What's the best day of the week to send out an e-zine? The worst?

by 4 replies
Hi, there,

Is there a best day of the week to send out an e-zine for opens and reads?

A worst?

I'm guessing Saturday or Sunday would be the worst, but what about the "best"?

Thanks so much, and sorry if this had been covered before,

- Paul
#main internet marketing discussion forum #day #ezine #send #week #worst
  • I sent on Tuesdays, its a good day for me
  • The best day and time to send out an e-zine to your list
    will depend upon YOUR list.

    The only way to determine the best day and time for
    your list is to try sending out your e-zine on a couple
    of different days, and then measure the results closely.

    Once you've determined the best day to increase response,
    then test sending out your e-zine at different times.

    Remember that if you're sending to a worldwide audience,
    then people will be in different timezones. Therefore, the
    best time to send out your e-zine will depend upon the
    geographic location of the majority of your subscribers.

    Dedicated to mutual success,

    • [2] replies
    • Banned
      I "send stuff out" to all my lists at either 5-day or 6-day intervals, myself, specifically to avoid always sending it on the same day of the week. (In either case, I make sure the subscribers know in advance that I'm doing so, and expect that.)

    • I find that testing the waters on different days is the best way to go as well

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