Where do the affluent hang out?

4 replies

I want to get my website and product in front of high end affluent people.
Have a few ideas where to find them on the web, but looking for more. The ones I have thought of so far include:
  • travel/cruise forums
  • premium real estate websites
  • country clubs
  • yacht clubs
Please add to the list if you have any other ideas,

#affluent #hang
  • Profile picture of the author Jim Guererro
    I'm understanding that the affluent want to be recognized for their efforts and achievements. They probably also want to help out the community knowing that what they give they will receive back. So here are some avenues where the affluent may hang out at.

    Flying airplane clubs
    Fitness clubs
    Performing arts premiers
    local city council meetings

    Just to name a few that will surely bring out some of the affluent.
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  • Profile picture of the author JohnMcCabe
    Originally Posted by infomaniacs View Post


    I want to get my website and product in front of high end affluent people.
    Have a few ideas where to find them on the web, but looking for more. The ones I have thought of so far include:
    • travel/cruise forums
    • premium real estate websites
    • country clubs
    • yacht clubs
    Please add to the list if you have any other ideas,

    Angela, you are on the right track. Look for enthusiasts of activities which require both money and time to pursue. Consider 'golf' - encompasses everything from the kid hauling his clubs on the bus to the local muni to the rich guy traveling to play the great courses of the world.

    Same with cruises - you'll run the gamut from singles saving up to take a monthly 'booze cruise' to get lucky to the honeymooners to the well-off who cruise regularly.

    Find the sub-niches within almost any niche market that require time and money to participate, and you'll find your affluents.
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    • Profile picture of the author infomaniacs
      Originally Posted by JohnMcCabe View Post

      Angela, you are on the right track. Look for enthusiasts of activities which require both money and time to pursue. Consider 'golf' - encompasses everything from the kid hauling his clubs on the bus to the local muni to the rich guy traveling to play the great courses of the world.

      Same with cruises - you'll run the gamut from singles saving up to take a monthly 'booze cruise' to get lucky to the honeymooners to the well-off who cruise regularly.

      Find the sub-niches within almost any niche market that require time and money to participate, and you'll find your affluents.
      cool, thanks for that, I hadn't thought of golf
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