is it ok to change a product to plr ?

by Ben_R
7 replies
is it ok to change a product to plr ?

if it didnt make as many sales as you thought it might

after selling it as normal - ?

cheers Ben
#change #plr #product
  • Profile picture of the author luckystepho
    I believe quite a few folks do this once they have been selling a product for some time- like Joseph said, as long as it's your product that you have created you can do as you please.
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    • Profile picture of the author Ben_R
      Originally Posted by joseph7384 View Post

      If you are the product creator then why not, you can do as you like with the product. Sell as PLR, bundle it, or give it away as a bonus.

      Originally Posted by luckystepho View Post

      I believe quite a few folks do this once they have been selling a product for some time- like Joseph said, as long as it's your product that you have created you can do as you please.
      thanks for the feedback

      yeh its mine - I created it - its been around 1-2 months
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    • Profile picture of the author Eamon Diamond
      If it's hasn't made what you expected it to and it's your product why not...

      ...turn it into PLR, or if it was making some sales - offer it as a free product now to build up your list.

      If some of your customers that bought it first time see you've changed it to FREE or PLR and are unhappy, you can explain why you decided to change it and offer them a good deal on some of your other products.
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  • Profile picture of the author Britt Malka
    Tiffany Dow is one of the most ethical marketers I know, and she says it's okay, when it's your own product.

    So go ahead
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  • Profile picture of the author MaryKathan
    I have seen several that (when it was their own product) did that either:

    1. at a little higher price, or

    2. after the original product had been out a while
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    • Profile picture of the author knector
      As long it's your own product I don't see any problems turning it to PLR, you can have it like an extra option to get the PLR.
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