A Cool little trick I discovered to convert articles to audio - free!

38 replies
Hey warriors,

I was just browsing facebook moments ago when I stumbled across this cool little trick that someone post about how to test the gender of your pc.

But being the internet marketer that I am I realized this could be useful to convert your articles to audio.

Here's how it works:

1. Click start on your pc
2. Go to all programs
3. Click on accessories and then open notepad
4. Paste the following code ==> CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Place Your Article Here"
5. Save the file and make sure you add the extension .vbs (so if your article is about red box, you could save the file as redbox.vbs

6. Close the file.
7. Double click on it whereever you saved it and you'll hear the recording.

Problem is no I dodn't know how to convert that file to mp3 mp4 etc so if any other warrior want to chime in, I think this could be a useful resource as we could easily convert our articles to audio and submit them as podcast for more traffic.

All the best for 2012

#articles #audio #convert #cool #discovered #free #trick
  • Profile picture of the author DougBarger
    That's good you saw the opportunity in something else and found a way to adapt it for your own use. That's a skill most great marketers share.

    Since you asked if any other warrior wanted to chime in, I'll just add that you can download and use audacity for free.

    It lets you record audio. And it has a built-in feature you can click to "export as mp3". That will accomplish the same purpose even if you haven't found a way to convert the other way.

    => Stay tuned...

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    • Profile picture of the author yesacpow
      Hey Dough

      Thanks for your input. The recording with audacity is good but with this little trick, you simple just copy and past your article and you are done.

      So all we need to do now is to convert that .vbs file to a regular audio file.


      Originally Posted by DougBarger View Post

      That's good you saw the opportunity in something else and found a way to adapt it for your own use. That's a skill most great marketers share.

      Since you asked if any other warrior wanted to chime in, I'll just add that you can download and use audacity for free.

      It lets you record audio. And it has a built-in feature you can click to "export as mp3". That will accomplish the same purpose even if you haven't found a way to convert the other way.
      FREE Step-By-Step Blueprint To Make $1000/Month With YouTube - Even Without Being On Camera!
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      • Profile picture of the author EugeneA
        Amazing little trick you found here. I've been playing with it a little, it's extremely useful and entertaining.

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        • Profile picture of the author yesacpow
          Thanks glad you liked it.

          It pronounces some words weird but overall it's very nice

          Originally Posted by EugeneA View Post

          Amazing little trick you found here. I've been playing with it a little, it's extremely useful and entertaining.
          FREE Step-By-Step Blueprint To Make $1000/Month With YouTube - Even Without Being On Camera!
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    I even get this done for $5 on fiverr, but thats a cool little trick.

    Once you have an article, you can add text, pdf it and send to free ebook directories, or to slide share, and also podcast it. These are all great ways to leverage off one article and get extra traffic.
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  • hmm... that is rather cool, thanks. I've known of more 'complicated' ways to do it, but that is rather fun.

    Pick a product. Pick ANY product! -> 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
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  • Profile picture of the author UMS
    Easiest way I know to convert your articles to audio and have them available as a podcast is to use Odiogo

    It's free and available for WordPress, Blogger and a few other platforms.
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  • Profile picture of the author ChrisStCroix
    yakitome dot com has other voices
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  • Profile picture of the author Cybria
    Thanks for this. I think all the punctuation in the article might cause a problem though. I got an error when I tried to open the file. I looked up the error code and it said I might have left out a closing bracket. Well I think it was just the punctuation confusing the computer because I entered a simple line of text with no punctuation, and that worked.

    - Tiff

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  • Profile picture of the author John Romaine
    Nice little trick.

    Havent tried it here, but I assume it must use Microsofts, text to speech software?

    Im not sure if this is installed by default? Is this a system feature or related to Office?

    BS free SEO services, training and advice - SEO Point

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    • Profile picture of the author yesacpow
      Honestly I am not sure how it works lol. I just tried it and it worked but maybe other techys can explain that for all of us

      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Nice little trick.

      Havent tried it here, but I assume it must use Microsofts, text to speech software?

      Im not sure if this is installed by default? Is this a system feature or related to Office?
      FREE Step-By-Step Blueprint To Make $1000/Month With YouTube - Even Without Being On Camera!
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    • Profile picture of the author dsouravs
      Originally Posted by ramone_johnny View Post

      Nice little trick.

      Havent tried it here, but I assume it must use Microsofts, text to speech software?

      Im not sure if this is installed by default? Is this a system feature or related to Office?
      This is default Microsoft Sam voice.
      .vbs means visual basic script. The code is a visual basic code which translates text to audio.


      I can convert your Non-Responsive website to Responsive website ... How sweet is that? :)

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  • Profile picture of the author Anthony W
    If you use Wordpress, Odiogo is an awesome plugin that automatically does this.
    Looking to buy Facebook accounts. PM me!
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  • Profile picture of the author nicheblogger75
    Perhaps you could just set up a slideshow using Open Office Impress or Powerpoint and then use CamStudio (free software) to capture the presentation.

    CamStudio can record whatever comes through your speakers, so you would only need to change slides manually as you record and you would have a nice video article.
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  • Profile picture of the author Sagar Mehta
    Nice feature.

    This is another 'natural' sounding text to speech service:
    From Text To Speech - Free online TTS service

    It's free and no registration required. Gives you an MP3 too
    Need AWESOME Customer Support For Your Product / Service / Upcoming Launches? > Click Here <
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  • Profile picture of the author danlew
    Now that's what I call a "hidden gem", converting something into a unique way. It's really cool you know? But after you convert that article to audio, what's the file extension of it before converting to MP3 and MP4?
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  • Profile picture of the author BankVelvet
    This is pretty cool, thanks for the share. I've never personally much liked the sound of digital voices though...
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  • Profile picture of the author Super Warrior
    Thanks OP! Great idea........
    It can help a lot of marketers.

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  • Profile picture of the author jaybaker
    For mac users there is an option under speech to enable TTS. Highlight your article once this is on, and hit the key combination you set up after you hit record on garage band or audacity. Save as mp3 and you are done.

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  • Profile picture of the author johan_malmo
    Nice one, think I can actually have some use for a converter like this
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  • Profile picture of the author itrepreneur
    I think Adobe 9 Pro has a text to audio function on it. I can't remember what format it comes out in though.

    I'm a keen marketer/ web designer/ learner!
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  • Profile picture of the author sriram rajan
    Thanks for useful information that can used actively....
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  • Profile picture of the author Claire Koch
    that convinced me even i sound better reading it out loud lol. i need to carry on now...
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  • Profile picture of the author timbarker
    Originally Posted by yesacpow View Post

    Hey warriors,

    I was just browsing facebook moments ago when I stumbled across this cool little trick that someone post about how to test the gender of your pc.

    But being the internet marketer that I am I realized this could be useful to convert your articles to audio.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Click start on your pc
    2. Go to all programs
    3. Click on accessories and then open notepad
    4. Paste the following code ==> CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Place Your Article Here"
    5. Save the file and make sure you add the extension .vbs (so if your article is about red box, you could save the file as redbox.vbs

    6. Close the file.
    7. Double click on it whereever you saved it and you'll hear the recording.

    Problem is no I dodn't know how to convert that file to mp3 mp4 etc so if any other warrior want to chime in, I think this could be a useful resource as we could easily convert our articles to audio and submit them as podcast for more traffic.

    All the best for 2012

    Thanks for sharing this mate. I've been searching for a software that converts articles to audios and I'm glad I've found your tricks. Gonna try this and hope it works on my PC.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    I think that the person that figures out how to make a voice sound natural, will be a very rich individual, there are voices that sound better, but over all, it is just not the same, as what you would expect to receive, when making a purchase.

    I guess some people may find it useful but to me it just sounds so monotone, that its better than a sleeping pill to put you to sleep.

    sort of like those animated characters that were popular a few years ago, they just are not able to keep the attention of the website visitor, for more than a few seconds.

    Still, eventually I suspect they will come up with a good voice that sounds real enough, until then, I think a real voice is much more effective.
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  • Profile picture of the author money fan
    Thats pritty cool! Never knew till now.
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  • {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5473987].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author savvybizbuilder
    Odiogo still one of the best option you can have.
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  • Profile picture of the author Steve Wells
    Originally Posted by yesacpow View Post

    Hey warriors,

    I was just browsing facebook moments ago when I stumbled across this cool little trick that someone post about how to test the gender of your pc.

    But being the internet marketer that I am I realized this could be useful to convert your articles to audio.

    Here's how it works:

    1. Click start on your pc
    2. Go to all programs
    3. Click on accessories and then open notepad
    4. Paste the following code ==> CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Place Your Article Here"
    5. Save the file and make sure you add the extension .vbs (so if your article is about red box, you could save the file as redbox.vbs

    6. Close the file.
    7. Double click on it whereever you saved it and you'll hear the recording.

    Problem is no I dodn't know how to convert that file to mp3 mp4 etc so if any other warrior want to chime in, I think this could be a useful resource as we could easily convert our articles to audio and submit them as podcast for more traffic.

    All the best for 2012

    Im not an affiliate of this product for sure, but I own this and many other products from this guys website. You can record ANYTHING from the internet, edit it audibly, convert it to mp3 etc, burn it, etc....

    Awesome product which would do what you are looking to have done, which is for something to hear the article being read by the computer, then convert it into mp3 format.

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  • Profile picture of the author echelon
    Thanks for sharing this method. I have just tried it and it worked the first time but not the second one when I have added more text. I did not know that a computer by itself could help convert articles to audio.
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  • Profile picture of the author satrap
    Some of you guys are mentioning Odiogoand other tools. But you guys are forgetting what Casey is trying to bring attention to and that is the fact that with this method You dont have to read (speak it out load) the artcile and record it, you just copy and paste it to notepad and save it with the extension he mentioned.

    So for lots of people how are not native speakers and may have problem with accent, that is a great option. Not to mention that it is much faster to paste an article rather than reading it out load.
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    • Profile picture of the author yesacpow
      Yea that's exactly what I am trying to get at. I knew there were lots of software available that could get this done but I was just fascinated at the idea of just copying and pasting an article which literally took seconds and it would automatically be converted to audio.

      Originally Posted by satrap View Post

      Some of you guys are mentioning Odiogoand other tools. But you guys are forgetting what Casey is trying to bring attention to and that is the fact that with this method You dont have to read (speak it out load) the artcile and record it, you just copy and paste it to notepad and save it with the extension he mentioned.

      So for lots of people how are not native speakers and may have problem with accent, that is a great option. Not to mention that it is much faster to paste an article rather than reading it out load.
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  • Profile picture of the author Builder154
    This is nice, but once you have the article converted to audio, where do you post it? Where do you submit the mp3 to?
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  • Profile picture of the author iknowhow
    cool trick indeed, thanks for sharing with us!
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