26 replies
Hi Gang,

May I ask if War Room is worth the money, does it make sense to join up if I am a newbie?

Is it that much of a benefit?

#join #room #war
  • Profile picture of the author JohnWiz
    Hi Jon,

    There's a discussion on exactly the same topic here.

    Hope it helps you make an informed decision.

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  • Profile picture of the author entrepreneurjay
    Yes, yes, yes, it is a great investment that you will not regret go for it!
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  • Profile picture of the author John Atkins
    Absolutely. Lots of valuable stuff in there about everything. It's well worth the money.
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    • Profile picture of the author Success With Dany
      Absolutely not. Save your money.
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      • Profile picture of the author owey
        The best thing i have ever done the reason being that you can pick up wso's for free
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      • Profile picture of the author Norfolk
        Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

        Absolutely not. Save your money.
        Care to elaborate on that point of view? In my experience, it's extremely rare to get a negative opinion of War Room on the Warrior Forum, so I wonder what's your reasoning.

        One thing I always say for War Room:
        Much better investment than 4 WSOs at $9.99
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        • Profile picture of the author MP80
          Hi Jon,

          I think it depends on your reasons, and if you have the money to spare.

          I joined partly so that I could reply to, and send PM's and I haven't used it for much else since then. If you buy a lot of WSO's though, or are considering doing so, then Yes it is a no-brainer (as IMers like to say :p). Basically you will have access to a forum full of free WSO's without having to opt-in to any lists, so for $37 it is a steal.

          That said, if you find the idea of this overwhelming, or suffer from information overload then it may not be a good idea. To be honest, I haven't read or done a lot with much of what I have downloaded there. If money is tight you will find more than enough information in the free section of WarriorForum to get started. In fact, probably more than you will ever need or use in your career.

          If/when things are going well, buying a membership would be a great way to show your support and say 'thanks' for all the help that WarriorForum has provided. If nothing else, it may also be worth it for the fact that warriors may take you a little more seriously as a marketer, plus you willl be able to PM/reply to PM's without having 50 posts.


          Lol, I just noticed that you have joined already, so it looks like you have made up your mind Still, great thread, and hopefully it will help others to decide.
          Before you do ANYTHING else in your day - do at least ONE thing that brings money into your business.
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      • Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

        Absolutely not. Save your money.

        are U out of mind.
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      • Profile picture of the author Danny10
        Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

        Absolutely not. Save your money.
        I've been thinking of joining the war room too. How would you know if you haven't joined?:confused:
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      • Profile picture of the author imsirigiri
        Originally Posted by Success With Dany View Post

        Absolutely not. Save your money.
        Looks like Dany had planned to reveal something out of the blue, but life it seems had taken him to the other end.

        Waiting to hear your POV Dany.
        Need a Technical Support VA on an Hourly Basis? || Need AdSense Microniche Sites Research and Development? PM me.
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  • Profile picture of the author visimedia
    I saw a lot of good things are shared in war room, and you can join it if you want to.. I will, and I'm a war room member.

    For best hostel in malang & mold inspectors orlando : https://waterdamagerestorationorland...d-inspections/

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  • Profile picture of the author Joseph Robinson
    Do it. All of the magical things you can imagine when it comes to IM are in the War Room.

    Four rainbows means four pots of gold.
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  • Profile picture of the author tonio79
    Always to be recommended....especially as a Newbie...because it can cut the learning curve down dramatically. Loads of information to help you and advise you....oh and some very friendly people in there too!!
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeremy Stephens
    I've been told it is worthwhile, and will probably upgrade soon.
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    • Profile picture of the author arkhamindustries
      Sounds like there is a lot of free information in there that is of high quality. I am curious if anyone that is a member there could tell me if there is any information in there about cost per call marketing
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  • Profile picture of the author TrumpiaTim
    Yes, there's some very insightful information in that section, that can't be found on the public forum.

    Trumpia: The Most Completed SMS Text Messaging Software & API Solution.
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  • Profile picture of the author PatriciaS
    You MUST join the War Room. Must. Period, end of discussion.

    Now -- when? Hmmm, that's another story. I waited for a while and things made better sense to me than they would have if I were new. If you have a base of knowledge, go ahead. If not, still go ahead if you want. It's a one-time fee, after all, so you won't be wasting any part of an annual subscription if it's over your head.

    But there are so many freebies that it's just silly NOT to join.
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  • Profile picture of the author cyrilchua
    I'm a pretty new warroom member myself. This message's not meant for the OP but for others considering to join instead.

    I looked through the war room and found that there's indeed a lot of free stuff there. However, pretty much nothing wasTHAT useful for my business model I guess. Luckily I joined war room not only for freebies still worth the little 37 dollars.

    My point: don't join the war room just for free stuff like others are advocating.. You don't even know what's in there nor whether you need em freebies.. Still a good investment just for the pm expansion though.
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  • Profile picture of the author cargen
    I heard that the war room is not as valuable as when they were offering a monthly subscription.
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  • Profile picture of the author LemonSqueezy
    If I were you, I wouldn't. I'll tell you why. You are new and the internet is a wide and wondrous place. The war room is like compacting everything into a small little area and saying here, take a bunch of candy and you are a kid. You will have ADHD out the wazoo and never focus on one thing. Doing that is IM suicide. Save you money for now, search the forums, ask questions when you can, then after you have a strong base of information, join the war room to supplement you knowledge and find out what else is going on.

    Too many people join and then lose focus because there are so many directions to go. Don't make that mistake or you will never make a carrer out of IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author absolutelee
    Short answer...absolutely! Great content there. More importantly, there are a lot of people you can get to know, which is key to an IM career.
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    The war room is what you make of it.

    It could be the most valuable thing to you, or it could literally be worthless.

    The knowledge gained will be invaluable, but it's always the application of that knowledge and sound execution is where the money is made.
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  • Profile picture of the author sirtiman
    It's 20 years long to get useful things for your business. Worth to try.
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