journey to becoming a full-time IMer! ^_^
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  • Profile picture of the author momo1978
    BA in accounting, Security guard for 8 plus years, eBay seller, and currently mortgage banker in one of the major banks. Still learning IM and its overwhelming but i know some way if i dig further and spend more time, Success wont be far in IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandebdavid
    IT Student. After grad i searched for jobs but could not find a worthy one until i met IM and never looked back
    "For everyone somewhere there is a piece of heaven on earth"
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  • Profile picture of the author unoentremil

    I was a Photographer (previously to the digital era). In 1994 I purchased a PC to retouch my Photographs. It was so slow... :-). Well, I got a bit disappointed with the possibilities of PCs at that time but I always loved computers and technology (since the '80s). I started to play Doom and to create levels for that game. Then I learned a bit of MS-DOS, about Hardware, then Windows 3, then...

    So I started to learn and well, still learning every day.
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanyu
    I was an senior developer in an Internet marketing company.

    I worked with both several top gurus and many newbies from various areas like Internet marketers, business owners, doctors, musicians, real estate agents, writers and of course teachers

    What I found was teachers were mostly generous and good at explaining what they want. Whereas there were people from certain areas commonly very (I mean VERY) picky and they usually encrypted their messages so we always had to decrypt it.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5355100].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Mr. Ken Russell
      Went from full time student to full time internet marketer. Only job experience was door to door sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author maymorgano
    I can hardly remember the work I did before internet marketing, which I'm doing for so many years now for many many websites in different promotional methods.
    In between I love doing unrelated work to remind myself that there is a whole world out there beyond google SERPs and conversions. Those gigs are related to teaching and workshops on a few subjects.
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  • Profile picture of the author Targeted Traffic
    I owned a number of offline businesses
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  • Profile picture of the author DoubleOhDave
    I was a manufacturing technician for a multinational company.. Don't miss it at all!
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  • Profile picture of the author webskipper
    I was a GM in a holiday tour company for 7 years It was a fun job but $$ was bad...
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  • Profile picture of the author Henri Lind
    I got into IM about 6 months after graduation, til then i didnt do nothing.
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  • Profile picture of the author rhorobins
    My sig says it all I've been competing all over the world and I quit my profession when I get married. That was 2 years ago. Then I focused on my local business and mentoring to uprising gamers.

    1 year and 8 months ago I discovered SEO when I started a website, a community for gamers. I learn Google Adsense and luckily after 6 month I earn decent income. More than a pro gamer earns per month.
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    • Profile picture of the author JieLim
      Originally Posted by rhorobins View Post

      My sig says it all I've been competing all over the world and I quit my profession when I get married. That was 2 years ago. Then I focused on my local business and mentoring to uprising gamers.

      1 year and 8 months ago I discovered SEO when I started a website, a community for gamers. I learn Google Adsense and luckily after 6 month I earn decent income. More than a pro gamer earns per month.
      Haha! awesome way to make money from gaming! that's like every teenagers dream...

      Mine is an engineer, nothing fancy, just in a office 9-5pm tapping away at a calculator. internet marketing is definitely more interesting (and challenging)!
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  • Profile picture of the author premiumseoservice
    A banker ( accountant) Now a Seo Expert and marketer. Wanted to spend more time with family.
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  • Profile picture of the author LyndaL66
    I was a nurse before I got burned out at that. Now I am using all my health and medical knowledge to parlay that into freelance writing and internet marketing. It's a huge niche!

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  • Profile picture of the author payment gateway
    I was in consulting with a focus on data mining and analytics.
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  • Profile picture of the author BirtieB51
    LOL - What an odd lot we are!

    I wanted to be an actress and a recording artist, so I've had a lot of jobs. I've been writing since I was little. I've worked for a newspaper as the circulation secretary, I've waitressed, once as a pinchable-singing-serving wench (OUCH!), short order cook, I've pumped gas, I co-pastored 6 churches, been a professional singer, secretary.... I worked in the financial industry for 8 years, brief stint selling insurance, and now I'm free! Prayerfully this will pay the bills!

    Happy New Year! Paulette
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  • Profile picture of the author jmdw99
    I worked in a University Undergraduate Admissions Office answering applicant's email questions. At the same time, I started freelance writing part-time. Once I snagged a column and regular work, I became a full time freelancer for about eight years. Oh yeah, I have some real estate investing thrown in there as well. I'm just staring to learn the ends and outs of affiliate marketing.

    I also think you would be fab in IM as a teacher. Most teachers enjoy research, have patience, dedication and are open to new ideas. As long as you know when to stop researching and start experimenting, the sky is the limit.
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  • Profile picture of the author Awesomo
    Was producing videos for a tv channel. Quite a useful set of skills for the IM niche
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  • Profile picture of the author tropvik
    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

    Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

    These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

    Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

    If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

    P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
    I was, am and will continue to be a:

    1. Musician (toured for 4 years) i play bass, guitar and drums - music is definitely my passion.
    2. Import/Export wholesale, i still do it, i love it. I work with South America.

    Now working on IM being my 3rd strong point, lol my life's "Triangle Offense"
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  • Profile picture of the author kolled
    Technical work, mostly in the security systems field. I also dabbled in IT for some time before finally quitting in 2007. I've been in IM since and loving every minute!
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  • Profile picture of the author eluv007
    I was trading forex and now I also create and sell forex systems.
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  • Profile picture of the author jumshi
    this is a lovely thread
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  • Profile picture of the author richrowley
    I was and still am a guitarist and teaching has always been on my timetable. I dont think I'll ever stop playing the guitar as being a musician runs in my blood. It's like a disease!
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  • Profile picture of the author rmolina88
    I was a freelance video editor, but now I'm a Marketing Assistant.

    Hopefully in the next year, I'll be a full time IM'er and Video Producer.
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  • Profile picture of the author DP55
    I started out as (and still am) a private music tutor - I teach various instruments. I only teach part time now as IM has taken over. I don't have the heart to just stop teaching music! I'll never stop teaching part time.
    Business In A Box
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    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5532448].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kencalhn
    I was a corporate TQM trainer, quality engineer and Fortune-500 consultant for many years before going online fulltime in the late 90's. I also taught MBA courses at various universities. It was a very useful background for my business (I'm one of the world's top trading industry figures now).
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  • Profile picture of the author chrisjenva
    Student, Web Design, and various other part time jobs. Been full time IM for awhile now and loving it. Do not miss having a boss to report to.
    ==>Founders Needed! Only 2 more Positions Available!<==
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    Email chrisjenva @ gmail.com or PM me for details...
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  • Profile picture of the author Rockerpreneur
    I'm a musician and recording-mixing-mastering engineer till now.I'm a chief engineer on a music production studio.I decided to doing IM since the music business is not good in my country,far more expense than revenue.My biggest dream is to have my own Record Label,but it need a lot of money.Hope i can reach that goal by doing IM
    Wish me luck.

    Do you want Safe and High Quality INSTANT Traffics to your site for any keywords you want? Try THIS ONE!

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    • Profile picture of the author oscarb
      Well, I'm sort of a newbie since I haven't made much money online part-time. I was and still am a journalist. I also ran my own massage therapy business for many years.
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  • Profile picture of the author HorseStall
    I managed a computer service and networking company.
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  • Profile picture of the author ijohnson
    Past professions:

    I spent over 15 years in the legal field as a legal assistant and later as a billing & account manager for a major law firm;

    several years were spent working with juvenile delinquents in the public and private sector;

    then I ventured into IT as a technical writer before making my way online.

    Make every day count!
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  • Profile picture of the author ryanmilligan
    I was a full time student in high-school.

    Oh my, how I hated the place!
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  • Profile picture of the author YoungLoft
    i didnt have one. i would just play xbox all day
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  • Profile picture of the author lisakleinweber
    Interesting thread.

    I was an army medic, then a paramedic, then a police radio dispatcher/911 calltaker.
    New Women's Health PLR - IBS, Acne, Allergies, Walking, and Foot Health

    Affiliate Marketing Plus Email Marketing PLR -- Mobile Marketing PLR
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5757623].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author MonopolyMan
    Studied for a few years and got myself a BA in Risk Management - only to spend about two years working behind a bar before I found IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author GregsMarketingSvc
    Hello everyone,

    I was a construction worker.

    Come Join The Most Advanced Global SEO Social Community: Skype Meeh: RxSEO.net

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  • Profile picture of the author nrmillions
    i was an accountant
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  • Profile picture of the author virtualprincipal
    Hey Paula,

    I was a teacher and then a principal. Retired at age 45 to work online!!

    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

    Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

    These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

    Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

    If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

    P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author weheartcontent
    Both my parents were teachers. My dad was before he turned into a successful entrepreneur and my mom was a teacher until she retired. I'm not a teacher, but both my parents were. As for me, I am just a lowly architecture student
    I want to write high quality premium articles for you.
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  • Profile picture of the author SARahman
    Ahhh this thread reminded me of my past.

    I am 34 and started to work when was 20, first profession was cost accounting and inventory in father's weaving and manufacturing factory.

    Life was really good back then, full day work with online chat sessions on IRC. PC gaming sessions during nights, every game console I had.

    Got promoted year to year, life was really good. One day civil war happened when a leader got killed. Crazy politicial party workers burnt the entire industrial area to ashes.

    We got our factory burnt too, insurance companies failed to pay the losses. Our buyers ran away without paying our bills. We suffered a lot, took me almost a year to get a job as "Business Development Manager" in a small marketing firm.

    I was b2b marketing our range of products, learned new things, met new people. 2 years later found a good job as "Factory Manager" in a private limited company. Performed well but that factory shut down due to political destabilization in the country.

    Now I am sitting at home full time, searching for a job for past 3 months or so. I have 3 kids and regular expense, trying to make a living from IM. But I am very new to this, learning and trying different plans to optimize my earnings.

    IM is no good for beginners, it requires a lot of money in first years as capital investment. Which really sucks
    S A Rahman Bukhari
    Webcast Coach & Writer
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  • Profile picture of the author Suraj Muralee
    I started internet marketing as a 12 year old student but now I am 15.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dimitris Skiadas
    I was an assistant accountant and i had a really misearable life i must say!I was doing this job for more than 5 years.

    I used to "count" profits and margins for other people's businesses.

    Now i am counting my own!

    Internet Marketing rocks!

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  • Profile picture of the author savvybizbuilder
    From the start, I ran my own business and used my degree for my own profits.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kange
    I worked in customer services and compaints/HR for 5 years before i found my niche and interest in marketing

    NDE Admin
    Love all things marketing along with travel, photography and food :)

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  • Profile picture of the author jeffrufino
    2009 was the last time I had a full time job , Retail, fixing shoes , cutting keys
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  • Profile picture of the author Tadresources
    Well, my day job is at a children's hospital, so IM is my version of moonlighting I suppose. This is definitely an interesting question to ask!
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  • Profile picture of the author Kenny T
    Student....Just dropped out and started my journey on IM and I am loving it
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  • Profile picture of the author ebaypowerguru
    eBay PowerSeller, and I still am one, along with internet marketing!
    The eBay Power Guru Blog

    Learn How To Be An eBay PowerSeller For Free Today
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  • Profile picture of the author wymetto
    Automotive marketing company - but i'm getting old and tired of the door to door routine - I need to use my skills and teach others - ONLINE!
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  • Profile picture of the author Benjamin Ehinger
    I was a bartender/server working basically three jobs. I would bartend or serve for lunch and dinner, sneak an hour or so of IM in between, and try to get a few hours in on days off and at night as well.

    I used to write for others just around the holidays for a bit of extra cash and after a couple years of writing around the holidays, I finally woke up. Now I write for others about 20 hours a week and put 20 hours a week in on my own websites. It is great to be free of the bartending and serving and I finally wake up with a smile on my face as I commute from my bed to my home office to work.

    Benjamin Ehinger
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Guest
    A finance company where I sat in an office for 9 hours a day staring at a screen and had to ask permission for toilet breaks. I hated it!
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    • Profile picture of the author Duncan
      Interesting thread.

      From age 12 to 14 I sold programs at 2 stock car race tracks, also from 12 to 19 I detailed automobiles for new and used car lots. 19 to 25 I worked in several factories. From there college studied social work, than went on to have a 25 year career; specialized in children ages 6 to 19. Now, Internet Marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Victoralexon
    I worked at a restaurant for a couple of years. Prior to that, high school.
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  • Profile picture of the author Hayley McKeever
    My husband & I used to run our own mortgage & insurance business. Needless to say, the banking crisis of 2008 put paid to that!
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  • Profile picture of the author Lori Kelly
    I started working when I was 16. First job, Pizza Hut. Oh how I hated waiting on my friends on Friday nights after a football game!

    From there, shoe sales, Taco Bell, Paralegal, Small Business Owner, Realtor, Leasing Agent, General Contractor, Custom Home Builder.
    Learn Website Tips, How to Do Keyword Research, & How to Write Killer Content.
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  • Profile picture of the author Kevin Thomas
    full time college dropout!!!


    no but really a full time student
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  • Profile picture of the author Sitestomp
    I worked as a cook. I worked in an auto shop. I delivered pizzas.

    Thankfully, I discovered IM and web design about 6 years ago and haven't looked back since.
    ** Professional, Quality, and Experienced Conversion Website Designer **
    I can handle all your web design needs | Skype: Sitestomp

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  • Profile picture of the author John K Glenn
    Was Programmer , Am Programmer And Hopefully will be Programmer
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  • Profile picture of the author wickeddarrell
    A student, and that's going back a few years (maybe 2 dog's ages), studied Geology, but the company I started with roommates boomed, so never looked back
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  • Profile picture of the author Azfar
    I'm still a college student back then. Starting out since 2007.

    But on and off. Hopefully I'm getting more serious this time.
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  • Profile picture of the author deejayundoo
    PHP developer for 7 years and i still do that, as i'm very new to IM and not making a living out of it yet :-)
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  • Profile picture of the author momo14
    College Dropout, playing poker online for couple of years.
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  • Profile picture of the author nickdamodda
    I was a child and still am lol. Self employed is the way to go Only 16 but I make a lot more on here than I would making $10/hour working some ****ty retail job.
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  • Profile picture of the author pupplesan
    I was a medical doctor.
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  • Profile picture of the author jgant
    I was a lawyer for 6 years.

    Started a firm. Needed a website. Built a website and learned SEO.

    Had more fun building and optimizing my firm's website than doing law. Built up the firm by getting quite a few clients from the internet. Discovered that I could actually make money publishing websites with affiliate marketing. Couldn't believe it. Knew it was the business model for me.

    Quit law (retained my ticket though) in Nov. 2011, sold my firm, and now do affiliate marketing full time.
    How I hit $10,000+ per month very fast w/ 1 niche blog - Click Here to learn more (no opt-in).
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    • Profile picture of the author Kevin Hill
      I was a research assistant doing biodefense research for the Army at Fort Detrick, Maryland. Got my Master's degree in Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology and thought I'd devote my life to science.

      Then I discovered copywriting and marketing and now devote myself to a different kind of science.

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  • Profile picture of the author gentryliving
    I was a Teacher and always be a Teacher. I can never quit my permanent job for it is my passion. Being an internet marketer is just my part time. I just like to learn everything about IM.
    Professionally designed custom blogging platform
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  • Profile picture of the author fenixpro
    My most recent background before IM full time was Sales & Marketing in the food and beverage / event industry. I am thankful for having that experience as it helps greatly with my IM career. Especially with the aspects of IM that I bring offline to provide services for businesses. Before that I was a cook for 6 years !

    Funny thing is, I would very much like to work with IM for a while and then scale it back and not retire, but minimize the IM while doing new 'offline' things. IM for me represents freedom to choose.

    You Are Not Your Thoughts
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  • Profile picture of the author surferchris
    My profession before IM was Corporate Finance and Real Estate. They were both very profitable careers, but I couldn't stand the 9-5 jobs. I wanted to do something on my own. I wanted to have time for myself and do all the things I wanted to, but couldn't because of work. "You reap what you sow" has had an impact on how I go about IM. Cheers!
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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    I did a little "freelance" work.

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  • Profile picture of the author wolfmmiii
    I'm a Systems Architect for a major gaming company. However, I find myself doing more and more website stuff during the day.
    Want a REAL Online Business That's Fun to Run?
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  • Profile picture of the author EdBryant
    Dishwasher, Telemarketer, Ditch Digger, Bathroom Remodel, Direct Sales, Direct Sales Manager, Business Owner, Underwriter Auto Finance, Manage Car Dealership, Online Poker Player
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5890789].message }}
  • Dishwasher, service industry, fast food restaurant manager, line cook, bartender, retail, taxi driver, gangster, giggilo, pimp, bricklayer, 411 operator, construction, government worker, student.

    PM Me Now!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5890891].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author johnes4th
    4 years ago I was a bartender with 1 semester of college left to graduate (economics)... started with IM and never graduated because I never saw myself applying for another job... so far, it seems like I made the right decision.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5890929].message }}
    • It has been the opposite for me. Now I have the time and money to go to school. I am going in for a degree in computer information technology, and a bachelor of business, specializing in marketing. I don't plan on applying for any jobs either.

      Originally Posted by johnes4th View Post

      4 years ago I was a bartender with 1 semester of college left to graduate (economics)... started with IM and never graduated because I never saw myself applying for another job... so far, it seems like I made the right decision.

      PM Me Now!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5890959].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author armedgrace
    I had a lot of career before I became an internet marketer. let me enumerate:

    - I was an IT Professional working on a Engineering firm.
    - I also worked as a call center agent for 2 years.
    - I also had Merchandiser experience when I was a teen.

    After one of my friends told me that this new trend of online business is "going on" and I quickly hop aboard.. And then *PUFF*
    I found myself working as an internet marketer..
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  • Profile picture of the author Oliver Williams
    My background is sales and marketing I was in advertising, I suppose there is a teaching aspect that went with the job.
    Don't believe everything you think
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    • Profile picture of the author Christopher Fox
      I haven't 'officially' started IM yet, but, in order post-high school:

      College drop-out (1.5 years left for Elec Eng / Mathematics) / Project Manager supplying companies like Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace / Bouncer / Bartender / Bar manager / 15 years professional ski bum / snowcat operator / whitewater raft guide.

      Yea, my parents are real proud.
      One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

      - Seldom Seen Smith
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5892052].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author Brian Tayler
        Originally Posted by Christopher Fox View Post

        I haven't 'officially' started IM yet, but, in order post-high school:

        College drop-out (1.5 years left for Elec Eng / Mathematics) / Project Manager supplying companies like Lockheed Martin, Ball Aerospace / Bouncer / Bartender / Bar manager / 15 years professional ski bum / snowcat operator / whitewater raft guide.

        Yea, my parents are real proud.
        Wow I worked with Lockheed Martin. It was their Global Telecommunications division. Where in the USA did you work and under what division.

        Just curious
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  • Profile picture of the author BruceSolomon
    I was in construction for 20 years building water, and wastewater, treatment plants. I was a project manager for the latter half of my career.

    I loved what I did but always wanted to work for myself. I now do internet marketing full time. I love every minute of it, and love the fact I can work from anywhere.

    Thanks for the topic, this is my first post on the Warrior Forum.
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  • Profile picture of the author Brian Tayler
    I was a Subway Sandwich artist in high school, a Radio On-Air personality at two different radio stations (one was a top 10 POP station in Washington DC) in college, a Technical Support Representative for an ISP right out of college, and a Marketing Manager for a satellite testing company after I finished my degree. During the whole time I was marketing online different products and learning along the way.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carlos Tabora
    I've done marketing professionally for close to 20 years but admittedly, I was mainly a generalist wearing many hats from marketing director, convention planner (1,200+ people), copywriter, product creator, Website manager, advertising sales, membership management, etc. But the job market has moved towards placing more value on people that are experts with "specific skills" rather than a generalist that doesn't truly "master" any particular skill level.

    Having realized that, I've focused my efforts over the past two years to mastering social media and am glad to say that it landed me a day-job with a web-development company managing their social media programs. While I don't get paid as much as I used to when I had senior-level marketing positions with national organizations, my hours are great, I get health benefits and most importantly - I get to play on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and monitor social media news sites like Mashable all day.

    The knowledge and experience I've gained has been "invaluable" in applying it to my own Internet marketing activities and Websites.

    keep movin'

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  • Profile picture of the author roosters64
    I was a Railway Station Manager. Worked for RailCorp for 20 years.

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  • Profile picture of the author Onora Oz
    You all have inspiring stories that I loved reading

    I've worked for a "media giant" for 20 years, and was in love with my job. I was 17 when I first started, and 37 when my job was killed due to the 2008 crisis. It was one long hard road from being the news reporting intern to the top as publishing director. It would be a novel lol

    Anyways, I was lucky to be able to build my own business while managing a full time job. While I was producing and managing "their" special-interest magazines, I was also running my OWN network of special-interest (niche) sites. (You can't turn your back to your talents, I guess). Probably the smartest move I've ever made.

    P.S. I have one wish for those who are working for other people (and hate it): I wish you have your own business one day.
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  • Profile picture of the author thinktwice
    Pizza Hut at 19 years old. When they did not want to improve my basic salary because I was not lunching with the social "click", I told them to **** up and never ever worked for anybody else than me.

    That's 12 years ago.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5917790].message }}
  • Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

    Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

    These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

    Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

    If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

    P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
    Here in BC the teachers are on strike or in contract negotiations or whatever. I keep thinking that if they think being a teacher is that bad, and they want more money, then maybe they should get into internet marketing. Lots of teachers have.

    PM Me Now!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5917872].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author chemo38
      I was a police officer, private investigator, and security consultant.

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      • Profile picture of the author liukawa
        I am an engineer who

        Hates running in the rat race
        Hates waking up everyday at 6 am

        Which is why I decided to try out IM.

        I am still a novice in IM and certainly still have a long way to go before I can throw away my stinky job and become a full time IMer.

        Till then, I have much to learn about IM !
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  • Profile picture of the author ashloren
    I dropped out of High School and worked at McDonald's for a year. Then I quit and moved to Portland, OR (from Oregon coast) where I began working as an independent escort for the past 5+ years. Started freelance writing and IM in the past 1-2 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author junne
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    • Profile picture of the author erikcairo
      I owned a traditional brick and mortar business. Gourmet foods. We had custom butcher shop,organic produce, 125 different kinds of cheese, etc, etc. Got out 5 years ago, took 18 months off and found IM. Been having a great time learning a new profession!

      Google Adwords for Affiliate Marketers
      No Slaps, No Suspensions, No Joke!

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6175433].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Alexa Smith
      Originally Posted by junne View Post

      I was Student
      Passed out Last Year!!
      I think it's a worldwide phenomenon: many students' alcohol intake does seem to predispose to that sometimes happening.
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  • Profile picture of the author phinneus
    I was a bill collector......was actually pretty good at that job but decided to go to school. I think I would rock at offline sales if I could find a good foundation. But I like video marketing and email marketing too.
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  • Profile picture of the author lauuuer
    I was helping my father with a bar.

    I don't know how people in the US say that, but my father owns a "bar" in a Theater here in my city, so i used to help him. We used to sell chocolates, some drinks, food and his business was doing very well. But he didn't pay me very well =(

    So i started searching on internet how to make money from home and started doing some link building services. Now i'm a professional link builder expanding my business
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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Career 1: toolmaking apprentice (mechanical eng)
      quit after 1 year to follow in Father's footsteps - bad move!

      Career 2: 9 years as Textile (knitwear/clothing) technician/manager
      grew to loath it; wanted to follow my friend from apprentice days and find work in my lifelong passion of motor racing.

      Career 3: over 20 years in motor sport, currently in the Aerodynamics/wind tunnel dept of a successful Formula 1 race team.
      It's ok work for which I'm extremely grateful
      ...but then I discovered IM in 2005/6 !

      Career 4, the future: F/time IM !!
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  • I was a government scientist, testing pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. Sounds cool....really wasn't !
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  • Profile picture of the author LukeDavenport
    Worked as a server at two different restaurants. Struggled profusely, now my worries are little to nun!
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  • Profile picture of the author LukeDavenport
    I worked in two different restaurants, struggled profusely. Now my worries are second to nothing!
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  • Profile picture of the author yesook
    i sold tiles for walls and floors for 12 years loved my job wish i was still there shame the company closed worked there since i was 15.
    when i comes to tiles i could sell anything to do with them top sales man for 10 years in the company that had 300 stores.
    hope to bring the same talent online.
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  • Profile picture of the author cncbuss
    Architectural Technician for an arrogant pr*ck of an Architect.

    Wish I could say it as a former job, but I'm still at it until I can replace my current income.
    Nothing worth pursuing is ever easy. www.perfectbusinessadvatage.com
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  • Profile picture of the author seococonuts
    I was a Toyota technician and hated that job with a passionn...some people love it but being trapped in the same building day in day out was not my dream at all.

    After that I become a teacher and did that for 7 years...yes, another teacher here guys...got fed up with screaming at snotty kids but my final position as manager allowed me to sit infront of the computer and get stuck in.

    Finally, after being owed over 3 thousand dollars from my boss and already making steady money online, I walked.
    BarryinSiam - 1300++ Happy Seo Clients @ Seoclerks

    Love discounts? Find me on Facebook- Barryinsiam
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6178504].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author maestro_mr
    I'm in internet marketing since 2005.
    I was a university student when I started internet marketing.
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
    I was an eBay power seller.

    I also did medical transcription and customer service.

    Worked in our commercial cleaning franchise and our restaurants.

    My FAVE is Internet marketing!!

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6178651].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author WebPen
    Engineering, baby!

    ....actually, I kinda hate most engineering. I'm more of a big-picture kinda guy, which is why I'm more of an Imagineer
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  • Profile picture of the author Sites For Less
    Before IM I was in the USAF working as a aircraft engineer! Complete 180 I know but I served my time and decided it was time to do something new. One could say I found it
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  • Profile picture of the author DustonMcGroarty
    This is a great post... unique!

    I sold wood. Yep. Wood. Lumber sales to homebuilders. Not a day goes by that I miss doing that!
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  • Profile picture of the author BlackWar
    I'm a student of Computer Engineering.
    and I've a local computer training institute for child also.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sensei.Design
    being a student isn't a real profession so I guess I was nothing before starting internet marketing but still studying and getting a degree in business administration which is what I would do without IM
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    • Profile picture of the author richblogs
      I was in IT middle management.

      ...and still am. But, hopefully not for much longer!
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  • Profile picture of the author sfx1971
    My spirit was crushed by 20 years spent as a Mechanical Engineer.....
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    • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
      Originally Posted by sfx1971 View Post

      My spirit was crushed by 20 years spent as a Mechanical Engineer.....
      Understandable... "CAD/CAM" automation technology has ripped the heart and soul out of engineering
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  • Profile picture of the author devogolf
    I was a greenkeeper...building and maintaining Golf Courses. Up at dawn every day...worrying about turf dying...7 days a week...!!! I wonder why I got into Internet Marketing...???

    There is more information and some great FREE stuff over at http://www.allandevlin.com
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  • Profile picture of the author FlyBaby_Renee
    I was a Project manager for innovations and product commercialization specialist in the apparel industry.
    Entrepreneur at heart, what can I say?
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  • Profile picture of the author Challendge
    I was a broke University graduate in massive debt and trying to find a job when everyone else was being laid off. Fun times! lol

    It's all in the past now and it's what led me to IM so I'm very grateful for it. Just got back from Los Cabos for my honeymoon and my house will be fully built by the end of the month. Any job that I would have gotten with my degree could have never provided me with this in such a short period of time.

    Here's to the success of every Warrior!
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  • Profile picture of the author michaeljcheney
    Haha! Makes me sick just thinking about it. I used to work for the largest company in the world - ExxonMobil - on really good money but quit to set up my IM biz. Great feeling walking out of there knowing that it was going to be my first and LAST ever job. I now earn more in a year than it would have taken me 20 years to accrue in the job. Schwaeeet. :-)
    Get Free Email Marketing Tips, Tactics and Strategies[URL=https://www.emailmarketingsecrets.org]
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[6298698].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author eac07740
    I was a gun slinging cowboy before I got involved in Internet marketing.LOL
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    • Profile picture of the author DireStraits
      Originally Posted by eac07740 View Post

      I was a gun slinging cowboy before I got involved in Internet marketing.LOL
      Heh. Well, even if you hadn't hung up your spurs and became a reformed citizen, you'd have been in good company with all the other gun-slinging cowboy marketers on the 'net.
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  • Profile picture of the author TimGreen1
    Only job I ever had was IM went straight from school to IM and never looked back
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  • Profile picture of the author skidog30
    Professional engineer!
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    • Profile picture of the author vencedor08
      I use to be a professional taking care of pigs, chickens and cows in my country.

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  • Profile picture of the author Defacto
    Truck driver, night auditor, cannabis cultivator, other.
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  • Profile picture of the author wilkesvb
    Long time lurker first time post!

    In college I came home and worked as a sales associate for now defunct Media-Play (similar to Best Buy) and loading and unloading shipping containers at warehouses.

    I graduated from a good school with a degree in International Affairs but have since taught myself front end web development. I now work as a Digital Marketing Specialist at a small business and I wait tables most nights.

    That $50k a year isn't enough for a single dad to save anything. I've always wanted to work for myself one day so I'm beginning my IM adventure. I originally learned web design a couple years ago to be a web designer but it comes in very handy having all that knowledge already when starting IM.

    My dream is to eventually replace both my jobs and teach IM to service-disabled veterans.

    Nice to meet you all!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[8763885].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dengkane
    I'm a professional software developer with many years experience, and still work as a developer now. I have been in Internet marketing for years, good experience, and changed my mindset a lot.
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  • Profile picture of the author hotconcepts
    I am a software engineer, coder and developer. But I find IM challenging and exciting.
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  • Profile picture of the author DURABLEOILCOM
    I worked for AT&T as Technical Support(Wireless Cards/Black Berry/Iphone/Android) for 6 years.
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  • Profile picture of the author StevePatterson
    Still doing software development.
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  • Profile picture of the author James Brown
    I've been lucky enough to have a few part-time jobs to get myself thru college. Waiter, car washing & working as a DJ. After college I've owned several businesses over the past 20 years. There were many days as a business owner that I wished I was collecting a pay check & going home to relax at 5pm.
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  • Profile picture of the author jdc0902
    I was and still am an Engineer. Trying to get out of that and into to this Internet Marketing business. I am finding it not so easy though. So many things to learn, understand and trying to get people to my site is not working out very well. But I am trying/
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036484].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author jdc0902
    I was and still am an Engineer. Trying to get out of that and into to this Internet Marketing business. I am finding it not so easy though. So many things to learn, understand and trying to get people to my site is not working out very well. But I am trying.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036485].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Michael Garett
    Well, I was a Student, and STILL a student, and I want to be The BOSS
    No 9-5 B.S.
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  • Profile picture of the author EPoltrack77
    I used to plant large trees using whats called a Tree Spade on the back on of a 10 wheeler truck. Cool job. My job was management and interacting with the customer which was pretty cool.
    Working to achieve higher results...
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  • Profile picture of the author IanGreenwood
    I was a physical therapist for just over 20 years. Did a bit of lecturing / teaching with that.

    Then I started a cell phone business. Sold that, and started doing medical technical writing to support myself through university for a second time doing Multimedia Computing and Web Development.

    Worked as a web developer for a couple of years before going into full time I.M.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036625].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author SI Randy
    Before internet marketing i worked with a contractor who did Vinyl siding, and windows, kitchen/bath remodels, and landscaping, i also cleaned out foreclosed homes with him for awhile too, i don't think i could ever go back to working that way again
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Personal trainer bouncing around chain-gyms like the energizer bunny

    Glad that's long gone now
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  • Profile picture of the author azsno
    bon vi·vant
    singer of songs and ballads
    Fighter of civil wars in 3rd World Nations

    Fighter by Day
    Lover by Night
    Drunkard by Choice
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036754].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kevin timothy
    A 51B (Carpentry & Masonry Specialist) out of
    the 46th Engineer Battalion in Fort Polk, Louisiana.

    I know...this was some transition into internet
    marketing. I think that the experience helped
    me to become a much more assertive leader.

    As a matter of fact, when I was in the Army
    I knew that I wanted to become a business
    owner - I just wasn't sure of the industry.
    Your Funnel is Waiting. Fill It With Unlimited Leads
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9036802].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author kzubiri15
    I'm a lead generation specialist for 1 years before I became full time internet marketing specialist and a full time student before that.
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  • Profile picture of the author sree94
    TV news producer. Contrary to popular belief, a very average paying job

    That job actually helped me a bit with writing sales copy. For the news, we would write a "tease" like "coming up, the chemical in your home that could kill you"... blah blah. I guess it taught me to "sell, not tell"

    But other than that, it didn't help much
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  • Profile picture of the author cyberdenizen
    I'm an Internet marketer selling my writing services. But before that, I was a part-time teacher. Then I became a call center agent. I worked for an American BPO company. After a year, I became a medical and broadcast media transcriptionist and worked from home. I began writing professionally after a couple of years.

    My teaching experience has taught me to organize my thoughts and present them in a clear and understandable way. This has helped me a lot as a writer. Also, my love for teaching seeps into my writing.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9037124].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author zak258
    Originally Posted by Paula Steen View Post

    There are several internet marketers who began their careers as teachers.

    Lee McIntyre, Mike McMillan, and Jenn Dize come to mind.

    These people stand out to me because their stories inspire me. I am a elementary school teacher who is ready to make the switch to full-time internet marketing next year.

    Is there a high percentage of internet marketers who started out as teachers?

    What was your profession before you started internet marketing?

    If you are still working outside of IM, is your goal to quit and go full-time online?

    P.S. I'm really wondering if there are any other current/former teachers out there... but am also interested in learning more about the other backgrounds that have led to IM.
    Hi, I was a farmer until I did some nerve damage 8 years ago and can no longer do
    Physical work anymore, so the only way forward I can see is with Internet Marketing. It has taken me a few years to decide which way to go as you know there is so many different ways to make money online I enjoy writing so ebooks and PLR is where I am heading. Good luck and I hope you find where you fit into the market.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9037424].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author AdamPayne
    Teacher too here. Freelance though, not at a regular school.

    I'd agree there's a need for teaching materials that can be delivered online.

    Discover the only A-Z of Video Marketing and for your content, check this out: Premium Video and Full PLR Packs - Free $4,961 case study

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9037445].message }}

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