Here is an extremely simple way to get a product up and running in 48 hrs.

2 replies
I don't know if you guys have heard of this one before or not but I thought I'd share it anyways. Pick up any PLR ebook or a set of articles...Next head over to any freelancing site and hire a professional voice over artist.

Make an audio book and there you have it...Your product is ready without having to do any hard labour.

The good thing about hiring a professional voice artist is that the product seems very professional and you also get a chance to charge more. Let me know what you think of this.
#extremely #hrs #product #running #simple
  • Profile picture of the author Andy Fletcher
    Have you actually done this yourself or is it a theoretical idea? If you have can we see the product please?


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    • Profile picture of the author ryanman
      Originally Posted by Andy Fletcher View Post

      Have you actually done this yourself or is it a theoretical idea? If you have can we see the product please?


      I used to do this 2 yrs back...I had a lot of success selling a product on paypal long time ago.

      ^^^Click The "UGLY BANNER" to "MAKE MONEY"^^^
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  • Profile picture of the author Lewis Turner
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