Tips to sell your own ClickBank product

11 replies
OK so I figured that at least for me, to do well I need to create products instead of selling other people's, so I've released my first health niche CB product in the form of an ebook.

1. Product done and delivers well
2. Useful, extremely valid info
3. Bonus ebooks x 3 that add tons of value
4. Relatively low price set
5. Copy written

I already have a responsive list from a blog I run, so blasted that with my product and hey, sales start popping off every day.

Only now, sales have stopped! Strangers don't want my ebook it seems. I have numerous links to my product from my blog, which is over 100 pages of good content. But no more sales since I blasted my list>

For sure I have to split test the copy and tweak to improve...but I wanted to see...

Am I missing anything here? A PPC campaign maybe?

Any tips massively appreciated. Thanks.
#clickbank #product #sell #tips
  • Profile picture of the author taskemann
    Hi JRemington!

    You could always promote your own products as a vendor with the same methods as you do as an affiliate.

    PPC, media buys, promotion through lists, through articles, etc.

    But what I would suggest you to do if you can't make any sales by yourself is to recruit affiliates so they can do the sales for you.

    You could for example post your affiliate program to Warrior Forums "Affiliate program database" or look for JV partners in Warrior Forums "Joint Venture Forum".

    You could also advertise your affiliate program on ClickBanks website, through their newsletter's, etc. (

    To attract affiliates to promote your particular product, you need to have good promotion tools for affiliates. For example email swipes, banners, keywords, PPC ads, landing pages, etc.

    Try to explain the product in detail to the affilites, how well it converts with targeted traffic, commission percentage, upsells, etc.

    How more detailed you are about your product and your affiliate program, how easier it will be to recruit affiliates!


    Jimmy Bredesen
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    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

      Hi JRemington!

      You could always promote your own products as a vendor with the same methods as you do as an affiliate.

      PPC, media buys, promotion through lists, through articles, etc.

      But what I would suggest you to do if you can't make any sales by yourself is to recruit affiliates so they can do the sales for you.

      You could for example post your affiliate program to Warrior Forums "Affiliate program database" or look for JV partners in Warrior Forums "Joint Venture Forum".

      You could also advertise your affiliate program on ClickBanks website, through their newsletter's, etc. (Advertising - ClickBank)

      To attract affiliates to promote your particular product, you need to have good promotion tools for affiliates. For example email swipes, banners, keywords, PPC ads, landing pages, etc.

      Try to explain the product in detail to the affilites, how well it converts with targeted traffic, commission percentage, upsells, etc.

      How more detailed you are about your product and your affiliate program, how easier it will be to recruit affiliates!


      Jimmy Bredesen

      Awesome, thanks Jimmy this is encouraging.
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  • Profile picture of the author iamdrew
    maybe you can consider purchasing some video testimonials from ...
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    • Profile picture of the author taskemann
      Originally Posted by iamdrew View Post

      maybe you can consider purchasing some video testimonials from ...
      Testimonials are greate to convince visitors to buy the product. But they should not be purchased from actors!

      The testimonials must be from real user experiences.
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      • Profile picture of the author iamdrew
        Originally Posted by taskemann View Post

        Testimonials are greate to convince visitors to buy the product. But they should not be purchased from actors!

        The testimonials must be from real user experiences.
        I agree to you on that point.
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    • Profile picture of the author JRemington
      Originally Posted by iamdrew View Post

      maybe you can consider purchasing some video testimonials from ...
      Yep, good idea - do you then upload this to your sales page or youtube, or both?
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      • Profile picture of the author iamdrew
        Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

        Yep, good idea - do you then upload this to your sales page or youtube, or both?
        I'll suggest you to upload on both. When you will be uploading it on youtube; put keywords in the title and description which will attract targetted people like "your product name + review" etc.
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  • Profile picture of the author ezmystic
    Offer incentives to best affiliate and then for next best 10 to have sold most products or something. You want to put up a good prize like MacBook or something I know marketers that giveaway cars to top performers
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  • Profile picture of the author JRemington
    Has anyone had good success from using a PPC campaign to sell a $19 ebook on clickbank?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jon Patrick
    Originally Posted by JRemington View Post

    Am I missing anything here?
    Well, you're not missing everything... :p

    Seriously though, congrats on getting through the initial phase of your launch!

    You probably won't see really exciting results until you recruit some of your own cornerstone affiliates (including those not already in the ClickBank network). You also need to look at new traffic sources for your product's website. You mentioned PPC, and that is one avenue, but it is probably the most risky and expensive way to start.
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  • Profile picture of the author talfighel
    The one thing I do recommend is to take every customer that you get and turn them into affiliates. Once you start getting new and fresh loads of customers you will see that your affiliate count growing.

    This is what many of the GURUS do.

    If you take a look at MLM and how it works, this can have a HUGE benefit to your biz.
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