Cool little traffic source... {EASY}
I thought I'd share a cool little traffic source that can
get a few hundred extra visitors to your blog posts.
All you do is simply submit your latest blog posts to
websites that have a community news section.
Some good examples include:
Keep in mind that your articles on these sites will need to be related to design, blogging, seo, wordpress, etc...
But this is a super simple way to get a couple hundred extra visitors to your blog post.
12-Step Traffic Checklist
12-Step Traffic Checklist
Founder of JVZoo. All around good guy :)
12-Step Traffic Checklist
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12-Step Traffic Checklist
I am here to learn how to improve some of my blogs including Big Fat Daddy's BBQ and RetroChalet Plastic Dinnerware Site. Using Blogger and I'm still at the 1.0 level so anyone talking to me please break it down for me.
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12-Step Traffic Checklist
12-Step Traffic Checklist