10 Ways To Improve Your Business and Life Starting TODAY!

31 replies
Hey Warriors,

Happy Sunday for everyone. I just posted this as my facebook status and thought it would help some of you out...hope you're having a great start to the day!

10 Ways You Can Improve Your Life Today

1. Spend less than you make
2. Be a little bit nicer than everyone else
3. Do a few things without expecting stuff in return
4. Look out for those around you
5. Every hour ask yourself if what you're doing is making your life better
6. Say something nice to 3 people every day
7. For every item that stresses you, ask yourself "will this affect me in 6 months?"...if not then just fix it and not worry.
8. Go for a 30 minute walk or small gym workout
9. Drink more water
10. Increase your sleep an hour per day.

EDIT: Few added by Kal (thank you!)

11- Learn from successful people.

12- Ignore the nay sayers

13- Whenever you feel discouraged remind yourself that your off the correct mindset.(Always stay positive).

14- Eliminate internal negative influences.

Another Added: Teravel (Thank you...love this...look up the "Give More.com" Quote of the Day!!!)

15- Read 3 inspirational quotes every morning

Another Added: Shabit87 (OMG...I love this and do this every morning too )

16- Give someone a hug or tell them you love them (MEGA AWESOME)

Another By Randall Magwood (very true if you have this person in your life)

17- Spend more time with your spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend

These things combined together will make an immediate (within 7 days) difference in how you feel, think, and how the world reacts to you.



ATTN MODS: This is biz advice...hopefully you'll let it stay in main discussion not in the Self Improvement section
#business #improve #life #starting #today #ways
  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    Great advice for anyone that's not taking action. Many people fail to take action because they are afraid of failure. While this may seem like a good thing, it's actually a natural response that hinders us more than helps. Humanity learns by making mistakes, and you can't be afraid to learn.

    Even if you can't follow the entire list, starting slow and working up to the entire list could be a great way to get yourself out of a slump, and into a life that you enjoy.

    Thanks for the great advice, Brad. Hopefully the mods will honor your request and let everyone enjoy this for as long as it's on the first few pages of the forum.

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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    • Profile picture of the author JohnWiz
      Happy Sunday to you Brad.

      Nice list. But I'm not sure I agree with #5 though.

      My mind will probably explode if I had to do that every single hour.
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  • Profile picture of the author richboom
    awesome man...good job for the inspiration
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  • Profile picture of the author rain21
    tanQ dude for the advice
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  • Profile picture of the author timbarker
    Great share mate. Gonna apply this in my 2012 lifestyle.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
      Originally Posted by Teravel View Post

      Great advice for anyone that's not taking action. Many people fail to take action because they are afraid of failure. While this may seem like a good thing, it's actually a natural response that hinders us more than helps. Humanity learns by making mistakes, and you can't be afraid to learn.

      Even if you can't follow the entire list, starting slow and working up to the entire list could be a great way to get yourself out of a slump, and into a life that you enjoy.

      Thanks for the great advice, Brad. Hopefully the mods will honor your request and let everyone enjoy this for as long as it's on the first few pages of the forum.
      Failure only happens when you don't keep going. Other stuff is just a learning experience.

      People usually get bored when they're not trying new stuff...the creativity keeps us young and gives us perspective. Its amazing that at 26 I get that and I see my parents falling into the trap of "I'm 50 and I don't need to learn and try new stuff"...



      Originally Posted by JohnWiz View Post

      Happy Sunday to you Brad.

      Nice list. But I'm not sure I agree with #5 though.

      My mind will probably explode if I had to do that every single hour.
      Your mind won't explode...you'll quit wasting time and energy

      I did this one day and it's insane what happens...seriously.

      It's incredibly liberating on the mind when you get 100s of little things "You just have to do"...that's baloney.


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  • Profile picture of the author Willie Murray
    Thanks for sharing Brad and you've reminded me I've not added you as a friend in FB : )

    Numbers 8, 9 and 10 starts tomorrow for me, it's something I've neglected for far to long buddy!

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  • Profile picture of the author Kal Sallam
    Yup awsome list I loved # 7 & 9.

    If I may add:

    11- Learn from successful people.

    12- Ignore the nay sayers

    13- Whenever you feel discouraged remind yourself that your off the correct mindset.(Always stay positive).

    14- Eliminate internal negative influences.

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  • Great points, especially point number 11. I firmly believe that if you do the same things other successful people do, you will eventually get the same results. Ask lots of questions, and model others. It's the best way to get good at something.
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  • Profile picture of the author J Bold
    Change #10 to "Get the proper amount of sleep."

    Some people have the problem of sleeping too much, not too little.
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  • Profile picture of the author asaolo
    "1. Spend less than you make"

    Thats sometimes a big problem imo
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  • People usually get bored when they're not trying new stuff...the creativity keeps us young and gives us perspective. Its amazing that at 26 I get that and I see my parents falling into the trap of "I'm 50 and I don't need to learn and try new stuff"...

    Here's one for your list:

    Stop being judgmental about other peoples' choices. Live and let live.

    Fiverr is looking for freelance writers for its blog. Details here.
    Love microjobs? Work when you want and get paid in cash the same day!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5384479].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
      Originally Posted by fluffythewondercat View Post

      People usually get bored when they're not trying new stuff...the creativity keeps us young and gives us perspective. Its amazing that at 26 I get that and I see my parents falling into the trap of "I'm 50 and I don't need to learn and try new stuff"...

      Here's one for your list:

      Stop being judgmental about other peoples' choices. Live and let live.

      I absolutely do that...I'm not being judgmental just stating a fact. Judgments are usually made based on silly ideas unfounded in fact...in my case I observe this daily in many different communities and notice that in the boomer generation there's a lot of this...

      Not everyone of course is like this...but enough are to make a statement based on observation...


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  • Profile picture of the author Steven Miranda
    Wonderful list to keep people on track in business and personal life!
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  • Profile picture of the author Teravel
    Next #: Read 3 Inspirational Quotes every morning.

    The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Laozi

    Running a Business is like riding on a roller coaster. Although it is fun and exciting, there will be times when you'll be scared and feel powerless. During the bad times there isn't much you can do, other than to keep on pushing forward. (Found on quicksprout.com)

    The golden rule for every business man is this: Put yourself in your customer's place. - Orison Swett Marden

    "Failure is feedback. Feedback is the breakfast of champions." -Fortune Cookie

    PLR Packages - WSO

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    • Profile picture of the author TerryL
      VERY good advice on just what it takes to be successful in life and to stay motivated. Persistence is key. If you're feeling discouraged, just know that most of the very successful people in the world tried and failed many times, picking themselves up and starting over and over again until they reached success. They didn't give up. That was the overriding factor in their success.

      I read an article recently about a young woman who wrote a novel and submitted it to over 60 publishers over a two year period and was rejected by all of them. Did she give up? No, because she believed in her book. She kept tweaking the book to make it tighter, better, more engaging, more involving for the reader, and the 61st publisher published the book. It was optioned for movie rights and made into a movie soon after. That young woman is sitting on a nice pile of money now, because she didn't give up. She didn't listed to the naysayers. She believed in herself and her dream and she didn't let anyone tell her she couldn't do it.

      There's a huge lesson for all of us to be learned there.
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      • Profile picture of the author shabit87
        Very useful advice. I like to hug someone or say I love someone daily. Makes me feel good to receive a hug back and hear I love you back. But of course try not to just hug any ole person. One, it can be dangerous, and two, a bit creepy! Anyhow, your post was much needed. So many people are looking to change at the beginning of the year and don't realize that small daily changes can contribute to large changes throughout the year.
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  • Profile picture of the author Randall Magwood
    15) Spend more time with your spouse or girlfriend
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  • Profile picture of the author Tenzho
    Thanks for the Great advice. I often spend too much times in front of my laptop and keep thinking "Why won't this work??"
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    • Profile picture of the author Jill Carpenter
      10. Increase your sleep an hour per day.
      Well, if I do that for 16 days or so I'll be sleeping for 24hrs a day. :p

      "May I have ten thousand marbles, please?"

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  • Profile picture of the author kea55
    Great list. It's helpful in both life and in business. Thank you very much!
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  • Profile picture of the author meaghandrina
    I think this is really what I need.

    "Go for a 30 minute walk or small gym workout"

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  • Profile picture of the author Rick Wagoner
    Some nice tips Brad! Thanks for the inspirational post. Have a great 2012!


    Inspiration and encouragement for people with BIG DREAMS!

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  • Profile picture of the author officer_iron
    2. Be a little bit nicer than everyone else

    Love this one in particular. I try to always be as nice as possible. No doubt it's sometimes hard dealing with people that don't subscribe to this theory, but it's worth it in the end.
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    • Profile picture of the author Brad Spencer
      Originally Posted by officer_iron View Post

      2. Be a little bit nicer than everyone else

      Love this one in particular. I try to always be as nice as possible. No doubt it's sometimes hard dealing with people that don't subscribe to this theory, but it's worth it in the end.
      Unless you're a total sociopath...most people can't handle being a jerk to a super nice person...even if they consider them annoying or irritating.

      Being nice to people usually brings out the natural "hope" we all have that people are good and nice. Even people who are "jerks" at times really do want someone to be nice and to listen...but unfortunately a lot of people only get caught up in their own world and can't just take a step back and realize that they're lucky, blessed, and gifted. By helping others to see their luck, blessings, and gifts you can be a guiding light to "the good life"...

      Not religious here or anything just the plain facts based on real world experience.


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  • Profile picture of the author abugah
    Originally Posted by Brad Spencer View Post

    1. Spend less than you make
    This is probably the toughest 'commandment' in this world. If everybody spent maximum 80% of everything they earned, poverty would be eliminated within a generation.
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