My Little Tip for January 2012 - Newbie Essential
At the heart of it is my advice to be on your own agenda and not somebody elses. Make 2012 the year of your profit by feeding your business. Your priority this year should be to focus on making more money than you spend. If you must spend money, only spend it on those things that will will put more money than you spend into your account and not those that do nothing but drain it.
My tip is not rocket science but when you're overloaded the simplest acts can be the most powerful.
If like me you have a dedicated email account for receiving IM emails, you'll know how it doesn't take long before there are thousands of emails are in there and before long you simply stop reading them. (Hot tip - if you don't already have such an account, get one)
How to spend 1 hour having a January cull of money draining emails that add nothing.
1) Clear down all emails over 1 month old. Face it, your simply not go to be able to get through them. If it's good stuff it will reach you in the end - be ruthless.
2) Sort your emails into "from" order so that your emails are in the order of who sent them to you.
3) Scan the emails from each sender. Look at, say the latest 10-15 emails. If they're all sales related with nothing but "buy" messages or have no quality content - click on unsubscribe. They might be quality IMers', but right now this isn't a relationship that is helping you.
4) After unsubscribing, delete all the emails from that sender.
5) Revisit the emails from the remaining senders. Delete all the sales information from them. Look at the tips and ask yourself do you really really need that right now? If not, clear it out.
You should now a much tidier in box which you can now manage with a lot more ease to help you focus on what really matters - getting your business into profit.
Wishing you a very golden and successful 2012.
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