Should MRR be included in PLR?

by Coby
22 replies
This came up recently in a Skype group and I was asked my opinion and it wasn't taking very well...

So - lets see - what's your opinion...

What do you think should be included when you buy PLR and why?
#included #mrr #plr
  • Profile picture of the author igrowyourbiz
    Everything....although many offer "restricted" PLR....i feel if it is PLR, it is just that, mine to do as I wish with.
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    • Profile picture of the author SlicedGenius
      I have to agree, that when I see PLR - to me it says I can do whatever I want to it. Use for myself, as is, spun or rewritten, and/or claim as my own work and give or sell to others - whether changed or not. And when I give/sell it, it's up to me what rights I pass on.

      Basically, I treat it like I literally just wrote it myself - and hence it's completely up to me what to do with it.
      Hot Topics PLR Pack - Get five high quality, exclusive reports on some of the hottest topics in IM. Complete with squeeze pages and e-covers.
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  • Profile picture of the author LunarSky
    Originally Posted by Coby View Post

    This came up recently in a Skype group and I was asked my opinion and it wasn't taking very well...

    So - lets see - what's your opinion...

    What do you think should be included when you buy PLR and why?
    in all honesty if a product sales are shooting yourself in the foot if you sale the PLR to it, keeping it solely MMR keeps you in the loop, and protects you legally, so brighten up your day, upsell some MMR packs
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by LunarSky View Post

      in all honesty if a product sales are shooting yourself in the foot if you sale the PLR to it, keeping it solely MMR keeps you in the loop, and protects you legally, so brighten up your day, upsell some MMR packs
      right - that aside...

      Some folks only desire to sell PLR...

      But the poll is trying to find out what "the masses" would prefer on the licensing...
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      • Profile picture of the author LunarSky
        ah i see pardon my haste, its hard to say, i think most may want to at least be able to keep full profits from sales, but if it is an MMR sale, you'll want to make sure the buyer has everything they need right there to put up site no work involved, that way you include value in your MMR = happy customers
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  • Profile picture of the author George Wright
    PLR, MRR, RR and any other "rights" do not have only one definition each. They are all defined by the product creator.

    No matter what the buyer feels his rights are his rights are only what the author sells or gives him.

    So, if its PLR and the rights say <You can not pass on PLR> if you do pass it on you are breaking your agreement with the seller. Of course you "can" do it. That's up to you and your personal ethics and or how much you believe in the author's willingness and ability to enforce his contract with you.

    George Wright
    "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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    • Profile picture of the author Coby
      Originally Posted by George Wright View Post

      PLR, MRR, RR and any other "rights" do not have only one definition each. They are all defined by the product creator.

      No matter what the buyer feels his rights are his rights are only what the author sells or gives him.

      So, if its PLR and the rights say <You can not pass on PLR> if you do pass it on you are breaking your agreement with the seller. Of course you "can" do it. That's up to you and your personal ethics and or how much you believe in the author's willingness and ability to enforce his contract with you.

      George Wright
      Correct, I'm asking - what you - as the customer would prefer for the product creator to include in the PLR
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      • Profile picture of the author George Wright
        Oh, I see. As a buyer I want everything I can get for as little money as you are willing to take.

        Originally Posted by Coby View Post

        Correct, I'm asking - what you - as the customer would prefer for the product creator to include in the PLR
        "The first chapter sells the book; the last chapter sells the next book." Mickey Spillane
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        • Profile picture of the author Coby
          Originally Posted by George Wright View Post

          Oh, I see. As a buyer I want everything I can get for as little money as you are willing to take.

          Yes - I do understand both sides - as both a PLR creator/seller and also an avid PLR buyer...

          I'm trying to figure out what the end buyers likes the best...

          I also understand their are two types of PLR buyers - so trying to see which one outnumbers the other...

          but I also understand this is only a small data sampling...

          Thanks for those that have helped so far
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  • Profile picture of the author sbucciarel
    Most PLR being sold on the WF is too restrictive for me to use.

    Example: I have a PLR website membership site. My customers can resell the blogs I provide in the site. If I use most of the PLR that comes from the WF, usually the rights go like this:

    Can use in a paid membership site: YES
    Can pass on resell rights: NO

    So basically, while I could use it in my membership, my customers can't do much with it, since they also have resell rights to the blogs.

    What is confusing to me is that most of the rights say
    Can offer it as a bonus: YES

    So basically, once it is offered as a bonus, it will end up all over the place, whether the seller likes it or not, but I can't offer it in my resell rights blog membership.

    So ... definitely, I go for unrestricted rights or MRR and have to avoid most WF PLR sales.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    Thanks for the great thread Coby! Direct and Informative. So far, people want mostly Unrestricted access to PLR they purchase.

    On the same topic, should a PLR product have a single price, or should different rights cost different amounts for a single product?

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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    • Profile picture of the author Kay King
      I buy PLR based on quality and on the rights given. I'm not interested in buying PLR that will be sold again and again. I'm not interested in PLR that's sold in unlimited quantities.

      The more times one PLR package is sold or resold, the less valuable it is. Thus, I prefer PLR that is sold in a limited amount with no resales or giveaway allowed. It doesn't matter if anyone agrees with what I prefer - they can buy what they want.

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      • Profile picture of the author Steven Wagenheim
        Okay, I'm going to toss in another monkey wrench into this discussion because
        I am constantly getting slack on the various "definitions" of what MRR and PLR
        actually are.

        IMO, MRR means, you get the product "as is" and can sell it keeping all the
        profits from the sale. You cannot modify the product in any way (after all,
        that's what PLR is for) and you can't pass the rights along to others.

        I get people telling me "No, you CAN pass the rights on to others. That's what
        MRR is."

        I say, not necessarily. If I don't want you to pass the rights along, I can state
        that in the agreement.

        Now, if I do this, is this still MRR or is it something else?

        It would be so nice is we had some industry standardization on this subject
        but we don't. And then what happens, when I create a PLR or MRR product,
        is I get all kinds of grief because some people don't agree with my definition,
        even though in the sales copy it specifically says what rights you do and do
        not get. would be nice if we could clear this up once and for all, not that I
        REALLY expect that to happen since I can't get 2 people to agree on what is
        and isn't MRR.
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  • Profile picture of the author cashcow
    I think there are two types of people who buy PLR.

    One type is buying for their own use, they are going to put it on their blog, or sell the ebook to the end customer etc… When I buy as this type of person I want the license to be strictly limited - no MRR or Resale rights and limited distribution.

    The other type of buyer is buying to add to their own PLR site where they sell PLR, RR, MRR etc.. rights to the next guy. When I buy as this type of person I want it to have unrestricted rights so that the people I am selling it to can do as they like with it.

    So, the answer is that it depends.

    Gone Fishing
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    These are the basic definitions as I understand it:

    RR = Resale Rights. You can resell to end users for 100% profit, but can't pass on resale rights to others. Contents may not be edited.

    MRR = Master Resale Rights. You can resell to end users for 100% profit, and you CAN pass on resale rights to others, who are allowed to sell to end users for 100% profits. THEY cannot pass on the MRR. Contents may not be edited.

    PLR = Private Label Rights. You may edit the product and use it as you wish. You can resell to end users for 100% profit, you can pass on RR or MRR to others. Depending on the source provider, you may or may not be able to pass on the PLR rights.


    The product creator may add further restrictions to any of these as they see fit, but the more restrictions made, the further away from the true definitions they get.

    To answer the OP, both 'restricted' and 'unrestricted' PLR has a place in my marketing.
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    • Profile picture of the author GarrieWilson
      Originally Posted by Gene Pimentel View Post

      These are the basic definitions as I understand it:

      RR = Resale Rights. You can resell to end users for 100% profit, but can't pass on resale rights to others. Contents may not be edited.

      MRR = Master Resale Rights. You can resell to end users for 100% profit, and you CAN pass on resale rights to others, who are allowed to sell to end users for 100% profits. THEY cannot pass on the MRR. Contents may not be edited.

      PLR = Private Label Rights. You may edit the product and use it as you wish. You can resell to end users for 100% profit, you can pass on RR or MRR to others. Depending on the source provider, you may or may not be able to pass on the PLR rights.
      I agree with all that with the exception of the bold part.

      With that limitation, I would consider it more of a transferable RR.
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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    Steve and Gene,

    Thanks for the great Q&A. I am sure this is something that is plaguing a lot of people, including myself. It would be nice if there was a resource people could easily refer to with this information. A 'Standardization', as Steve suggested, would be a great tool for anyone working with PLR, MRR, and RR of any kind. It's nice to know that PLR is less restricted than MRR, as I thought it was the other way around.

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    unrestricted - do anything I can imagine

    Isn't this what PLR is supposed to get you? This is totally different from MRR, so if i pay for PLR, i expect to be able to do whatever i can with it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Gene Pimentel
    Good point Garrie.
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    • Profile picture of the author mrdomains
      PLR being the broadest, and weakest, license should permit anything.

      I think the problem with everyone trying to impose restrictions on their PLR is because we are lacking a usable PR license, so PLR minus this, and minus that is a workaround. All it does though is weaken the power of the whole licensing system since everyone ultimately either distributes it or gets it, and then distributes it.

      So the OP question should MRR be included in PLR?

      Free action plan : Think less. Do more.

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      • Profile picture of the author Danny McConnell
        I would guess that the average buyer of PLR would prefer to have no limits on what they could do with it.

        It would sure be nice if there could be one standard definition of each level of rights transference, but I'm betting that the average marketer would resist someone telling them what they could and couldn't sell.

        A quick rundown of a rights document provided with any resale product will show you how impossible defining just 3 (or 5 or 10) levels would be.

        If PLR defines a product that is sold with no restrictions (as some here would like), what would be the definition of PLR that is sold without the right to pass on PLR? And who decides what MRR is?

        These are and need to be broad definitions. You should always read and keep track of the rights document that accompanies your purchase. If you decide that buying PLR rights to a product gives you the right to do whatever you please with it because that is how you think it should be, don't fool yourself. You are a black hatter, no more, no less.
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