Where Can I get a logo?

25 replies
Do you guys know where I can get a logo for my site?
  • Profile picture of the author Istvan Horvath
    First you have to learn to use the Search function of this forum. Until then nobody is going to make you a logo

    (Warrior Products & Services)

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    • Profile picture of the author canada94
      Originally Posted by Istvan Horvath View Post

      First you have to learn to use the Search function of this forum. Until then nobody is going to make you a logo

      (Warrior Products & Services)

      Forever the wise one Istvan

      God Bless ya man


      [B]If you are looking to turn your ebook into an Amazon bestseller,then visit http://babystepspublishinglimited.com,and let me help you

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  • Profile picture of the author canada94
    I usually go to Fiverr, had some real gems.

    Hope it helps


    [B]If you are looking to turn your ebook into an Amazon bestseller,then visit http://babystepspublishinglimited.com,and let me help you

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    • Profile picture of the author jblinzy3
      Originally Posted by canada94 View Post

      I usually go to Fiverr, had some real gems.

      Hope it helps

      My thoughts exactly! :-)
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      • Profile picture of the author Bcrewse1
        One of the BEST and easiest logo creation softwares I have ever used is by Summitsoftcorp. Logo Design Studio Pro. Easy to learn, tons of templates and designs and really very cheap at $59.95. I have no association with the company. I have tried tons of different software and this one flat out beats them all. Before that I went to Fiverr and got great work but I have paid for this software 10X over since make so much stuff. Worth checking out.
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  • Profile picture of the author Lisa401
    You know? on Fiver you can get a logo on $5, there are also some other places, the one is DigitalPoint forum check there in service section or put your requirement in appropriate categories there are lots of web designer or logo designers as well.

    You can also check it on freelancer.com or other similar freelance sites.... it is very easy.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Sprague
    I will do sorry for the thread post Thanks in Advance !

    Zack Sprague

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  • Profile picture of the author JennyBizz
    I like using Fiverr for logos. Just make sure that you find someone with really good feedback.
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Sprague
    Well I currently do not have any money to spend for a logo, sadly

    Zack Sprague

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  • Profile picture of the author gs000707
    Originally Posted by flatbro94 View Post

    Do you guys know where I can get a logo for my site?
    There are also GFX companies, which focus on identity creation, it's pretty handy and at the very moment, I'm thinking of using those services. Simply search for terms such as "identity creation" or "corporate image". It usually comes in packages, cost you around 100 - 500$, you get various sized logos, even some animations in one package, it differs a lot.

    Something like this: Logo Design Portfolio: Professional Graphic Logo Design Company ?

    And after you wrote this:

    Originally Posted by flatbro94 View Post

    Well I currently do not have any money to spend for a logo, sadly
    It was like a few seconds, before I posted, heh. Anyway, I'm pretty sure, there are even free versions of such sites, there always are, it won't be just looking that good and might take you a little longer to search.

    Good luck,

    I guess, here goes the fee first, fancy sig later after that, I'll have to wait then... .)

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  • Profile picture of the author Maraun
    Here is a site that lets you create some website logos if you don't want to spend any money on a real artist:
    Web2.0 - Logo Creatr
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  • Profile picture of the author Zack Sprague
    Thank you guys a lot I appreciate it !

    Zack Sprague

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    • Profile picture of the author TerryL
      I've gotten some really excellent, professional quality logos on Fiverr. You just have to look around and find someone with a decent amount of good feedback and preferably samples to show you. That's key to finding a good logo designer there. And be prepared to wait a few days to get it, as the good designers are usually in demand and have several projects in their queue at once. But if you get a good designer who gives you a good logo for only $5, it's worth it.
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  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    LogoNerds, owned and operated by a fellow warrior, have created logos for me.
    They did the one in my avatar (as of the time of this post) to get an idea of the quality. I think they're top notch and have a nice customer interface where you can work with them back and forth inside the members area of your account to communicate your ideas, request concepts and approve your new logo.

    Check 'em out. (They may even have a resellers program where you can sell their services to other marketers and get paid for the pleasure.)

    => Stay tuned...

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  • Profile picture of the author Ben Gordon
    Go for freelancer.com and pay $30 for a logo. It will be professionally made and it will NOT be re-used - or basically f**k you over. I started getting logos from freelancer.com about 2 years ago and I've used the same guy over and over. He's amazing and creates some awesome logos.
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    • Profile picture of the author Don Luis
      Originally Posted by Ben Gordon View Post

      Go for freelancer.com and pay $30 for a logo. It will be professionally made and it will NOT be re-used - or basically f**k you over. I started getting logos from freelancer.com about 2 years ago and I've used the same guy over and over. He's amazing and creates some awesome logos.
      Can you tell me the name of the freelancer you are using? Thanks!
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  • Profile picture of the author DavidTT
    +1 on fiverr

    although I usually just write down the name of my site and just shop it a bit.
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  • Profile picture of the author x3xsolxdierx3x
    These are "higher end" logo services that I have used:

    -the Logo Company (I have used this service upwards of 5 times).
    -the Logo Factory (VERY high end. With all the recommendations for Fiverr, you may not want to go this route....however, their website is a reservoir of information)
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  • Profile picture of the author bobcarlsjr
    logonerds no questions asked. for 20 bucks you get 3 variations, all kind of versions you might need .psd, etc etc, high/mid/low res blah blah blah, and the quality is A++++++++++++++++++++++++

    1 month since i have done business with them.. and i am still blown away at my logo, and for 20usd? you gotta be kidding me..
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  • Profile picture of the author Adam Sussman
    Another vote for logonerds. Excellent logos. Amazing customer service. Brilliant prices.
    "He elicits the same kind of admiration one would feel for a streaker at Queen Victorias funeral."

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  • Profile picture of the author edwinms
    i vote for fiverr..
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  • Profile picture of the author rashedinvogue
    I think it would be better if you get haired a good logo design company

    invougelogo.com. They have experienced logo designer and outsourcing capabilities.

    If you share your idea via email, you can get customized logo in cheap cost.
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