Does the Anxiety niche has any value?
He has experience in the niche (former sufferer)
He purchased the product he offers and used it successfully
He is a great writer, first language English
He has traffic from his Squidoos, Articles etc to his main site
He has ZERO Sales
While he don't like to reveal his site and keywords, we figured that the average person in this niche is simply NOT A BUYER as even a hypnotherapist has problems to fill up his practice (offering a free consultation).
HOW he can make money in this niche?
Monetize over Adsense, CPA, some Clickbank (what he does now) or WHAT?
Pertaining to blogging, jobs, and education online.
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Nothing to see here
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"Success comes when people act together; failure tends to happen alone." -- Deepak Chopra
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Affiliates Wanted! Make anywhere from 42,- to $72 in commissions. Simply Recommend the Best QuickBooks Pro Video Course available at Clickbank.
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