Aweber Question - How can I automatically move someone from my squeeze page list to my buyers list?

9 replies

I am making sales through the squeeze page / follow up email method.

My product is on clickbank and i am using aweber for my emails

What I am wondering is...

If I make a sale through one of my emails...

Is there a way to take that person of that list and move them to another list (my buyers list).

I am doing this manually at the moment and am wondering if there is a way to do it automatically.

Thank You
#automatically #aweber #buyers #list #move #page #question #squeeze
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    You can use list automation. Check out the Aweber knowledgeable for that.
    Can I Move Subscribers From One List to Another? :: AWeber Knowledge Base

    What this would mean for you is you can set it up so that when someone joins your buyers list they are automatically removed from your squeeze page list. Once you have set up the rule in Aweber, the only thing you then need to do is make it so people who purchase your product through Clickbank are automatically added to your buyers list. Most membership scripts these days will enable you to automatically add buyers to any autoresponder list you specify.
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  • Profile picture of the author andynathan
    As WillR mentioned Aweber shows this all to you on their site. Also, if you still have questions call them. Their support staff is easy to work with for technical matters.

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  • Profile picture of the author zamzung
    That's a nice tip WillR ... I was looking for that information too for a future project I have on plan... I knew it's possible but didn't know how... thanks!
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    • Profile picture of the author surflongdude
      That page on Aweber doesn't automatically move the person from prospect list to buyer list. It just takes them off the prospect list once they're on the buyer list.

      To get on the buyer list automatically after they pay it has to be a confirmed opt-in, which is kind of a ball-ache process - does anyone know if it's against Clickbank policy to make someone confirm a subscription to actually access a product they've already paid for?
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by surflongdude View Post

        That page on Aweber doesn't automatically move the person from prospect list to buyer list. It just takes them off the prospect list once they're on the buyer list.
        What? It doesn't move them from prospect list to buyers list, it just moves them from prospect list to buyers list? That's basically what you just said.

        You will notice in my post above I said:

        "What this would mean for you is you can set it up so that when someone joins your buyers list they are automatically removed from your squeeze page list."

        The way I have it setup is simple. Someone buys my product. The auto-responder list I have for my buyers is single optin so they do not have to confirm. The reason I have it single optin is because the email address they have just used to setup their membership access is the same email address we use for the autoresponder so it's highly likely that it is a genuine email address.

        Upon payment they are taken to a thank you page that has a little box that says, confirm your email address to receive important product updates. There is a text box that already has their email address filled in. I have this setup to happen automatically. If they like they can change that email address or if the email address is already correct, all they need to do is click the 'Confirm' button and they are then added to the buyers list. At this same time they are then automatically removed from the prospect list (if they were on it).
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        • Profile picture of the author surflongdude
          Courage, I just came across this in another thread: Warrior Special | WP File Lock

          Notice it has an automatic email add feature. I haven't used this product but it might be worth a look.

          "There is a text box that already has their email address filled in. I have this setup to happen automatically."
          WillR, how do make this happen? And cheers for the clarification!
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  • Profile picture of the author FormerWageSlave
    I was going to ask this question too. Very timely.

    But it looks like the Aweber KB article doesn't mention anything about having to reconfirm when moved to a new list... can anyone corroborate surflondude's assertion?


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  • Profile picture of the author osiedle
    Thanks for this advice. I also had the same problem and want to correct it early. Knowledge base offered some good basic info.
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  • Profile picture of the author Courage
    Thanks for replies guys
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