Online business help for selling vitamins!

8 replies
I incorporated in Delaware. I live in California. The question I have is "do i need to file a foreign corporation in california? Im only shipping the product from where I live. Also , do i need to file for a business license and sellers permit in California? Its a online business.Can you guys help .
#business #online #selling #vitamins
  • Profile picture of the author rockyou888
    California wants you to. Because they want the corporate taxes from it. I have a lot of friends in Cali who set up a NV corp or LLC to save money. They didn't file in California.

    You can always check with a tax attorney. That is always best.

    What type of vitamins do you sell? I am trying to get a vitamin site up too.
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    • Profile picture of the author newfront5
      Well, im starting to sell health and sport supplements. Im gonna sell my own brand.
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    • Profile picture of the author newfront5
      I guess an attorney will do. These things can get complicated sometimes. I will keep you guys posted as these might help out future online business personnel.
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  • Profile picture of the author Alexandre Valois
    I'm definitely no expert, but I did some research lately as I just incorporated a business in Wyoming and came across some info on foreign corp.

    It seems that if you are shipping the product yourself, on behalf of the company, from California - you would be required to file for a foreign corp as you have "business presence" in that state.

    But even if that is the case, you could probably set up an intermediary company that "ships" the product and sends the profits back to your delaware corp ....

    Your best bet is to talk with an accountant/attorney in your state.
    Don't take any advice online for more than what they're worth.

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  • Profile picture of the author Michael Mayhew
    Consult an attorney. Save yourself some headaches

    IMO Partnership. A National Insurance Marketing Alliance.

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  • Profile picture of the author newfront5
    Thank you guys for your help.
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  • Profile picture of the author seobro
    I would max def incorporate in NV your taxes are less. It is easy to set up shop there too. CA taxes are terrible.
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  • Profile picture of the author Christian Chan
    You can incorporate at Nevada. If I am not wrong, Nevada taxes are low. Go to IncParadise dot com (not an affiliate link). There is a lot of information there.
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