A Cool little trick I discovered to convert articles to audio - free!
I was just browsing facebook moments ago when I stumbled across this cool little trick that someone post about how to test the gender of your pc.
But being the internet marketer that I am I realized this could be useful to convert your articles to audio.
Here's how it works:
1. Click start on your pc
2. Go to all programs
3. Click on accessories and then open notepad
4. Paste the following code ==> CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"Place Your Article Here"
5. Save the file and make sure you add the extension .vbs (so if your article is about red box, you could save the file as redbox.vbs
6. Close the file.
7. Double click on it whereever you saved it and you'll hear the recording.
Problem is no I dodn't know how to convert that file to mp3 mp4 etc so if any other warrior want to chime in, I think this could be a useful resource as we could easily convert our articles to audio and submit them as podcast for more traffic.
All the best for 2012
=> Stay tuned...
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