Cool article : 10 commandments of social media content marketing.

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Found this article whilst derping around the internet. Figured it could help some IM'rs with their social media marketing. What do you guys think about these commandments?

The 10 Commandments of Social Media Content Marketing | Jeffbullas's Blog

1. Get Focused
Who are you speaking to? Provide content that communicates with your customers and prospects in a language they understand.

2. Create Goals for your Content
What are you trying to achieve- capture emails, provide leads, nuture prospects or improve your visibility to search engines.
Do you want to make the content so entertaining that it makes your brand memorable and remarkable and do you want the message to become viral. A funny video may achieve this.
When designing your content make sure it is not content for contents sake, but is assisting you in growing your business

3. Become a Publisher
The democratisation of publishing and marketing means that you now don't have to wait for your local printer to print off 10,000 marketing brochures and then organise them to be letter boxed .
Now you can write a blog article, email it to your "opt in" subscribers, tweet the link to your Twitter followers and promote it on Facebook.

4. Solve Problems
Everyone has problems and helping your customers and prospects solve them will take them from interested readers to raving fans. Write content that shows people how to fix their problems that are relevant to your industry and market.

5. Include Calls to Action
Don't forget to include calls to action with your content. It could be to subscribe, share or register for an eBook or whitepaper.
Creating small calls to action will lead prospects towards the ultimate goal for any business and that is to put some money down or place an order.

6. Talk like a Human
Corporate speak was invented by copy writers but a while back people started switching off.
Being "Authentic" is the new black and being real is the "new marketing" that is a message that cuts through

7. Show What Works
Case studies that "show" how your product is used are much more effective than "telling". Create content that showcases how other customers are using your product and services to achieve success.
Nothing like a bit of "social proof" to create credibility, trust and action.

8. Have some Fun
The original 10 commandments didn't mention having fun but it helps enormously to present you and your company as having a sense of humour. This doesn't mean making every piece of content a comedy act but lighten up and show your other side.
Orabrush YouTube Video - This companies use of humour and social media helped them sell 1 million toothbrushes that reduces bad breath.

9. Publish Everywhere
Publishing was expensive and just placing an ad in your local newspaper could cost you thousands.
Now you can publish on dozens of social networks at no cost within minutes. Despite there being thousands of social networks, publish on the social media channels that are used by your customers.
Make your content ubiquitous - place it everywhere from hub (blog or website) to outposts (Facebook, YouTube and Twitter) where your customers hangout!

10. Create Multi-Media
Not everyone likes reading, in fact the younger generation generally reads and views content in many formats including online videos on YouTube. The social web is about rich multi-media that engages interest and communicates visually and not just the "written word".
Publish your content in several different formats and media types that your customers will like and enjoy. Some examples of these are video, audio (podcast), photos, whitepaper, info-graphics and eBooks.

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