How Long Have You Been TRYING (unsuccessfully) to Make Money Online?

27 replies
How long have you been trying, and not succeeding at making money online?

I saw a post in a thread the other day where someone said they have been trying to make money online for 4 years now, and still haven't made any money.

Once I asked a coaching client of mine 3 questions, they answered they "hadn't really thought about it". Once they asked themselves the questions though, their perspective and then circumstances changed for the better!

Hopefully it will set off a lightbulb or open a door in your mind also.

so I ask you:

-What do you think your biggest challenge/obstacle is?

-What do you think might assist you?

-How can you go about activating that assistance?
#long #make #money #online #unsuccessfully
  • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
    good question..

    being trained in business finance and management myself.. i think maybe i have a slightly different outlook on IM than others on here.

    truthfully speaking.. i often see a lot of people on WF 'deceiving' themselves.. i know this post might offend a lot of people but just take it as food for though.

    you buy 1000s WSOs and spend additional $$$ on SEO and domain/hosting etc etc all for what? to create sales and generate and income correct? but i suspect what most WF members dont do is to actually tabulate how much is coming in and how much is going out.

    spending $5000 up front to make a $20 sale is not good business practice. that is a terrible ROI of 0.4%/month. and 80% of WF members will probably even not make a single sale.

    looking at it from another perspective.. if you make $500 a month, well good on you. but my question to you is, how much stress and headache and time wasting have you spent to get to this 500$? u spend $100 on SEO and another $100 on content and you think wow profit of $300? but how many hours did you take? 3 hours a day, every weekday = 60 hours. 300/60 = $5.. you're only making $5 an hour. why not take a job at macdonalds and earn more money? if even learn trading which can make you a 1000% return on good days.

    i think this actually applies to more than 80% of the people here but no one will admit that.

    yes, there are people making 6 figures every year.. but how few? it's like how there are billionaires in this world.. BUT HOW FEW?? 1 billion people think that they are smart enough to become a billionaire.. only less than 0.000001% actually becomes a billionaire.

    i'm not just talking out of my butt here..

    i just started on IM recently.. but i am not in IM because of the money.. i am doing it because i love writing about my passion and want to share my knowledge with people. i don't do backlinking.. i don't do SEO.. (i have to admit i have been very tempted by being here on WF).. i just do what i love.. as a hobby and as a passion.. my site is 2 months old and i just put up adsense yesterday and i made 35 cents.. i was over the moon.

    bottom line is.. if you are in this to make money.. you'd better MAKE MONEY (not $20 after spending thousands of $$) or else spend your time doing something else.

    if you are in this because of passion, then your income will be intangible.. money is just an additional benefit..

    sorry for the long post.. just my 2 cents..
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    • Profile picture of the author highhopes
      Originally Posted by bobcarlsjr View Post

      good question..

      being trained in business finance and management myself.. i think maybe i have a slightly different outlook on IM than others on here.

      truthfully speaking.. i often see a lot of people on WF 'deceiving' themselves.. i know this post might offend a lot of people but just take it as food for though.

      you buy 1000s WSOs and spend additional $$$ on SEO and domain/hosting etc etc all for what? to create sales and generate and income correct? but i suspect what most WF members dont do is to actually tabulate how much is coming in and how much is going out.

      spending $5000 up front to make a $20 sale is not good business practice. that is a terrible ROI of 0.4%/month. and 80% of WF members will probably even not make a single sale.

      looking at it from another perspective.. if you make $500 a month, well good on you. but my question to you is, how much stress and headache and time wasting have you spent to get to this 500$? u spend $100 on SEO and another $100 on content and you think wow profit of $300? but how many hours did you take? 3 hours a day, every weekday = 60 hours. 300/60 = $5.. you're only making $5 an hour. why not take a job at macdonalds and earn more money? if even learn trading which can make you a 1000% return on good days.

      i think this actually applies to more than 80% of the people here but no one will admit that.

      yes, there are people making 6 figures every year.. but how few? it's like how there are billionaires in this world.. BUT HOW FEW?? 1 billion people think that they are smart enough to become a billionaire.. only less than 0.000001% actually becomes a billionaire.

      i'm not just talking out of my butt here..

      i just started on IM recently.. but i am not in IM because of the money.. i am doing it because i love writing about my passion and want to share my knowledge with people. i don't do backlinking.. i don't do SEO.. (i have to admit i have been very tempted by being here on WF).. i just do what i love.. as a hobby and as a passion.. my site is 2 months old and i just put up adsense yesterday and i made 35 cents.. i was over the moon.

      bottom line is.. if you are in this to make money.. you'd better MAKE MONEY (not $20 after spending thousands of $$) or else spend your time doing something else.

      if you are in this because of passion, then your income will be intangible.. money is just an additional benefit..

      sorry for the long post.. just my 2 cents..
      Absolutely bang on...i do know if WF members came clean it would be hard for them to sell to newbies later. hah!
      I am off line with my business. i have just taken my family to New Zealand / Australia and have been told by my accountant to spend some profits because it is due. i dont think this could have been the case if I relied on making a living out of the laptop!!!
      OK it has been hard work, but my experience with online has been confused, waste of time in comparison. After all time is money and the time spent online for the most is for NIL profits!

      Ways to grow your online business. Earning online tips for the home worker and essential steps to take to earn money online.

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  • Profile picture of the author Daniel Wilson
    It is not that hard getting the first $. A whole different story is getting enough to make a living out of it.

    When your money depends on companies such as Google and Clickbank and Amazon you'll always have fear of losing what you've worked for.

    It took me about 1 month on the start to get my first adsense click, which was worth 4c.

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    • Profile picture of the author Alton Hargrave
      Originally Posted by Daniel Wilson View Post

      It is not that hard getting the first $. A whole different story is getting enough to make a living out of it.

      When your money depends on companies such as Google and Clickbank and Amazon you'll always have fear of losing what you've worked for.

      It took me about 1 month on the start to get my first adsense click, which was worth 4c.
      I remember the first money I made with Adsense. It was in 2003 or 2004 and it was a .05 click. For about the next year, I got no more clicks. Just that .05.

      Things did improve with time. But, today, I don't make much money with Adsense. I focus on other things. Your story brought back that memory.

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  • Profile picture of the author Evolutionsic
    You wouldn't want to know years +

    Only money I've got from online is coming first in a game spot competition last year which got me around £3000, jesus i need to sort my crap out this year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Josh Monroe
    I've been online for 2 years now, and I do make money the only problem I have is that it's not consistent. Some weeks I can be doing $xxx and other weeks I make absolutely nothing.
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    • Profile picture of the author Trevor
      I think the problem with most people who can't make money for years is, they jump from one method to another and one traffic source to another and don't stick with anything. As the time passes, they become "experts" in internet marketing but don't make any money. They know all the theory behind the marketing, but they don't actually do it.

      The fact is, you only need to know a fraction of all the information to make good money on the Internet. I know newbies are often extremely frustrated (and I used to be as well) by all the info that is pushed at them, and it also distracts their attention from focusing on just one thing at a time, which is a mistake, I think.

      - Trev
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      • Profile picture of the author mimi k
        Originally Posted by Trevor View Post

        I think the problem with most people who can't make money for years is, they jump from one method to another and one traffic source to another and don't stick with anything. As the time passes, they become "experts" in internet marketing but don't make any money. They know all the theory behind the marketing, but they don't actually do it.

        The fact is, you only need to know a fraction of all the information to make good money on the Internet. I know newbies are often extremely frustrated (and I used to be as well) by all the info that is pushed at them, and it also distracts their attention from focusing on just one thing at a time, which is a mistake, I think.

        - Trev

        This is exactly right. As a newbie it is sooo easy to get distracted. My advice to newbies is to focus on building a list. You hear it so much and I ignored it early on too, but that is the way to make good, consistent money without trading money for time. It took me too long to just do please just focus so you don't spin your wheels
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  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    Bobcarl - awesome post!

    being in finance, let me say it like this to you.

    Backlinking, SEO and Adsense are to IM what an interest bearing savings account is to finance. Does it work? yes. will it earn you money? yes. Is it worth it? probably not, there are much more efficient and profitable ways to earn money.... think on that as you deal with IM


    that is a valid your income should NOT depend on google, clickbank, paypal etc

    EVOLUTIONS & JGEEKED, did you ask yourself the 3 questions?

    Trevor - good point.

    High hopes, the truth is: the principles for offline success are the same for online. IM is NOTHING BUT offline Mail-order Marketing tactics - 100%
    Get LEGIT! Make 6, 7 or 8 FIGURES Per MONTH
    Just Like The Other Students I Mentor Do!

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  • Profile picture of the author JWImarketing
    Very true igrowyourbiz. Marketing is Marketing, no matter where it is. I think most people don't truly project themselves as Internet Marketers and thus never grasp a true meaning of it. Also, business is business and you need to run it like one if you want to succeed online. Alot of hours in front of comp and prob some headaches to go with them are just part of it. For me...I advise three things. Plan. Execute. Evaluate. If you come up with a big fat goose egg so be it but don't just give up. Learn and grow is my philosophy.

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    • Profile picture of the author Torreylee
      When I first started, it took me 11 months to make my first commission. I was SO EXCITED! It gave me the encouragement to continue and I needed it because I told myself that if I hadn't made any money after a year of hard work a financial investment that it wasn't going to work.

      I am soooo glad that I stuck with it. After a year I still had only a fraction of the knowledge I have now, 5 years later.

      I have truly been blessed to stay and thrive in this business. I think the most important thing to do is keep focused on a clear objective, read diligently and study those who have success and most of all NEVER QUIT.

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  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    great advice by JW & Torrey!



    Get LEGIT! Make 6, 7 or 8 FIGURES Per MONTH
    Just Like The Other Students I Mentor Do!

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  • Profile picture of the author 11811
    The operative word here of course is "trying" - are you really putting effort into it? Or just dabbling. Dabbling doesn't get you anywhere. Real effort and hard work does, and will.
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Although I am not making full time income I am making some income consistently. Its a grind doing internet marketing. The one thing that transformed my marketing was creating my long term vision. One day I just had enough of jumping from plan to plan. I was sick of being disappointed from the latest and greatest guide. I took a good solid week of brainstorming on what I wanted to dedicate the next several years of my life to. I then started to sculpt the plan and implement it. I no longer have the shiny object syndrome. I just stick to the plan and make the tweaks to keep climbing uphill. That allowed me to finally see some tangible results.
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  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    11811 as a coach, I know a lot of people SINCERELY TRY HARD...they just are following the lies of shovel sellers so they don't get anywhere

    James - AWESOME - keep it up!
    Get LEGIT! Make 6, 7 or 8 FIGURES Per MONTH
    Just Like The Other Students I Mentor Do!

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  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    16 people have been going at it for 6 months or more and not made any money...

    have you guys asked yourselves the questions? did asking give you a different outlook?
    Get LEGIT! Make 6, 7 or 8 FIGURES Per MONTH
    Just Like The Other Students I Mentor Do!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kwonyoo
    Well, I started on June 2011, started with amazon affiliate niche sites. Sometime around there, amazon affiliate was unavailable for California resident's due to some new law. So, I changed to micro niche sites with adsense. Because around when I was learning, there were lot of reports regarding adsense. But, I knew how to make, but was dumb at SEO and driving traffic. I just wanted autopilot websites lol. While buying those established websites on WF, there was one scammer.. who made many of client's adsense account disabled.. I got new adsense account but they disabled again because my sites already had history of invalid clicks. I have made my first commission selling micro niche site also without providing offpage SEO like they do today. Made about $xxx but I outsourced most of the work and actually all the provider's delivered very late so I quit that too.

    Now, I am currently studying about CPA. Promoting both on minisites and facebook. Have started recently, so I guess I will be seeing some revenue soon from this method.

    The point is, just like how igrowyourbiz said, Plan.Execute.Evaluate, it is so easy to find the free information here on WF, so learn it and plan it, and actually DO IT, don't just sit around feeling all confused, you have to try and learn from mistakes, and you will see the results. Nothing happens right after the very next day. It takes time, so have patience.
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  • Profile picture of the author theysawgold
    Nice post. Thanks for putting this out there.
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  • Profile picture of the author theory expert
    Define try?
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    • Profile picture of the author billyme
      For me, it's been years. I didn't vote because I feel like it was a learning process. I don't think I consistently tried to learn. I'm definitely reaching a checkpoint now - joining WF alone shows that I'm actually ready to try now. That's not all I'm doing either - but I wonder if I'm alone in this? I wouldn't commit to something without testing the waters a few times first; that's exactly what happened with me and IM.
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  • Profile picture of the author ukcarl
    I am actually making a full time living online now which is great, but it took about 2 years to get this consistent and I wasted a long time in the beginning.

    I think for those who aren't making money the biggest stumbling blog is going from one BS product launch to the next I know this was the case for me.

    People starting out should stop thinking of it as "make money online" andfast overnight money and start thinking of it as building a real business, to begin with you need to work hard then and only then will things get easier and you can start to automate things and start to live the dream IM lifestyle where things are a lot more auto pilot.

    Its ridiculous to think that you can start producing decent stable income overnight like all these flashy hype filled product launches promise, the best advice is get choose something stick with it and work hard, and unsubscribe from the 20 useless mailing lists you are undoubtedly signed up to, trust me this is just a distraction you don't need.
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    Well this quiet little poll popped-up with a handful of condensed wisdom, didn't it?

    I would like to see where each of you are at this time next year.

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author FrozenGod
    Thanks to my programing skills i've made my first dime after a month or so by making a nice script that i thought can help marketers (i was wrong but i still made some money out of it lol).

    Actually making money online can be really frustrating and sometimes i felt like I'm gonna throw myself out of the window if i will not make my dollar now!

    Anyways I'm still here and more successful than ever, I just have to tell you guys how important is to NETWORK with other people, to have a whole bunch of JV's and no.. I'm not talking about JV's that will sell your ebooks I'm talking about partners that will share anything they got with you and you will do the same for them.
    Basically networking was more important for me than whole the "magic words" pack such as "Take Action", thanks to my partners i was able to do more money than i can waste in a year on the Christmas alone.

    Another thing i have in mind which helped me a lot is research and creativity. people here think that can make a living out of IM if they will waste all their precious time on the Warrior Forum or even worse.. buying ClickBank "Get Rich In A Click" products.. guys you must understand that IM is huge and the possibilities are limitless, SEO, Adsense, PPC, Facebook, Amazon and Products releases are huge and there is a lot of money in it but that's far from being the only ways you can make money online. What about Media Buys, Silver Path, The ADULT Industry (which is totally forgotten by the IM's for some reason and it makes more money every week than Facebook makes in a year) and a whole loads of other stuff?

    When i was just starting my career as an Internet Marketer i has completely no clue about how should i do stuff and what other markets and techniques are available to me until i decided to stop lurking the WF whole the day and to look for other methods i can make money with.

    My first `real` money was when i took a screenshots of a product (it was a wp-plugin) and then i started to analyze and reverse-engineer the sales page and the plugin itself, after two days i've found a developer on oDesk that agreed to make the exact same plugin just with my little creative tweak for $1k and believe me or not starting from like a year and a half ago and till now this stuff still makes me around $300 a month. The point is - stop reading too much of the same fluff and go do a research on some other markets, find something that works -> and do the same! It can be approached with almost any niche e.g look on someones ads and do the exact same ad from scratch and it will be yours, proven to work and the only thing you will need to do is play with the BID's and your balance.

    I wrote so much stuff now, I'm not sure it will help someone and I'm not even sure someone will understand what I've done here but it was worth a try

    Search for Friends (sounds funny),
    Research and be Creative,
    Don't Give UP!

    Best Regards,
    Rico S.
    "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    To be honest, I think it took me 1 month to make my first money online offering services. It was a hard start, I agree, I was quite skeptical at first so I didn't really put much work in that 1st month, only after I made my first money online. That was a $35 project and it felt AMAZING. Of course, just having them in my PayPal account meant nothing, I had to withdraw to my credit card to actually believe the "miracle"
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  • Profile picture of the author HairyPoppins
    For some people it takes months for some just weeks and some it takes years. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who will never make a penny because they have the wrong mind set. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes, focus on one thing at a time, and to take action. Too many folks expect a million buck over night and it isn't going to happen that way. I hope this thread shows noobs it takes time and work, itll happen if you put in the effort but it won't happen automatically.
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  • Profile picture of the author eastwest97
    I've been toying with the idea of making money since 2001. I made a few dollars here and there but it was only when I did service-oriented jobs did I make any money. Now here it is 2012 and I'm back at it again trying to brainstorm on how to monetize my blog; which by the way is still not up and running and thinking of ways to get traffic.

    I can tell you my problem stems from not actually trying. I totally have information overload syndrome and shiny ball syndrome.

    My goal for this year is to actually map out my tasks and plan a logical route to establishing myself on the web. Oh and I'm sticking to one program each that deals with (1) info product creation and (2) affiliate marketing...plain and simple. I can always tweak and adjust but this moving from one program to the next is nonsense.

    For anyone else who has the same syndromes as me...I've found we can succeed if we:

    - believe in ourselves (don't doubt yourself, too often we feel like we don't have the looks, smarts, connections, etc...and in truth we have all the skills & talents needed to be successful and prosperous. Case in point...and no offense to any fans out there, but seriously...are you not smarter than the Kardashians? They are earning big money with absolutely no talent!)
    - stick to a plan (preferably one which is written out and worked consistently and persistently),
    - make a vision board and view it everyday,
    - seek out mentors. Send an email, a note, call...without being a pest of course. You'd be surprised how many people are willing to give you a nugget of valuable advice, only if you ask!
    - and last, do not give up after one, two or several failures. Treat failures as test drives!

    I've achieved success in other areas of my life which were not IM-related and those were the "rules" I followed. And I never wasted time seeking 10 different programs to achieve my goals...I just did it.

    So, with that said, I'm going to follow my own advice and work on making some $$ in 2012 with my blog! Good luck to everyone this year...2012 is going to be a great year!

    BTW, great thread by the OP!
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  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    ahhhh that first nickel from adsense....
    Get LEGIT! Make 6, 7 or 8 FIGURES Per MONTH
    Just Like The Other Students I Mentor Do!

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