Help - Going on radio, need advice ASAP

19 replies
Hi everyone,

As the title said, I'm going live on radio later today for an interview. Now I'm not a great public speaker (i hate it), and I'm quite nervous about it - Does anyone have advice on how to prepare?

#advice #asap #radio
  • Profile picture of the author WillR
    Go and have 5 beers before hand.

    Seriously though, nerves are good. They are what keep us on edge. If you turn your thinking around and tell yourself that having the nerves is actually a good thing, then you should actually find yourself becoming less nervous - sounds stupid but it's true.

    Also, often we get nerves because we are looking ahead in our mind and picturing ourselves doing stupid or silly things that will embarrass us. In most cases those things will never play out in real world so there's not much point worrying about them.

    Instead of this you should picture yourself sitting there, on radio, talking nice and confidently, making a few jokes, etc. Shift your mind from something you are dreading to something you are now looking forward to.
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by WillR View Post

      Go and have 5 beers before hand.

      Seriously though, nerves are good. They are what keep us on edge. If you turn your thinking around and tell yourself that having the nerves is actually a good thing, then you should actually find yourself becoming less nervous - sounds stupid but it's true.

      Also, often we get nerves because we are looking ahead in our mind and picturing ourselves doing stupid or silly things that will embarrass us. In most cases those things will never play out in real world so there's not much point worrying about them.

      Instead of this you should picture yourself sitting there, on radio, talking nice and confidently, making a few jokes, etc. Shift your mind from something you are dreading to something you are now looking forward to.
      Hahahaha this was nice only 5 beers? I will go for more when i will do it
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      • Profile picture of the author WillR
        Originally Posted by MariusPrice View Post

        Hahahaha this was nice only 5 beers? I will go for more when i will do it
        Ahhh Marius, but there is a fine line between being CONFIDENT and being DRUNK. For a lot of people that seems to happen around the 4-5 beer mark!
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        • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
          Originally Posted by WillR View Post

          Ahhh Marius, but there is a fine line between being CONFIDENT and being DRUNK. For a lot of people that seems to happen around the 4-5 beer mark!
          Yea not for me i live in a country where we drink LOL so only after 14 beers i will be ready for party
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  • Profile picture of the author MikeTucker
    Do your homework on the interviewers.
    Have 3 to 5 talking points so that you have something to say.
    Ask for a list of questions they are going to ask you beforehand.
    Be yourself-- Don't fake anything.
    If you are nervous, admit it openly. People are understanding.

    The bartender says: "We don't serve faster-than-light particles here."

    ...A tachyon enters a bar.

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  • Profile picture of the author primechimp
    Feeling more confident already.. Already sorted out the Dutch courage

    Three hours to go - We're sorting out a list of questions now, thanks for the advice. Not sure if you've all heard of Paul Henry, but it looks like he's the one we are going to be talking to.. I know he can be a bit sarcastic, but maybe the humour will help with the nerves.

    Thanks again everyone
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by primechimp View Post

      Feeling more confident already.. Already sorted out the Dutch courage

      Three hours to go - We're sorting out a list of questions now, thanks for the advice. Not sure if you've all heard of Paul Henry, but it looks like he's the one we are going to be talking to.. I know he can be a bit sarcastic, but maybe the humour will help with the nerves.

      Thanks again everyone
      Man start to drink some beers you will talk a loot after that even if you have no idea about your niche

      Give me 20 beers or more and invite me on the radio and i can talk about IM niche even if im not a guru
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  • Profile picture of the author andreaskam
    I've been on the radio 3-4 times and each time it's gone absolutely fine, especially if you are being invited on to talk about a topic that you are knowledgable on. Just take a few deep breaths (Away from the microphone!) and talk naturally. It's actually quite an enjoyable experience!
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Feeling more confident already.. Already sorted out the Dutch courage

      Three hours to go - We're sorting out a list of questions now, thanks for the advice. Not sure if you've all heard of Paul Henry, but it looks like he's the one we are going to be talking to.. I know he can be a bit sarcastic, but maybe the humour will help with the nerves.

      Thanks again everyone
      What its the radio station where you will talk? Can we listen online?
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      • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
        Please let us know how it was.
        Hope you will do well and kick some there
        Im subscribed
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  • Profile picture of the author kindsvater
    I've gone through media training, although what a lawyer is trying to accomplish may be different than the purpose of your radio interview.

    For starters, relax. This will not be difficult.

    Have some brief talking points already written in the words you want to say. Read them aloud to make sure they make sense to your ears.

    Keep your answers short and concise. You do not want to ramble. Don't try to answer more than what is asked.

    The radio host will be asking the questions. All you have do is answer them. That's it. The host will keep it moving and the interview may be over before you realize it.

    The questions should be very easy. Unless you're a politician these may be the easiest questions you ever get.

    Have a glass of water handy to keep your voice moist if you do get nervous and your mouth starts to go dry.

    Have fun!

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  • Profile picture of the author primechimp
    Radiolive - in 40 minutes, about our web development company (minion).. ill let you know how it goes anyway - thanks everyone
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by primechimp View Post

      Radiolive - in 40 minutes, about our web development company (minion).. ill let you know how it goes anyway - thanks everyone
      Wish you good luck man.
      Hope you got couple of beers
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    • Profile picture of the author Yaduvanshi
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      • Profile picture of the author Sophia M
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        • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
          Originally Posted by Sophia M View Post

          Find someone to talk with you so that you won't be thinking about the "big thing" every second...Good luck!
          Maybe a girl have to talk with him before the event
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  • Profile picture of the author primechimp
    Well, it was terrible. It was obviously a one-sided interview, he had already made up his mind. Next time, I'm passing it onto someone else
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    • Profile picture of the author MariusPrice
      Originally Posted by primechimp View Post

      Well, it was terrible. It was obviously a one-sided interview, he had already made up his mind. Next time, I'm passing it onto someone else
      Sorry to hear that.
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