WF Kindle Slaughterhouse: Look At What You Bad People Did!

79 replies
Unmasking A Digital Pirate On Amazon | Fast Company

I'm guessing the WSO's he's pointing to
are going to get a bit more eyeball traffic!

For anyone doing Kindle publishing here's a fast
guide so you don't get slapped and even better
so you actually make sales!

#1: Don't publish crap

#2: Don't use PLR/Public Domain/Scraped Content... EVER

#3: Don't hire $1 copywriters who can't speak English and
compile "article" books

#4: Use an editor ($.01/word)

#5: Create small handfuls of short, quality books
within a few demand niches and you can really
make a killing.

Example: 99% of WFers who published bad books
made less than 1 sales per month per title.

100 bad titles often meant less than $100 in earnings
per month.

Even bad books frequently cost between $5-20 per book!

Do the "volume game" math: $500 - $2,000 COST
to earn less than $100.

If you publish a single good book with a great cover
and a great title it can be 100% outsourced for under
$150 (writing, editing, cover, formatting)

This single book can earn $100 - $1200+ per month
on it's own!

Why? Because when you produce original work people
actually want to read people tend to buy it!

KDP is one of the greatest opportunities the Net has ever
seen. When you use it the way it was supposed to be used
you can make an absolute KILLING!
#bad #kindle #people #slautherhouse
  • Profile picture of the author MattGoffrey
    Someone in another post said that the advice "take action" isn't given often enough on the WF and I disagreed.

    I think the advice that isn't given often enough is "be worthy". Create great products/content/whatever that is worthy of the money that will be spent. Create great content that is worthy of being shared and talked about (so your name and brand spread).

    Be Worthy of the time people will spend on you. That's advice I'd like to see given more often and it is (in my opinion) the heart of your post ... which is why I gave the "thanks"
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    • Profile picture of the author ezmystic
      Great advice! If you invest a little money ie your $150 to outsource and get even $200 back it's well worth it over mucking around for hours wasting 2k of your time and earning $100. Remember people this is a BUSInESS and to invest a little to start a proper decent business is well worth it
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      • Profile picture of the author SeanTellsDotNet
        I agree. Publish real books about a subject(s) you know. Be worthy of reading. (brilliant phrase from another poster)

        It's actually not that hard to do. Take off the IM hat and be a real person with a real product. Pen names are okay if the product is real. There are no shortcuts to making money. Real work-real customers-real income for sustainability. I think this is why I am so connected to Jonny's work. I've never enrolled in a Mastermind from any other "warrior" ever.

        You can publish other people's books for them as well. Gather good questions. Record quality interview. Transcribe. Format. Cover design. Wash, rinse, repeat.

        Quality is a no-brainer in my mind.

        Thanks, Jonny.
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        • Profile picture of the author MattGoffrey
          Originally Posted by SeanTellsDotNet View Post

          You can publish other people's books for them as well. Gather good questions. Record quality interview. Transcribe. Format. Cover design. Wash, rinse, repeat.
          And thus you just outlined the basics of a MASSIVELY scalable business that can draw repeat customers.

          Seriously, this was awesome.
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          • Profile picture of the author rob54
            As an aspiring author, I agree with most of what has been said so far except for one thing. Producing a quality book in and of itself will not automatically produce sales. "Write it (a quality book) and and they will buy" is not a dependable mantra for self publishing success.

            Mediocre books out sells superior books all the time because the mediocre book is promoted better by it's author. As a matter of fact, the author of a quality book may believe they can rest on their laurels because their book will sell itself. Where the so so book author busts their butt promoting their book because they know their book isn't the greatest in world and needs a lot of help, promotes it into a best seller. While the lazy author of the quality book is left scratching their heads wondering why their book can't find an audience
            and solid sales.

            While quality is of course the foundation of the process, its only one very important piece of the best seller book(s) equation in my view.

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      • Profile picture of the author Guides
        You are absolutely correct. If you publish something with true value. Something that actually answers a need or question in your target market, you will find success. Just like in ALL other areas online there is "NO FREE LUNCH". Pick something you know. Pick something you like. Write about it then have it edited. Having it edited takes away the excuse that you can't write. If you have issues writing or if your writing doesn't sound like you then simply use Dragon Naturally Speaking to do your writing, then edit.

        Dragon lets you speak normally, just like you would if someone asked you a question about the subject you are writing about.

        You can use PRL....BUT only for ideas...sometimes other writing, on the same subject, gives you an additional perspective you haven't thought about.

        Another trick is to read ALL the reviews of books in the kindle bookstore that are in the area you want to write in. What you are looking for is the things people really like about the book and also just as important, the things they don't like about the book.

        So if you collect all this data then you know exactly what to put into your book that poeple like and what will make yours a real success you will avoid the things people didn't like about the other books. You will find that a common complaint is the comment that the book was not complete. It didn't really answer their thirst for more quality information. Poorly written books also don't do well because the writing effects the author's credibility in the book. So if you don't write well or English is NOT your first language just have it edited.

        EVERYONE can do this but don't cheat. Just add quality content to your kindle ebook. Sound familiar..."Just add quality content"? It should because it is was the experts say you need for the content of your blog or website. People are looking for information of some kind when they arrive at your blog or website. They are also looking to add to their knowledge when they search Kindle for a book.
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      • Profile picture of the author bonafide70
        Interesting stuff cheers Jonny!

        yeh I think being proud of what you create and publish is massively underestimated there's the added bonus of being able to sleep at night :-D


        P.S I picked up your Kindle course..awesome!
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    • Profile picture of the author jacquic
      Quite so - rubbish content deserves rubbish income.

      Would be spammers of Kindle: put up something you'll be proud of, and reap the benefits.
      See our great value publications - business, SEO, etc. Being added to weekly.
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    • Profile picture of the author triumph
      Got to give thanks to Jonny Andrews and Matt Godfrey. Having spent the past several years writing content for clients, I've got to say the whole idea of "being worthy" is unfortunately novel in this business. For some marketers, all the Google slaps in the world don't seem to get the point across - and now they're doing it in Amazon as well.

      It's simple: You cannot go wrong if you offer value. True value. Givers of value always gain.
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    • Profile picture of the author SocialBlasting
      Originally Posted by MattGoffrey View Post

      Someone in another post said that the advice "take action" isn't given often enough on the WF and I disagreed.

      I think the advice that isn't given often enough is "be worthy". Create great products/content/whatever that is worthy of the money that will be spent. Create great content that is worthy of being shared and talked about (so your name and brand spread).

      Be Worthy of the time people will spend on you. That's advice I'd like to see given more often and it is (in my opinion) the heart of your post ... which is why I gave the "thanks"
      Some very true points made here. I see so many point and click "hack" solutions, it's like people forget that the internet is for people, not robots.
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  • Profile picture of the author tpw
    Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

    KDP is one of the greatest opportunities the Net has ever
    seen. When you use it the way it was supposed to be used
    you can make an absolute KILLING!

    Agree completely.

    These are the goals I strive to achieve with all kinds of content I create:

    1. Find out who is most likely to want to buy what I am selling.
    2. Give them the kind of content that they want to read.
    3. Give them the kind of content that when they have finished reading it that they are happy to have read it.
    4. Create the kind of content that people will want to tell their friends that they should read it too.
    5. Build a reputation for always delivering content that people love to read.
    Bill Platt, Oklahoma USA,
    Publish Coloring Books for Profit (WSOTD 7-30-2015)
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    • Profile picture of the author commerce cat
      A good book markets itself and any subsequent books by the author. A poorly written book is a warning never to purchase from that author again.

      How many people have been trying to make a quick buck for years? Imagine where they would be if they hadn't been in such a rush and spent a fraction of that time producing genuine quality...
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    • Profile picture of the author WriterWahm
      Originally Posted by tpw View Post

      Agree completely.

      These are the goals I strive to achieve with all kinds of content I create:

      1. Find out who is most likely to want to buy what I am selling.
      2. Give them the kind of content that they want to read.
      3. Give them the kind of content that when they have finished reading it that they are happy to have read it.
      4. Create the kind of content that people will want to tell their friends that they should read it too.
      5. Build a reputation for always delivering content that people love to read.
      In other words, you create the 'Purple Cow' content.

      It is important not to be parasitic in the way we go about making money - striving to get as much money as possible and giving away as little value in the process. Great value will often go viral. If I read a great resource, I want to tell all my friends about it. It's as simple as that. And it is called ethical marketing.

      PM me if you want a romantic fiction ghostwriter.

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      • Profile picture of the author whatzit
        I bought Jonny's Kindle WSO, it may be the last one I ever buy because it took away my shiny object syndrome.

        Still writing my first book and taking my time to get it right. It is exciting to do and offers me the opportunity to bring value into the world. What could be better?

        This particular subject I would give away because it could make the world a better place, but with Amazon I can actually get paid, can't beat it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Martyfl
    Jonny, the fact that you have to reiterate the rules is really sad. Don't publish crap and don't use PLR or steal copyrighted material. How could someone think different?

    Sometimes you just want to reach out and smack someone in the head.
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  • Profile picture of the author maggie2
    I could not agree more with you, Jonny.

    I have seen some horrible stuff up on Kindle and if people keep putting up garbage God only knows what Amazon will do. I don't even want to think about it.


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    • Profile picture of the author Guides
      I am really afraid that Amazon will take steps to eliminate the short junk ebooks which can only ultimately hurt them with their customers.

      Think about it. Just like Google, Amazon wants customers to get something as close to what they are looking for as possible.

      Considering the number of products pushing the Kindle publishing there should be a large influx of ebooks being offered to Amazon. Hopefully folks are going to submit good quality ebooks. I fear, however, that like many other areas of the internet, the lazy will try and cheat for a quick no effort payday.

      I would think that at a minimum Amazon will make the editorial review process harder to pass. Which would probably be a good thing for all of us interested in publishing on Kindle in the long run.
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    • Profile picture of the author SeanTellsDotNet
      Originally Posted by maggie2 View Post

      I have seen some horrible stuff up on Kindle and if people keep putting up garbage God only knows what Amazon will do. I don't even want to think about it.
      My guess: Amazon will start charging a fee per title to post them. There is already an annual fee for those of us with physical products. I think I pay $30 a year or the like. I have no doubt that there will be something new in KDP fees.
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    • Profile picture of the author Robert Boduch
      Good points Jonny, Matt and others...

      I never really understood the PLR thing -- particularly publishing it on Amazon. Even with the dressed-up cover page and "original" introduction and conclusion that some "gurus" claim is all you need - it just doesn't make sense to me to try and peddle what is virtually the same book as someone else can publish. Where is the value exchange in that -- even if all you're asking is $2.99 per copy?

      It doesn't take a genius to create a 100%-original Kindle product relatively fast. Ever heard of Paula Ensign and her "tips booklets"? Or how about creating a list of the top questions a specific niche market repeatedly asks... and then delivering quality answers? Sure there's some work and initiative involved. But give it your best shot and you could have a cash-producing asset that pays monthly for a very long time.

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    • Profile picture of the author ChasHicks
      Here's a tip along the lines the Jonny suggests regarding having many smaller books as part of a series.

      If you already have a decent sized book, take each chapter or a couple chapters at a time and create multiple books as part of the "series" (book 1, book 2, etc.). Sell each small book individually and the big book as the "Collective Works" of the series.

      If each smaller book stand on it's own, yet leads into the next book in the series you can create demand for each one. Each one is a low price of entry but the get hooked on the series.

      Goodness and profit ensues....
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      • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
        Originally Posted by ChasHicks View Post

        Here's a tip along the lines the Jonny suggests regarding having many smaller books as part of a series.

        If you already have a decent sized book, take each chapter or a couple chapters at a time and create multiple books as part of the "series" (book 1, book 2, etc.). Sell each small book individually and the big book as the "Collective Works" of the series.

        If each smaller book stand on it's own, yet leads into the next book in the series you can create demand for each one. Each one is a low price of entry but the get hooked on the series.

        Goodness and profit ensues....
        Fully + indeed.

        The issue most folks have is trying to crank out
        some 500+ Stephen King rip off.


        People want to read stuff that's shorter and
        entertaining. 20 - 30 pages, single spaced
        is more than enough for a book that'll put
        you into the 70% payout bracket.
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        • Profile picture of the author charleskirkland
          Dude you are right on money here. Keep it up.

          Love the post.

          Charles Kirkland
          Every day Charles shares tips, strategies, and advice to help you start and grow your online business while avoiding the mistakes he made. Everything Charles writes is based on his own experiences building multiple successful businesses.
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          • Profile picture of the author RCeM

            Right on. Thanks for posting the link. And once again we see that the market will eventually flush out the rubbish. Content rules. Laziness & greed suck.

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  • Profile picture of the author PAPUSA
    It's sad when counsel that advises quality and integrity should be considered controversial, even extraordinary. Jonny, I purchased your Kindle course and it is excellent. I've purchased so many BSO's that I've become gun shy. I would be embarrassed to admit how long I have been trying to make a buck on the Internet, but so help me I'd rather die penniless than make my money ripping people off. So far I'm on target, no money, no victims, except me.

    Everybody wants immediate gratification. Sadly, many do not want to pay the price for success, even when it is eminently calculable. As a matter of fact this morning, before your email came in, I sat there with my coffee and wiped my delusional project list clean and your course is at the top of my list of where I need to put my time. It's a costly lesson to learn to sort through the distractions, ruthlessly discard the garbage and make a commitment to focus and act on what you believe.
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  • Profile picture of the author stevenalowe
    The WF is a very interesting place. The number of GRQ schemes and push-button know-nothing systems being touted is astounding - along with the number of "I got slapped" threads when platforms catch on to the game and quash it. These two things are related, but many - especially noobs and the lazy - don't seem to get it.

    Selling something that people need or want for a fair price is a noble occupation. Selling junk to suckers is what con men do.

    It helps to occasionally be reminded of the difference.
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    • Profile picture of the author Guides
      Warrior Forum is a great place but it is also were the "picks and shovels" are sold.

      Remember that during the Gold Rush more people made a fortune selling others the "necessary tools" to find the gold than the actual gold miners.

      It is a shame but there appears to be more money to be made selling folks the next shinny object than actually trying to make money with these shinny objects.

      Thus the proliferation of WSO's.

      Just think about all the fools that bought package after package of PLR to make their fortune selling it on the internet. REALLY. Has anybody actually met anyone that makes money selling individual PLR ebooks to an end reader?

      Kindle publishing is actually one of the few places, that if done right, the average person that wants to make their living on the internet can actually succeed.

      A couple of Kindle courses that DON'T suggest you use PLR is all a person needs to succeed. Johnny's is one of the better offers. At least it is truthful.
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    • Profile picture of the author gfMedia
      Reminds me of one of Aesop's Fables - the tortoise and the hare. Specifically the hare's foolish over-confidence.

      It all boils down to survival of the fittest.

      I'm always amazed at just how short-sighted abusers are, but really that just gives those who are smart and actually take the time to invest in quality a much better chance to win the race.
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    • Profile picture of the author Steve B

      Your rule #2 is something I wonder about - specifically "public domain."

      "#2: Don't use PLR/Public Domain/Scraped Content... EVER"

      I agree that one shouldn't use PLR (unless changed significantly) or scraped content.

      But I think public domain material is a altogether appropriate and can be of great value.

      Amazon allows it and even asks authors to identify if their work is public domain (which only qualifies for the 30% commission).

      There are many titles in the Kindle store either based on public domain material or sometimes even the public domain work itself.

      I believe Amazon would clamp down on duplicate PD books being peddled; however, to say "don't use PD ever" I think, is missing out on a great source of quality material.

      There are millions and millions of books and magazines published prior to 1923 that are top quality material. In addition, it has been estimated that only about 8% of the works published between 1923 and 1963 had their copyrights renewed.

      Of course, you can't just go to Google Books, download a vintage work, and slap it up on Amazon at the Kindle store.

      But if you work at it and put some effort into reviving one of these old works, you can create a Kindle book that is a real treasure and people will want to buy. If you don't think vintage books sell, visit eBay, Amazon or many other outlets of public domain works.

      As far as I am concerned, Public Domain material is a virtual goldmine.


      Steve Browne, online business strategies, tips, guidance, and resources

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      • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
        Originally Posted by Steve B View Post


        Your rule #2 is something I wonder about - specifically "public domain."

        "#2: Don't use PLR/Public Domain/Scraped Content... EVER"

        I agree that one shouldn't use PLR (unless changed significantly) or scraped content.

        But I think public domain material is a altogether appropriate and can be of great value.

        Amazon allows it and even asks authors to identify if their work is public domain (which only qualifies for the 30% commission).

        There are many titles in the Kindle store either based on public domain material or sometimes even the public domain work itself.

        I believe Amazon would clamp down on duplicate PD books being peddled; however, to say "don't use PD ever" I think, is missing out on a great source of quality material.

        There are millions and millions of books and magazines published prior to 1923 that are top quality material. In addition, it has been estimated that only about 8% of the works published between 1923 and 1963 had their copyrights renewed.

        Of course, you can't just go to Google Books, download a vintage work, and slap it up on Amazon at the Kindle store.

        But if you work at it and put some effort into reviving one of these old works, you can create a Kindle book that is a real treasure and people will want to buy. If you don't think vintage books sell, visit eBay, Amazon or many other outlets of public domain works.

        As far as I am concerned, Public Domain material is a virtual goldmine.

        Public Domain is a dead man walking.

        Can you? Sure. But not for much longer.

        Furthermore, It takes a HUGE amount of effort
        and that's something most people are unwilling to do.

        When you say things like that 99% of folks
        only hear "fast easy money with uploading
        public domain".

        It's a weird filtering thing IMers pick up shortly
        after birth. Doctors are baffled.

        At the end of the day PD takes MORE time
        and effort than creating an original, quality
        title... AND you make less money.

        I dare you to sell a WSO on this:


        How To Spend HOURS Working On A Dead Guys Books So You Can Make Less Than Half Of What You Would Letting A Live Guy Work On Yours...

        I think that video says it all.
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        • Profile picture of the author Mary Dee
          Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

          I dare you to sell a WSO on this:


          How To Spend HOURS Working On A Dead Guys Books So You Can Make Less Than Half Of What You Would Letting A Live Guy Work On Yours...
          BUY NOW Only $7!

          I think that video says it all.

          Oh my Gosh Jonny, that is one of the funniest fictional ads I have ever read! That's hillarious... but what a great way to make a "serious" and important point!
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          • Profile picture of the author Tim Davis
            Sickem Johny
            Kudos to you my man!
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        • Profile picture of the author stantj
          Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

          Public Domain is a dead man walking.

          Can you? Sure. But not for much longer.

          Furthermore, It takes a HUGE amount of effort
          and that's something most people are unwilling to do.

          When you say things like that 99% of folks
          only hear "fast easy money with uploading
          public domain".

          It's a weird filtering thing IMers pick up shortly
          after birth. Doctors are baffled.

          At the end of the day PD takes MORE time
          and effort than creating an original, quality
          title... AND you make less money.

          I dare you to sell a WSO on this:


          How To Spend HOURS Working On A Dead Guys Books So You Can Make Less Than Half Of What You Would Letting A Live Guy Work On Yours...
          BUY NOW Only $7!

          I think that video says it all.
          This response is (IMO) the ultimate example to make a point.
          Tremendous. Love it.
          Create & Produce Quality or don't produce.
          Thanks for taking a stand Jonny.
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  • Profile picture of the author danemorgan
    Wow. not exactly how you want to get mentioned in Fast Company, huh?

    I'm just getting started in the Kindle thing and I can say that as a *reader* I'm glad to see this stuff getting called out. As a potential author and publisher, even more so. Flush the garbage.
    Did you ever notice that “author” is the root of the word “authority“?
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    • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers
      Wow. not exactly how you want to get mentioned in Fast Company, huh?
      You can't blame the author. He was seriously misinformed on several key points.

      He is right, though, about the way a lot of people here - and elsewhere - misuse the Kindle platform and copy others' content in the process.

      I wrote a brief note with accurate info for him, but can't readily find anywhere to send it. I'm not going to follow him on Twitter just hoping he'll follow back so I can message him and have it lost among the flood of useless stuff he very likely gets. I'll dig around more later.


      Edit: Found a contact point and sent the note. Took a whopping 3 minutes, once I got off the Fast Company site. (DOH!)
      Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

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      • Profile picture of the author J Bold
        Originally Posted by Paul Myers View Post

        Dane,You can't blame the author. He was seriously misinformed on several key points.

        He is right, though, about the way a lot of people here - and elsewhere - misuse the Kindle platform and copy others' content in the process.

        I wrote a brief note with accurate info for him, but can't readily find anywhere to send it. I'm not going to follow him on Twitter just hoping he'll follow back so I can message him and have it lost among the flood of useless stuff he very likely gets. I'll dig around more later.


        Edit: Found a contact point and sent the note. Took a whopping 3 minutes, once I got off the Fast Company site. (DOH!)

        That's good because the author of the piece seemed to have no understanding of what PLR content is, for one. Not that Amazon allows that but he made it sound like anybody who was selling content to more than one person was a copyright infringer, which with PLR is not the case.

        However, it could happen that a PLR package you buy could have just been ripped off by the person who's selling it. I've not to my knowledge come across an unethical seller like this, but it does make you hesitate to buy PLR thinking this could be the case (even though I sell some myself, and yes, I did right it or create it myself!). That's given me cause for thought, as I think the "Luke" guy he mentions thought he was getting real PLR, not something the seller ripped off.

        Also, I don't know about the quality of the WSO that he cited by user WillClark, but I don't see how you can take that to be a WSO that is encouraging copyright infringing? What the heck? Again, I didn't buy it, don't know the contents, but it looks pretty obvious he's talking about paying other people to write books. All you'd have to do is make sure those people are not using stolen content, beyond the obvious of making sure the book is actually readable and decent enough to get sales.

        Frankly, at least in that part, I think the author is to blame for assuming the worst and not doing some research and actually buying the product to see what it's about. Nowhere does it insinuate copyright infringement "come-ons."

        Anyway, those parts were annoying, but I do not expect him to know what PLR is.

        Also hope somebody wouldn't get banned from Warrior Forum just because he tells the moderators that somebody ripped him off.
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  • Profile picture of the author 33zpix
    wow- thanks to FC writer Penenberg, I did not know there were bad people out here in WF.
    "Interested in ginning up some extra cash, Luke plunked down $500 to join a private forum where he knew black hat methods--hacking, typically with nefariious intent--were bought and sold." Says "...he knew..." and later claimed he thought the content he got was legit PLR. hmmmm?

    another scary story of "what's gonna get ya" -- used to be Commies under your bed, now it's Black Hat Hackers. Too bad this will probably be the part about the WF that many readers of the article will take away.
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  • Profile picture of the author agc
    Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

    If you publish a single good book with a great cover
    and a great title it can be 100% outsourced for under
    $150 (writing, editing, cover, formatting)
    Where do you specifically get your books outsourced at good quality for $150?

    I have a project that I need done, and my budget is considerably higher than $150, but I have found no resources that are capable of delivering on it.

    So references/recommendations are very much welcome (via pm).

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  • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
    I like that stuff about being worthy.

    I've always called it "Growing Legs" but I think
    the idea is the same.

    Wurd! Glad you scooped it up Dr Bona... always
    love to hear case studies
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  • Profile picture of the author Simon Willis
    thanks for these tips. (and I cannot find out how to "thanks for this useful post")
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  • Profile picture of the author prroger
    Jonny - I bought your latest Kindle Publishing WSO a few weeks ago and am grateful for your Kindle smarts! Like most folks I have tons of PLR that I had been planning to reformat for Kindle. I now have 3 books in progress... original, of course! Paul
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  • Profile picture of the author MobApps
    Well said Jonny. Sometimes shortcuts are not worth the time saved. Do it right the first time and you will never have to do it over. I personally would feel really awkward if I was told my book already exists whether I used PLR or outsourced it.

    Just sayin...
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  • Profile picture of the author Workfromhomeguy
    Great advice Jonny. Your name, like a brand, is a two-edged sword. If you have a brand that is recognized for great quality, people will continue to buy it. If, on the other hand, your brand represents crap, it will die. Your author's name is your brand.
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  • Profile picture of the author Spock1
    Thanks Johnny, that is good advice. Quality can be elusive to those without imagination. Also one person's quality book can be another's bad book.

    The critics almost universally hated Led Zeppelin. As ROD the Mod said, every pic tells a story don't it?
    Article Marketing on Steroids
    The end of long winded articles & minimum word quotas..Focus on what matters & promote your business with Facts!
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  • Profile picture of the author Paul Gram
    There have been many lame so called products on how to make money on the Kindle and for awhile, many of them said to use PLR etc. I feel bad for the people who got screwed buying that kind of junk.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again...there are no tricks in being successful and making money on the Kindle but there are a few critically important things you need:

    1. You need to write a great book (or multiple books - even better!)
    2. You need to format it properly so it looks and works great on the Kindle and Kindle App's
    3. You need to market and brand yourself and your book

    If you do the three things above, you will be way ahead of most people.
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  • Profile picture of the author theemperor
    Confession! I did one PLR ebook on Amazon, from a reputable writer on the WF and I explicitly asked their permission if I could put it on Amazon. And I did. Net loss about -$50. I regret it now though, not because it didn't sell well but because it's a shoddy business model.

    I think it is best for the soul to write the books yourself. See it more as long term credibility building rather than a money making system. Most published authors make little money from the books themselves after all.

    Don't outsource a book for publishing to Amazon for $150 - I mean seriously that's a tiny amount of money and you won't get a great book.
    Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
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    • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
      Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

      Don't outsource a book for publishing to Amazon for $150 - I mean seriously that's a tiny amount of money and you won't get a great book.
      So not true! The vast majority of mine cost
      around $100 and they're great.

      I only use people who speak English as their
      first language.

      Price has nothing to do with quality when
      you know what you're doing. That's a mistake
      many people make.

      It's also the reason this lady went off on me
      on the NPR blog for saying you could get a better
      cover image than a major publisher for under $20.

      She said any cover artist charging less than $1,800
      + royalties was sub par.

      She = somebody I should invent a $2K graphics
      package for!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490160].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author theemperor
        Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

        So not true! The vast majority of mine cost
        around $100 and they're great.
        I find it hard to believe! Perhaps you were lucky.

        If this is true then why not get the same writer to knock out some WSO's? They could do the sales copy and the eBook. Surely that'll be much more profitable?
        Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
        {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490203].message }}
        • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
          Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

          I find it hard to believe! Perhaps you were lucky.

          If this is true then why not get the same writer to knock out some WSO's? They could do the sales copy and the eBook. Surely that'll be much more profitable?
          Luck would be 1 book. Not over 15.

          WSO's are thuper fun and all but not
          a steady income and sometimes (just
          sometimes) the customers are annoying.

          Besides, I'd rather make a consistent
          30K - 50K/month with Kindle than the
          few short POPS of income from a flash
          in the pan WSO.

          Sales copy is in no way similar to writing
          a book.

          Dude. That's like comparing apples to
          hairless cats!
          {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490239].message }}
          • Profile picture of the author theemperor
            Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

            Luck would be 1 book. Not over 15.

            WSO's are thuper fun and all but not
            a steady income and sometimes (just
            sometimes) the customers are annoying.

            Besides, I'd rather make a consistent
            30K - 50K/month with Kindle than the
            few short POPS of income from a flash
            in the pan WSO.

            Sales copy is in no way similar to writing
            a book.

            Dude. That's like comparing apples to
            hairless cats!
            Ok I am open to being persuaded. I will take your word for it and try getting a good book that I'd be proud to upload for the Kindle made for $150. How many words/pages do you usually get for this price?

            And is $30K a month what you get? I guess you are using some kind of paid advertising to help reach that level right?
            Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
            {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490282].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
              Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

              Ok I am open to being persuaded. I will take your word for it and try getting a good book that I'd be proud to upload for the Kindle made for $150. How many words/pages do you usually get for this price?

              And is $30K a month what you get? I guess you are using some kind of paid advertising to help reach that level right?
              I try to never pay more than $4-$5 per page.

              Anything more is borderline treason!

              As for what I make... let's just say it's somewhere
              between $1.37 - $205,876.63 per month.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490355].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author maggie2
                Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

                I try to never pay more than $4-$5 per page.

                Anything more is borderline treason!

                As for what I make... let's just say it's somewhere
                between $1.37 - $205,876.63 per month.
                What Jonny's really saying is that he makes $1.38.25 a month!


                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490643].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author Shoot
                Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

                I try to never pay more than $4-$5 per page.

                Anything more is borderline treason!

                As for what I make... let's just say it's somewhere
                between $1.37 - $205,876.63 per month.
                As someone who used to live with him (way back when we both were poor as dirt) I can vouch for this.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5637379].message }}
            • Profile picture of the author J Bold
              Originally Posted by theemperor View Post

              Ok I am open to being persuaded. I will take your word for it and try getting a good book that I'd be proud to upload for the Kindle made for $150. How many words/pages do you usually get for this price?

              And is $30K a month what you get? I guess you are using some kind of paid advertising to help reach that level right?
              why not buy his WSO and find out how he does it, he he.
              {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490386].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author J Bold
                Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

                Try it. I dare you!
                By all accounts your WSO was great and if someone wants to kill it on Kindle ethically and honestly, from reviews I'd say yours is the best to go with, for sure.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490517].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author theemperor
                Originally Posted by redicelander View Post

                why not buy his WSO and find out how he does it, he he.
                Ah yeah. I have severe ad blindness!

                Well this is on my "Ideas" list as doing it now would distract me.

                The object is very shiny, and it's new and exciting too ... but once I have made a success in offline consulting I will look into this in more detail.

                Edit: * No innuendo intended.
                Learn to code faster, and remove the roadblocks. Get stuff done and shipped! PM me and I can help you with programming tutoring, specialising in Web and the following languages: Javascript ~ HTML ~ CSS ~ React ~ JQuery ~ Typescript ~ NodeJS ~ C#.
                {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5491414].message }}
              • Profile picture of the author AsaHersh
                Actually an even bigger problem:

                Dont publish HEALTH AND MEDICAL ADVICE when you have no expertise and no training in this field.
                Dont give people life advice, relationship advice, psychological advice, when you have no training and no expertise.

                That goes for DOGS and pets too!

                That includes EVERYTHING on weight loss. Do you have any idea how much wrong and inaccurate BS there is out there? No, lets just copy it.

                Just copying other information, even from (such a source of accurate information?) Wikipedia, and other "resources" is such blatant charlatanism, unethical and HARMFUL to others.

                Expertise comes from years of training and skill. But in todays IM marketplace and today's psychopathic marketers (that means no moral compass by the way), we can make a buck copying bad information non-stop. Of course advertising has never been for the welfare of others, has it. But maybe soon Amazon will clamp down on fast-buck experts who dont care who they hurt.
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  • Profile picture of the author Dailybread
    I am part of Jonny's mastermind group and believe me, he knows that of which he speaks!

    This thread won't change the mind of anybody already scamming Kindle, but it will warn new people not to waste their time re-writing rubbish PLR and putting it on Kindle.

    Way to go, Jonny.
    The Best IM Site for Marketers
    IM Ninjas Rule!
    Success in YOUR IM Journey
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490190].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Da Bod
    G'day Jonny,

    Thanks for your email which led me to this thread. Interesting and informative reading.
    I'm your satisfied PPS customer,and forum member.

    Prior to finding you I bought into a couple of Kindle WSO's which totally put me off the prospect of publishing on Kindle!! I'm far from the (chronologically) youngest kid on the block, and have been an avid reader all my life.

    I readily recall my parents referring to "Penny Dreadfuls" which were utter rubbish little paper backs printed on "garbage" paper ... with equally "garbage" content!!

    They sold for a "penny" ... and were Dreadful ....hence the appropriate term!!

    I'm yet to see whether or not I can make a worthwhile contribution to others lives by publishing, but at least your course provides me the opportunity to have a shot.

    My parents raised me on the credo ... "If it's worthwhile doing, do it well!!" ... which has served me well thus far! ... and which I passed on to my children!

    'Nuf sed? ... Cheers from Aus. ... Doug ...
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  • Profile picture of the author carolc
    great post Jonny - as a consumer, I wish Amazon had set the bar higher right from the start.

    As a writer, it's not always about money. Writing is an art form and I don't think Kindle should should be regarded as a trough to get your nose stuck in. Ideas are not copyrighted and what you do with them is a testament to your ability as a writer. If you can't write, you should actually consider a different career and steer clear of Kindle, which is NOT a catchall for those can't write. It's tough finding good markets for your writing and I am personally very pleased Amazon has stepped up.

    On a lighter note, Jonny, you are naturally funny, I bet you could resurrect Charlie in less than three days if you had half a mind to. Seriously though, you should write comedy in your spare time!

    btw, your course is great and you have excellent insight.

    Carol Clifford
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490482].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
      Originally Posted by carolc View Post

      great post Jonny - as a consumer, I wish Amazon had set the bar higher right from the start.

      As a writer, it's not always about money. Writing is an art form and I don't think Kindle should should be regarded as a trough to get your nose stuck in. Ideas are not copyrighted and what you do with them is a testament to your ability as a writer. If you can't write, you should actually consider a different career and steer clear of Kindle, which is NOT a catchall for those can't write. It's tough finding good markets for your writing and I am personally very pleased Amazon has stepped up.

      On a lighter note, Jonny, you are naturally funny, I bet you could resurrect Charlie in less than three days if you had half a mind to. Seriously though, you should write comedy in your spare time!

      btw, your course is great and you have excellent insight.

      Carol Clifford

      Well thanks!

      Yea, there's a huge gap between the writers who
      don't know how to market and marketers who don't
      know how to write. Some how the distance must be
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5490849].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author AngelTraveler

        How To Spend HOURS Working On A Dead Guys Books So You Can Make Less Than Half Of What You Would Letting A Live Guy Work On Yours...

        ************************************************** ***************

        Oh Jonny thanks for the good belly laugh ......right to the point but with a great sense of humor.

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  • Profile picture of the author Black Hat Cat
    Originally Posted by JonnyAndrews View Post

    Example: 99% of WFers who published bad books
    made less than 1 sales per month per title.

    100 bad titles often meant less than $100 in earnings
    per month.
    Problem with your logic. If no one is buying the book, no one knows it's a bad book, or a good book for that matter. If no one knows it's a bad book, you can't really say no one is buying because it's a bad book, can you?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5491018].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
      Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

      Problem with your logic. If no one is buying the book, no one knows it's a bad book, or a good book for that matter. If no one knows it's a bad book, you can't really say no one is buying because it's a bad book, can you?
      Actually yes I can.

      The way amazon works is it gives books
      exposure. The more people want it the
      more exposure it gets
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    • Profile picture of the author CDarklock
      Originally Posted by Black Hat Cat View Post

      If no one knows it's a bad book, you can't really say no one is buying because it's a bad book, can you?
      But you can say no one is buying because they think it's going to be a bad book.

      If you write a crappy book that looks like a good book

      then lots of people will buy it because it looks like a good book. In fact, they may be so completely stupid they can't tell it's a bad book. Meanwhile, write a good book that looks like a bad book, and nobody will buy it.
      "The Golden Town is the Golden Town no longer. They have sold their pillars for brass and their temples for money, they have made coins out of their golden doors. It is become a dark town full of trouble, there is no ease in its streets, beauty has left it and the old songs are gone." - Lord Dunsany, The Messengers
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  • Profile picture of the author kemper
    Ok so I agree with many of the posts here. My take coming from the Web

    Building World is what has always made my work successful. Content is

    King! I have been selling various stuff's on the Internet / Slash /maybe

    before some had even heard of a BBS. For newer marketeers that's Bulletin

    Board Systems. I don't wonder about weather good content is important to

    every aspect of what I build I know it is.

    It's about a good methodology here as well. Or as they are called today

    "Systems". A set of criteria that goes into every piece I do that's

    repeated over and over because it works.

    With today's ability to publish your own works and options to embed

    video, sound and various hyper links to even more content is AWESOME.


    1. Don't decide on an interesting layout using color and graphic elements.

    2. Don't use those elements to show more info about the element when you
    move your finger over them (Kinda Tool Tips).

    3. Don't use high resolution images.

    4. Don't use any video (perhaps linked from AWS S3 cloud stuff) oh and you
    don't want to store any images there as well.

    5. Please don't use any amazing typeface effects that resizes both text and elements for different devices.That might increase your market so you don't want to do that.

    6. Don't use a menu navigation and or hyper-linked Table of Contents.

    7. Also don't have Audio for those who may need it.

    8. Don't use any tools you may have to invest in like CS5 InDesign because
    you will have to learn all the above and create something just terrifying.

    9. Please do not read anything about KDP or signup learn more and join
    the forums so you might learn first hand whats right.

    10. And most of all keep thinking that life is going to hand you a silver
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5491173].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author lesterlim85

    Thanks for the share, and it's really such a shame that so many people buy into the publishing PLR for huge profits crap. Totally agree with you on creating quality stuff with a bit of upfront work and reap the huge profits into the long run. I mean, your credentials can't lie. Haha.

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  • Profile picture of the author GetMoreTraffic
    The Kindle platform will fill up with dross, but it will sink to the bottom - while the good books rise to the top and continue to sell well.
    Discover the fast way to accelerate your affiliate income
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5491457].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author celente
      Originally Posted by GetMoreTraffic View Post

      The Kindle platform will fill up with dross, but it will sink to the bottom - while the good books rise to the top and continue to sell well.
      yes I think there is a term for this, but however you look at it, killer content has always won online, doesnt matter if it is video, articles, audio or book at the shop....

      Quality content matters.....FULLSTOP!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5492893].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Paul Myers

    Thanks. That's pretty damned impressive for a second post.

    Re-read that one, folks. He's hit on a point that a lot of people in this industry tend to ignore: If we give advice on things that can potentially harm people, we need to keep that in mind and take appropriate steps to avoid that harm. Including not publishing on high-stakes subjects with low value information.

    Stop by Paul's Pub - my little hangout on Facebook.

    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5491922].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author stuff2
    Great advice

    I was planing on doing my first book my self now I think I will invest in the $150 to get in done right.

    I start looking on Warrior 4 hire fist.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5491963].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Eidolon
      Why do we expect Kindle to be any different to any other commercial venture. There are fly by night get rich quick immoral or amoral scam artists in all ventures.

      Who hasn't heard of the used car salesman or mortgage broker or stock broker or lawyer or banks even, whole corporates etc. So why are we surprised to find them in kindle.

      People have been salting gold mines since there were any. And lots of scam artists end up being caught but lots end up being rich and then respectable.

      The end choice is always with the individual - choose to be worthy or chose to gain at any cost. And both sides will look across the table at each other and say "Fools"
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5492039].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author The Copy Warriors
    Man, some people are really, really, really dumb.

    Why the hell would you publish a book with plagiarized content, or a book with content that isn't worth reading?

    Why are there so many people out there with no concept of business, marketing, product development, or customer service, who insist on trying to be internet entrepreneurs?

    Just take the time you spent uploading the plagiarized content to Amazon, and work a little overtime at McDonald's instead. It'll make you more money and it'll keep you out of jail. Sheesh.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5492067].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author JonnyAndrews
      Originally Posted by Craig Desorcy View Post

      They're not dumb. They're blinded my desperation and promises of easy
      money first.

      This is the part of IM I can't stand...

      Con-artist marketers doing whatever it takes to get money out of
      people that have no business in business.

      I'm talking about the people selling Kindle info that teach how to buy
      PLR, spin it and spam the crap out of Amazon.

      No one wins and it does not make the world a better place.

      Fully true.

      The only saving grace to this is 90% of the junk
      ends up sinking to the bottom, never to be seen

      Hence a lot of the guys bragging about having
      ALLLLL those books and each one making a small
      handful of sales, if any each month.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5494285].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author oscarb
        "Yea, there's a huge gap between the writers who
        don't know how to market and marketers who don't
        know how to write. Some how the distance must be

        So true.

        What amazes me is that even today, some fairly esteemed marketers are pitching the idea that you can use PD or PLR content for Kindle. All you have to do, they say, is repurpose said content and add some new elements the original didn't have. I can see using PLR and public domain content in marketing as long as you substantially rework it but for Kindle? Am I missing something? Is there a grey area here?
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  • Profile picture of the author Jules1108
    I'm finding whenever i publish a book to kindle it never puts any of my keywords/words from the book in the url of my kindle like everyone else i just get dp/ some number at the end every other book i check on amazon they have 4 keywords from their title before the dp/number part what am i doing wrong?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5499901].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author megaquests
      Originally Posted by Jules1108 View Post

      I'm finding whenever i publish a book to kindle it never puts any of my keywords/words from the book in the url of my kindle like everyone else i just get dp/ some number at the end every other book i check on amazon they have 4 keywords from their title before the dp/number part what am i doing wrong?
      Hey Jules, if you listen to Jonny on keywords he says they really don't count for much in amazona and come under the heading of "don't sweat it" i'm sure it must be irritating but according to Jonny there are much more important things to focus on
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  • Profile picture of the author Ricardo-Acosta
    #1: Don't publish crap

    #2: Don't use PLR/Public Domain/Scraped Content... EVER

    #3: Don't hire $1 copywriters who can't speak English and
    compile "article" books
    Yep I agree, I've been seeing individuals placing PLR eBooks that you can get from whole sale plr stores and publishing them on Amazon WTH? and on top of that they don't even change the ecover its the same damn one, changing doesn't make it right but geez talk about lazy. "SMH"
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[5521498].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author Gengis
    Good post.. Im posting a new ebook in there soon and yea i'm definitely not posting crap..
    My Craigslist Arbitrage Method Of Making Money On Demand -->
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