Providing a service on Warrior Forum

14 replies
Hi,I've been reading the forum for some time now,but this is the first time i post a question.

I've been reading about various ways to make money online and i'm leaning towards affiliate marketing,cpa and providing services.

The only money i've made till now online is through fiverr by making videos and cleaning up/restoring audio tracks,mostly for other people's product videos,testimonials etc.
I actually make around $300/month by doing this on fiverr(from all my gigs),but i'd like to step it up a bit.

So my question is,is it possible to do something similar here?I've seen the Warriors For Hire forum,is this where i should post my services? I'm thinking of offering my audio restoration services,as i suppose there are many people here making WSOs,reports,videos etc that could benefit from this.

Do i have to be a War Room Member to offer my services or do i just pay for posting my service($20)? Also do you think there will be demand for something like this here and will it worth the $20 fee or should i just stick with fiverr?

Thanks in advance!
#audio #forum #providing #service #warrior
  • Profile picture of the author mrinternational
    If you have made 300 already online you are far ahead of most people. second try other websites like fiverr where you can post gigs for a little bit more coin (there is another thread on here about fiverr clones and it showcases more than 15 dif sites all ranging from 1 to 100 $$$$

    next point yes $20 might seem like a sizable investment if you are not making any money at all, but you are making 300 al ready so 20 is a nice size investment you should go for it but add more value to your offer. maybe more minutes of editing or a special extra that you cannot find on fiverr.

    also you need to put some effort into your title because that is what is going to sell before any of your services (warrior for hire title) if it is not accurate or enticing no matter how good you are you wont get many sales.

    hope this was of value
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    • Profile picture of the author Terry Papas
      Thanks for your reply.
      Thing is i've tried some of the fiverr clones and i haven't got any orders.I don't think you can really make much with these if any at all.Would love to hear if anyone has any success outside fiverr though.

      I don't believe i can offer much more than what i already do in fiverr..I always overdeliver and i think that what i offer for the price is a steal..Maybe i should just straight-advertise my fiverr gig instead? And how should i do that? I mean it's already in my signatture,are there any other ways?

      Thanks again and hope to hear some more suggestions.
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      • Profile picture of the author PhilippaWrites
        Originally Posted by terryoi View Post

        Thanks for your reply.
        Thing is i've tried some of the fiverr clones and i haven't got any orders.I don't think you can really make much with these if any at all.Would love to hear if anyone has any success outside fiverr though.
        I do work on fiverr, and that is where most of my fiverr-type gigs come from. However, I have listed on quite a few of the clone sites, and I have had numerous orders from one customer on one of the sites, and I've just had an order on a third site, just yesterday.

        So I'd say it's worth listing on the different ones, but you're right that I think the bulk of your work will still come from fiverr.

        One thing to be aware of is that some of the clone sites charge for listing a gig. Obviously avoid those ones - there are plenty of others that don't!
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        • Profile picture of the author Terry Papas
          Well i have posted a few of my gigs on Gigbucks,Veevr and Tenbux,but i haven't really got any orders yet..

          Are freelancing sites like oDesk,Elance etc suitable for these kind of services (Audio restoration/noise reduction)?

          I just want to find more customers for my services,but i don't really know where to look.
          I'm building a website for this specifically,but i'm not sure if it's worth going through all this trouble(promoting,SEO etc) if there isn't really a demand for such services.

          Or maybe it would be better to just concentrate on promoting my fiverr gig,since fiverr is such a high-traffic site and i'm getting quite some orders and great feedback already.
          I'm just not sure what else i can do to achieve this (getting more customers that is), besides having it on my signature..How else can i promote my service?

          Any suggestions?
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          • Profile picture of the author Terry Papas
            So i guess my question still stands: Would it be worth it to post my Audio Restoration services on the 'Warriors For Hire' forum for the $20 fee?

            Is there really any demand for something like this around here?

            I thought there would be,considering all the people making videos and reports for their products and services,but i'd like to hear some opinions from people who have been around here long before me..
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            • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
              Originally Posted by terryoi View Post

              So i guess my question still stands: Would it be worth it to post my Audio Restoration services on the 'Warriors For Hire' forum for the $20 fee?

              Is there really any demand for something like this around here?
              Try it. That's the only way to find out. At the end of the day, it only costs $20 right?
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              • Profile picture of the author Terry Papas
                Well $20 may not be too much,but by spending $20 here,$10 there etc and doing this a lot without getting anything back,i think can actually end up pretty bad.
                Especially for someone with a limited budget..

                So that's why i've decided to be very careful on how and where i spend my money from now on. Is my thinking flawed?
                I just wanted to hear some suggestions from people more experienced in how this all works and if it's worth it on this occasion.
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                • Profile picture of the author MN Warrior
                  this thread you started is a good start.

                  State clearly in your signature on this forum, and others, what kind of work you'd like to do.
                  and of course , a site/blog listing your skills and rate information.
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            • Profile picture of the author Centurian
              Originally Posted by terryoi View Post

              So i guess my question still stands: Would it be worth it to post my Audio Restoration services on the 'Warriors For Hire' forum for the $20 fee?

              Is there really any demand for something like this around here?

              I thought there would be,considering all the people making videos and reports for their products and services,but i'd like to hear some opinions from people who have been around here long before me..
              The only way to know for sure is to test it. The best way to start is to post it in the Warriors for Hire section and offer a "free review copy" of your service. This is simply getting beta testers to try your service in return for testimonials.

              You need to think about how you can adapt your skills to help Warriors with their products. You would be surprised where this can take you. You may find, as I did, that your customer's needs and demands create a whole new service you didn't plan on offering. The market dictates demand.

              Other than this, your service is on Elance and Odesk. Last time I put out an Elance bid for this with editing I was getting $60 to $100 for 30 to 60 minutes of content.
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              • Profile picture of the author Terry Papas
                Thank you for your reply.
                Guess i'll just have to try it,since it doesn't seem i can get a more clear answer.

                I have also joined a few freelancing sites and checked them out a bit,but i feel a bit intimidated seeing so many bidders on each job,especially since i'm new and don't have any feedback yet.

                I think that Fiverr is actually easier on the seller on this area,since it's mostly that the buyer comes to you,instead of the other way around as on these sites.
                Also as a free member,you only have 30 bids each month,so you have to be very careful where and how you bid.

                So does anyone have any tips on how to actually win bids on freelancing sites,especially if you're just starting out?

                Maybe i should make a new thread about this..?
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                • Profile picture of the author phil.wheatley
                  Would it be worth you approaching some of the more 'famous' memebers of this forum, and doing a couple of free jobs in return for a testimonial, I think it would help your sales a lot. Just a thought.


                  It's still not working for you??? Need direction?...
                  ---->>>> <<<<----
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                • Profile picture of the author Mantasmo
                  Originally Posted by terryoi View Post

                  Guess i'll just have to try it,since it doesn't seem i can get a more clear answer.
                  Just a piece of advice: you are wasting your time. If product delivery isn't a problem, then put all of your effort into marketing and customer support. You'll 1. get more orders and 2. build up a repeat buyer base.

                  Now you have to understand that no one can tell you what will work and what might not work so well. It's best to learn by doing/trying.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Edit your original post and add blank lines between paragraphs.

    As it is now, your post is hard to read.

    Make it easy for people to give you good answers to your questions, by making it easy for people to read your questions.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    $300 a month is a great amount. Many internet marketer spend thousands online and did not earn back have they have spent.

    You should make a blog about your expertise.

    Or you can post your gigs on other fiverr clone so that you can get extra work and extra money.
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