Honesty and Integrity!

16 replies
Lately I am getting a lot of emails from various different people regarding various programs. Some look good and some just smell with B.S.

The sad thing I have noticed is generally the marketers are lying and misleading.

For someone like myself who isn't looking for the "get rich quick" scheme and who is willing to do some work, I am finding it hard to find a Guru, IM who has Honesty and Integrity!

If there is such a Guru or IM who is the real deal, walks the talk, who's word is his bond, who's Personal Integrity is more in important to him than the money, who wants to set himself apart from the parasites who make their money lying to people praying on the greed of people who aren't prepared to study and do some work who are just looking for "get rich quick", please reveal yourself.

I put out the challenge for a Guru or Internet Marketer to step forward and make yourself known. Because if you do many will follow you.

I believe you are out there. I believe there are still honest people in the world who have integrity and honor. The type of person who you could shake their hand and that would be all that was needed.

In todays dog-eat-dog world and the promoted, rip-him-off-before-he-rips-you-off there must be someone who isn't like that.

I am sure I am not the only person who is sold on internet marketing as a way to leverage time and make some extra money - who is looking for a genuine master / teacher / guru who has some real knowledge and up to date strategies that work and can make you money.

If you are going to limit memberships then limit them. If you are going to upsell then tell us at the beginning.

Just be upfront and real.

The ones that want to work will pay and the dreamers will just move on to the next fly by night repackaged crap that is floating around.

I call you out, please here me.


#guru #honesty #integrity #internet marketer #teacher
  • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
    It can sort of be tough finding the true mentors who aren't out just to make another dime...but they are indeed out there. I follow a few who are offering true value and who really care about helping people.

    I agree, the sales marketing tactics have gotten way out of hand...but as far as upsells, one time offers, etc. They don't really bother me. I can either take the offer or leave it. No biggie. The fact is that they do help generate more income for the marketers. I do; however, appreciate when marketers are upfront and warn you ahead of time that there is a one time offer or some type of upsell.

    ~ Rhonda White
    Sell Information Products - Five FREE Products
    PLRContentShop.com ~ Quality PLR Content on SALE ==>> Plus, FREE GRAPHICS & IMAGES!

    YourFreeGift.org ~ Receive a Free Trip to Heaven! (Money can't buy it!)

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  • Profile picture of the author Eduard Stinga
    There are people like that out there, you just need to develop your IM BS radar
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  • Profile picture of the author businessmatt
    The real tricky part, is if someone does indeed come forward and reply to your challenge, how do you know that he/she is actually honest?

    When life gives you lemons, at least you don't get scurvy.

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    • Profile picture of the author Ben Armstrong
      Visit Pat Flynn's site: smartpassiveincome.com

      He's very open and transparent with everything about his business.

      I regularly listen to his podcast and visit his site.

      The thing I like about him the most is that he doesn't push any products or send out crappy emails about the latest methods being used. He just writes good, helpful content.

      He still makes a massive amount of money from his blog, but he got there by being honest, transparent and offering value.

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    • Profile picture of the author George Wright
      Originally Posted by businessmatt View Post

      The real tricky part, is if someone does indeed come forward and reply to your challenge, how do you know that he/she is actually honest?
      TRUE, And...

      When those men and women do come forward, their efforts are often met by people saying very similar things to the negatives we read in the OP here. They are scolded by masses who find it easier to whine than work and the successful would be mentors quietly leave (many have been here and left).

      It's not worth it to them they find it draining. I for one don't blame them.

      If someone came to the aid of the OP and the OP became a millionaire because of their mentoring an untold number of others would call foul and beat the helpful one away.

      The fact is this stuff is not rocket science. Anyone with some guidance can do it and make however much money for which they are willing to work.

      George Wright
      "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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  • Profile picture of the author jamesrich1
    Its a little tricky because every single person willing to train first requires your money. They are willing to make every promise under the sun to get you in. The bulk have good information its just hard to stick to learning a skill for 6-12 months when you don't see any real returns.
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  • Profile picture of the author Matt Banks
    Over time in this space and in life in general your B.S. radar will become stronger and stronger. Also, having teenagers doesn't hurt the B.S. radar training.
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  • Profile picture of the author MatthewNeer
    There are tons out there. You just gotta keep your ear to the ground and look for a solid mentor to follow. Someone who will give you the time of day, has massive integrity, and will lead you down the same path that led them to their success.

    I initially found this through a few people like Jonathan Budd, Mike Dillard, George Brown, Dan Brock, Jamie Lewis, Travis Sago, Kelly Felix, Mike Long, Anthony Trister, and many many others.

    So they are out there, just gotta know where to look.

    Also, you can learn a lot from being on their emails lists and understanding that you are going to be sold to ALL THE TIME. But instead of getting offended by that, try to learn from it.

    Take a step back and think to yourself, why is this marketer promoting this product?

    When you do that, you start to put their pieces together and the whole circle of influence starts to become clear. (JV circle that is)

    What most people don't get, is that most big time marketers out there that you see on top of the leader boards and the ones making the BIG BUCKS, are the ones with massive emails lists. And they make their consistent money from mailing out offers a few times per week.

    Try to see the 10,000 foot view.
    Three (3) Income Streams DFY
    New FREE Website Builds Your List
    And Earns From 3 Income Streams
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  • Profile picture of the author tropvik
    Originally Posted by Perpetual Marketing View Post

    Lately I am getting a lot of emails from various different people regarding various programs. Some look good and some just smell with B.S.

    The sad thing I have noticed is generally the marketers are lying and misleading.

    For someone like myself who isn't looking for the "get rich quick" scheme and who is willing to do some work, I am finding it hard to find a Guru, IM who has Honesty and Integrity!

    If there is such a Guru or IM who is the real deal, walks the talk, who's word is his bond, who's Personal Integrity is more in important to him than the money, who wants to set himself apart from the parasites who make their money lying to people praying on the greed of people who aren't prepared to study and do some work who are just looking for "get rich quick", please reveal yourself.

    I put out the challenge for a Guru or Internet Marketer to step forward and make yourself known. Because if you do many will follow you.

    I believe you are out there. I believe there are still honest people in the world who have integrity and honor. The type of person who you could shake their hand and that would be all that was needed.

    In todays dog-eat-dog world and the promoted, rip-him-off-before-he-rips-you-off there must be someone who isn't like that.

    I am sure I am not the only person who is sold on internet marketing as a way to leverage time and make some extra money - who is looking for a genuine master / teacher / guru who has some real knowledge and up to date strategies that work and can make you money.

    If you are going to limit memberships then limit them. If you are going to upsell then tell us at the beginning.

    Just be upfront and real.

    The ones that want to work will pay and the dreamers will just move on to the next fly by night repackaged crap that is floating around.

    I call you out, please here me.


    To be honest, i have only really trusted a single coach, and it was because he was recommended to me by a personal friend.

    Is there a way that perhaps you can personally make some IM friends that are trying stuff out??

    or perhaps you can create your own caucus, and you can buy coaching/courses in group.

    i honestly only would consider programs that are small enough that you can talk to the guru himself at least once a month.

    i think the trick to defusing the saturation of IM info overload is to filter it by old fashioned human interactions.

    if you can get some people you know to vouch, and you can talk to the coach/guru, i would lean towards those.
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  • Profile picture of the author Austin357
    In the beginning it will be a little tougher to weed out the BS. After some time, networking and staying on top of forums like this then you will get a better feel for it.
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  • Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. I am developing my B.S. radar. I was about to spend over 900 with a guy in London until I realized that the presentation intro was the same as another guys in London and the software looked similar. With the only "15" copies available B.S. I realized that a lot of people would be buying this system and the real money was being made by selling the software not the system itself.

    I real marketer, in my opinion, doesn't need to promote other peoples products. I mean if his method works and is good then why be promoting someone elses system and method. It just creates confusion.

    You get to trust a guy and you are learning about his method, then he sends you two more emails or more a week with a "you have to get this too" and before you know it you have all these shiny objects and no activity because you spend all your time watching webinars and going around in a circle.

    I am not trying to be a victim. I just feel let down as I thought i was on to something and realized it was just another scam.

    Anyway I think the successful to do is stick with one thing and not get side tracked.

    Thank you again.

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    • Profile picture of the author RevenueGal
      Originally Posted by Perpetual Marketing View Post

      I real marketer, in my opinion, doesn't need to promote other peoples products. I mean if his method works and is good then why be promoting someone elses system and method. It just creates confusion.
      I often promote other marketers' products because why try to reinvent the wheel...if another marketer is more knowledgeable about a specific topic and has a great training package, then I'll direct readers to that... no one can be the top "know it all" on every marketing tactic.

      ~ Rhonda White
      Sell Information Products - Five FREE Products
      PLRContentShop.com ~ Quality PLR Content on SALE ==>> Plus, FREE GRAPHICS & IMAGES!

      YourFreeGift.org ~ Receive a Free Trip to Heaven! (Money can't buy it!)

      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5365332].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author subten101
      Originally Posted by Perpetual Marketing View Post

      Thank you everyone for your comments and suggestions. I am developing my B.S. radar. I was about to spend over 900 with a guy in London until I realized that the presentation intro was the same as another guys in London and the software looked similar. With the only "15" copies available B.S. I realized that a lot of people would be buying this system and the real money was being made by selling the software not the system itself.

      I real marketer, in my opinion, doesn't need to promote other peoples products. I mean if his method works and is good then why be promoting someone elses system and method. It just creates confusion.

      You get to trust a guy and you are learning about his method, then he sends you two more emails or more a week with a "you have to get this too" and before you know it you have all these shiny objects and no activity because you spend all your time watching webinars and going around in a circle.

      I am not trying to be a victim. I just feel let down as I thought i was on to something and realized it was just another scam.

      Anyway I think the successful to do is stick with one thing and not get side tracked.

      Thank you again.

      I also find the same thing, they lead you into buying the product and by them saying only 15 copies will be sold means that the market won't get oversaturated but in essense they sell hundreds if not thousands of these products so it is something to ponder over but the best thing to do is FOCUS on one thing and don't get drawn into 10 different products as it will get you nowhere.
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  • Profile picture of the author drmani
    Originally Posted by Perpetual Marketing View Post

    I am finding it hard to find a Guru, IM who has Honesty and Integrity!

    If there is such a Guru or IM who is the real deal, walks the talk, who's word is his bond, who's Personal Integrity is more in important to him than the money,

    It was one such man who said:

    "Be the change you want to see in the world."

    All success
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  • Profile picture of the author JasonParker
    Willie Crawford, Lee McIntyre, Ron Douglas, Paul Counts, Robert Plank, Lance Tamashiro, Eric Louviere, Eric Holmlund... I could go all day... Want more?
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    • Profile picture of the author Carol_A
      I agree with Jason regarding Paul Counts and Eric Holmlund, as I have had personal experience with these two.

      Don't know the others much...

      I hope to be considered among the "experts" with honest and integrity in years to come...

      Have a Blessed Day!
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