Complete newbie, want to start marketing

by 28 replies
Hello Warriors,

I'm new to this site, I've been browsing it for a couple of days but this is my first post.

First off, I'm here for the same reason as everyone else - to make money online. Problem is, I have no idea how or where to start as I've never looked into this before and to be honest, I'm generally new to marketing. I've done a few online surverys but that is about it. I dont expect to be making thousands within the first few weeks but $0.50 for a 15 minute servey generally wasn't worth it.

Currently I'm working in the recruitment industry, which to be honest, isn't the most profitable in this day and age.

I'm not the best designer, but like to think I'm good with numbers and also computer literate.

Simply I'm looking for a prod in the right direction and at first, this will simply be a hobbie but I'm hoping to develop it into something more.

Thanks so much in advance,

#main internet marketing discussion forum #complete #marketing #newbie #start
  • Well you definitely took the right first step by joining this Forum.

    I wish you the best of luck Lewis.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I would recommend using the search at the top of the forum and searching, "Newbie where to start?"

    You'll find about 50 other threads with A LOT of valuable information.


    You can sit here and waste time waiting for people to come along and tell you the same things that are in the other 50 posts.

    This choice will tell a lot about how far you'll make it in I.M.

    The first step is adjusting your mindset, understanding that it's not easy and nothing will come fast online without a lot of hard and tedious work. Second step is figuring out all of your options, figuring out all of the different types of ways to make money online, all of the different fields of Internet Marketing. Then deciding which one you will pursue.

    EDIT: Also, just out of curiosity, what type of income are you looking for? Are you looking for a long term income? Are you looking for money ASAP? Are you looking for an autopilot income? A larger income that requires constant work and effort? This will also help people guide you in the right direction.

    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions. Good Luck man!
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • Hi Lewis,

    Welcome to WF. You have come to the right place. There are lots of experts on this website who would guide you in the right direction.

    I am not an expert but here is a tip a get you started. Since you have mentioned you are good with numbers and probably know some computer designing stuff may be you can register yourself on websites like and do some gigs (In case you are not aware a gig is work you are willing to do for $5 - $1 fees) based on your expertise. All you need is Paypal account to get your money and few minutes of work (Based on your gig)

    Some examples of gigs
    * Designing eBook cover for $5
    * Helping someone to create investment portfolio for $5

    Hope that helps.
  • Welcome. I would suggest blogging. More specifically, I would suggest creating a niche blog that focuses on a particular theme like dating, weight loss, learn guitar, golf, pet care, video games, get the picture and usually contains both product reviews and articles on topics related to whatever your niche is.

    Having a niche blog is the most common way to "make money while you sleep," due to the fact that you can get traffic from the search engines 24/7. You can also do tons of other cool stuff with it. Niche blogging has been around a long time and become a standard method for making legit, consistent money online. Oh, you're also able to work around your own schedule.

    Good luck,
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I think it's about finding a business model and then making sure you focus on learning how to drive traffic, find the right offers for that traffic and build a list.

    It may be through affiliate marketing, it may be through your own products - only you can really decide.

    One thing I noticed is that you write really clearly and very well... it might be worth leveraging that skill to start with plus I'd imagine you got some selling experience through the recruitment industry... two very important skills online.
  • I agree with "iRunThis". Lots of good stuff in "Newbie where to start". It opened my eyes.

    Best of luck
  • Hi Lewis
    welcome to the forum, I am also new here but I am finding it very useful!
    I started out with affiliate marketing and have built on this and now have a blog which I am adding more content all the time, you have to find a niche that you are interested in first and then take it from there.
    Good luck!
  • Hi Lewis
    welcome to the forum, I am also new here but I am finding it very useful!
    I started out with affiliate marketing and have built on this and now have a blog which I am adding more content all the time, you have to find a niche that you are interested in first and then take it from there.
    Good luck!
  • Banned
  • Welcome to WF There are lots of good information in here.
    For a start, you may want to consider affiliate marketing as it is the easiest to get started. Affiliate marketing is promoting other people's products & services.
  • Keep your day job. For an extra income, choose a niche based on your experience and passion. Create a marketing plan, build a website and begin selling products and or services. After your internet marketing efforts begin to bring steady and adequate income, decide if you should quit your 9-5 job and switch to IM completely. Good luck!
  • The WF is certainly a well full of invaluable information for both newbies and experts alike. Good luck and welcome aboard!
    • [1] reply
    • My advice is, follow your passions! Don't do something you don't enjoy at the same time. This is what I love about internet marketing, you can do what you really like or educate other people in this department and make money at the same.

      So, when picking a niche, try to stick with something you have a passion for or what you really love to do or write about!

      - Trev
  • I am newbie like you here. To make money in short time here,you need guidance of already well experienced IMer.Currently I am doing like that,and this forum helps you to know more valuable things.So,keep reading this forum and get guidance from someone.Good luck!
  • Banned
  • Well you've come to the right place, which is a very good step forward, so congratulate yourself on that!!

    My advice is to be totally honest about your strong points and your weak points, an use that to narrow down your search for a suitable method.

    Just a few examples, if you are someone who can persuade other people to do whatever you want them to do, then a method that involves writing sales copy, can work for you, but if you don't have a massive ego and the ability to talk the hind leg off a donkey, then best avoid methods where you have to write sales copy (don't believe the methods that say it's easy, or that you can just copy it, unless your own personality will convince others, then their intuition sees through anything less than that!).

    If you don't have much money to start with, then start with one of the many entirely free methods (including WebAnswers, AdSense on a free blog, Squidoo lenses, Fiverr gigs etc.). It's actually a good idea to start for free anyway, because it's vastly better to have to figure out how to actually make a real profit soon, than to just throw money at things and see what might happen . . . the motivation of focussing on success in terms of actual cash in your pocket, is a really good idea for anyone because that's what business is really about . . . so what if you can say you've got lots of impressive sounding website, with high pageranks, tons of traffic, millions of backlinks . . . none of that matters if it doesn't make you a PROFIT, and it's so easy to get side-tracked and lose sight of the basics!

    Also list what you enjoy doing. Later you can outsource any part of the methds that you don't enjoy, but that's a BAD idea until you have done it yourself and succeeded, so best to start doing things you're going to be happy to keep doing a LOT of, at first. Outsourcing something you haven't done yourself, and haven't tested, is usually a disaster.

    A really honest list of your strong/weak points, likes an dislikes should enable you to focus on what is going to work best for you. From what you've said, it sounds like you want to create a real business, rather than a job, so focus only on methods that can be fully outsourced eventually (rather than selling your own time).

    Don't believe the hype. IM is full of crazy hype. If anything sounds too good to be true, then it probably is! On the other hand, real success is certainly possible.

    Take action as soon as you can. You'll learn way more from trying one little free method, even if it fails, than you will from reading thousands of impressive-sounding methods. Do something, then learn from what happens, ask specific questions here to learn more, and keep improving your results. If you do that, you will inevitably succeed, although there is a lot to learn along the way.

  • WTF!! (Welcome To Forum), Lewis!

    You did the best thing. Joining this forum would definitely give you a lot of ideas on how to begin with IM. In fact, you can even find a lot of opportunity here.
  • Banned
  • I would suggest

    * create a vision for where you want your business to be in 1 / 3 / 5 years time
    * decide what your niche is - the more you can decide clearly who you are serving, what problems they have, and how you can help them, the more money you will make
    * get a coach or mentor - the more you can get your objectives and strategy right at the outset, the more you will be on track to achieve your goals quickly. A relatively small amount of money spent up front can save you a lot of time and money later.
  • The great advice that has been give is second to none. This is one of the best places to find information.

    One word of advice, find a course on marketing and learn all that you can before you invest any money into anything. There are so many things that you can get sell on line that to make money you really need to understand how to market products before you take the next step.

    Look into the free course on marketing below and then you can move forward with what you are doing, and now that you have the basic idea of how to market on the internet.

    Good luck and I wish you all the best.

  • If you are looking for start up cash then I would reccomend fiverr. Just take a skill of your and make a gig.
    An easy way to earn a recurring fee is using micro niche sites (although be sure that you have a decent amount of articles since its post panda google). There are people that sell them. You can use a MNS to market anything of that niche.

    Another Idea uses twitter. If you can get a load of targeted twitter followers (for example by using some automation software) then you can drive target viewers to a website that you own and get leads. Of course dont start spamming the people that will get you nowhere.

    You could also try to build an authority site on a niche that you can market. I dont know too much about other than it is often hard to rank and costly, but does have really good rewards once you are hitting page 1.
  • I suggest to find free unbiased information about affiliate marketing before starting burning the money. It's very easy to spend a lot of money for nothing. Just make one small wordpress website and test different things for 3 months. Most important thing is to get experience before making bigger decisions.
  • What's up Lewis? Welcome! First thing that you need to do is don't buy anything for the first 30days! Since this will be your hobby, learn learn and learn! Focus on learning an once you learn something teach other what you learn and you will began to master online marketing. The key to making real money online if finding a need and (you) solve that need! Good luck and one day down the road I look forward to doing some jv with you.
    • [1] reply
    • Absolutely, don't by anything. You would probably fall into the shiny object syndrome and you would loose focus, money and the taste.

      Learn as much as you can here on WF, and if you don't understand anything, ask in a thread or just google or youtube it. Why to learn? Because you need to find what fits your personality, needs and feeling. Not every method of earning online is the best one for you. Learn all the free stuff that you need and after a while (about a month), when you are quite decided what method you like, make a plane so that you know the end result of what you want to achieve. Then take action and learn the essentials along the way. Only then by some product to seep the things up and show you some cool stuff that you wouldn't actually catch for free.

      And after those learning period, I recommend you join the War Room. There is plenty of great stuff that will help you as well.
  • here is how I got started.

    1) Find someone who is already experience and successful.

    2) Learn everything you can from then to remove the 'brain fart' you have right now

    3) reverse engineer successful sites. Do what they do, not what they teach, that is where the true raw power comes in.

    4) Work your arse off!....

    Then right when you are about to drop to the floor....

    5) work your arse off some MORE!

    Simple. AND GOOD LUCK!
  • Hi i would take advantage of the free training offered by most warriors on there blogs.
  • First you could determine what IM branch you would like the most: online or offline, then categorize online: micro niche sites, affiliate sites, product creation etc. Dont know much about offline tho.
    Or maybe you have some skills you can provide services with?
    • [1] reply
    • Clarity is a HUGE part of IM success.

      IM is actually pretty simple: you can sell only one of two things:

      1. Products
      2. Services

      That's it!

      And selling products or services online happens in the same basic way for everyone, no matter what they're selling:

      Traffic > Opt-in page > Autoresponder series (or e-zine) > Sales page

      That's it! It's just that simple. (We IMers tend to overcomplicate things.)

      But no matter what your niche is, or whether you're selling a product or a service, do you know what your business model is?

      A business model is the framework or skeleton of your business. Essentially there are three types of online business models:

      1. Membership-based model

      A membership-based business model allows you to build a community of people (your members) who are as passionate about your subject as you are. Your membership fees can be monthly or annual, but either way, you're building recurring, passive income.

      There are a lot of resources and information out there to help you build a membership-based business if you're interested in doing this.

      2. Product-based model

      Selling products allows you to maximize your time and effort by selling items over and over again. This can be hard goods or it can be information products. Information marketing is it's own business model under the product-based model. Information marketing allows you to take your brain to the bank by creating a product ONCE based on what you know and selling it over and over again.

      I see someone has already recommended affiliate marketing. You can choose to market either products or services as an affiliate.

      3. Service-based model

      Selling services can be great for 1) generating quick cash (as in the case of article writing or video producing) and 2) establishing your expertise and getting testimonials.

      However, in the long run, your goal should be to offer services at a PREMIUM. The biggest advantage of IM is LEVERAGE. You're able to leverage your time, money and expertise exponentially online. We all have just 24 hours each day. Time to get ruthless about what you expect for those hours you spend in IM each day. Expect more of yourself and more from your business friends, clients, partners, etc.

      What results are you getting for those hours you spend online each day? Ultimately, your services should be at the bottom of your funnel and cost the most since they involve your time and personal attention. (We all have a limited amount of time each day.)

      The fun (and confusion) comes in with all of the endless mix-and-match possibilities of the above models. If you're just starting or still struggling to make money, keep it simple:

      Pick just ONE!

      1. Pick ONE niche. (Something you're interested in and know something about.)

      2. Pick ONE target market for your product or service. (Who will buy what you're offering? The more specific you are, the more you narrow it down, the more successful you'll be.)

      3. Pick ONE business model.

      Now that you're clear about what business you're in, FOCUS! (And stop buying any info not related to your niche and target market, period!)

      F -- Follow
      O -- One
      C -- Course
      U -- Until
      S -- Successful

      And remember: build a list, Build a List, BUILD A LIST!

      In IM, it's easy to put the cart before the horse. Take a deep breath, step back and consider what type of business you're REALLY want. Don't worry about getting traffic or buying that expensive traffic product until you know 1) what your business model is, 2) what niche you're in and 3) WHO your target market is!

      Successful business people will tell you that MARKETING is more than half the effort that's needed for success anyway. So pick a niche, target market and business model. Then spend most of your time and effort marketing it.

      If you DON'T have a solid plan or system, THAT'S when it's hard. A good system will shave YEARS (and save you big $$$) off of your learning curve

      That's why I recommend investing in at least one good, comprehensive IM course (or mentor who will give you such a system) instead of jumping from one $37 e-book to the next. A lot of people here complain about not being able to make any money. But neither are they willing to invest in their business. (Buying a random bunch of $37 e-books doesn't count.)

      The best thing I ever did was invest in a comprehensive IM course aimed at REAL business owners, not just other IM wannabes. Yes it was $1500. (Now it's only $997. :p) But it was truly some of the best A-Z IM info I ever bought. Everything else I've learned (from the $37 e-books) since has simply been plugged into this system.

      Get a solid plan or system and then work the plan!

      Hope this helps!

  • Hi ezsauce,

    The way I've created my own success in the IM industry is to focus on the right technique of making money coming from a reputable Internet Marketer.

    Once I was been mentored by a reputable Internet Marketer, I've learned the IM skills by focusing on his techniques long enough and than I began to make money. A reputable Internet marketer is always connected to other successful marketers and he will more often than not refer you to them in their daily newsletters or affiliate offers. After months of being in the game and putting in practice what you've learned, you can now discern if you want to move into another program or venture with another reputable marketer that have skills that is closer to your new profile and goals.

    In the beginning, I would look at different WSOs and look at the comments from WF users that are involved or registered to a specific WSO. Than I would look at the Internet Marketer's profile that promoted that WSO and see if he has a good reputation in the forum. More often than not, a reputable Marketer member to WF has more than one Offer (WSO). Nothing is stopping you to look at all the comments and critics so that you'll have a better idea of the Internet Marketer's reputation.

    Good success!!!

  • Welcome!

    I was a newbie one year ago!

    Advice: Limit your time on the Warrior Forum. You can learn a lot, but set a timer or something because input without outgo causes stagnation. lol

    Learn, implement by taking action. It doesn't have to be perfect, just move forward with knowledge/action taking each day!

    Plan your time. Set your goals and then divide your time up to list out ways you are going to achieve your goals.

    You have a good way with words. You could offer services online to get some money coming in quickly in order to invest in the tools you need for Internet marketing.

    Try or to name a few.

    Hope to help and have a great weekend.

    Take Care,

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