IM FAIL FAIL FAIL! It hurts :(
EDIT: I decided to put this at the top since this will be more important to future viewers to see. I've talked to a few people on this thread and in private who have really helped me a lot in terms of motivation and given me direction. I'll admit, I was skeptical about this community, considering the WSO spam forum... but there is gold here. The gold is in the members who are here to learn and help each other learn. I appreciate the motivation. I can only imagine the huge response was a result of so many people identifying, at least at one point in their life, with the struggles I face right now. I want to say thank you to all of you and I now owe it to you all and not just my self, to succeed. I appreciate you guys taking the time in responding. You came at a time that I needed it the most. You are really the only guys to talk to, since my friends and family don't really know or support what I'm doing. Thanks again. |
I started with trying to make niche sites. I managed to get 3 niche sites ranked on the bottom of the first page of google, before they started to drop in ranking and into oblivion. That was 3 months of work gone. In a extreme frustration I gave up on those sites and let them die a slow death. It's sad to look at how many articles I wrote for those sites...
Then I spent another 2 months working on PPC/CPA. After lots of money drained on numerous campaigns such as dating offers, games, email/zip submits, and making no money from that too... I return here to cry like a baby to you all.
I am so depressed and frustrated right now... and nothing but an empty wallet to show for it. FML.
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